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Created May 29, 2024 17:15
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Sample posts from the reddit self-posts dataset (skip 1010, show 20)
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... print(p)
... print(p.selftext)
... print()
... print()
id 6t9oo3
subreddit StopGaming
title Game Expansions, Cravings, and Fear of Missing...
selftext . This post is mostly a venting of my feelings...
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. This post is mostly a venting of my feelings, an expression of the stuff I've been through over the past few days. I've gamed since early childhood, even around the time I learned to read I was playing computer games. (4 years old or something). I hope that others will relate to this and know that it's ok.<lb><lb>It was hard for me to quit four days ago... The timing of it was strange. The new expansion for Hearthstone had just come out, and I had so much gold saved up for packs. Also, the summer event for Overwatch came out, and I was stoked to farm up some loot boxes. In my head it was justified, because I was "F2P". I didn't pay money for cosmetic content or card packs, so I wasn't the biggest loser right? I was still saving up my money for bigger and better things (the bills, my student loans, future travel plans). But in all seriousness, I was still paying for this cosmetic shit. I was paying for it with my time. I would put in hours every day, just to farm up a little more gold. <lb><lb>Now I realize that my other goals are important enough to warrant taking up my time. I want to be more present in my daily life. I want to exercise more, my goal is to run in a 5k. I want to learn other languages, apply for grants, get a head start on my career, and earn enough money someday so I can support my family and travel to cool new places.<lb><lb> the past few days I've felt intense sadness because of the fear of missing out- this new content on my favorite games doesn't just mean i want to PLAY the games.. it also means that the subreddits and gaming communities and my friends on facebook will be *buzzing* about the new content. That's what I miss. even moreso than actually playing the games. Reading up on games all the time was addicting- i would even do it when i was with my girlfriend, causing me to be less present with her. But it gave me a sense of community. It was fun and easy.<lb><lb>I decided to quit games four days ago because i procrastinated on applying for a grant to teach English abroad. It is my dream to travel and experience new things, and instead of working on the essay, I stayed home and played games all day. That's when I was unhappy, and decided to quit.<lb><lb>I've gone through a lot in the past years. I used to be addicted to marijuana for over 3 years, smoking multiple times a day. I've been sober for almost 3 years, with a few relapses thrown in there. I was / probably still am addicted to pornography, (also had me stuck to the computer / my phone). After trying and relapsing on and off for years, I've now been free of porn for 109 days.<lb><lb>It seemed like everytime I "ripped off a bandaid" by quitting an addiction, another one lied underneath it. I liken myself to a sort of sad onion, with one stinky layer after another. It's been so hard. But really, I'm not the strongest person. <lb><lb> if you are struggling heres a few things that helped me<lb><lb>-reconnect with your family, friends, or loved ones. If you don't trust anyone in your life right now, find a community center, a therapist, a counselor- anyone you can trust! You can't do this alone! Isolation is the best friend of addiction and depression, I truly believe that. You have to beat your pride and admit to another human, face to face, that you are struggling<lb><lb>-exercise. even if you are completely out of shape, do one pushup. walk for 5 minutes. seriously!<lb><lb>other fun hobbies- could be reading, could be drawing, even watching something educational. just don't sit in front of the screen all day, that's just another bad habit.<lb><lb>-Use addiction resources when you are feeling lost and bad. I found this guy "Cam" on this sub, but in case you haven't watched his videos, they have helped me so much! He's an ex-gamer, dropped out of high school, and he's been through similar things. We all have unique experiences of course, but I believe this guy Cam is trying to help others (while building a business in the process, cant deny that lol). His videos are a great resource !<lb><lb><lb><lb>
id 59hs6m
subreddit fatestaynight
title After rewatching the UBW anime, I realized a n...
selftext Maybe it's because the first time I watched it...
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Maybe it's because the first time I watched it, I watched it in sub so my full attention wasn't on the story and the pictures but after rewatching it in dub (which was pretty great by the way) and having had the luxury to not have to read the subtitles, I was able to put more focus on what's happening on the anime as a whole (as opposed to 1/4 of it being focused on reading the bottom half of the screen).<lb><lb>Basically, Ufotable was in a lose lose situation when adapting the visual novel. Due to Fate/'s status as being one of the more popular VNs out there, a lot of fans hold it closely and all have their own idealized versions of what an animated adaptation would be. As such, Ufotable was pretty much forced to adapt the source material into a 1 to 1 conversion (clearly exemplified with the existence of the prologue episode). The problem with this however is that visual novels aren't exactly very cooperative when it comes to being adapted into motion picture. <lb><lb>Visual novels have the luxury of being played/read at the pace of the reader meaning it could be as slow or as fast as they want but more importantly, it has the ability to put its story on 'pause' for as long as possible in order to relay any length of information towards the reader. Whenever something such as the inner workings of magecraft or grail mechanics need to be explained, they could be done so through an inner monologue or via various stats screens that a player have encountered throughout their playthrough. Whenever a reader does this, to the reader, the in-universe time is essentially put on hold. As soon as they finish, they can go back to a scenario where dialogue or action happens and mostly no time would've passed at all in between. This isn't really the case when it comes to motion pictures as time is very much a crucial factor when it comes to the general flow of the story. The amount of time you can dedicate to giving exposition or explaining things is very limited and as such, the anime felt like it was a bit bogged down by having a majority of its dialogue focused on exposition and explanation. This could've been fine but the problem was most of these explanations were done in way that simply makes a viewer just go "couldn't you just have shown that instead of telling it?". Such a problem would probably not even exist in a VN as it is expected that most of everything will be told instead of shown.<lb><lb>The Fate/Stay Night VN also had this day mechanic wherein the reader/player goes through Shirou's actions and events in a day by day scenario. This meant regular visits to what I shall refer to as 'save points' (i.e. resting areas like Shirou's house at dinner time) wherein the players are given the chance to recuperate and go over the events that have happened during the day and whatnot. Having these scenarios make sense from a Visual Novel standpoint as you could call it as part of the 'gameplay loop' but watching it in anime form more or less felt like a chore. It was another factor that bogged down the flow of the story in the anime that otherwise would've been ignored in the Visual Novel.<lb><lb>There were probably mutliple ways to go about this by rewriting the story so it's a lot more suitable and flows better for motion picture but therein lies the lose lose situation in that the adaptation has the very high tendency of alienating the fans of the source material due to the changes that could've potentially been made.<lb><lb>In contrast, Fate/Zero being originally a novel as opposed to a visual novel (and having the advantage of being in an established universe with most of its rules and structure already established by the VN) made its anime adaptation flow a lot smoother as it was not bogged down by the VN mechanics (ability to 'pause' in-universe time to relay exposition and the day-by-day mechanic) so it generally felt as a more dynamic story as opposed to UBW's sporadic one where the flow shifts from dynamic to static very frequently.<lb><lb>TL;DR: VN mechanics that would've been ignored in its medium don't translate well into motion picture.
id 4ocvca
subreddit HFY
title War and Hate.
selftext Hate,<lb><lb>What a feeling, all species posse...
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Hate,<lb><lb>What a feeling, all species possess hate in some manner, though in most cases its against predators and rarely last long, more like a large burst of anger. <lb><lb>Humans though, they are pure incarnate of hate, their history is rife with cases of hatred stemming for hundreds of years and exploded in their 20th century resulting in World Wars and genocides on each other. This period of time was so violent and destructive it extinguished the flame of war for a long period after , mostly due to them seeing complete destruction of their planet. <lb><lb>But their nature got the best of them after a century of peace their hate had been smothered in a vague attempt to maintain peace. Of course this was never going to work, hate flares up and they are again at war, this time more destructive than any before, a war which was only stopped after the threat of nuclear Apocalypse. After which a steady peace was upheld at the end of a gun, like most species they broke out of their solar system with rudimentary FTL travel. <lb><lb>Enough of their past now, councilors the humans have began to become a problem for us all, 20 years since the Zuax-Human war began. Its drawn in much of the galaxies population to arms, this war has been static for at least 3 now. <lb><lb>At the start we had the upper hand, to our surprise mostly, the humans even as violent as they are, were not ready for this war. We smashed their fleets and seized plenty of planets, the thrust into their core sector was a tremendous success . Given a year or two we just might have had them beat. <lb><lb>But fighting the humans has taught us a new warfare. Up until now most wars are quick affairs, centered on a decisive victory followed by peaceful occupation, but not the humans. <lb><lb>Every victory we had fueled them, not in a physical sense but a spiritual one, they viewed occupation as genocide, they view defeats as a chance for another victory. Every blow we made against them strengthens their resolve for victory. <lb><lb>We now face an enemy that doesn't care for life or death, an enemy who's only desire is to see in their eyes the ''death of xeno's'', We all recall the battle of Pax III. The critical planet linking hyper-lanes between Council space and the Human Industrial worlds. <lb><lb>I was an ambassador to the humans at the time. Which is were I learnt of much of their history. The atmosphere on the planet Pax III was as one could put it, joyful but a joy that stunk with hatred and determination, everyday their Males would be recruited by the thousands, women gave up their normal lives to work in the war factories. That was all rather normal in war time, what shocked me was when the war on the planet started to turn against them. With losses in the Millions every month the hatred became more intense, every time news of a defeat made it back men and women would rush to join the forces, soon enough even children started to be recruited. As council forces pushed the humans back, I watched the horrors the Humans could unleash, their fanaticism is what scared me the most, with much of their regular army destroyed, a peoples army formed. <lb><lb>Children pressed into the front line, the elderly given suicide weapons to slow the advance. People who refused to fight were often shot on site. Every month the front line got closer to the capital the worse I saw unleashed. At which point I was made to return home.<lb><lb>My time with the Humans scars me, fellow councilors. This race when made to hate loses all forms of morality. They care not for the losses or destruction inflicted as long as they have the chance to see our deaths. This war will eventually end, but unlike the humans I dont feel the people of our Alliance can suffer the losses like the Humans can, we may have picked the fight with the wrong Aliens.<lb><lb><lb>-Councilor Uelsup address to the Galactic confederation-<lb><lb><lb><lb>Hey guys first story ive written, Ive always liked HFY but I think my true calling is on the more grim HWTF. Give me criticism. I will write more and better stories in the future,<lb> <lb>
id 8ix09u
subreddit CampHalfBloodRP
title The Son of Phobias - Oliver Roman
selftext **Forename:** Oliver<lb><lb>**Middle Name(s):*...
