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Last active December 15, 2018 12:05
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  • Save egonelbre/69c48199f391be6b545468f88d72e8f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save egonelbre/69c48199f391be6b545468f88d72e8f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Go all.bat on all different filesystems
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 3.046s
ok archive/zip 4.135s
ok bufio 1.170s
ok bytes 2.776s
ok compress/bzip2 0.423s
ok compress/flate 3.838s
ok compress/gzip 2.769s
ok compress/lzw 2.183s
ok compress/zlib 3.355s
ok container/heap 2.480s
ok container/list 2.211s
ok container/ring 2.485s
ok context 2.625s
ok crypto 0.631s
ok crypto/aes 1.389s
ok crypto/cipher 1.944s
ok crypto/des 2.201s
ok crypto/dsa 0.882s
ok crypto/ecdsa 2.527s
ok crypto/elliptic 2.610s
ok crypto/hmac 3.005s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.737s
ok crypto/md5 2.744s
ok crypto/rand 3.881s
ok crypto/rc4 2.741s
ok crypto/rsa 3.553s
ok crypto/sha1 2.549s
ok crypto/sha256 2.814s
ok crypto/sha512 3.238s
ok crypto/subtle 2.984s
ok crypto/tls 5.232s
ok crypto/x509 2.224s
ok database/sql 2.577s
ok database/sql/driver 0.388s
ok debug/dwarf 2.528s
ok debug/elf 0.646s
ok debug/gosym 2.740s
ok debug/macho 1.797s
ok debug/pe 11.111s
ok debug/plan9obj 1.254s
ok encoding/ascii85 2.313s
ok encoding/asn1 2.733s
ok encoding/base32 3.422s
ok encoding/base64 2.621s
ok encoding/binary 2.245s
ok encoding/csv 3.683s
ok encoding/gob 0.836s
ok encoding/hex 2.880s
ok encoding/json 1.191s
ok encoding/pem 0.516s
ok encoding/xml 1.272s
ok errors 3.139s
ok expvar 3.758s
ok flag 0.739s
ok fmt 1.363s
ok go/ast 4.249s
ok go/build 0.765s
ok go/constant 0.694s
ok go/doc 1.800s
ok go/format 0.446s
ok go/importer 3.347s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 2.996s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 4.154s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 3.399s
ok go/parser 1.994s
ok go/printer 3.770s
ok go/scanner 2.559s
ok go/token 0.947s
ok go/types 2.179s
ok hash 1.233s
ok hash/adler32 1.501s
ok hash/crc32 0.412s
ok hash/crc64 3.768s
ok hash/fnv 3.231s
ok html 2.875s
ok html/template 2.695s
ok image 3.911s
ok image/color 0.714s
ok image/draw 2.699s
ok image/gif 1.555s
ok image/jpeg 1.550s
ok image/png 2.960s
ok index/suffixarray 2.426s
ok internal/cpu 0.872s
ok internal/fmtsort 3.330s
ok internal/poll 2.250s
ok internal/singleflight 1.944s
ok internal/syscall/windows 2.184s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 4.065s
ok internal/trace 3.819s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 3.620s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 4.572s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 4.597s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 4.330s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 4.614s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 4.854s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 0.719s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 0.782s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 1.200s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 0.952s
ok internal/x/net/idna 0.441s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 2.157s
ok internal/x/text/transform 1.458s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 1.973s
ok internal/xcoff 2.744s
ok io 2.522s
ok io/ioutil 3.726s
ok log 2.809s
ok math 2.107s
ok math/big 1.463s
ok math/bits 1.415s
ok math/cmplx 3.012s
ok math/rand 3.379s
ok mime 3.997s
ok mime/multipart 4.532s
ok mime/quotedprintable 3.588s
ok net 8.331s
ok net/http 3.465s
ok net/http/cgi 4.298s
ok net/http/cookiejar 0.439s
ok net/http/fcgi 0.403s
ok net/http/httptest 3.201s
ok net/http/httptrace 0.662s
ok net/http/httputil 1.470s
ok net/http/internal 0.579s
ok net/http/pprof 3.685s
ok net/internal/socktest 0.845s
ok net/mail 2.368s
ok net/rpc 1.883s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 2.682s
ok net/smtp 2.252s
ok net/textproto 2.491s
ok net/url 0.448s
ok os 5.606s
ok os/exec 38.505s
ok os/signal 4.024s
ok os/user 2.169s
ok path 0.799s
ok path/filepath 1.102s
ok plugin 0.683s
ok reflect 1.039s
ok regexp 2.273s
ok regexp/syntax 1.030s
ok runtime 35.397s
ok runtime/debug 1.434s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.806s
ok runtime/internal/math 0.878s
ok runtime/internal/sys 1.143s
ok runtime/pprof 11.867s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 1.679s
ok runtime/trace 3.456s
ok sort 0.509s
ok strconv 1.518s
ok strings 0.967s
ok sync 2.756s
ok sync/atomic 0.613s
ok syscall 0.845s
ok testing 2.295s
ok testing/quick 1.005s
ok text/scanner 1.358s
ok text/tabwriter 1.331s
ok text/template 1.152s
ok text/template/parse 0.957s
ok time 4.782s
ok unicode 1.072s
ok unicode/utf16 1.869s
ok unicode/utf8 1.231s
ok cmd/addr2line 5.692s
ok cmd/api 0.828s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 2.079s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.515s
ok cmd/compile 1.689s
ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 16.466s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 2.034s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.388s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 1.151s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 2.751s
ok cmd/cover 7.043s
ok cmd/doc 2.243s
ok cmd/fix 12.099s
ok cmd/go 130.843s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 9.381s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.621s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 2.058s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 0.772s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.868s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.535s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 1.088s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.360s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 2.742s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 2.485s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 2.270s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 2.242s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 1.729s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 1.798s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 1.844s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 2.118s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 1.853s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 1.135s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 1.412s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 1.140s
ok cmd/go/internal/work 2.021s
ok cmd/gofmt 1.640s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.428s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.961s
ok cmd/internal/edit 1.872s
ok cmd/internal/goobj 2.411s
ok cmd/internal/obj 1.938s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 2.715s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 4.264s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 2.907s
ok cmd/internal/src 2.394s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 2.178s
ok cmd/link 5.015s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 5.659s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 3.146s
ok cmd/nm 9.262s
ok cmd/objdump 9.147s
ok cmd/pack 12.625s
ok cmd/trace 0.465s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.288s
ok cmd/vendor/ 5.805s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.204s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.653s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.223s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.809s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.594s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.208s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.602s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.186s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.704s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.002s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.433s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.134s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.341s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.925s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.778s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.681s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.319s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.384s
