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Last active December 8, 2019 07:33
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Advent of Code 2019 (Day 5)
from typing import Callable as Fun, Dict, List, Tuple, Optional, NamedTuple
from itertools import accumulate, chain, dropwhile, islice, repeat
from operator import add, mul, eq, lt, getitem

Helper functions

iterate = lambda f: lambda x: accumulate(repeat(x), lambda fx, _: f(fx))
take = lambda n, iterable: tuple(islice(iterable, n))  # From "Itertools Recipes"


Program = List[int]

with open("05-input.txt", "r") as f:
    program: Program = list(map(int,",")))

Part 1

Run an Intcode program

Outputs = List[int]

class Intcode(NamedTuple):
    ptr: Optional[int]  # None halts the program
    prog: Program
    outs: Outputs
Modes = Tuple[int, ...]
Operation = Fun[[Modes, Intcode], Intcode]

def diagnostic_code(ops: Dict[int, Operation], prog: Program, input: int) -> int:
    return outputs(ops, prog, input)[-1]

def outputs(ops: Dict[int, Operation], prog: Program, input: int) -> Outputs:
    runs = iterate(execute(ops))(init(prog, input))
    return next(dropwhile(running, runs)).outs

def init(prog: Program, input: int) -> Intcode:
    p = prog.copy()
    p[p[1]] = input
    return Intcode(ptr=2, prog=p, outs=[])

running = lambda ip: ip.ptr is not None

def execute(ops: Dict[int, Operation]) -> Fun[[Intcode], Intcode]:
    def execute_instruction(ip: Intcode) -> Intcode:
        opcode, *modes = instruction(ip.prog[ip.ptr])
        return ops[opcode](modes, ip)
    return execute_instruction

def instruction(inst: int) -> Tuple[int, ...]:
    if inst < 100:  # Just opcode, no parameter modes
        return (inst,)
    *modes, op0, op1 = list(str(inst))
    return int(op0 + op1), *map(int, reversed(modes))


def operation(f: Fun[[int, int], int]) -> Operation:
    def operate(modes: Modes, ip: Intcode) -> Intcode:
        p = ip.prog.copy()
        m, n = extend(modes)
        p[p[ip.ptr + 3]] = f(PMODE[m](p, ip.ptr + 1), PMODE[n](p, ip.ptr + 2))
        return Intcode(ptr=ip.ptr + 4, prog=p, outs=ip.outs)
    return operate

def extend(modes: Modes) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    return take(2, chain(modes, repeat(0)))

def output(_, ip: Intcode) -> Intcode:
    out = PMODE[0](ip.prog, ip.ptr + 1)
    return Intcode(ptr=ip.ptr + 2, prog=ip.prog, outs=ip.outs + [out])
def halt(_, ip: Intcode) -> Intcode:
    return Intcode(ptr=None, prog=ip.prog, outs=ip.outs)

ops = {1: operation(add),
       2: operation(mul),
       4: output,
       99: halt}

Parameter modes

PMODE = (lambda prog, ptr: prog[prog[ptr]],  # Position mode
         getitem)                            # Immediate mode


assert diagnostic_code(ops, program, input=1) == 7157989

Part 2

def jump_when(cond: Fun[[int], bool]) -> Operation:
    def jump(modes: Modes, ip: Intcode) -> Intcode:
        m, n = extend(modes)
        if cond(PMODE[m](ip.prog, ip.ptr + 1)):
            return Intcode(ptr=PMODE[n](ip.prog, ip.ptr + 2), prog=ip.prog, outs=ip.outs)
        return Intcode(ptr=ip.ptr + 3, prog=ip.prog, outs=ip.outs)
    return jump

def store_when(cond: Fun[[int, int], bool]) -> Operation:
    def store(modes: Modes, ip: Intcode) -> Intcode:
        p = ip.prog.copy()
        m, n = extend(modes)
        if cond(PMODE[m](p, ip.ptr + 1), PMODE[n](p, ip.ptr + 2)):
            p[p[ip.ptr + 3]] = 1
            p[p[ip.ptr + 3]] = 0
        return Intcode(ptr=ip.ptr + 4, prog=p, outs=ip.outs)
    return store

Extend operations

ops_extended = {**ops,
                5: jump_when(lambda x: x != 0),
                6: jump_when(lambda x: x == 0),
                7: store_when(lt),
                8: store_when(eq)}


assert diagnostic_code(ops_extended, program, input=5) == 7873292
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