Name: 663601, dtype: object
**Forename:** Oliver<lb><lb>**Middle Name(s):** Benjamin Zackariah<lb><lb>**Surname:** Roman<lb><lb>**Age:** 17<lb><lb>**Date of Birth:** 21st July 2014<lb><lb>---<lb><lb>**Godly Parent:** Phobos, the God of Fear &amp; King of Phobias<lb><lb>**Already Claimed?** Affirmative<lb><lb>---<lb><lb>**Sexual Orientation:** Homosexual<lb><lb>**Relationship History:** Only known one relationship, with fellow foster child [*Ryan Ford*](, whom he only saw for a month before being sent back to the agency he had come from by his foster parents at the time.<lb><lb>---<lb><lb>**Powers**<lb><lb><lb>• *Ability to emit an aura of Terror and Fear* ~ Olly is unable to ‘turn off’ this effect, but since it is constantly on, the effects have been dulled down to just making people incredibly *on edge*.<lb><lb>• *Ability to make people see their worst fears via Eye Contact* ~ This was Olly’s key technique to getting out of trouble with the Police, and it has never been known to fail him yet. Yet because of this, Olly refuses to look people in the eye without their permission, or at least warn them to close their own eyes before talking to him, unless he is in a specific situation where he would be required to to save his own skin.<lb><lb>• *Knowledge of the Fears of everybody in close proximity* ~ Olly has used this trick to his advantage for many years to play off of people’s fears. He gains a certain satisfaction from knowing exactly what would make somebody crumble.<lb><lb>**Weapon(s):** Not Applicable<lb><lb>***<lb><lb>**Height:** 5’10”<lb><lb>**Weight:** 165lbs<lb><lb>**Physical Appearance:** [One](, [Two](, [Three](<lb><lb>***<lb><lb>**Mental Disabilities:**<lb><lb><lb>• *ADHD* ~ Like most Demigods, Oliver’s body automatically goes into the jumpy flight-or-fight state whenever the situation arises.<lb><lb>• *Dyslexia* ~ Again, like most Demigods, Olly’s brain is hardwired to understand Ancient Greek and every written word is translated to that before he can even begin to think about it in English.<lb><lb>***<lb><lb>**Personality**<lb>Despite being the self-proclaimed Prince of Fear, Oliver would never intentionally bring anybody’s biggest phobias to life, unless it was to save himself from a bit of unnecessary trouble. He has a habit of not looking anybody in the eye for obvious reasons stated above, which has lead him to be quite socially awkward. The few guidance counsellors that Social Services has provided Oliver have all expressed that he is most certainly just a *diamond in the rough*.<lb><lb>***<lb><lb>**Backstory**<lb>Oliver Roman was born and raised in Brooklyn, going between multiple foster homes for the entirety of his childhood, as he was abandoned by his deadbeat mother at an early age. He was far from the dream child that anybody would want to adopt, too. Because of the lack of role model’s that he’s had, Olly has been involved with the police countless times, mostly just for petty vandalism and obstruction of public endeavors, but he’d always been able to creep the cop’s into letting him back on to the streets which he’d turned to sometime after his 15th birthday, because he’d been told by his numerous Social Service agents that he had no hope with any part of civilisation. In fact, on the subject of the NYPD, Oliver was claimed in one of their many holding cells. Until recently, Olly had tendencies to wander in and out of the main New York City theme, and often waltzed into the many forests in and around the state without any cares in the world.<lb><lb>**Now**<lb>Oliver Roman had been trekking through this particular forest for what had felt like an eternity. A light wall of breeze hit him unexpectedly and the very next thing he knew, he was in Camp Half-Blood.
id 6oyoxv
subreddit MBA
title Looking to apply to T16/M7 MBA for 2020 incomi...
selftext Hi everyone,<lb><lb>I'm a 2015 graduate of UC ...
Name: 27051, dtype: object
Hi everyone,<lb><lb>I'm a 2015 graduate of UC Berkeley with a 3.8 GPA with a major in Political Science (International Relations concentration) working on the East Coast. I've been working as a high-tech B2B enterprise software sales rep at Oracle for about 1 year, 7 months. I recently got promoted from being a "Business Development Consultant" to an "Enterprise Account Executive."<lb><lb>I was one of the first people in my batch to be promoted, and have been in the top 20% of sales reps in my hub. I've also had an informal mentoring role (beyond the job description of my role) to new hires. I've also gotten several performance awards, such as "top BDC" (out of 100 people) and "Oracle Excellence Award."<lb><lb>My manager of 1.5 years is more than happy to write a future rec, as is our Sales Director with whom I have a solid relationship.<lb><lb>I plan to work for around 1.5 years, before applying for R2 in 2019. By then, I'll have around 3 years of experience at application, and approx 3.5 years of experience at matriculation.<lb><lb>I'm the VP of my hub's Toastmasters, and I want to be president in the next elections. I do some environmental volunteering on the side, but don't have much else in the way of extracurricular activities.<lb><lb>I haven't taken the GMAT or GRE yet, but I will start soon. I'm still deciding which test would be a better fit (the GRE seems easier for me BC of my liberal arts background). If I pursue the GMAT, I'll work hard to get a 730+. For the GRE, nothing less than a 166 on both Q and V. I took both tests cold and crushed the verbal sections (more so on the GRE), but got destroyed on quant. So a refresher would be good.<lb><lb>Also, unfortunately I didn't take college-level quant courses. Apparently that rules me out of applying to my alma matter institution, since Berkeley Haas requires applicants to have completed calc and stats to demonstrate "quantitative proficiency." This doesn't seem to be the case anywhere else (except maybe MIT Sloan??), where if you score really high on quant section of the GRE or GMAT, you're good to go and don't need to take additional quant classes prior to matriculation.<lb><lb>I don't know if it's worth it to take calc and stats at a community college or extension institution only to have the opportunity to apply to Haas, and it's not guaranteed I'd get in. What do you think?<lb><lb>The other thing is I'm a Chinese-American male, 25 in age. Having said that, I am disabled, and suffer from lupus, which I've had to overcome at school and work to succeed.<lb><lb>My career goals are to shift to a general management position in marketing analytics for a f500 firm, preferably in an urban West Coast area. My realistic dream MBA program is Northwestern-Kellogg, but UChicago-Booth is very close second. I will also apply to Dartmouth-Tuck, UMich-Ross, Duke-Fuqua, and UCLA-Anderson. I'd apply to Harvard as a super stretch (HBS is my "real dream" school but hey, let's be realistic lol).<lb><lb>I'm also considering either Columbia or Yale: both have decent general management placement, although the former has a finance focus and the latter has a social impact one. Darden is a good school too I'm considering, although it might not have the best West Coast placement, which is what I prefer.<lb><lb>Do you have any specific advice for me in the next 1.5 years as I embark on GRE/GMAT studying, building up my profile, doing essays, continuing to progress at work, etc., that will help ensure I get into a T16 MBA program?<lb><lb>If I got into UCLA or Fuqua, honestly I'd be pretty content, and maybe it might make sense to going to a lower T16 with a huge scholly over an M7 at sticker bc the general management placement is solid across the T16 (M7 seems to be only a "must" for IB and MBB consulting gunners). But I could be wrong. But the point is I'd be perfectly happy going to a T16, and while ambitious, I'm not extremely so to the point of M7 or bust.<lb><lb>What do you all think? What would you recommend I do? Feel free to be harsh and brutally honest -- I love constructive criticism.<lb><lb>Thanks!!
id 7oj9qy
subreddit battlecats
title [Off Topic] Another theory?!
selftext We all know EoC takes place in modern day...<l...