ok cmd/vet 7.195s
##### os/user with tag osusergo
ok os/user 0.289s
##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick
ok runtime 20.214s
##### Testing without libgcc.
ok crypto/x509 1.521s
ok net 0.308s
ok os/user 0.285s
##### sync -cpu=10
ok sync 0.790s
##### Testing race detector
ok runtime/race 15.566s
ok flag 1.185s
ok net 1.949s
ok os 1.199s [no tests to run]
ok os/exec 3.228s
ok encoding/gob 1.247s
scatter = 00000000005EF760
hello from C
sqrt is: 0
ok _/c_/Go.tip/misc/cgo/test 2.642s
ok flag 1.594s
ok os/exec 3.857s
##### ../misc/cgo/stdio
##### ../misc/cgo/life
##### ../misc/cgo/test
scatter = 00000000005450F0
hello from C
sqrt is: 0
ok _/c_/Go.tip/misc/cgo/test 1.338s
scatter = 0000000000402380
hello from C
sqrt is: 0
ok _/c_/Go.tip/misc/cgo/test 1.359s
scatter = 00000000005450F0
hello from C
sqrt is: 0
ok _/c_/Go.tip/misc/cgo/test 1.338s
scatter = 00000000005450F0
hello from C
sqrt is: 0
ok _/c_/Go.tip/misc/cgo/test 1.341s
##### ../misc/cgo/testso
##### ../misc/cgo/testsovar
##### ../misc/cgo/testcarchive
##### ../misc/cgo/testcshared
##### ../test/bench/go1
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok _/c_/Go.tip/test/bench/go1 2.504s
##### ../test
##### API check
+pkg bytes, func ReplaceAll([]uint8, []uint8, []uint8) []uint8
+pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 = 4865
+pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 uint16
+pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 = 4866
+pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 uint16
+pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 = 4867
+pkg crypto/tls, const TLS_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256 uint16
+pkg crypto/tls, const VersionTLS13 = 772
+pkg crypto/tls, const VersionTLS13 ideal-int
+pkg crypto/tls, type RecordHeaderError struct, Conn net.Conn
+pkg debug/elf, const R_RISCV_32_PCREL = 57
+pkg debug/elf, const R_RISCV_32_PCREL R_RISCV
+pkg debug/pe, const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT = 452
+pkg debug/pe, const IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE_ARMNT ideal-int
+pkg expvar, method (*Map) Delete(string)
+pkg go/doc, const PreserveAST = 4
+pkg go/doc, const PreserveAST Mode
+pkg go/importer, func ForCompiler(*token.FileSet, string, Lookup) types.Importer
+pkg go/token, method (*File) LineStart(int) Pos
+pkg io, type StringWriter interface { WriteString }
+pkg io, type StringWriter interface, WriteString(string) (int, error)
+pkg log, method (*Logger) Writer() io.Writer
+pkg math/bits, func Add(uint, uint, uint) (uint, uint)
+pkg math/bits, func Add32(uint32, uint32, uint32) (uint32, uint32)
+pkg math/bits, func Add64(uint64, uint64, uint64) (uint64, uint64)
+pkg math/bits, func Div(uint, uint, uint) (uint, uint)
+pkg math/bits, func Div32(uint32, uint32, uint32) (uint32, uint32)
+pkg math/bits, func Div64(uint64, uint64, uint64) (uint64, uint64)
+pkg math/bits, func Mul(uint, uint) (uint, uint)
+pkg math/bits, func Mul32(uint32, uint32) (uint32, uint32)
+pkg math/bits, func Mul64(uint64, uint64) (uint64, uint64)
+pkg math/bits, func Sub(uint, uint, uint) (uint, uint)
+pkg math/bits, func Sub32(uint32, uint32, uint32) (uint32, uint32)
+pkg math/bits, func Sub64(uint64, uint64, uint64) (uint64, uint64)
+pkg net/http, const StatusTooEarly = 425
+pkg net/http, const StatusTooEarly ideal-int
+pkg net/http, method (*Client) CloseIdleConnections()
+pkg os, const ModeType = 2401763328
+pkg os, func UserHomeDir() (string, error)
+pkg os, method (*ProcessState) ExitCode() int
+pkg os/exec, method (ExitError) ExitCode() int
+pkg reflect, method (*MapIter) Key() Value
+pkg reflect, method (*MapIter) Next() bool
+pkg reflect, method (*MapIter) Value() Value
+pkg reflect, method (Value) MapRange() *MapIter
+pkg reflect, type MapIter struct
+pkg runtime/debug, func ReadBuildInfo() (*BuildInfo, bool)
+pkg runtime/debug, type BuildInfo struct
+pkg runtime/debug, type BuildInfo struct, Deps []*Module
+pkg runtime/debug, type BuildInfo struct, Main Module
+pkg runtime/debug, type BuildInfo struct, Path string
+pkg runtime/debug, type Module struct
+pkg runtime/debug, type Module struct, Path string
+pkg runtime/debug, type Module struct, Replace *Module
+pkg runtime/debug, type Module struct, Sum string
+pkg runtime/debug, type Module struct, Version string
+pkg strings, func ReplaceAll(string, string, string) string
+pkg strings, method (*Builder) Cap() int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func Fstatat(int, string, *Stat_t, int) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), func Mknod(string, uint32, uint64) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Dirent struct, Fileno uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Dirent struct, Namlen uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Dirent struct, Off int64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Dirent struct, Pad0 uint8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Dirent struct, Pad1 uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Atim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Atim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Birthtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Blksize int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Btim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Ctim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Ctim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Dev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Gen uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Ino uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Mtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Mtim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Nlink uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Padding0 int16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Padding1 int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Rdev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Stat_t struct, Spare [10]uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Statfs_t struct, Mntfromname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386), type Statfs_t struct, Mntonname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func Fstatat(int, string, *Stat_t, int) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), func Mknod(string, uint32, uint64) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Dirent struct, Fileno uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Dirent struct, Namlen uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Dirent struct, Off int64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Dirent struct, Pad0 uint8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Dirent struct, Pad1 uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Atim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Atim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Birthtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Blksize int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Btim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Ctim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Ctim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Dev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Gen uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Ino uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Mtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Mtim_ext int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Nlink uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Padding0 int16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Padding1 int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Rdev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Spare [10]uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Statfs_t struct, Mntfromname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-386-cgo), type Statfs_t struct, Mntonname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func Fstatat(int, string, *Stat_t, int) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), func Mknod(string, uint32, uint64) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Dirent struct, Fileno uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Dirent struct, Namlen uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Dirent struct, Off int64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Dirent struct, Pad0 uint8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Dirent struct, Pad1 uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Atim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Birthtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Blksize int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Ctim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Dev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Gen uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Ino uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Mtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Nlink uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Padding0 int16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Padding1 int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Rdev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Stat_t struct, Spare [10]uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Statfs_t struct, Mntfromname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64), type Statfs_t struct, Mntonname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func Fstatat(int, string, *Stat_t, int) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), func Mknod(string, uint32, uint64) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Dirent struct, Fileno uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Dirent struct, Namlen uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Dirent struct, Off int64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Dirent struct, Pad0 uint8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Dirent struct, Pad1 uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Atim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Birthtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Blksize int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Ctim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Dev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Gen uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Ino uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Mtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Nlink uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Padding0 int16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Padding1 int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Rdev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Spare [10]uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Statfs_t struct, Mntfromname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-amd64-cgo), type Statfs_t struct, Mntonname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func Fstatat(int, string, *Stat_t, int) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), func Mknod(string, uint32, uint64) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Dirent struct, Fileno uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Dirent struct, Namlen uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Dirent struct, Off int64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Dirent struct, Pad0 uint8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Dirent struct, Pad1 uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Atim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Birthtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Blksize int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Ctim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Dev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Gen uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Ino uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Mtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Nlink uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Padding0 int16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Padding1 int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Rdev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Stat_t struct, Spare [10]uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Statfs_t struct, Mntfromname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm), type Statfs_t struct, Mntonname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func Fstatat(int, string, *Stat_t, int) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), func Mknod(string, uint32, uint64) error
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Dirent struct, Fileno uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Dirent struct, Namlen uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Dirent struct, Off int64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Dirent struct, Pad0 uint8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Dirent struct, Pad1 uint16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Atim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Birthtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Blksize int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Ctim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Dev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Gen uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Ino uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Mtim Timespec
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Nlink uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Padding0 int16
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Padding1 int32
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Rdev uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Stat_t struct, Spare [10]uint64
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Statfs_t struct, Mntfromname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (freebsd-arm-cgo), type Statfs_t struct, Mntonname [1024]int8
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (openbsd-386-cgo), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXG = 56
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXG ideal-int
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXO = 7
+pkg syscall (openbsd-amd64-cgo), const S_IRWXO ideal-int
+pkg syscall (windows-386), const UNIX_PATH_MAX = 108
+pkg syscall (windows-386), const UNIX_PATH_MAX ideal-int
+pkg syscall (windows-386), func Syscall18(uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr, Errno)
+pkg syscall (windows-386), type RawSockaddrAny struct, Pad [100]int8
+pkg syscall (windows-386), type RawSockaddrUnix struct, Family uint16
+pkg syscall (windows-386), type RawSockaddrUnix struct, Path [108]int8
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const UNIX_PATH_MAX = 108
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), const UNIX_PATH_MAX ideal-int
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), func Syscall18(uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr, uintptr) (uintptr, uintptr, Errno)
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), type RawSockaddrAny struct, Pad [100]int8
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), type RawSockaddrUnix struct, Family uint16
+pkg syscall (windows-amd64), type RawSockaddrUnix struct, Path [108]int8
+pkg syscall, type RawSockaddrUnix struct
Installed Go for windows/amd64 in c:\Go.tip
Installed commands in c:\Go.tip\bin
*** You need to add c:\Go.tip\bin to your PATH.
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 2.396s
ok archive/zip 4.206s
ok bufio 0.370s
ok bytes 3.178s
ok compress/bzip2 0.644s
ok compress/flate 3.067s
ok compress/gzip 2.628s
ok compress/lzw 2.590s
ok compress/zlib 3.126s
ok container/heap 2.401s
ok container/list 2.645s
ok container/ring 2.897s
ok context 2.097s
ok crypto 0.863s
ok crypto/aes 1.374s
ok crypto/cipher 1.907s
ok crypto/des 2.602s
ok crypto/dsa 1.626s
ok crypto/ecdsa 2.645s
ok crypto/elliptic 2.660s
ok crypto/hmac 2.412s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.670s
ok crypto/md5 2.565s
ok crypto/rand 2.828s
ok crypto/rc4 2.766s
ok crypto/rsa 2.689s
ok crypto/sha1 2.358s
ok crypto/sha256 2.192s
ok crypto/sha512 3.044s
ok crypto/subtle 2.804s
ok crypto/tls 2.303s
ok crypto/x509 3.401s
ok database/sql 1.661s
ok database/sql/driver 2.890s
ok debug/dwarf 1.329s
ok debug/elf 3.160s
ok debug/gosym 3.134s
ok debug/macho 2.908s
ok debug/pe 11.109s
ok debug/plan9obj 2.660s
ok encoding/ascii85 2.401s
ok encoding/asn1 2.156s
ok encoding/base32 1.081s
ok encoding/base64 0.803s
ok encoding/binary 1.346s
ok encoding/csv 1.080s
ok encoding/gob 1.066s
ok encoding/hex 1.088s
ok encoding/json 1.522s
ok encoding/pem 1.635s
ok encoding/xml 1.403s
ok errors 1.115s
ok expvar 1.010s
ok flag 1.505s
ok fmt 2.154s
ok go/ast 1.524s
ok go/build 1.181s
ok go/constant 0.637s
ok go/doc 0.582s
ok go/format 0.816s
ok go/importer 2.434s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.130s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 1.974s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 1.806s
ok go/parser 2.523s
ok go/printer 2.716s
ok go/scanner 2.255s
ok go/token 2.021s
ok go/types 3.119s
ok hash 1.370s
ok hash/adler32 2.477s
ok hash/crc32 2.990s
ok hash/crc64 0.434s
ok hash/fnv 1.000s
ok html 1.314s
ok html/template 2.311s
ok image 0.617s
ok image/color 1.069s
ok image/draw 2.444s
ok image/gif 1.894s
ok image/jpeg 1.893s
ok image/png 2.880s
ok index/suffixarray 3.064s
ok internal/cpu 0.400s
ok internal/fmtsort 3.251s
ok internal/poll 1.132s
ok internal/singleflight 3.298s
ok internal/syscall/windows 3.124s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 0.868s
ok internal/trace 1.371s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 1.143s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 0.868s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 1.389s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 1.387s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 0.686s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 1.354s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 2.410s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 1.803s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 2.100s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 1.294s
ok internal/x/net/idna 1.554s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 2.466s
ok internal/x/text/transform 2.310s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 2.565s
ok internal/xcoff 2.837s
ok io 2.118s
ok io/ioutil 0.905s
ok log 0.857s
ok math 1.007s
ok math/big 2.389s
ok math/bits 1.132s
ok math/cmplx 0.575s
ok math/rand 1.341s
ok mime 0.877s
ok mime/multipart 1.307s
ok mime/quotedprintable 0.910s
ok net 8.510s
ok net/http 4.063s
ok net/http/cgi 2.055s
ok net/http/cookiejar 1.433s
ok net/http/fcgi 1.487s
ok net/http/httptest 3.713s
ok net/http/httptrace 1.542s
ok net/http/httputil 1.526s
ok net/http/internal 1.351s
ok net/http/pprof 3.095s
ok net/internal/socktest 1.050s
ok net/mail 1.129s
ok net/rpc 1.407s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 1.052s
ok net/smtp 0.802s
ok net/textproto 1.289s
ok net/url 1.005s
--- FAIL: TestHardLink (0.01s)
os_test.go:697: link "hardlinktestto", "hardlinktestfrom" failed: link hardlinktestto hardlinktestfrom: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestChtimes (0.01s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:35:20 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:35:20 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:35:20 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:35:20 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestChtimesDir (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:35:18 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:35:18 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestLongPath (0.20s)
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=247 (0.07s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dirx/bar.txt Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dirx/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=248 (0.01s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3x/bar.txt Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3x/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=249 (0.01s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir34x/bar.txt Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir34x/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=400 (0.09s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dix/bar.txt Z:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath611904234/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dix/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestDirectoryJunction (0.07s)
os_windows_test.go:121: creating link for "standard" test failed: Incorrect function.
