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Created November 29, 2023 22:03
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Exercism exercise (reminding myself of some python idioms)
from copy import copy, deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass
from functools import partial
#### problem:
#### basic algorithm:
# brute force ftw! We could be cleverer but in this case that
# doesn't suit my learning goals.
# - breadth-first search through action tree until we hit success
# - breadth-first means we have to keep a queue of states + steps to be taken
# - nodes that can be abandoned:
# - ones that put us back into a state we've been in before
# - ones that put us into the illegal state where starting bucket is empty and
# other bucket is full
# - no point emptying an empty bucket
# - or filling a full bucket
#### questions:
# - is it easier to just always make the starting bucket bucket 0 internally
# & then convert back at the end? [decision: yes]
#### assumptions:
# - The instructions don't say it, but I'm going to assume that the desired
# amount has to be able to fit in one bucket, eg I can't have one bucket
# that holds 7 and another that holds 4, fill them both, and say I've
# achieved 11.
#### notes:
# we need to pass around enough varied state (unless we want to make it
# global) that we might as well make a dataclass for it.
# we'll treat most of that state as immutable and copy or replace it,
# except:
# 1. we want to keep a global mutable queue (but will put it in the state
# for convenience)
# 2. we want to keep a global set of already-visited states so we don't
# duplicate effort
# note that we don't bother with a class for the buckets, we'll always
# represent the buckets with two tuples of ints: one for their capacity
# and one for their current contents, both in liters.
# At some point if we've gone deep enough in the tree we should declare
# failure so we don't run forever.
class S: # State
queue: list # of thunks as lambdas - mutable singleton!
visited_states: set[tuple[int]] # mutable; bucket states we've already seen
subtree_states: list[str] # path to the current state
bucket_capacity: tuple[int]
bucket_state: tuple[int]
starting_bucket: int
depth_in_tree: int
valid: bool
success: bool
num_to_name = {0: "one", 1: "two"}
name_to_num = {"one": 0, "two": 1}
other_bucket = {0: 1, 1: 0}
## actions:
def pour_a_into_b(state: S, bucket_a: int):
capacity_b = state.bucket_capacity[other_bucket[bucket_a]]
old_a = state.bucket_state[bucket_a]
old_b = state.bucket_state[other_bucket[bucket_a]]
new_b = old_b + old_a
new_a = 0
# Did we overfill b? If so, put some back.
if new_b > capacity_b:
new_a = new_b - capacity_b
new_b = capacity_b
if bucket_a == 0:
state.bucket_state = (new_a, new_b)
state.bucket_state = (new_b, new_a)
state.subtree_states = state.subtree_states + [f"Poured {bucket_a} into {other_bucket[bucket_a]} resulting in {state.bucket_state}."]
return state
def empty(state: S, bucket: int):
# no point emptying an empty bucket
if state.bucket_state[bucket] == 0:
state.valid = False
return state
# feels like there should be a better way to express this next bit without an if/else (here & in fill)
# but I didn't see one in a few minutes of thinking.
if bucket == 0:
state.bucket_state = (0, state.bucket_state[1])
state.bucket_state = (state.bucket_state[0], 0)
state.subtree_states = state.subtree_states + [f"Emptied {bucket}, resulting in {state.bucket_state}."]
return state
def fill(state: S, bucket: int):
# no point filling a full bucket
if state.bucket_state[bucket] == state.bucket_capacity[bucket]:
state.valid = False
return state
if bucket == 0:
state.bucket_state = (state.bucket_capacity[0], state.bucket_state[1])
state.bucket_state = (state.bucket_state[0], state.bucket_capacity[1])
state.subtree_states = state.subtree_states + [f"Filled {bucket}, resulting in {state.bucket_state}."]
return state
def action_list(state: S):
"""Returns a list of thunks, one for each (action_type, bucket) combo"""
action_types = [
actions = []
for action_type in action_types:
for bucket in [0, 1]:
# using partial rather than lambda to avoid very-late-binding
actions.append(partial(action_type, copy(state), bucket))
return actions
def continuable_state(state: S):
return ((state.queue) and
(state.depth_in_tree <= MAX_DEPTH) and
(state.success == False))
def create_initial_state(bucket_one_l, bucket_two_l, goal_l, start_bucket_name):
Note: we reorder for convenience so the start bucket is always the first one
# Some initial error checking:
start_bucket = name_to_num[start_bucket_name]
raise ValueError(f"Error: '{start_bucket_name}' is not a valid bucket name.")
if (goal_l > bucket_one_l) and (goal_l > bucket_two_l):
raise ValueError(f"Neither of these buckets (with capacities {bucket_one_l} and {bucket_two_l}) can hold {goal_l} liters!")
queue = []
visited_states = {(0,0)} # set of tuples
# Internally, the first bucket is always the starting bucket
if start_bucket == 0:
capacities = (bucket_one_l, bucket_two_l)
capacities = (bucket_two_l, bucket_one_l)
bucket_state = (0, 0)
initial_state = S(queue=queue,
return initial_state
def measure(bucket_one_l, bucket_two_l, goal_l, start_bucket_name):
initial_state = create_initial_state(bucket_one_l,
# first action is fixed by the description. Recall that the start bucket,
# whichever it is, has been placed at position 0 for convenience.
first_action = lambda: fill(initial_state, 0)
state = initial_state
while continuable_state(state):
thunk = state.queue.pop(0)
state = thunk()
state.depth_in_tree += 1
# Nodes that can be abandoned:
if (
# - ones that put us back into a state we've been in before (not 'invalid' exactly, just pointless)
(state.bucket_state in state.visited_states) or
# - ones that put us into the illegal state where starting bucket is empty and
# other bucket is full
(state.bucket_state[0] == 0 and state.bucket_state[1] == state.bucket_capacity[1]) or
# - or either bucket is negative (should never happen!)
(state.bucket_state[0] < 0 or state.bucket_state[1] < 0 ) or
# - or either bucket is over capacity (should never happen!)
(state.bucket_state[0] > state.bucket_capacity[0] or state.bucket_state[1] > state.bucket_capacity[1])
state.valid = False
if state.valid:
if state.bucket_state[0] == goal_l or state.bucket_state[1] == goal_l:
state.success = True
new_actions = action_list(state)
# Yay!
if state.success == True:
# translate back from 0 as starting bucket to whichever one was given
winning_bucket_internal = 0 if state.bucket_state[0] == goal_l else 1
other_bucket_l = state.bucket_state[other_bucket[winning_bucket_internal]]
winning_bucket = (winning_bucket_internal
if state.starting_bucket == 0
else other_bucket[winning_bucket_internal])
temp_state = deepcopy(state) # just for printing
temp_state.queue = f"Queue had {len(temp_state.queue)} items."
temp_state.visited_states = []
temp_state.subtree_states = []
print(f"winning_bucket: {num_to_name[winning_bucket]}")
print(f"other_bucket_l: {other_bucket_l}")
print(f"winning state: {temp_state}")
print(f"Path to winning (capacities {state.bucket_capacity}, goal {goal_l}):")
return state.depth_in_tree, num_to_name[winning_bucket], other_bucket_l,
# we've fallen out of the while loop because the queue is empty or we've
# gone unacceptably many layers deep
if not state.queue:
raise ValueError("O NOES we've run out of options, this appears to be impossible.")
if state.depth_in_tree > MAX_DEPTH:
raise ValueError(f"Giving up because we're {MAX_DEPTH} levels deep.")
raise ValueError(f"Uhhhhhh something is horribly wrong how did we get here. State: {state}")
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