Name: 578921, dtype: object
We all know EoC takes place in modern day...<lb><lb>But hold on? When did SoL take place?<lb><lb>That's what I'm going to confirm, right here, right now.<lb>Remember Mistress celeboodle and King Wahwah? Did you know they are (gasp) linked? As in, Wahwah being a brother in law? How? Well...<lb>"Only daughter of the most powerful and political dynasty of Centauri year 1192. Beauty, brains, wit, get she married a CHIHUAHUA reality TV 'star'."<lb>Chihuahua? Sounds familiar?<lb>In Wahwah's description, it says;<lb>"Born in the year 1196 of the cosmic calendar, he earned a crown through his military service and advancements of the sciences. Annoyed that his kid brother is more famous for a reality show."<lb><lb>HmmMMMmMm OK, YUSSSsss. yESSss.<lb>Not only they're linked, but we can now get a more accurate date for when SoL takes place; 11xx.<lb><lb><lb>Another one.<lb><lb><lb><lb>New Year's Day, 20xx.<lb><lb>Cat God went rouge like the asshole he is.<lb>Hard grind, but I gathered all the quotes from God. This one quote hinted towards CotC:<lb>"I feel... Like I'm one with the universe. Oh? Just me then I guess."<lb><lb>In CotC Cat God was the narrator! But who was the narrator of EoC and ItF?<lb>In ItF, the narrator was revealed to be alien. That'd make sense why Cat God felt one with the universe, if he was an alien. It is flawed, but alas! There are more hints towards it!<lb><lb>Remember "If you have money, then you don't need love, right?"<lb>What if that was God? Questioning about love? There is moRE.<lb><lb>God flirts... Many times with the player. Here are all the quotes where he does so:<lb>"I want to love more, rather than be loved. No, I'm serious."<lb><lb>"Anybody can be a romantic, even I do. Only sometimes."<lb><lb>"Oh come on, really? You must [insert husky voice] really love it don't you."<lb><lb>"Admit it, it's love."<lb><lb>Well, who the diddly gosh darn it flipping is the player?<lb>Let's look at God's fam.<lb><lb>Valkyrie gets hit on by God. Maybe she's the player? No. Nope. Nuh-uh. God also mentions, "Don't you have wings? Oh wait. If you did, that'd be pretty disgusting."<lb><lb>Valkyrie does have wings in her second form, which also the one where God hits on her. Who'd call her first form disgusting anyway, lmao. It's not her.<lb><lb>Let's dig fucking deeper, because I'm nice and all.<lb><lb>Who else mentions Cat God?<lb>Mitama.<lb><lb>"Chosen as a holy servant by the God of Cats, infinite power lies within her." <lb>She was chosen as a servant? Ehhh. God. No. Yech.<lb><lb>"Dressed in bridal gowns, she appears to be the blessed sign of Cat God's favour. Her groom identity is unknown..."<lb><lb>Yuck. Cat God favours her. That's explain his weird ass questions and flirting. Not done yet, though! Let's look at her Japanese desc.<lb><lb>"A little shrine maiden loved by God Cat..." For all you pure people out there, maiden means virgin.<lb><lb>"A pure white bride who appears at the boundary of Day and Night. No one knows where is she going to marry." Yeah, the translations suck ass but. Wow.<lb><lb>Another clue is that her character is a reference to the Japanese story, Fox's wedding. Wtf is that? Well I googled it...<lb>There's a sog about it.<lb><lb>It's where a fox lady seduces men and eats their flesh. She is also in an arranged marriage.<lb><lb>The lyrics are fucking weird, man, but there is something that contributes...<lb>"Oh Mrs. Fox, don't take an umbrella." Mitama's carries an umbrella.<lb>I then read another version, where a young fox named Fukuyémon married a foxy lady, with pure white fur. Sounds familiar? Mitama is holy and pure, so she is definitely based on the second example.<lb><lb>Who was she married to, though? Gao? D'artnyan? Gao's desc. Doesn't contribute, and I couldn't find D'arty's, so I moved on to GOFFIC Mitama.<lb><lb>The wiki doesn't have her desc. Either, wtf? No worries, I know the jist of it.<lb><lb>She LOST a lover. Let's look at the evidence. <lb>Mitama wears a veil and black clothing, traditional for when you're mourning. She's mourning over a lost hubby.<lb><lb>Who gave Mitama her gowns? <lb>God(?)
id 7tgotx
subreddit afinil
title MEDICATION GUIDES for Modafinil and Armodafinil
selftext Hello everyone!<lb><lb>I happen to have access...
Name: 212004, dtype: object
Hello everyone!<lb><lb>I happen to have access to a scientific research portal, and thus have access to clinical literature for almost all substances under the sun. I've gone ahead and downloaded the so-called "Drug Monograph" documents for both modafinil and armodafinil. These documents include clinical information about the given medication, everything from indications, adverse reactions, dosing guidelines, and interactions with other medication. I decided this will benefit the sub, to at least be an introduction.<lb><lb>**WARNING:**<lb><lb>**While these documents are used by the medical community, including clinical physicians, they are not a substitute for consulting a medical doctor.**<lb><lb>Please keep in mind that these documents were up to date at the time of the submission of this post, however that information therein can change over time, that new interactions with existing medications, or new adverse reactions may be discovered over time. These new changes will not be reflected in these documents, so they may not be up to date anymore when you view them.<lb><lb>Again, these guides are here for you to familiarize yourself with the medication, and be more informed. Remember that every person has different physiology, and the same medication will manifest itself differently from person to person. Although the likelihood of a given adverse reaction is low, this does not make you immune to experiencing an adverse reaction, or an adverse reaction that was previously not recorded.<lb><lb>The clinical nature of this document means that it was written with medical professionals in mind. You may find yourself to not be completely familiar with the words, abbreviations, jargon, and concepts used throughout. When in doubt, it is a best-practice to abstain from taking the new drug, until you consult with your doctor. <lb><lb>I do not claim that reading this document will make you a modafinil expert, nor do I claim that it will guarantee that your experience with modafinil will always be positive.<lb><lb>**ALWAYS consult a medical doctor before taking any medication on your own.**<lb><lb>HOW TO USE:<lb><lb>Now that you are more informed about safe practices: Here's how you can benefit from these guides. Included in the documents are a general description for the medication, the known method of action, how the drug is metabolized and absorbed. As well as daily dosing guidance. Further down the document you can see what conditions are contraindicated for use with -afinils i.e. if you have one of the mentioned conditions, it may be more risky for you to use modafinil/armodafinil compared to the otherwise healthy population.<lb><lb>You can also find information on any previously recorded adverse reactions, and sometimes "case reports" of certain rare however life threatening side effects. <lb><lb>If you take other medication, it is a very good idea to check if modafinil/armodafinil has any interactions with your medication. As you scroll down to the interactions list, you may recognize that the list is comprised of only the active ingredients of a given drug. E.g. if you use Ritalin, you should look up the entry for "methylphenidate" as that is the active substance of the brand-name medication. If you are not sure about the active ingredient of your medication, please have a look at the box of your medication, or you can just use Google.<lb><lb>Once you see the active ingredient listed, just scroll down to the entry for that active ingredient. <lb><lb>Without further a-do here are the links:<lb><lb>Modafinil:<lb> <lb><lb>Armodafinil:<lb><lb><lb>Mirror:!ehhkSA6Y!CzAC2WwO74p1lYeywrFLOQ<lb><lb>Notes:<lb>You can download the documents for easy reading/searching. <lb>The "References" section is not complete, because the references sections are always longer than the document itself, so I decided not to include it.<lb><lb>EDIT: typos. <lb>EDIT 2: added mirror
id 83mpb3
subreddit HFY
title [OC] The Mediators
selftext &gt;Authors note:<lb>&gt;&gt; I hope you all e...