os_windows_test.go:121: creating link for "have_blank_print_name" test failed: Incorrect function.
os_windows_test.go:304: failed to run mklink Z:\Temp\testDirLinks952063404\use_mklink_cmd_link Z:\Temp\testDirLinks952063404\dir: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
os_windows_test.go:127: failed to read abc file: open Z:\Temp\testDirLinks952063404\use_mklink_cmd_link\abc: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestMkdirAllExtendedLength (0.03s)
path_windows_test.go:74: MkdirAll("\\\\?\\Z:\\Temp\\TestMkdirAllExtendedLength741972607\\dir\\.\\dir2") should have failed, but did not
FAIL os 5.889s
ok os/exec 41.635s
ok os/signal 4.149s
ok os/user 0.564s
ok path 0.633s
--- FAIL: TestNTNamespaceSymlink (0.05s)
path_windows_test.go:542: failed to run mklink Z:\Temp\TestNTNamespaceSymlink974998256\link \\?\Volume{d82d7119-40a8-4b20-ab57-b855077a5d48}\: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
FAIL path/filepath 1.780s
ok plugin 0.785s
ok reflect 0.896s
ok regexp 2.280s
ok regexp/syntax 1.782s
ok runtime 43.798s
ok runtime/debug 0.397s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 0.724s
ok runtime/internal/math 1.177s
ok runtime/internal/sys 1.761s
ok runtime/pprof 11.149s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 1.748s
ok runtime/trace 2.081s
ok sort 0.773s
ok strconv 0.857s
ok strings 1.434s
ok sync 2.899s
ok sync/atomic 1.056s
ok syscall 0.755s
ok testing 1.930s
ok testing/quick 0.834s
ok text/scanner 0.614s
ok text/tabwriter 0.954s
ok text/template 1.786s
ok text/template/parse 0.857s
ok time 4.319s
ok unicode 0.982s
ok unicode/utf16 0.428s
ok unicode/utf8 0.723s
ok cmd/addr2line 5.572s
ok cmd/api 1.581s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.957s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.990s
ok cmd/compile 2.237s
ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 19.860s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 2.576s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.885s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 1.579s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 0.615s
ok cmd/cover 6.165s
ok cmd/doc 1.420s
ok cmd/fix 12.903s
ok cmd/go 143.893s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 24.229s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 1.495s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 1.189s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 1.387s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 1.906s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.575s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 1.741s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.926s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 2.013s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 2.059s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 0.982s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 0.712s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 1.267s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 1.704s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 1.933s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 1.409s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 2.201s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 1.796s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 1.966s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 2.172s
ok cmd/go/internal/work 2.012s
ok cmd/gofmt 2.513s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.510s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 1.174s
ok cmd/internal/edit 1.063s
ok cmd/internal/goobj 3.357s
ok cmd/internal/obj 1.449s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 1.248s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 2.893s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 0.885s
ok cmd/internal/src 1.629s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 1.763s
ok cmd/link 9.288s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 6.697s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 1.436s
ok cmd/nm 11.641s
ok cmd/objdump 8.695s
ok cmd/pack 11.983s
ok cmd/trace 3.266s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.091s
ok cmd/vendor/ 6.792s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.942s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.603s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.272s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.406s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.719s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.439s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.442s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.609s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.213s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.356s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.915s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.151s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.131s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.352s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.726s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.575s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.685s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.319s
ok cmd/vet 7.384s
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 3.425s
ok archive/zip 3.494s
ok bufio 2.183s
ok bytes 2.005s
ok compress/bzip2 0.468s
ok compress/flate 3.216s
ok compress/gzip 2.216s
ok compress/lzw 1.671s
ok compress/zlib 1.960s
ok container/heap 0.882s
ok container/list 0.605s
ok container/ring 1.163s
ok context 3.437s
ok crypto 0.493s
ok crypto/aes 1.394s
ok crypto/cipher 3.061s
ok crypto/des 3.315s
ok crypto/dsa 3.329s
ok crypto/ecdsa 2.375s
ok crypto/elliptic 3.829s
ok crypto/hmac 2.249s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.526s
ok crypto/md5 0.943s
ok crypto/rand 3.568s
ok crypto/rc4 1.993s
ok crypto/rsa 3.858s
ok crypto/sha1 1.242s
ok crypto/sha256 1.841s
ok crypto/sha512 3.822s
ok crypto/subtle 1.696s
ok crypto/tls 2.129s
ok crypto/x509 3.778s
ok database/sql 2.195s
ok database/sql/driver 0.598s
ok debug/dwarf 2.164s
ok debug/elf 1.665s
ok debug/gosym 3.495s
ok debug/macho 1.314s
ok debug/pe 11.942s
ok debug/plan9obj 2.293s
ok encoding/ascii85 2.124s
ok encoding/asn1 2.478s
ok encoding/base32 2.777s
ok encoding/base64 2.206s
ok encoding/binary 1.221s
ok encoding/csv 1.761s
ok encoding/gob 1.607s
ok encoding/hex 1.056s
ok encoding/json 2.047s
ok encoding/pem 1.820s
ok encoding/xml 1.371s
ok errors 1.322s
ok expvar 1.549s
ok flag 0.377s
ok fmt 1.976s
ok go/ast 3.929s
ok go/build 1.025s
ok go/constant 1.283s
ok go/doc 1.793s
ok go/format 1.066s
ok go/importer 4.827s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.876s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 3.623s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 3.923s
ok go/parser 2.665s
ok go/printer 3.935s
ok go/scanner 2.384s
ok go/token 1.533s
ok go/types 4.926s
ok hash 2.146s
ok hash/adler32 2.874s
ok hash/crc32 0.358s
ok hash/crc64 4.167s
ok hash/fnv 4.325s
ok html 0.334s
ok html/template 3.158s
ok image 1.737s
ok image/color 0.425s
ok image/draw 2.046s
ok image/gif 1.577s
ok image/jpeg 1.110s
ok image/png 3.487s
ok index/suffixarray 2.795s
ok internal/cpu 0.755s
ok internal/fmtsort 0.752s
ok internal/poll 3.052s
ok internal/singleflight 0.645s
ok internal/syscall/windows 0.499s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 1.760s
ok internal/trace 3.163s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 2.556s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 1.947s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 2.522s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 0.655s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 0.441s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 0.666s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 1.930s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 0.904s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 2.134s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 1.419s
ok internal/x/net/idna 1.156s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 3.558s
ok internal/x/text/transform 2.161s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 2.245s
ok internal/xcoff 2.787s
ok io 1.846s
ok io/ioutil 0.606s
ok log 1.586s
ok math 1.255s
ok math/big 1.522s
ok math/bits 0.594s
ok math/cmplx 0.637s
ok math/rand 1.551s
ok mime 1.205s
ok mime/multipart 1.982s
ok mime/quotedprintable 0.976s
ok net 6.068s
ok net/http 3.359s
ok net/http/cgi 1.743s
ok net/http/cookiejar 1.848s
ok net/http/fcgi 1.565s
