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Created February 4, 2022 15:01
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(ns common100k
"Version 2, using 100k words instead of 10k"
(:require [clojure.string :as s]))
;; words from
(def words (->> (slurp "./wiki-100k.txt")
;; remove comments
(remove #(s/starts-with? % "#"))))
(count words);; => 98913
(take 10 words);; => ("the" "of" "and" "to" "a" "in" "that" "I" "was" "he")
(def words-5 (filter #(= 5 (count %)) words))
(count words-5);; => 13736
(take 5 words-5);; => ("which" "their" "would" "there" "could")
(def lowercase-letters (set (map str (seq "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"))))
(def letters (->> (apply str words-5)
(map s/lower-case)
;; ditch apostrophes & other symbols
(filter #(contains? lowercase-letters %))))
(count letters);; => 67437
(def letter-freqs (frequencies letters));; => #'common100k/letter-freqs
(->> (sort-by val > letter-freqs)
(map first)
(s/join " "));; => "e a s r o t i n l d u c h m g p b y f k w v j z x q"
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