Name: 221384, dtype: object
&gt;Authors note:<lb>&gt;&gt; I hope you all enjoy reading, please notify me of any inconsistencies, grammatical issues, or spelling issues. This is a smaller piece, as I got little sleep last night (due to issues with the police) and as such my ability to focus is at an all time low. <lb><lb>I hereby start recording my diplomatic log for today - system insert date. Attached you will find the completed letter sent to the humans. I will leave out the tedious process of creating the communique. Though the negotiations between us, and two other species performing an unauthorised* colonisation, on whether to contact humans is written below.<lb><lb>"We need the humans" Carto stated. The Pher were always quick to rely on humans, being a cunning and ruthless, albeit physically weak species. Having discovered faster than light travel in 386592 GSY, humans had quickly integrated. This is largely linked to the earth treaty, having allowed us to understand humans and were prepared for their introduction into our society.<lb><lb>Article 1 of the Earth treaty is a legacy piece of interstellar law, though yet to be repealed. This primarily is because there is no need to, yet.<lb><lb>"The humans are fickle when determining who to support. There is little consistency." Came the low voice of the Akruf ambassador. The faint clicking noises still audible, as they couldn't quite be removed by the translator. <lb><lb>"This is true, humans are diverse, their opinions differ, but they are the best mediators for that reason. The earth treaty was maintained partly, for that reason." I stated bluntly. "There is no point arguing that if they support our view the newly colonised worlds will be protected. Even though formalities were not adhered to, humans seemingly dislike uprooting civilisations." <lb><lb>"The humans may feel differently, after finding out colonisation killed, ehhh" the Akruf quickly fiddled with his device.<lb><lb>"cuddly kitten, I will protect you." came a quick voice.<lb><lb>"We killed natives that they probably wanted to protect" he continued dejectedly.<lb><lb>Carto cut in "Look, they won't be happy. Humans have a saying to the effect of 'the consequence of a situation (which was once in our control), is now out of our control and cannot be changed'. We might receive some sanctions, but I doubt they will stand for us to be uprooted."<lb><lb>The Akruf gave in. "Let us appeal to the humans, to mediate on our behalf. Let us create the communication."<lb><lb>Attachment 1: Communique to request the humans to act as our mediators.<lb><lb>*Dear human 'united nations'<lb>The three species (Pher, Akruf and Quh) request your aid. We shall start by setting out our problem.<lb>We recently colonised planets in the recently unquarantined sectors of space, commonly referred to as, the Nasu sector (formal designation:9285 Puvarnasu). We each colonised one planet. We had begun formal proceedings to be allowed to establish the colony, but began colonising early (financial concerns prompted this). Our request was subsequently refused, due to the worlds being life bearing. The indigenous life could not survive after we introduced our own fauna.*<lb><lb>*We having established a colony, hereby request that you mediate on our behalf, so as to prevent us being forced to leave this world. We wish to be forthright. As such, we state that much of the life killed, would be regarded as "cute" or "cuddly". One example bears significant resemblance earth fauna known as "deer" though smaller, and thicker softer furred, among a few. We apologise and will agree to any sanctions imposed for this action, aside from being forced off the worlds we now have colonised.*<lb><lb>*This includes sanctions on future colonisation plans, economic sanctions, and trade sanctions, if deemed appropriate.*<lb><lb>*We do however ask that in exchange for these concessions, you accept our request for you to act as our mediators and ultimately, achieve the goal of allowing us to maintain our colonies.*<lb><lb><lb> * Unauthorised only in so far as formalities had not yet been completed.<lb><lb><lb>
id 6iz3lh
subreddit TheXanaxCartel
title TOH Review [250pk]
selftext <lb><lb>Hello fellow barbs and barbettes. Long...
Name: 987542, dtype: object
<lb><lb>Hello fellow barbs and barbettes. Long time lurker and member of our wonderful community since the days of the barbarians, fall of thebarons and the glory days of when the Canadian flood gates were wide open. Throwaway for personal reasons but I have also never done a review so bear with me here I'm going to try to use one of the templates. Honestly felt like there needed to be some credit where credit is due. It's obvious there have been some issues with ToH and having dealt with the same problems in the past I never thought I would find myself placing another order with him. But when I saw the new price announcement and that they were double gs which are extremely popular in my area, I decided to roll the dice. <lb><lb>General Information| Details<lb>---|---<lb>**Vendor requires FE**?| No<lb>**Price before shipping**:| $275<lb>**Shipping cost**:| $7<lb>**Vendor Name**: | TheoryOfHarmony<lb>**Marketplace**: | AB<lb>**Products reviewed**: | "250 2mg GG249s!"<lb>**International Shipping?** | No<lb>**Pictures**: |<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>Customer Service|Description<lb>---|---<lb>[X]+5|Superb - Polite, prompt, ensures satisfaction<lb>[ ]+4|Good - Professional, exhibits customer care<lb>[ ]+3|Satisfactory - Adequate responses, resolved issue<lb>[ ]+2|Marginal - Subpar communication, partial resolution<lb>[ ]+1|Bad - Poor communication, no resolution<lb>[ ]+0|Awful - Abusive responses, no resolution<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>Product Quality|Description<lb>---|---<lb>[X]+5|Highest purity - highly potent<lb>[ ]+4|Mostly pure - potent<lb>[ ]+3|Minor cut or impurity - strong<lb>[ ]+2|Cut and/or impure - medium to weak<lb>[ ]+1|Almost entirely cut - very weak<lb>[ ]+0|Possibly bunk - no effect<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>Processing:|Description<lb> ---|---<lb>[X]+5|Processed &amp;amp; marked shipped in 24hrs<lb>[ ]+4|Processed &amp;amp; marked shipped in 48 hrs<lb>[ ]+3|Processed &amp;amp; marked shipped in 72 hrs<lb>[ ]+2|Package is late<lb>[ ]+1|Package is very late<lb>[ ]+0|Never received package<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>|<lb><lb>Price Value|Description<lb>---|---<lb>[ ]+5|Excellent - great value &amp;amp; low cost<lb>[X]+4|Moderate - worthy value &amp;amp; fair cost<lb>[ ]+3|At-market - neither good nor bad<lb>[ ]+2|Below-market - so-so value, high cost<lb>[ ]+1|Exorbitant - low value, excessive cost<lb>[ ]+0|Rip-off - little-to-no value, unjustified cost<lb><lb><lb><lb>I left off the OPSEC section as it's basically the same golden standard as every other vendor worth their salt that I've dealt with. I think the only time it would need mentioning would be for cases where it was just absolutely horrible which it wasn't. I ticked a 4 on Price Value for the fact that as of now the prices in the community are all over the place [in a good way] not to mention the majority of which are mostly domestic. I love how up until recently shit was literally looking like the xan game wasn't going to rebound or at least nothing like it has. It even looks like Canada is starting to peek it's head back in the game. What a time to be alive.<lb><lb>These gg's are just about perfect imo and essentially pharmacy quality with a snap that breaks evenly on the score lines. They are a nice hard and stable press but I do notice that they tend to be a bit soft after a few seconds of contact with saliva or when kicking them back with a drink. For resale purposes this works great as the "legit check" in my area is to drop a bar in soda expecting it to break down fast. Yes I know it's retarded but that's just the way my folks get down. It also immediately presents the undeniable alp taste because of that so maybe it's not such a bad thing after all. They feel right on par with the advertised dosage which to me kicks in a bit quicker than ones from cvs. <lb><lb>The one thing that has improved leaps and bounds is shipping. I honestly was expecting at least a week since he mentioned the 5 day average but this was in my hands within 3 days of placing an order. I'll definitely be back if the shipping and quality of future orders remain the same. <lb>
id 5iu6o9
subreddit networking
title Learning multicast... Am I doing this right?
selftext Hello,<lb><lb>I'm very new to multicast, and w...
Name: 734014, dtype: object
Hello,<lb><lb>I'm very new to multicast, and would like to know if this config will work. My goal is bidirectional routing of multicast traffic over a GRE tunnel.<lb><lb>I'm seeing my join groups returning the pings. Am I done? I feel like this is missing, since there is so much to multicast, and I have applied so little. <lb><lb>Head Office<lb><lb> Current configuration : 2062 bytes<lb> !<lb> version 12.4<lb> service timestamps debug datetime msec<lb> service timestamps log datetime msec<lb> no service password-encryption<lb> !<lb> hostname HeadOfficeRouter<lb> !<lb> boot-start-marker<lb> boot-end-marker<lb> !<lb> !<lb> no aaa new-model<lb> memory-size iomem 5<lb> no ip icmp rate-limit unreachable<lb> ip cef<lb> !<lb> !<lb> !<lb> !<lb> no ip domain lookup<lb> ip multicast-routing<lb> ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3<lb> ip admission max-nodata-conns 3<lb> !<lb> !<lb> !<lb> ip tcp synwait-time 5<lb> !<lb> !<lb> !<lb> !<lb> !<lb> interface Loopback1<lb> ip address<lb> ip pim sparse-dense-mode<lb> !<lb> interface Loopback2<lb> ip address<lb> !<lb> interface Tunnel1<lb> description GRE Tunnel To Branch<lb> ip address<lb> ip pim sparse-dense-mode<lb> tunnel source<lb> tunnel destination<lb> !<lb> interface FastEthernet0/0<lb> ip address<lb> duplex auto<lb> speed auto<lb> !<lb> interface Serial0/0<lb> no ip address<lb> ip pim sparse-dense-mode<lb> shutdown<lb> clock rate 2000000<lb> !<lb> interface FastEthernet0/1<lb> ip address<lb> ip pim sparse-dense-mode<lb> ip igmp join-group<lb> duplex auto<lb> speed auto<lb> !<lb> i<lb> !<lb> router ospf 1<lb> log-adjacency-changes<lb> network area 0<lb> !<lb> ip forward-protocol nd<lb> ip route Tunnel1<lb> !<lb><lb><lb><lb><lb><lb><lb><lb><lb><lb><lb>Branch Office<lb><lb> Current configuration : 1953 bytes<lb> !<lb> version 12.4<lb> service timestamps debug datetime msec<lb> service timestamps log datetime msec<lb> no service password-encryption<lb> !<lb> hostname BranchRouter<lb> !<lb> boot-start-marker<lb> boot-end-marker<lb> !<lb> !<lb> no ip domain lookup<lb> ip multicast-routing<lb> ip auth-proxy max-nodata-conns 3<lb> ip admission max-nodata-conns 3<lb> !<lb> !<lb> ip tcp synwait-time 5<lb> !<lb> !<lb> interface Loopback1<lb> ip address<lb> ip pim sparse-dense-mode<lb> !<lb> interface Tunnel1<lb> description GRE Tunnel To HeadOffice<lb> ip address<lb> ip pim sparse-dense-mode<lb> tunnel source<lb> tunnel destination<lb> !<lb> interface FastEthernet0/0<lb> ip address<lb> ip pim sparse-dense-mode<lb> ip igmp join-group<lb> duplex auto<lb> speed auto<lb> !<lb> interface Serial0/0<lb> ip address<lb> clock rate 2000000<lb> !<lb> interface FastEthernet0/1<lb> no ip address<lb> shutdown<lb> duplex auto<lb> speed auto<lb> !<lb> !<lb> router ospf 1<lb> log-adjacency-changes<lb> network area 0<lb> !<lb> ip forward-protocol nd<lb> !<lb> !<lb> no ip http server<lb> no ip http secure-server<lb> ip pim bidir-enable<lb> ip mroute Tunnel1<lb> !<lb> no cdp log mismatch duplex<lb><lb><lb><lb><lb><lb>Edit: Thank you for all your responses here. I understand now that what I have done here is configure dense mode, which is not ideal, and that I should select a router to be the RP to use sparse mode. Also, I don't need to run PIM on the loopbacks for the tunnel, or use any mroutes. <lb><lb>Thank you for your help with this. <lb><lb>
id 4yuef2
subreddit collapse
title Why collapse is inevitable
selftext There are an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,0...