ok net/http/httptest 4.061s
ok net/http/httptrace 0.577s
ok net/http/httputil 2.058s
ok net/http/internal 2.259s
ok net/http/pprof 4.453s
ok net/internal/socktest 2.446s
ok net/mail 2.012s
ok net/rpc 2.197s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 2.459s
ok net/smtp 0.407s
ok net/textproto 1.030s
ok net/url 0.636s
--- FAIL: TestHardLink (0.01s)
os_test.go:697: link "hardlinktestto", "hardlinktestfrom" failed: link hardlinktestto hardlinktestfrom: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestChtimes (0.01s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:29:46 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:29:46 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:29:46 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:29:46 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestChtimesDir (0.01s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:29:44 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:29:44 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestLongPath (0.09s)
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=247 (0.08s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Z:_Go_TestLongPath101022910/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir345678x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=248 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Z:_Go_TestLongPath101022910/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=249 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Z:_Go_TestLongPath101022910/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=400 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Z:_Go_TestLongPath101022910/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestDirectoryJunction (0.02s)
os_windows_test.go:107: mkdir Z:testDirLinks907157664\dir: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestOpenVolumeName (0.01s)
os_windows_test.go:617: open Z:TestOpenVolumeName102870226\file1: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestCmdArgs (0.05s)
os_windows_test.go:826: building main.exe failed: exit status 1
CreateFile Z:TestCmdArgs831168980\main.go: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestMkdirAllExtendedLength (0.02s)
path_windows_test.go:74: MkdirAll("\\\\?\\Z:\\_tc\\TestMkdirAllExtendedLength939517219\\dir\\.\\dir2") should have failed, but did not
FAIL os 2.491s
--- FAIL: TestLookPath (2.35s)
lp_windows_test.go:81: test={rootDir:Z:TestLookPath339451947\d0 PATH:p1;p2 PATHEXT:.COM;.EXE;.BAT files:[p1\a.exe p2\a.exe p2\a] searchFor:a fails:false}: "cmd /c a" command failed, but expected to succeed: exit status 1 - 'a' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
--- FAIL: TestCommand (20.33s)
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d0\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d0" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d1\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d1" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a want:a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d2\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d2" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d3\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d3" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:.\p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d4\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d4" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d5\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d5" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d6\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d6" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d9\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d9" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d10\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d10" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d11\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d11" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p2\a.exe fails:false}: exec: exit status 1 Child: exec: "a.exe": executable file not found in %PATH%
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d13\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d13" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d14\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d14" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Z:\\_tc\\TestCommand843359118\\d15\\p\\a.exe" must have "Z:TestCommand843359118\\d15" prefix
FAIL os/exec 24.867s
ok os/signal 4.610s
ok os/user 0.932s
ok path 1.138s
--- FAIL: TestWindowsGlob (0.09s)
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\a") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\a"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\b") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\b"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\*") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\a" "Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\b" "Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\d*") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\*i*") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\*r") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\?ir") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Z:\\TestWindowsGlob295701182\\d*\\*\\bin\\git.exe") returns [], but ["Z:TestWindowsGlob295701182\\dir\\d\\bin\\git.exe"] expected
--- FAIL: TestAbs (0.05s)
path_test.go:1076: Z:TestAbs525237458: CreateFile Z:TestAbs525237458: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: Z:TestAbs525237458/.: CreateFile Z:TestAbs525237458/.: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: Z:TestAbs525237458/a/../a/b: CreateFile Z:TestAbs525237458/a/../a/b: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: Z:TestAbs525237458/a/b/c/../../.././a: CreateFile Z:TestAbs525237458/a/b/c/../../.././a: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: Z:TestAbs525237458/a/b/c/../../.././a/: CreateFile Z:TestAbs525237458/a/b/c/../../.././a/: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestAbsEmptyString (0.01s)
path_test.go:1120: Z:TestAbsEmptyString444344329: CreateFile Z:TestAbsEmptyString444344329: The system cannot find the file specified.
--- FAIL: TestToNorm (0.06s)
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Z:testToNorm998507161\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestNTNamespaceSymlink (0.07s)
path_windows_test.go:542: failed to run mklink Z:TestNTNamespaceSymlink140666660\link \\?\Volume{d82d7119-40a8-4b20-ab57-b855077a5d48}\: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
FAIL path/filepath 2.996s
ok plugin 1.125s
ok reflect 1.502s
ok regexp 1.356s
ok regexp/syntax 1.445s
--- FAIL: TestMemPprof (0.54s)
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top Z:go-build202141263\testprog.exe Z:memprof317134063]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://Z:memprof317134063/debug/pprof/profile
Z:memprof317134063: Get http://Z:memprof317134063/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof317134063"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top Z:memprof317134063]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://Z:memprof317134063/debug/pprof/profile
Z:memprof317134063: Get http://Z:memprof317134063/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof317134063"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
--- FAIL: TestTimePprof (0.33s)
crash_test.go:636: Fetching profile over HTTP from http://Z:timeprof827513943/debug/pprof/profile
Z:timeprof827513943: Get http://Z:timeprof827513943/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "timeprof827513943"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:638: exit status 1
FAIL runtime 39.546s
ok runtime/debug 2.040s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.483s
ok runtime/internal/math 1.754s
ok runtime/internal/sys 1.018s
ok runtime/pprof 13.951s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 1.024s
ok runtime/trace 2.381s
ok sort 2.551s
ok strconv 2.717s
ok strings 1.273s
ok sync 1.358s
ok sync/atomic 1.276s
ok syscall 1.099s
ok testing 2.897s
ok testing/quick 1.541s
ok text/scanner 2.173s
ok text/tabwriter 1.626s
ok text/template 3.495s
ok text/template/parse 2.569s
ok time 4.295s
ok unicode 0.945s
ok unicode/utf16 0.438s
ok unicode/utf8 1.184s
--- FAIL: TestAddr2Line (2.51s)
addr2line_test.go:103: go test -c -o Z:TestAddr2Line695978599\testaddr2line_test.exe cmd/addr2line: exit status 1
go test cmd/addr2line.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\addr2line\Z:TestAddr2Line695978599\: The directory name is invalid.
