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Created December 29, 2015 07:27
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toy lexer+ parser
package org.eginez.gParser
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.ToString
import static TokenType.*
import groovy.util.logging.Slf4j
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator
enum TokenType { AssignToken, NumberToken, SymbolToken, OperatorToken, LParToken, RParToken }
class Token<T> {
TokenType type
T value
class Node {
Token<?> token = null
List<Node> children = []
class Parser {
Node parse(Queue<Token> tokens) throws Exception {
def Node expectExpression(Queue<Token> tokens) throws Exception {
case SymbolToken: return expectAssigment(tokens)
case NumberToken: return expectOperation(tokens)
default: throw new IllegalStateException('Bad parsin expecting: symbol')
Node expectAssigment(Queue<Token> tokens) throws Exception {
Node identifier = expectSymbol(tokens.poll())
Node assigment = expectOperator(tokens.poll(), AssignToken)
Node operation = expectOperation(tokens)
assigment.children += [identifier, operation]
return assigment
Node expectOperation(Queue<Token> tokens) throws Exception {
Node operand = expectOperand(tokens.poll())
if(!tokens.isEmpty() && tokens.peek().type == OperatorToken) {
Node optr = expectOperator(tokens.poll(), OperatorToken)
Node opt = expectOperation(tokens)
optr.children += [operand, opt]
return optr
} else {
return operand
Node expectOperand(Token t) throws Exception {
if( t.type == SymbolToken || t.type == NumberToken) {
return new Node(token: t)
throw new IllegalStateException('Bad parsing expecting: symbol or number')
Node expectSymbol(Token t) throws Exception {
if(t.type != SymbolToken){
throw new IllegalStateException('Bad parsing expecting: symbol')
return new Node(token: t, children: [])
Node expectOperator(Token t, TokenType type ) throws Exception {
if (t.type != type) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Bad parsing expecting: $type")
new Node(token: t, children: [])
expression : assigment | operation
assigment : identifier = operation
operation : operand (operator operand)*
operand: identifier | number
operator: +|-|'*'| \/
identifier: word
class Main {
Closure<String> takeWhile = { Queue q, Character f ->
def bld = new StringBuilder()
while(q.peek() != f && !q.isEmpty()) {
def symbolTable = [:]
public static void main(String[] args) {
def main = new Main();
public void start() {
BufferedReader sc = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
while(true) {
def queue = new LinkedList<Character>()
queue.addAll(sc.readLine().toCharArray() as Character[])
try {
def tokens = proccessLine(queue)
Node ast = parse(tokens)
//log.debug ast.toString()
println resolve(ast)
} catch (Exception ex) {
log.error('Bad parsing', ex)
def Node parse(Queue<Token> tokens) {
def parser = new Parser()
def ast = parser.parse(tokens)
return ast
def resolve(Node node) {
switch(node.token.type) {
case SymbolToken:
if ((String) node.token.value in symbolTable) return symbolTable[node.token.value as String]
else throw new IllegalStateException("Not valid symbol ${node.token.value}")
case NumberToken:
return node.token.value
case OperatorToken:
int a = resolve(node.children[0]) as int
int b = resolve(node.children[1]) as int
case '+': return a + b
case '-': return a - b
case '*': return a * b
default: log.error('No recognized op');
case AssignToken:
def name = node.children[0].token.value
def value = resolve(node.children[1]) as int
symbolTable[name as String] = value
return value
default: log.error('Unrecognized node'); break;
def Queue<Token> proccessLine(Queue queue){
def tokens = new LinkedList<Token>()
switch (queue.peek()) {
case 'a'..'z': tokens << lexIdentifier(queue); break;
case '0'..'9': tokens << lexNumber(queue); break;
case ['+' , '*', '-', '/'].collect{it as char}: tokens << new Token<String>(type: TokenType.OperatorToken, value: queue.poll()); break;
case ')': queue.poll(); tokens << new Token<String>(type: TokenType.RParToken, value: ')'); break;
case '(': queue.poll(); tokens << new Token<String>(type: TokenType.LParToken, value: '('); break;
case ' ': queue.poll(); break;
case '=': queue.poll(); tokens << new Token<String>(type: TokenType.AssignToken, value: '='); break;
default: println("Cant understant token: ${queue.poll()}"); System.exit(-1);
def Token<String> lexIdentifier(Queue queue) {
def value = takeWhile(queue, ' ' as char)
new Token<String>(type: TokenType.SymbolToken, value: value)
def Token<Integer> lexNumber(Queue queue) {
def value = takeWhile(queue, ' ' as char)
new Token<Integer>(type: TokenType.NumberToken, value: value as Integer)
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