Name: 652614, dtype: object
There are an estimated 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars in space. The universe we live in is thought to be 13.8 billion year old. By now, the process of forming a planet like our that cycles around a sun like ours must have occurred numerous times. We're very late to the game, but we see no evidence of it whatsoever. The whole universe appears as if it's pristine wilderness and nobody bothers trying to communicate with us. Had it been possible to sustain even our present level of technological complexity, we would have seen evidence of intelligent life out there, but we see none. <lb><lb>The best available explanation for this is the idea that civilizations simply can't permanently maintain access to the amount of energy that we presently have access to. If civilizations like ours can continue to grow, we would have expected the whole universe to have been colonized by now by a variety of intelligent lifeforms. Even if civilizations like ours last a sufficiently long time, we would expect to find evidence simply from radio signals. We don't find such signals, so the conclusion we have to draw is that civilizations like ours simply don't last for a very long time.<lb><lb>The other main alternative is that civilizations like ours are simply very rare to emerge. That seems a poor explanation to me. The rare Earth hypothesis uses an equation to arrive at a very small number of planets that fit our characteristics. The problem is that there's no real convincing argument to suggest that a planet exactly has to fit the characteristics of ours to host lifeforms capable of communicating. There are also some very far-fetched sci-fi explanations that attempt to answer the mystery, the most amusing of which is probably the suggestion that most of the universe we observe is actually fake and merely meant to trick us. The simplest explanation would simply be to look at all the problems we so far seem to be running into and arrive at the conclusion that there must be one or more that are simply (practically) impossible to overcome.<lb><lb>If you do wish to believe the Kurzweilist narrative in which humans spread out over space, there's another problem you're dealing with: Statistically speaking, any single sample will be drawn from the largest group. If you have a million red balls and one blue ball, you're most likely to grab a red ball. If there's some day in the future in which we colonize Mars, the moon, Alpha Centauri and the rest of the universe, we'd expect there to be trillions of people by then. Statistically speaking, for you to have been born into your present situation would be highly unlikely.<lb><lb>Even if it's possible to have a planet home to billions of people and maintain that global civilization indefinitely based on renewable energy, it's rather odd that you were born right around the dawn of the atomic age, rather than at any other point in the millions of years that a civilization that has moved beyond fossil fuels would sustain itself on renewable energy. Because you have only one sample, you might however consider yourself just very lucky to live in an anomalous situation and disproving that assertion is out of the scope of this post.<lb><lb>If you rationally look at your situation however, it's more likely that you're simply quite normal for the type of organism that can contemplate these type of questions. You're probably born to the type of species most likely to contemplate these questions: A tool-using bipedal visually oriented sexually reproducing species of carbon-based life. You're born on a type of planet that's relatively common to give birth to civilization. You're also probably born during a time frame in said civilization during which it is most likely to give birth to organisms like you that contemplate these questions, a time during which it can house billions of them who were well-nourished throughout childhood and as a result relatively intelligent.<lb><lb>To make a long story short: Considering how briefly people like you have existed, it's also quite likely that they simply don't exist for a very long period.
id 7h0c9m
subreddit evangelion
title [Spoilers] Just watched Neon Genesis Evangelio...
selftext First of I'll just say I'm somewhat new to ani...
Name: 500481, dtype: object
First of I'll just say I'm somewhat new to anime. Started back last year and have watch or watching the following shows <lb><lb>- Dragon Ball <lb>- Dragon Ball Z<lb>- Dragon Ball Super<lb>- Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood.<lb>- Berserk (1997)<lb>- Tokyo Ghoul <lb>- My Hero Academia <lb>- Cowboy Bepop<lb><lb>Honestly this was some hard shit. The show itself was amazing, I loved nearly every aspect about it. And have to say it's one of the best character developments I've ever seen in an anime. Funnily enough I only watched this show after watching this sweet trailer called Neon Genesis Evangelion Trailer Remastered, I had no idea what was happening so I decided to give it a watch. I honestly don't know where I've been, and how could I miss this show. I'm glad I was able to watch such a great show, and to top it off one of the most fascinating anime films I've ever seen. Shinji the main protagonist was good, I liked his character arc. I found him completely reasonable for his actions after being abandoned and never properly raised, the nervous breakdowns and constant emotionally changes were quite interesting as well. Most of the characters I enjoyed which I was really glad about, since it was a show that had heaps of characters that most of them had some importance to the story. For the main trio Shinji, Asaka, and Rei I honestly liked Shinji the most from probably Asaka. Rei was really interesting however I felt she become bland once it was revealed she was a clone/Angel. I get that it's just how she acts, however I preferred when she started out during the series, and was able to talk to Shinji, plus when she cried when Shinji told her to was a nice touch. Misato I also liked a lot, I just wished they gave her more scenes with Shinji were she showed emotion/gratitude to him. Like she shows emotion but really the only time she does is when he is in danger or is injured, most of the time I felt she was there to just motivate him to work the Eva. However she has a great character arc throughout the show. The fighting was really sweet, for the 90s the animation was really good, plus the music was really fitting, some of the tracks were amazing, especially when they were played during emotional events. The intro song was annoying at first but came to grow on me, and is easily one of my favourite animes. The music just added to the awesomeness of this anime, and I was drawn in immensely. For example I'm a huge fan of classical music, so when they played classical music I was drawn towards the show even more.<lb><lb><lb>I personally liked both endings they had, the show ending seemed rush but I liked how the main protagonist just recognised his problems and was like I can finally change. I felt like I was watching Mr Robot and just being mind fucked haha. The movie however was kick ass, however I was slightly confused once Shinji was taken by the Angels and they started the third impact. The ending however was good as it left you wanting more like what will happen to the world now? How will Asaka live with Shinji?... One thing i loved though from both the EoE the film and tv show was how it played with the concepts of "who's reality". That concept was really neat, and was really interesting when during EoE it played out like a real life sequence. The themes during the show and EoE were really interesting. With someone who has dealt with insecurity, depression, and social Anxiety at stages of my life, I could completed related to the main protagonist Shinji Ikari. I'm 21 years old but I'm not afraid of admitting when shows tear me up. This was one of them, these youths were extremely troubled, the only ones who basically enjoyed their lives were the class reprentive, and Kensuke. I was also surprised with how dark the show was, considering it was only rated PG (Australia) with last few episodes having the M rating. Overall I'm honestly so glad I found this show, and gave it a serious watch. I'm just completely stunned about the endings.<lb><lb>What should I do now after watching these two? I've heard there are new movies, are they worth watching?
id 666myo
subreddit samuraijack
title Samurai Jack Seasons 1-4 Fan Remastering Effort
selftext UPDATE 2: I have created /r/RemasterSamuraiJac...