FAIL cmd/addr2line 2.940s
ok cmd/api 1.286s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 2.051s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.757s
ok cmd/compile 1.995s
--- FAIL: TestCode (5.57s)
ssa_test.go:173: Build failed: exit status 1
go test command-line-arguments.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\compile\internal\gc\Z:TestCode643697260\: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScopeRanges (2.03s)
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 18 "\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 19 "\t\tf2(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 20 "\t\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 21 "\t\t\tf3(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 23 "\t\tf4(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 28 "\tif a, b, c := gret3(); a != 1 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 29 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 30 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 31 "\t\tf1(c)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 33 "\tfor i, x := range v {": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 34 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 35 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 37 "\tif a, ok := <- ch; ok {": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 38 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 40 "\tif a, ok := iface.(int); ok {": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 41 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 45 "\tif x := gret1(); x != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 46 "\t\ta := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 47 "\t\tf1(a); f1(x)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 49 "\t\tb := 1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 50 "\t\tf1(b); f1(x+1)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 54 "\tswitch x := gret1(); x {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 55 "\tcase 0:": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 56 "\t\ti := x + 5": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 57 "\t\tf1(x); f1(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 58 "\tcase 1:": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 59 "\t\tj := x + 10": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 60 "\t\tf1(x); f1(j)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 61 "\tcase 2:": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 62 "\t\tk := x + 2": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 63 "\t\tf1(x); f1(k)": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 68 "\tcase int:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 69 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 70 "\tcase uint8:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 71 "\t\tf1(int(x))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 72 "\tcase float64:": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 73 "\t\tf1(int(x)+1)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 78 "\tcase i := <- ch:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 79 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 80 "\tcase f := <- floatch:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 81 "\t\tf1(int(f))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 87 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 88 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 89 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 96 "\t\tb := 0": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 97 "\t\tf2(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 98 "\t\tif gretbool() {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 99 "\t\t\tc := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 100 "\t\t\tf3(c)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 102 "\t\t\tc := 1.1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 103 "\t\t\tf4(int(c))": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 105 "\t\tf5(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 111 "\tf := func(c int) {": expected: [0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 114 "\t\tif e := 3; e != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 115 "\t\t\tf1(e)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 116 "\t\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 117 "\t\t\tb = 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 125 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 126 "\t\tp := &b": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 127 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 128 "\t\tfi(p)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 134 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 135 "\t\tf := func() int {": expected: [1 0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 138 "\t\treturn f": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:297: mismatched output
FAIL cmd/compile/internal/gc 17.264s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 2.907s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.525s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 1.314s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 1.097s
ok cmd/cover 6.930s
ok cmd/doc 1.671s
ok cmd/fix 14.441s
--- FAIL: TestACL (3.28s)
go_windows_test.go:120: Get-Acl failed: exit status 1
Get-Acl : Cannot find path 'Z:TestACL351049625\main.exe' because it does not exist.
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-Acl "Z:TestACL351049625\main.exe" | Select -expand AccessToString
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (:) [Get-Acl], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : GetAcl_PathNotFound_Exception,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetAclCommand
--- FAIL: TestRelativeGOBINFail (0.01s)
go_test.go:1430: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:1430: testgo failed as expected: exec: "Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:1431: go install must fail if $GOBIN is a relative path
go_test.go:1431: pattern cannot install, GOBIN must be an absolute path not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in Z:\_tc\gotest211006259
--- FAIL: TestTestOutputToDevNull (0.05s)
go_test.go:1471: running testgo [test -o NUL -c p]
go_test.go:1471: standard error:
go_test.go:1471: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest335602422".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1471: go [test -o NUL -c p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATHPrintedSearchList (0.04s)
go_test.go:2014: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:2014: standard error:
go_test.go:2014: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest303964125\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2014: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2015: expected default GOPATH
go_test.go:2015: pattern Z:gotest303964125\\home\\go\\src\\github\.com\\golang\\example\\hello.*from \$GOPATH not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildTestOnly (0.03s)
go_test.go:3067: running testgo [build testonly testonly...]
go_test.go:3067: testgo failed as expected: exec: "Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:3068: go build ./xtestonly produced unexpected error
go_test.go:3068: pattern no non-test Go files in not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in Z:\_tc\gotest096173194\src
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildGOPATHOrder (0.09s)
go_test.go:3898: running testgo [install -x bar]
go_test.go:3898: standard error:
go_test.go:3898: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest675401509\\p1".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3898: go [install -x bar] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDotDotDotOutsideGOPATH (0.03s)
go_test.go:4526: running testgo [build ./...]
go_test.go:4526: go [build ./...] failed unexpectedly in Z:\_tc\gotest243595122\pkgs: exec: "Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in Z:\_tc\gotest243595122\pkgs
--- FAIL: TestBuildTagsNoComma (0.03s)
go_test.go:4611: running testgo [build -tags tag1 tag2 math]
go_test.go:4611: standard error:
go_test.go:4611: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest170806313\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4611: go [build -tags tag1 tag2 math] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT (0.65s)
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT/RelocatedTree (0.03s)
go_test.go:4666: go env GOROOT:
have Z:\_tc\gotest484992372\new
want Z:gotest484992372\new
--- FAIL: TestBadCommandLines (0.05s)
go_test.go:5844: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5844: standard error:
go_test.go:5844: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest723451971".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5844: go [build x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestBadCgoDirectives (0.05s)
go_test.go:5901: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5901: standard error:
go_test.go:5901: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest824350918".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5901: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:5902: did not reject //go:cgo_ldflag directive
go_test.go:5902: pattern //go:cgo_ldflag .* only allowed in cgo-generated code not found in standard error
go test proxy starting
go proxy_test: invalid module path encoding "": malformed module path "": invalid version
go test proxy running at GOPROXY=
--- FAIL: TestScript (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_wildcard (0.77s)
# Fix for
# go run x/... should not panic when directory x doesn't exist. (0.120s)
> ! go run nonexistent/...
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr '^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$'
FAIL: testdata\script\run_wildcard.txt:5: no match for `^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_help (0.78s)
# go help get shows usage for get (0.098s)
> go help get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_help.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_git (0.78s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_git.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_graph (0.84s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod graph
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_graph.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_install_versioned (0.85s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.Target}}'
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_install_versioned.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_hello (0.87s)
# hello world (0.080s)
> go run hello.go
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\run_hello.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import (0.95s)
# latest should be v1.5.2 not v1.5.3-pre1 (0.082s)
> go list
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_getmode_vendor (0.99s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get -m
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_getmode_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_build (1.01s)
# initial conditions: using sampler v1.3.0, not listed in go.mod. (0.092s)
> go list -deps
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_build.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_compile_binary (1.01s)
> ! go test -c compile_binary/...
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build comment'
FAIL: testdata\script\test_compile_binary.txt:2: no match for `build comment` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_devnull (1.03s)
# go test -c -o NUL
# should work (see (0.075s)
> cd x
> go test -o=$devnull -c
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\test_devnull.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_nodeps (1.06s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod vendor
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_nodeps.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_upgrade (1.08s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_versions (1.08s)
# Test rejection of pkg@version in GOPATH mode. (0.098s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_versions.txt:4: no match for `cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_warning (1.19s)
# go get in GO111MODULE=auto should warn when not using modules and go.mod exists (0.147s)
> env GO111MODULE=auto
> mkdir z
> cd z
> ! go get # fails because no code in directory, not the warning
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee ''go help modules'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_warning.txt:7: no match for `go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee 'go help modules'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/vet_asm (1.19s)
# Issue 27665. Verify that "go vet" analyzes non-Go files. (0.093s)
> env GOOS=linux
> env GOARCH=amd64
> ! go vet -asmdecl a
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'f: invalid MOVW of x'
FAIL: testdata\script\vet_asm.txt:6: no match for `f: invalid MOVW of x` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gopkg_unstable (1.20s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go get -d
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gopkg_unstable.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import_mod (1.32s)
# Test that GOPATH/pkg/mod is excluded (0.094s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go list mod/foo
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'disallowed import path'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import_mod.txt:4: no match for `disallowed import path` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_verify (1.34s)
# With good go.sum, verify succeeds by avoiding download. (0.068s)
> cp go.sum.good go.sum
> go mod verify
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_verify.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/binary_only (1.41s)
# check that error for missing binary-only says where it should be (0.088s)
> ! go build b
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr pkg[\\/].*a\.a
FAIL: testdata\script\binary_only.txt:3: no match for `pkg[\\/].*a\.a` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gobuild_import (1.42s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gobuild_import.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_none (0.63s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod init
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_none.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_upgrade_patch (0.78s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_upgrade_patch.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_yml (0.68s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_yml.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_download (0.75s)
# download with version should print nothing (0.040s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_download.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_json (0.68s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_json.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_manifest (0.68s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_manifest.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_domain_root (0.85s)
