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Last active March 5, 2017 04:28
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A demo of some properties of Shannon entropy
-- Imports
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U
-- A type to represent a probability distribution
type ProbabilityDistribution = U.Vector Double
-- Represent a statement by a vector of bools (which atoms are included)
type Statement = U.Vector Bool
-- Input a probability distribution p(x) and a statement S
-- Return p(x | S)
given :: ProbabilityDistribution -> Statement -> ProbabilityDistribution
given p s = normalise p' where
p' = U.zipWith f p s
f x y = if y then x else 0.0
-- x*log(x) for non-negative x
xlogx :: Double -> Double
xlogx x
| x == 0.0 = 0.0
| otherwise = x * log x
-- Normalise a vector
normalise :: U.Vector Double -> U.Vector Double
normalise vec = ( * (1.0/tot) ) vec where
tot = U.sum vec
-- Entropy of a probability distribution
entropy :: ProbabilityDistribution -> Double
entropy p = let minusPlogp = (negate . xlogx) p in
U.sum minusPlogp
-- x -> exp(-x)
expMinus :: Double -> Double
expMinus = exp . negate
-- Main IO action
main :: IO ()
main = do
-- A probability distribution
let p = normalise $ U.fromList [1, 1, 1]
-- Show the probability distribution
putStrLn $ "Atom probabilities:"
putStrLn $ "p = " ++ show p
putStrLn ""
-- Entropy of central issue
putStrLn $ "Entropy of central issue:"
putStrLn $ "H(A|B|C; top) = " ++ show (entropy p)
putStrLn ""
-- (A v B), C
let pAB_C = U.fromList [p U.! 0 + p U.! 1, p U.! 2]
putStrLn $ "Entropy of partition question 1:"
putStrLn $ "H(AB|C; top) = " ++ show (entropy pAB_C)
putStrLn ""
-- (A v C), B
let pAC_B = U.fromList [p U.! 0 + p U.! 2, p U.! 1]
putStrLn $ "Entropy of partition question 2:"
putStrLn $ "H(AC|B; top) = " ++ show (entropy pAC_B)
putStrLn ""
-- (B v C), A
let pBC_A = U.fromList [p U.! 1 + p U.! 2, p U.! 0]
putStrLn $ "Entropy of partition question 3:"
putStrLn $ "H(BC|A; top) = " ++ show (entropy pBC_A)
putStrLn ""
let h = negate $ log d
d = expMinus (entropy pAB_C) + expMinus (entropy pAC_B)
- expMinus (entropy p)
putStrLn $ "d(precisional; top) = " ++ show d
return ()
stack ghc -- -Wall -fforce-recomp entropy-demo
rm *.hi *.o
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