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Created January 4, 2012 23:03
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project euler #3
# The prime factors of 13195 are 5, 7, 13 and 29.
# What is the largest prime factor of the number 600851475143 ?
#checking for primality is faster than factoring primes
#Prime Factorization
# It is often useful to write a number in terms of its prime factorization,
# or as the product of its prime factors. For example, 56 can be written as 2×2×2×7
# and 84 can be written as 2×2×3×7 . Every number can be written as a product of
# primes, and, like a fingerprint, every number has a unique prime factorization.
# To take a prime factorization of a number, start by dividing the number by its lowest
# prime factor. Write down this factor, and divide the new number by its lowest prime
# factor (it does not matter if this is the same as the first prime factor). Write this
# factor down and divide the new number by its lowest factor. Continue in this manner
# until the resulting number is prime. Write this number down as the final factor.
def is_prime(number)
2.downto(Math.sqrt(number)-1) do |n|
return false
return true
(2).upto(num-1) do |n|
puts "#{n} - new num=#{num}"
break if num==1
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