Name: 209963, dtype: object
UPDATE 2: I have created /r/RemasterSamuraiJack now which I will use to post updates and information on this project<lb><lb>UPDATE: It seems my last post was removed but I had no notification or message from a mod. I'm going to assume it was simply the Mega link, that's my bad. Here's the rest of the post.<lb><lb>Hello to all Samurai Jack fans!<lb>&gt; <lb><lb>For any other fans of Avatar: The Last Airbender here, you may have seen the amazing efforts by /u/Scyrous, /u/brucethem00se, an /u/penkki to remaster that series from DVD quality to Blu Ray quality. You can see their journey chronicled in these posts: [[1]](, [[2]](, [[3]](, [[4]](<lb>&gt; <lb><lb>I have been inspired by these efforts and have decided to use a very similar process to remaster the original four season of Samurai Jack in 1080p Blu Ray quality. Luckily, the DVD source material for Samurai Jack is much better than that of The Last Airbender. There is no extreme haloing and the only real hurdle to overcome is deinterlacing, which has made a few awkward chroma artifacts due to the nature of the hybrid telecining used in each episode. Unfortunately, it was impossible to use an inverse telecine to reconstruct 24p for the episodes as they were presented on the DVD.<lb>&gt;<lb><lb>There are also some random pixelated frames in the DVD, which appear especially odd as these frames are between frames of the same drawing, so I can only imagine it is an error which was created during the DVD transfer. A true remaster should eliminate this issue since CN would be working with their original master copies.<lb>&gt;<lb><lb>Here are some screenshot comparisons of the DVDs and my remastered version: [Comparisons part 1](, [Comparisons part 2](<lb><lb>At the moment, I have only completed remastering the first episode. I predict I will have all the episodes <lb><lb>Here is the VapourSynth script I am working with. I am using the 64-bit version of VapourSynth combined with an installation of CUDA 8.0. I found it unnecessary to do part of the work in Avisynth which the ATLA remastering project used. All the functions I needed worked in VapourSynth: [script](<lb><lb>Each episode will be contained in an MKV file using the H264/AVC video codec and the Dolby Digital AC-3 codec which incidentally is now patent free! I have used x264 encoding and unlike the ATLA remaster, I have been careful to use encoding options that make each file completely Blu Ray compatible. You'd simply need to remux to M2TS container and use a program like multiAVCHD to construct an ISO. I am working to see if I can create a unique menu for those who wish to burn the files to Blu Ray.<lb><lb>Here is a mediainfo file for the encoded result for those who wish to inspect the settings: [Mediainfo](<lb><lb>Lastly, as an aside, I am also preserving the French and Spanish audio tracks present on the DVD and will be uploading those separately in order to save space for those who only need the original English tracks. When I upload the extra audio tracks you will be able to mux them into the MKV or M2TS containers, or if you are using a player such as MPC-HC you only need to rename the file and place it next to the video file for it to be picked up. I am also preserving all subtitle tracks but they will be in SUP format cheaply upscaled from VOBSUB, so they will be pixelated but still sharp and readable. I'll leave the OCR efforts to someone else if they would be more interested. I'm not sure if the iTunes release of Samurai Jack contains SRT files but I don't have that release.
id 6jpdy0
subreddit LongDistance
title I [21F] am too attached to my boyfriend [20M].
selftext Before I start about my relationship, I should...
Name: 908173, dtype: object
Before I start about my relationship, I should say that I have severe general anxiety disorder as well as depression. I attend therapy and I take medication for these things. I try my best to get out and do things I like and hang out with friends. Yet I still face this problem and I need some advice.<lb><lb>My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost a year now. I know that we are young and the relationship is still quite new, but I really do like him and I want to be with him, which is why I'm willing to improve. He and I started dating while he was in the city I live in. He was here for about 4 months for an internship, and then he had to go back to the city he studies in, which is in my country but quite far away and expensive to travel to. Currently, he's doing another internship, but in another city closer to his school. We had made plans for me to visit him this summer, however, I'm not able to do that because of financial issues. The next time I will see him is when he's done with this internship and he comes back to where I am for about 2 weeks before leaving for another school term.<lb><lb>It was really tough for me to face the realization that I won't be able to go see him and the city he lives in right now, mainly because I was looking forward to it for a long time. Over time, I'm realizing that I'm getting overly attached to him and it's becoming unhealthy. I wasn't really like this in the beginning as much. But now I'm constantly feeling alone being far away from him, I'm jealous of people that get to see him and talk to him every day. Or even of his friends (which I haven't met because they're from him school) who are visiting the city he lives in and hanging out with him. Sometimes when he's with friends, he doesn't text me for hours or he stays really late with them at night. I feel absolutely hopeless during those times. I try to distract myself and watch or read something, and that does help, but the minute that I'm left alone with my thoughts or I try to sleep I get incredibly anxious and I end up crying or having an anxiety attack. I feel like he's on my mind almost every minute that I'm awake.<lb><lb>He and I are both busy because we're both working, but I still feel like I'm spending more time trying to contact him. We text each other often, but sometimes he goes the entire day at work without contacting me. I don't think that's an issue, I understand he's busy at work, and he does text other times. Before, we used to do video calls 2-3 times a week, we used to stay up and talk on the weekends, but now he says he's too busy for that and he's trying his best. I think ever since he started this internship, he hasn't really initiated a call, it's always me that asks him if he wants to call tonight or this weekend. If I don't initiate it, we'd probably go weeks without calling.<lb><lb>I really do want to be an understanding girlfriend to him. He knows the issues I'm facing, and he does his best to accommodate for them. I proposed that maybe we should just dedicate one weekend night where we call and we can just stay up and talk to each other. Honestly, I feel like one is too little for me but I don't want to pressure him.<lb>I'm not scared of him cheating on me or leaving me suddenly while we're apart. My biggest anxiety with the relationship is just that he's going to become more and more distant from me and he'll stop liking me. I know maybe it's irrational, but anxieties usually are irrational. I just want to understand what I should do. I know some people would probably recommend that I have an entire life ahead of me and I shouldn't let one relationship affect me this much and maybe this isn't good for me. I've considered that too, but I don't want to just give up without trying. I want to be with him, I know that he wants to be with me too. I just want to stop worrying about us all the time. I want to be able to go hours without hearing from him and be okay with it, and I want to be okay with him spending time with his friends, or the fact that we can't call as much as we used to. I just don't know where to start.
id 5jvl9b
subreddit CampHalfBloodRP
title Josephine (Proper Noun)
selftext **"BAM!"**<lb><lb>*The door to the Aphrodite c...
Name: 928213, dtype: object
**"BAM!"**<lb><lb>*The door to the Aphrodite cabin was pulled open, and then shut with a loud bang. In came an excited Josephine Elhammady Magnani, with a bundle of mail in her hand. She dropped a pile of packages and letters onto the couch, and then ran into her and Clementine's room quickly. In her hand was what was obviously an acceptance letter from Stanford, and she was incredibly excited to open it.*<lb><lb>*Tear through the paper! Toss it to the side! Josephine was practically shaking with excitement. Oh, to be in college again... what a wonderful idea it was! The stress of finals, the smell of new school supplies, the online classes... it was a dream come true! After a few shaky breaths, she began to unfold the oddly light letter. After closing her eyes and counting to three, she opened her eyes and began to read.<lb><lb>**"Dear Joseph Elhammady Magnani:"**<lb><lb>**"It is with regret that I write to inform you that we are unable to offer you admission to the freshman class at Stanford University. Please know that this decision does not necessarily reflect any deficiency or weakness in your application. To the contrary, we are humbled by your talents and achievements, and are impressed with the commitment that you have shown in all of your academic and extracurricular endeavors. It is unfortunate, and truly our loss, that we are not able to offer admission to more students from our exceptionally talented applicant pool..."**<lb><lb>*The letter fell to the floor.*<lb><lb>*There was more to the letter, but that didn't matter.*<lb><lb>*She had been rejected.*<lb><lb>*Rejected (verb). Past tense: rejected; past participle: rejected. Pronunciation; rəˈjekt. Definition; to dismiss as inadequate, inappropriate, or not to one's taste. Synonym: Deserted. Forgotten. Abandoned. Rejected. Neglected. Vetoed. Forsaken. Jettisoned. Tossed. Unwanted. Antonyms: Accepted. Welcomed. Admitted. Allowed. Approved. Granted. Kept. Ratified. Included.*<lb><lb>*Josephine just stood there, looking at Clementine's bed and Cassia's trundle lying next to it. She leaned back and forth, back and forth, back and forth. She listened to the floorboards creak. She listened to the wind blowing outside. She listened to the leaves rustling, and a campfire crackling. She just kept listening, although she want really paying attention to anything.*<lb><lb>*Emptiness (noun). Pronunciation: ˈem(p)tēnəs. Definition; the state of containing nothing. Synonyms: Void. Vaccuum. Empty space. Vacuity. Gap. Vacancy. Hollowness. Hole. Lack. Antonyms: Closure. Filled. Capacity. Fullness. Maximum. Overload.*<lb><lb>*Soon, she began to shake. Her hands shook like a landslide, her arms like an earthquake, and her legs like a volcano about to explode. Her mind begin to race with dark thoughts- thoughts about what her family would think of her, thoughts about what a disgrace she was. Thoughts about failure.*<lb><lb>*Failure (noun). Pronunciation: ˈfālyər. Definition; lack of success. Synonyms: Nonfulfillment. Breakdown. Bankruptcy. Deficiency. Decay. Nonperformance. Loss. Collapse. Defeat. Deterioration. Antonyms: Betterment. Improvement. Increase. Rise. Success. Blessing. Achievement. Triumph. Attainment. Earnings. Win. Accomplishment.*<lb><lb>*She fell to her knees, and stared at the carpet below her. How was it as soft and comfy as a pillow, yet as defining and magnetic as quicksand? How could an expensive floor be so gorgeous, yet so easy to ruin? How could something be so perfect, yet so breakable? How could one be perfect and unbreakable at the same time? How? How? How?!*<lb><lb>*Josephine (proper noun). Pronunciation: joh-zuh-feen. Definition; tediously perfect yet incredibly breakable. Synonyms: Rejected. Emptiness. Failure. Deserted. Void. Nonfulfillment. Forgotten. Vacancy. Decay. Abandoned. Hollowness. Deterioration. Antonyms: Accepted. Closure. Blessing. Welcomed. Capacity. Achievement. Admitted. Maximum. Triumph. Approved. Filled. Accomplishment.*<lb><lb>*The girl began to weep, silently, as her letter of rejection laid on the floor of her room for all to see.*<lb><lb>[Roleplay]
id 6vz713
subreddit deathnote
title Netflix's Death Note only Redeeming Quality
selftext Ryuk. <lb><lb>Willem Dafoe made this movie. Ad...
