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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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package egonelbre
import (
type process struct {
quit chan struct{}
sleep chan struct{}
func newprocess() process {
return process{
quit: make(chan struct{}),
sleep: make(chan struct{}, 1),
func (p process) exit() { close(p.quit) }
func (p process) wait() { <-p.quit }
func (p process) exited() bool {
select {
case <-p.quit:
return true
return false
func (p process) waitchange(other process, expect int32, pv *int32) (exited bool) {
// say we are sleep
p.sleep <- struct{}{}
v := atomic.LoadInt32(pv)
// go to sleep
for expect == v {
select {
case <-other.quit:
return true
case p.sleep <- struct{}{}:
v = atomic.LoadInt32(pv)
return false
func (p process) unwait() {
// clear sleeping
select {
case <-p.sleep:
func chunk(a []byte) []byte {
const maxchunk = 8 << 10
if len(a) > maxchunk {
return a[:maxchunk]
return a
func Copy(dst io.Writer, src io.Reader, buffer int) (written int64, err error) {
buf := make([]byte, buffer)
buflen := int32(len(buf))
// data[ low : high ] is the written part of buf
// data[ high : low ] is the unwritten part of the buf
low, high := int32(0), int32(0)
var rerr, werr error
r := newprocess()
w := newprocess()
go func() {
defer r.exit()
h := atomic.LoadInt32(&high)
for rerr == nil && !w.exited() {
l := atomic.LoadInt32(&low)
// are we full
if (h+1)%buflen == l {
exited := r.waitchange(w, l, &low)
l = atomic.LoadInt32(&low)
if exited {
var next []byte
switch {
case l == 0:
next = buf[h : len(buf)-1]
case h < l:
next = buf[h : l-1]
case l <= h:
next = buf[h:]
var nr int
for len(next) > 0 && rerr == nil && !w.exited() {
nr, rerr = src.Read(chunk(next))
h = (h + int32(nr)) % buflen
atomic.StoreInt32(&high, h)
next = next[nr:]
go func() {
defer w.exit()
l := atomic.LoadInt32(&low)
for werr == nil {
h := atomic.LoadInt32(&high)
// are we empty?
if l == h {
exited := w.waitchange(r, h, &high)
h = atomic.LoadInt32(&high)
if l == h && exited {
var next []byte
if l < h {
next = buf[l:h]
} else if h <= l {
next = buf[l:]
var nr int
for len(next) > 0 && werr == nil {
nr, werr = dst.Write(next)
atomic.AddInt64(&written, int64(nr))
l = (l + int32(nr)) % buflen
atomic.StoreInt32(&low, l)
next = next[nr:]
// Wait until both finish and return
switch {
case rerr == nil || rerr == io.EOF:
return written, werr
// what if both errors happened?
return written, rerr
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