# Module paths that are domain roots should resolve.
# ( not (0.066s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go build
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_domain_root.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_sum (0.90s)
# go.sum should list directly used modules and dependencies (0.057s)
> go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_sum.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_conf (0.66s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_conf.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_replace (1.86s)
# Before vendoring, we expect to see the original directory. (0.023s)
> go list -f '{{.Version}} {{.Dir}}' -m
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_replace.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_tsv (0.67s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_tsv.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_badtest (1.95s)
> ! go test badtest/...
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stdout ^ok
> stdout ^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec
FAIL: testdata\script\test_badtest.txt:3: no match for `^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec` found in stdout
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_godeps (0.69s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_godeps.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_quote (0.92s)
# Check that mod tidy does not introduce repeated
# require statements when input go.mod has quoted requirements. (0.064s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod tidy
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_quote.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glockfile (0.68s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glockfile.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_moved (0.65s)
# A 'go get' that worked at a previous version should continue to work at that version,
# even if the package was subsequently moved into a submodule. (0.048s)
> go mod init
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_moved.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glide (0.68s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glide.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_doc (1.10s)
# go doc should find module documentation (0.054s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go doc y
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_doc.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_why (2.25s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -test all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_why.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_commit (0.81s)
# @commit should resolve
# should not resolve with -m,
# because that's not a module path. (0.031s)
# ... but it should work without -m.
# because of -d, the compiler should not run (0.036s)
> go get -d -x
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_commit.txt:11: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_replaced (0.83s)
# After 'go get -d', the go.sum file should contain the sum for the module. (0.039s)
> go get -d
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_sum_replaced.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit (1.01s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_find (0.66s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_find.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_file_proxy (0.69s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_file_proxy.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_path (0.75s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_path.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_go_version (2.52s)
# Test support for declaring needed Go version in module. (0.038s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_go_version.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_indirect (0.86s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_indirect.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test_files (1.39s)
# Testing an explicit source file should use the same import visibility as the
# package in the same directory. (0.056s)
> go list -test -deps
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test_files.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_enabled (0.74s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_enabled.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_std_vendor (0.92s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.TestImports}}'
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_std_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit_go (0.85s)
# Test support for go mod -edit to set language version. (0.054s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go build
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'type aliases only supported as of'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit_go.txt:5: no match for `type aliases only supported as of` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_replace (1.75s)
# From inside the module, 'go list -m all' should NOT include transitive
# requirements of modules that have been replaced. (0.054s)
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_replace.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/help (0.65s)
# go help shows overview. (0.034s)
> go help
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\help.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query (0.80s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -versions
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_readonly (0.85s)
# -mod=readonly must not resolve missing modules nor update go.mod
# TODO(bcmills): 'go list' should suffice, but today it does not fail due to
# unresolved imports. When that is fixed, use 'go list' instead of 'go list all'. (0.037s)
> env GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_readonly.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_local (1.25s)
# Test 'go get' with a local module with a name that is not valid for network lookup. (0.033s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_local.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_require_exclude (1.00s)
# build with no newer version to satisfy exclude (0.031s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go list -m all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'no newer version available'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_require_exclude.txt:4: no match for `no newer version available` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query_exclude (1.00s)
# get excluded version (0.099s)
> cp go.mod1 go.mod
> ! go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ' excluded'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query_exclude.txt:6: no match for ` excluded` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_dep (0.70s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_dep.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_nomod (0.84s)
# Test go commands with no module. (0.000s)
# go mod edit fails unless given explicit mod file argument (0.125s)
> ! go mod edit -json
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> go mod edit -json x.mod
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_nomod.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_incompatible (0.84s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list x
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_incompatible.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_outside (1.03s)
# This script tests commands in module mode outside of any module.
# First, ensure that we really are in module mode, and that we really don't have
# a go.mod file. (0.055s)
> go env GOMOD
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_outside.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_test (0.82s)
# go list -compiled -test must handle test-only packages
# (0.108s)
> go list -compiled -test
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_test.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_downgrade (0.85s)
# downgrade sampler should downgrade quote (0.082s)
> go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_downgrade.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case_cgo (0.69s)
> [!cgo] skip
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case_cgo.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case (0.66s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/goflags (0.48s)
# GOFLAGS sets flags for commands (0.042s)
> env GOFLAGS='-e -f={{.Dir}} --test.benchtime=1s -count=10'
> go list asdfasdfasdf # succeeds because of -e
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\goflags.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_dir (0.71s)
# go list with path to directory should work (0.080s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}' $GOROOT/src/math
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_dir.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_upgrade (0.67s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -u all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_multirepo (1.06s)
# initial standalone module should use no downloaded modules (0.092s)
> go list -deps -f {{.Dir}}
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_multirepo.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list (0.76s)
# list {{.Dir}} shows main module and go.mod but not not-yet-downloaded dependency dir. (0.091s)
> go list -m -f '{{.Path}} {{.Main}} {{.GoMod}} {{.Dir}}' all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_filenames (0.60s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stderr 'unzip.*badfile1'
> stderr 'unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char ''☺'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_filenames.txt:5: no match for `unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char '☺'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy (2.20s)
# tidy removes unused y, but everything else is used (0.065s)
> go mod tidy -v
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_fs_patterns (2.12s)
# File system pattern searches should skip sub-modules and vendor directories. (0.013s)
# all packages (0.066s)
> go list all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_fs_patterns.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_build_tags (0.92s)
# Test that build tags are used.
# (0.037s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> ! go list -f {{.GoFiles}}
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build constraints exclude all Go files'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_build_tags.txt:8: no match for `build constraints exclude all Go files` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badzip (0.60s)
# Zip files with unexpected file names inside should be rejected. (0.039s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get -d
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'zip for has unexpected file'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badzip.txt:5: no match for `zip for has unexpected file` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_concurrent (1.18s)
# Concurrent builds should succeed, even if they need to download modules. (0.086s)
> go build ./x &
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_concurrent.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_unicode (0.55s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_unicode.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_modinfo (0.84s)
# Test to ensure runtime/debug.ReadBuildInfo parses
# the modinfo embedded in a binary by the go tool
# when module is enabled. (0.050s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> go mod edit
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_modinfo.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_tilde (0.54s)
# Paths containing windows short names should be rejected before attempting to fetch. (0.023s)
> ! go get
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'trailing tilde and digits'
FAIL: testdata\script\get_tilde.txt:3: no match for `trailing tilde and digits` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/vendor_complex (3.73s)
# smoke test for complex build configuration (0.043s)
> go build -o complex.exe complex
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\vendor_complex.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_nocache (0.65s)