Name: 956843, dtype: object
Ryuk. <lb><lb>Willem Dafoe made this movie. Admittedly, I also liked L to a certain degree. Lakeith Stanfield's portrayal of the character was pretty much what I expected. More emotional, impulsive, threatening, and active than the original and less intelligent (in terms of long-term planning). Condensing the story into 100 minutes you expect a more "Hollywood" version of the characters. L was pretty much the only human character that I didn't completely hate in this interpretation. Well, alongside Watari, but they kind of went hand-in-hand. In a better movie this character would have worked.<lb><lb>That brings us to Ryuk, this quote pretty much sums up the U.S. version of the Shinigami.<lb><lb>&gt; "You could try (laughs). But I warn you. There are four letters in my name, most anyone's ever gotten were two."<lb><lb>Ryuk was beyond my expectations. Loved the antagonistic take on the human-watching demon. Sadistic, manipulative, malevolent, and uncaring towards Light in pretty much every regard. In a better movie this interpretation would have been spot on. It was a "Hollywood" take on the character that worked. Take a death god that's originally a bystander support player in a game between masterminds and turn him into an antagonistic third player. Would have happily enjoyed this film with Willem Dafoe and Lakeith Stanfield in their roles. <lb><lb>Everyone else sucked. Not sure if it was the writing, the casting, the directing, or what. Let me make a short list of issues.<lb><lb>- Light Turner was an idiot. Only indication of intelligence was the fact he helped people cheat on homework. All other aspects he was just a child with a book. In the original series Light was more intelligent than L, simply less cunning and with a god complex. This "Hollywood" Light was a pussy, afraid of power, little to no ambition, and far to emotional. Highly disappointing character who lacked any of the qualities of the original.<lb><lb>- Why was Mia a character? Death Note wasn't a love story, and this "Hollywood" addition did nothing but detract from the major points of the series. As if they wanted Light to be a pitiable character so a secondary evil was put in. Did nothing but subtract from the core component of the series, which is the game between L and Light.<lb><lb>- Plot &amp; Setting, a child with a whiteboard and a marker could have figured out Light was Kira. Connecting the dots was too simple. Original series was about L proving Light was Kira despite the lack of evidence. Guess they forgot that. And the setting for this series was unsatisfying. Light was a man of ambition, not a small town prodigy looking for meaning. Series should have taken place in a populated city, somewhere with impact. Somewhere that made the plot lively.<lb><lb>Film's main issue was exactly as Ryuk stated, it's all about the game. And this film lacked the "Game". I never felt as if L and Light were trying to play off against each other. There was never a<lb> "chess move" moment where one responded directly to the other with a new move. Plot just jumped from L going "You're Kira" to "Kill Watari, find L's name" and then ends with "L runs down Light". Three points of direct conflict that had no special points of intellectual conflict. It wasn't a game of geniuses. It was a game of reaction from emotionally driven "Hollywood" characters. L was a character fully capable of delivering this, but Light was to impulsive and quite honestly unintelligent enough to actually step up to make a move.<lb><lb>So instead of a good film, we have another white-washed american adaption of a popular anime. Basically they learned nothing from the Ghost in the Shell disaster. <lb><lb>Don't change the message. Death Note delivered a perfect message. One that was negated in this film by the hysterical idea that American audiences dislike complex plots. I expected more from Netflix, considering they carry a number of good anime. <lb><lb>Netflix, for future references, do not assume you need to "improve" or "alter" plots from your adaptions. Respect the original. Don't make it a disgrace. <lb><lb>
id 8b59fe
subreddit schizophrenia
title Advice Please
selftext First off, a bit of background. I'm turning to...
Name: 777694, dtype: object
First off, a bit of background. I'm turning to reddit for advice after my boyfriend made this account to ask for advice about dating someone with mental health issues on another subreddit. That was his first post ever and there were a lot of very helpful and sincere responses, so I asked him if I could try it- and here I am.<lb><lb>OK, so now for the actual post (thanks for bearing with me, I hope it isn't too long or boring).<lb><lb>So I-like a lot of folks on here I'm schizophrenic. My thing is, I started making big life decisions a few years back before I knew what was up with me for totally illogical reasons. For example- I moved across the country one day because I saw a painting that "told" me to. Like the exact city. So I left school and packed up and left everything behind within a week of that moment and moved to the new city. At the time I was convinced that the reason other people didn't do things like that is because I was from a very rich family (I'm not), and was literally convinced that I was the smartest human on earth, and was very seriously considering that I might have been some kind of a minor god/angel.<lb><lb>Here's were things start to get bad. So my life, by sheer dumb luck, ended up being awesome for a while, all the while I was getting crazier and crazier. But I managed to pull off what most people considered to be insanely successful things. I got to be a great athlete, had a great GPA and my new college, got a fantastic job way above what anyone my age ever has, everything just happened to work perfectly.<lb><lb>The problem is, I couldn't keep it up. I got more and more paranoid and began to persistently believe I was dying of AIDS or throat cancer or that my blood was rancid. I thought those around me were conspiring to destroy my life force and basically went off the rails completely. I threw up all the time for no reason and started seeing figures following me and yelling at me to get my attention. I would cut parts of my body (not my wrist, places like my forehead or legs or hands or other places) because I was convinced that feeling the warm, wet blood would feel good enough to make me feel better.<lb><lb>So now I'm with a psychiatrist and back in touch with reality more or less, but I can't remember who I was. Its like I know my life story but I don't feel like it was actually me, or how I had a few years of such success. Now I wake up every day and everyone has these huge expectations but I have no idea how to meet them. I am not trying to brag but people routinely comment (professors and such) that I may be an actual genius, and they mean it, but I feel like a totally useless person. I can't even take care of myself in my private life because I have no concept of time, so I can literally forget to eat until I get sick. Everyone expects me to preform great as an athlete but I have no idea how I ever did that or how to go about doing it now, I feel like I have no idea where that expectation came from because it wasn't me who was a great athlete. And everyone expects me to be an executive in the company I work for in the next few years, but I don't have any idea how I even ended up with my job. I can't remember any of the skills I needed to even get in the door, I'm under qualified and have probably just been lucky no one has noticed yet. The job is literally the product of insanely good luck but now I'm stuck.<lb><lb>I don't know what to do with myself. Sometimes I want to end it because I feel like I'm living under expectations that have nothing to do with me. I feel like I won a lottery ticket years ago when things were good, and because of that everyone in my life expects me to keep winning them and hates me for not being able to anymore. <lb><lb>Does anyone out there have any words of help? I'm sorry if I sound like a total arrogant prick. I just have no idea what to do. I feel like I woke up in someone else's shadow. <lb><lb>If you made it this far thank you for reading my keyboard diarrhea. <lb> <lb>I guess I just want help or want to feel like someone, somewhere at least has let me vent to them.
id 793nle
subreddit PlasticSurgery
title Fat grafting &amp; vertical canthoplasty exper...
selftext I have always been interested in doing fat gra...
