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Last active September 11, 2017 09:40
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Snippet for post Install nelmio/alice di Framework Symfony
# app/config/config_dev.yml
# NelmioAliceBundle setting (boleh ditempatkan diakhir file)
locale: 'id_ID' # Default locale for the Faker Generator (id_ID untuk Indonesia Bahasa Indonesia)
seed: 1 # Value used make sure Faker generates data consistently across
# runs, set to null to disable.
functions_blacklist: # Some Faker formatter may have the same name as PHP
- 'current' # native functions. PHP functions have the priority,
- 'date' # so if you want to use a Faker formatter instead,
# blacklist this function here
loading_limit: 5 # Alice may do some recursion to resolve certain values.
# This parameter defines a limit which will stop the
# resolution once reached.
max_unique_values_retry: 150 # Maximum number of time Alice can try to
# generate a unique value before stopping and
# failing.
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