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Last active July 1, 2019 00:58
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Datomic-ish pull for vanilla Clojure data structures
(ns datapull
"Datomic-ish pull for vanilla Clojure data structures. Usage examples in test below."
(:require [clojure.test :as t]))
;; Alternatives:
;; - Juxt has a full-featured library for doing the same thing:
;; - Meander and Specter are both libraries for performing complex searches & transformations on Clojure data
(defn- seq-into
"Like into, but returns nil if existing-seq is empty or contains only nils."
[empty-coll existing-seq]
(let [nil-free-existing-seq (remove nil? existing-seq)]
(when (seq nil-free-existing-seq)
(into empty-coll nil-free-existing-seq))))
(defn dpull*
"Inner implementation of dpull"
[d p]
(when (and d p)
(sequential? p) ; seq containing keys for a collection
(assert (or (map? d) (set? d) (sequential? d)) (str "Pull vector " p " can't be applied to a " (type d) ", only to a map or sequence."))
(apply merge
(seq-into []
(map (partial dpull* d) p))))
(map? p) ; specification for a key and its substructure
(assert (= 1 (count p)) (str "Pull syntax map " p " can only contain one item."))
(let [[k v] (first p)]
(assert (vector? v) (str "Value in pull syntax map " p " must be a vector; " v " is a " (type v) "."))
;; k tells us what substructure to get from d; v describes what should
;; be pulled from that substructure.
(when (contains? d k)
(when-let [v-pull (dpull* (get d k) v)]
{k v-pull}))))
:else ; treat this element as a key which must be present in the current data structure
(assert (or (map? d) (set? d) (sequential? d)) (str "Pull vector " p " can't be applied to a " (type d) ", only to a map or sequence."))
(if (or (sequential? d) (set? d)) ; seq-ish of entities; apply pull to each
(seq-into (empty d)
(remove nil?
(mapv #(dpull* % p) d)))
(when-let [v (get d p)] {p v})))))) ; simple map retrieval
(defn dpull
"Pull data from a nested data structure d, using Datomic pull structure p.
Matches Datomic pull behavior in most ways, but it's unnecessary to use '* for
'all attributes'; simply including :foo/bar without further specification is
sufficient to return all substructure of :foo/bar."
[d p]
(assert (vector? p) "Top-level structure of pull specification must be a vector.")
(dpull* d p))
(t/deftest dpull-test
(let [ex {:user/id 12,
:user/name "Bob",
:user/address {:address/town "Springfield",
:address/zip "11111",
:address/georegion {:georegion/name "Central Valley",
:georegion/ave-temp 80}}
:user/pets [{:pet/name "Tony",
:pet/type "Tiger"},
{:pet/name "Louis",
:pet/type "Lion"}]
1247 :excuse-for-non-kw-key
:user/emails #{{:email/name "Gmail", :email/address ""}
{:email/name "Yahoo", :email/address ""}}}]
;; TODO maybe add nested-vector case?
(t/testing "simple cases"
(t/is (= {:user/name "Bob"}
(dpull ex [:user/name])))
(t/is (= {:user/name "Bob", :user/id 12}
(dpull ex [:user/name :user/id])))
(t/is (= {1247 :excuse-for-non-kw-key}
(dpull ex [1247]))))
(t/testing "simple nested maps"
(t/is (= {:user/name "Bob", :user/address {:address/zip "11111"}}
(dpull ex [:user/name {:user/address [:address/zip]}])))
(t/is (= {:user/address {:address/zip "11111"}}
(dpull ex [{:user/address [:address/zip]}])))
(t/is (= #:user{:address #:address{:georegion #:georegion{:ave-temp 80}}}
(dpull ex [{:user/address [{:address/georegion [:georegion/ave-temp]}]}]))))
(t/testing "underspecification of nested structures returns everything (so no need for '*)"
(t/is (= #:user{:address
#:address{:town "Springfield",
:zip "11111",
:georegion #:georegion{:name "Central Valley", :ave-temp 80}}}
(dpull ex [:user/address]))))
(t/testing "sequences in data structure"
(t/is (= {:user/pets [{:pet/type "Tiger"} {:pet/type "Lion"}]}
(dpull ex [{:user/pets [:pet/type]}]))))
(t/testing "sets"
(t/is (= {:user/emails #{{:email/name "Gmail"}, {:email/name "Yahoo"}}}
(dpull ex [{:user/emails [:email/name]}]))))
(t/testing "missing"
(t/is (= {:user/id 12}
(dpull ex [:user/id :user/religion])))
(t/is (= nil
(dpull ex [{:user/emails [:email/administrator]}])))
(t/is (= nil
(dpull ex [{:user/pets [:pet/diseases]}]))))
(t/testing "nil data structure (pull structure isn't allowed to be nil):"
(t/is (= nil (dpull nil [:foo/bar]))))))
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