Name: 235133, dtype: object
I have always been interested in doing fat grafting on my face. I always think that i have an uneven and flat face. Also although my eyes have double eyelid &amp; big but i was interested to lengthen and widen my eyes to make it look brighter. After doing much research on the internet, i shortlisted a few hospitals and finally decided to get it done at Regen hospital in seoul (was impressed by a singapore bongqiuqiu fat graft results). I did a consultation via kakao by their consultant Jina and was efficient in assisting me &amp; answering all my queries. Regen also provide pick up and send off service to &amp; from the airport to the hotel.<lb><lb>And so today was my scheduled consultation date. Regen hospital is located at a very convinent location which is easy to find and next to the subway. I finally met up with Jina in person, she was pretty, friendly and very nice. She also speaks good english and a good translator. She accompanied me to the consultation with doctor Lee Seok Joon that in charge of my surgeries. Doctor Lee was very detailed in what is he going to do. I have a very high forehead and and sharp chin, so he suggested putting more fats on the side of my face to make it look fuller and more volume. Also some fats would be transferred to my forehead, laugh lines and chin. As for my eyes, Doctor Lee said that my eyes are long enough and if I want to lengthen it which is called lateral canthoplasty, i cant see a big difference. So i choose vertical canthoplasty which opens my eyes vertically which can make my eye white more obvious and it gives me brighter eyes &amp; a softer look. As i have fillers done before on my laugh lines and chin, i have to melt them away. After deciding and confirming my surgeries, i followed Jina for the application of numb cream. 15 minutes later, Doctor Lee came up and injected on my laugh lines and chin for the melting of my fillers and yes I am done for the day. <lb><lb>Its 12 hours since my injection and wow i was amazed that my fillers was gone like magic. I was happy as i really dislike the chin fillers i did before &amp; was unable to get rid of it but it all went off today! <lb><lb>My surgery is scheduled for 10am and i am very excited about it. I will update again after my surgery is done.<lb><lb><lb>11th day of surgery<lb>Hi~~ Im back! Sorry for the slow updates! <lb>I had my eye stitches removed yesterday. My face swelling had gone down alot. And i am very pleased with my fat grafting surgery results! It gives my face a more volumed look and i look younger. As for my eyes, there wont be a drastic difference but it will make my eyes look slightly bigger and definately brighter without any eye make up. <lb><lb>So i have posted a link below for my before and after surgery photos. [Before and after photos]( <lb><lb><lb>~My experience at Regen. ~<lb>On the day of surgery was a nerve wrecking &amp; exciting one. I was so scared thinking.. “what if i wakes up halfway during surgery?” , “what if my surgery went wrong?”, many what ifs in my mind. And the moment when i lie on the operating bed, my heart beats faster &amp; i am soooo scared. But Jina my consultant was with me all the while even in the operation room &amp; trust me, it makes me feel much better. The staffs are efficient &amp; professional. After injecting the anesthesia , i feel into a deep sleep. The next moment when i woke up i, was already half sitting on a sofa. The surgery was a success! Yay, i survived it. And the next few days after surgery, i still can walk and eat as usual &amp; did alot of shopping too. <lb><lb>So now, i am very pleased with my new face. And i will be definately going back to Regen if i want anymore changes to my face. And i would like to thank Dr Lee which i didnt regret on trusting him with my face. Also to Jina who is always there attending to my queries 24/7. <lb><lb>I will post up more pictures when my face bruising &amp; eye swells to go down. Please feel free to leave a comment or any questions about my surgery~<lb><lb>13thday after surgery - [13thday](
id 4npgvr
subreddit socialism
title Liberal Co-optation of Queer Pride
selftext So I went to the Pride parade/festival in a ne...
Name: 201810, dtype: object
So I went to the Pride parade/festival in a nearby city today with a queer organization and a bunch of friends and it was a lot of fun. I met a lot of friends down there, and a lot of new people who were really cool.<lb><lb>But as always is the case, something bothered me that doesn't seem to bother other people as much, and didn't seem to bother me a few years ago. I sort of feel bad for caring so much, because I understand why it's (for the time) unavoidable, but it still bothered me.<lb><lb>There were company advertisements fucking everywhere. Restaurants, hotels, phone companies - you name it, they came out.<lb><lb>Don't get me wrong, I understand, we still live in a capitalist economy and money doesn't come from nowhere; the organizers for this parade and festival have to pay for a lot, so allowing companies to pay for spots in the parade and for vendor spots at the festival is sort of a natural thing. That isn't what bothers me. What bothers me is that this isn't just a normal parade/festival that they're participating in, and how their participation in this one is a bit different than say, a 4th of July one. They're commodifying queer pride.<lb><lb>When a company says "We support LGBTQ+ rights!" they become moral and good in the eyes of most people. And don't get me wrong, having powerful allies in a fight (let's face it, capitalist entities are very powerful) can be very helpful in changing things, and I'm sure much of the support from the people who were actually there today, marching and socializing with us, was genuine and sincere - but those people didn't make the decision to make their companies queer friendly, their bosses did. Is that really why CEOs and company presidents are doing this? Because they really care that much about changing things?<lb><lb>With so much queer affirmation going on, I can't help but wonder: is the affirmation for us? Or is it for them? Is this affirmation to support the queer community? Or is it so people *see* their business saying they support the queer community?<lb><lb>On top of that, ask yourselves - how much are these companies risking by doing this? They know they're not going to lose business, at least not much, but they know they can gain a whole hell of a lot by coming out in support of queer rights at a time like this. So do they really care about our community? Or are they just taking advantage of an opportunity to boost their reputation? I'm not saying if someone isn't risking anything, their contribution doesn't matter, but it does certainly open the door for a lot of people who don't really care about their contribution. We're in a grace period where coming out in support of queer rights isn't really a big deal and won't cause you to lose very much of anything, but still *looks* like a big deal, and is something that you can sort of brag about. You can parade yourself as being a brave, courageous ally, and people will thank you for it.<lb><lb>I feel guilty analyzing it like this, because I'm sure that all of the people marching and talking with us today were genuinely in support of our community, and I'm sure that even some capitalists are as well, but I can't shake the feeling that the reason this didn't happen years ago is because it would've lost them profit, and the only reason that it's happening now is because they have profit to gain. It just sort of makes everything seem hollow. The liberal co-optation of our queer movement, and the commodification of queer pride, has turned our movement into yet another function of capital. I just feel so used.<lb><lb>Anyways, sorry for the late night rant comrades (late night here, anyway), I just had to get that off my chest. Anyone else notice this phenomenon happening, with queer pride or with other movements?<lb><lb>EDIT: On the upside, I *did* see a cool comrade carrying a black and red flag with an Anarchy symbol and a hammer and sickle on it, I talked to him for a while and he talked about how he didn't want the movement to become co-opted by capitalism, so I was pretty happy about the fact that I had at least one other comrade there.
id 79dt9n
subreddit abortion
title due date passed &amp; now facing my feelings
selftext I had a medical abortion in March. It’s so inc...
Name: 124805, dtype: object
I had a medical abortion in March. It’s so incredibly hard to find the words to fit the feelings in my head right now. <lb><lb>I am 23, and my boyfriend is 25. We live together in California, he is studying at school and I work at home as a freelance artist. We have been together for five years and our bond only grows stronger. However, things had started getting rocky in February between us. I was easily irritable and I was unable to eat properly, and it got to a point where my boyfriend insisted I test. <lb><lb>I remember so clearly, I had taken the test and left it on the counter, and was getting myself ready to step into the shower. I glanced down at the test expecting to see a negative, but to my surprise in very bold letters “pregnant”. The digital does not lie. I shut off the shower and threw on my robe and immediately shouted, “it’s positive”<lb><lb>I cried so hard. But because I was scared. I had never been in this situation before. My boyfriend supported me, we took some time to breathe. We mutually decided almost immediately that we wanted to go with abortion. And this is what is difficult for me. We both have talked about maybe having children one day, but we want to be financially ready, in a good home and have some sort of balance in our home life, work, etc. We want a good life for our babies and we want them to be healthy, safe and loved. It would be so unfair of us to not give this to our kid. Alongside this, I was concerned as I have multiple health conditions and am unsure I would be able to do this. Everything was telling us that now was not the right time. And we both strongly felt that. But the weight of making that decision was still so heavy on my heart. <lb><lb>I went to Planned Parenthood and they worked very quickly with me. I had an ultrasound and I was able to see it briefly on the scan. She told me there was definitely something despite me being only 6 weeks, she was able to find it almost instantly, and that made the reality of it all sink in. But, currently I’m battling some health conditions and am underweight, along with mild heart issues. My doctor told me that this was my best option due to my state. My emotions were a mess but my decision was still clear. I had the medical abortion at home and long story short, the process was hard on my body but I made it through. A week later I went to my follow up and they confirmed it was done. <lb><lb>I healed quickly physically which I feel very blessed. The emotional healing has been tougher. <lb><lb>October 21, 2017 would have been my estimated due date. It’s been a few months and I’ve been processing it alright, but I haven’t been handling this time of year as well as I thought I could. I feel my grief returning a little bit, and I’m seeing peers of mine having babies around the same time I was supposed to have mine. It’s been hard. I’ve been thinking about my baby a lot and I miss them, and I feel like that is unfair of me because I chose what I did. Truth is, I love my baby. I never knew them, the time I knew of them was so short and just like that they were gone. And I moved on with myself. I love them so much. I know one day they’ll find their way back to me. When the time is right for us. <lb><lb>They say there are ways to cope with grief/loss, like writing in a journal or creating art. I’ve done all that but I feel like I have to do something more to serve as a personal memorial for my baby, as some part of me must be holding on still. I just don’t know what to do yet, but I’m hoping the right idea will come to me. <lb><lb>I feel no regret for doing this and I’m very thankful I received the care that I did during that time. I’m more thankful than I can express. The road to recovery emotionally has been somewhat difficult for me, I wanted to share my experience and thoughts just in case anybody else feels similar to the way I do. It is rough to make a decision but also wish so badly you could change everything to make it work somehow. I’m hoping I can come to terms and find some peace so I can fully move on. <lb><lb><lb>Thank you got reading, much love <lb>
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