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Created May 21, 2018 16:02
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Shor's algorithm, classical part
(ns shors.core
(:require [clojure.math.combinatorics :as c]
[clojure.test :as t :refer [is deftest]]))
(def tries (atom 0))
(defn test-val
"Given p - 1, check whether p is a factor of n. Returns q if it is."
[n p-1]
(swap! tries inc)
(let [p (inc p-1)]
(when (zero? (mod n p))
(/ n p))))
(defn factor-sequences
"Return a systematic series of combinations of the factors"
(apply concat
(map (partial c/selections factors)
(range 10))))))
(defn find-p-q [n factors]
(reset! tries 0)
(let [all-seqs (factor-sequences factors)]
(loop [seqs all-seqs]
(let [cur-seq (first seqs)
p-1 (apply *' cur-seq)]
(if-let [result (or (test-val n p-1)
(> p-1 n))] ; short-circuit
[(inc p-1) result (str "tries: " @tries)]
(recur (rest seqs)))))))
;;; tests:
(and (is (= (find-p-q 35 [2 3])
[5 7 "tries: 3"]))
(is (= (find-p-q 899 [2 3 5 7])
[29 31 "tries: 24"]))
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