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Created January 11, 2021 21:11
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Save eggpi/bf4d6fbdec9c1208cdf77c4791d0e28b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. with media proof of concept
# pip install mwapi sseclient
import sys
import functools
import datetime
import json
import mwapi
from sseclient import SSEClient as EventSource
import re
# From
EXCLUDED = ('redirect',
def hashtag_match(comment):
# Save some time by discarding this edit if it doesn't have
# a hashtag symbol at all
if "#" not in comment and "#" not in comment:
return None
# Now do regex to see if it's a valid hashtag
# From
hashtag_re = re.compile("(?:^|\s)[##]{1}(\w+)")
return hashtag_re.findall(comment)
def valid_hashtag(hashtag):
not_excluded = hashtag.lower() not in EXCLUDED
not_only_numbers = not hashtag.isdigit()
not_only_one_character = len(hashtag) > 1
return all([not_excluded, not_only_numbers, not_only_one_character])
def valid_edit(change):
# Exclude Wikidata for now, just far too much data
project_match = change['meta']['domain'] != ""
# Excluding bots, mostly because of IABot. Lots of data, not very useful.
not_bot = not change['bot']
return all([project_match, not_bot])
def get_wiki_session(domain):
return mwapi.Session(
'https://{}/'.format(domain), 'hashtags')
def query_media_in_revision(session, rev_id):
images_args = {
'action': 'parse',
'prop': 'images',
'oldid': rev_id,
media_filenames = set(session.get(**images_args)['parse']['images'])
except mwapi.errors.APIError as e:
if e.code == 'nosuchrevid':
return media_filenames
def query_media_types(session, media_filenames):
def query_imageinfo(titles, iistart = None):
imageinfo_args = {
'action': 'query',
'prop': 'imageinfo',
'titles': '|'.join(titles),
'iiprop': 'mediatype',
if iistart is not None:
imageinfo_args['iistart'] = iistart
return session.get(**imageinfo_args)
media_types = {}
media_filenames = list(media_filenames)
while media_filenames:
iistart = None
titles = ['File:' + f for f in media_filenames[:50]]
while True:
result = query_imageinfo(titles, iistart)
for m in result['query']['pages'].values():
if 'imageinfo' not in m:
# Broken link
if 'mediatype' not in m['imageinfo'][0]:
# Probably filehidden?
media_types[m['title']] = m['imageinfo'][0]['mediatype']
if 'continue' in result:
iistart = result['continue']['iistart']
media_filenames = media_filenames[50:]
return media_types
url = '' #?since=2021-01-09T23:35:30Z'
progress = 0
for event in EventSource(
# The retry argument sets the delay between retries in milliseconds.
# We're setting this to 5 minutes.
# There's no way to set the max_retries value with this library,
# but since it depends upon requests, which in turn uses urllib3
# by default, we get a default max_retries value of 3.
# The timeout argument gets passed to requests.get.
# An integer value sets connect (socket connect) and
# read (time to first byte / since last byte) timeout values.
# A tuple value sets each respective value independently.
timeout=(3.05, 30)):
progress += 1
if progress % 1000 == 0:
print('[{}] {} events processed.'.format(, progress), file = sys.stderr)
if event.event == 'message':
change = json.loads(
except ValueError:
hashtag_matches = hashtag_match(change['comment'])
if hashtag_matches and valid_edit(change):
if 'id' not in change:
print("Couldn't find recent changes ID in data. Skipping.")
if not any(valid_hashtag(h) for h in hashtag_matches):
wiki = change['wiki']
print('wiki: {}'.format(wiki))
if 'revision' in change:
new_rev = change['revision']['new']
print('new: {}'.format(new_rev))
old_rev = change['revision'].get('old', None)
print('old: {}'.format(old_rev))
if old_rev is not None:
debug_url = '{0}?diff={1}&oldid={2}'.format(
change['meta']['uri'], new_rev, old_rev)
debug_url = '{0}?oldid={1}'.format(
change['meta']['uri'], new_rev)
print('debug url: ' + debug_url)
session = get_wiki_session(change['meta']['domain'])
new_media = query_media_in_revision(session, new_rev)
old_media = set()
if new_media and old_rev is not None:
old_media = query_media_in_revision(session, old_rev)
added_media = new_media - old_media
print('{}, {}'.format(new_media, old_media))
if added_media:
added_media_types = query_media_types(session, added_media)
print('Revision has added media of type(s) {}: {}'.format(
', '.join(added_media_types.values()), added_media))
ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(change['timestamp'])
print('timestamp: {0:%x} {0:%X}'.format(ts))
print('latency: {}'.format( - ts))
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