# As of Go 1.12, the module cache is required.
# If none of the variables we use to locate GOCACHE are set, the cache is off
# and we cannot build. (0.041s)
> env GOCACHE=
> env HOME=
> [plan9] env home=
> [windows] env LocalAppData=
> ! go build -o triv triv.go
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*'
FAIL: testdata\script\build_nocache.txt:11: no match for `build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_internal (1.92s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' runbad1.go
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_internal.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test (2.43s)
# TODO(bcmills): Convert the 'go test' calls below to 'go list -test' once 'go
# list' is more sensitive to package loading errors.
# A test in the module's root package should work. (0.072s)
> cd a/
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go test
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_dotfiles (0.64s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_dotfiles.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_clean_cache (1.40s)
# 'mod download' should download the module to the cache. (0.047s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_clean_cache.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_bad_import (1.54s)
# This test matches list_bad_import, but in module mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.008s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.050s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_brace (0.73s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_brace.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_gomips (0.82s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.045s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_gomips.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badmod (1.05s)
# Unknown lines should be ignored in dependency go.mod files. (0.050s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badmod.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_local_replace (1.33s)
# Test that local replacements work even with dummy module names.
# (0.043s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x/y
> go list -f '{{.Dir}}' zz
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_local_replace.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_output (0.82s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.086s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_output.txt:5: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace (2.27s)
# Make sure the test builds without replacement. (0.051s)
> go build -o a1.exe .
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_link (0.60s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.094s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_link.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_compile (0.59s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.081s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_compile.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/fileline (0.93s)
# look for short, relative file:line in error message (0.020s)
> ! go run ../../gopath/x/y/z/err.go
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:
FAIL: testdata\script\fileline.txt:3: no match for `^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_relative_tmpdir (0.61s)
# If GOTMPDIR is relative, 'go build' should derive an absolute $WORK directory. (0.015s)
> cd $WORK
FAIL: testdata\script\build_relative_tmpdir.txt:2: CreateFile $WORK\gopath\src\$WORK: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_e (0.65s)
# issue 25980: crash in go list -e -test (0.072s)
> go list -e -test -f '{{.Error}}' p
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_e.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_domain (0.93s)
# explicit get should report errors about bad names (0.020s)
> ! go get appengine
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_domain.txt:5: no match for `malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_GOTMPDIR (0.50s)
# Set GOCACHE to a clean directory to ensure that 'go build' has work to report. (0.000s)
# Build should use GOTMPDIR if set. (0.106s)
> env GOTMPDIR=$WORK/my-favorite-tmpdir
> mkdir $GOTMPDIR
FAIL: testdata\script\build_GOTMPDIR.txt:6: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/cgo_syso_issue29253 (1.07s)
# This test tests that we can link in-package syso files that provides symbols
# for cgo. See issue 29253. (0.464s)
> [!cgo] stop
> [!gc] stop
> cc -c -o pkg/o.syso ext.c
Cannot create temporary file in Z:\_tc\cmd-go-test-643103375\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\gopath\src\cmd-go-test-643103375\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\tmp\: No such file or directory
[exit status 3]
FAIL: testdata\script\cgo_syso_issue29253.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_std (0.39s)
# listing GOROOT should only find standard packages (0.149s)
> cd $GOROOT/src
> go list -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\\script-list_std\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
[exit status 2]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_std.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_tags (0.54s)
# go list supports -tags (0.069s)
> go list -tags=thetag ./my...
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_tags.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/linkname (0.34s)
# check for linker name in error message about linker crash (0.060s)
> [!gc] skip
> ! go build -ldflags=-crash_for_testing x.go
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr [\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link
FAIL: testdata\script\linkname.txt:4: no match for `[\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cross_gobin (0.51s)
> cd mycmd
> go build mycmd
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cross_gobin.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_imports (0.89s)
# issue 26880: list with tests has wrong variant in imports (0.047s)
> go list -test -f '{{.ImportPath}}:{{with .Imports}} {{join . ", "}}{{end}}' a b
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_imports.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_gopath (0.18s)
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_gopath.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Z:cmd-go-test-643103375: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cleans_build (0.47s)
# 'go install' with no arguments should clean up after go build (0.115s)
> cd mycmd
> go build
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cleans_build.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_patterns (2.17s)
# 'go list all' should list all of the packages used (directly or indirectly) by
# the packages in the main module, but no other packages from the standard
# library or active modules.
# 'go list ...' should list packages in all active modules and the standard library.
# But not cmd/* - see
# 'go list' should list packages in all modules that begin with ''.
# 'go list ./...' should list only packages in the current module, not other active modules.
# Warnings about unmatched patterns should only be printed once.
# And the go command should be able to keep track of all this! (0.072s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.Match}}' all ... ./... ./xyz...
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_patterns.txt:19: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_compiled_imports (0.35s)
# go list should report import "C" (0.028s)
> cd x
> go list -f '{{.Imports}}'
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_compiled_imports.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_find (0.36s)
# go list -find should not report imports (0.021s)
> go list -f {{.Incomplete}} x/y/z... # should probably exit non-zero but never has
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_find.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_bad_import (0.62s)
# This test matches mod_list_bad_import, but in GOPATH mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.035s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.060s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_removed (0.42s)
# go command should detect package staleness as source file set changes (0.006s)
> go install mypkg
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_removed.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_importmap (0.49s)
# gccgo does not have standard packages. (0.000s)
# fmt should have no rewritten imports.
# The import from a/b should map c/d to a's vendor directory. (0.028s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.ImportMap}}' fmt a/b
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_importmap.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/gcflags_patterns (0.65s)
# -gcflags=-e applies to named packages, not dependencies (0.055s)
> go build -n -v -gcflags=-e z1 z2
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\gcflags_patterns.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace_import (2.41s)
# 'go list -mod=readonly' should not add requirements even if they can be
# resolved locally. (0.085s)
# 'go list' should resolve imports using replacements. (0.024s)
> go list all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace_import.txt:10: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_internal (1.43s)
# should be importable from other modules. (0.058s)
> rm go.mod
> go mod init
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_internal.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor (3.51s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Z:cmd-go-test-643103375\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATH (0.85s)
go_test.go:1969: running testgo [env GOPATH]
go_test.go:1969: standard error:
go_test.go:1969: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest953274707\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1969: go [env GOPATH] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDontReportRemoveOfEmptyDir (1.00s)
go_test.go:6067: running testgo [install -x a]
go_test.go:6067: standard error:
go_test.go:6067: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest834350648".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6067: go [install -x a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCgoCache (1.06s)
go_test.go:6046: running testgo [build -o Z:gotest950363823\x.exe x]
go_test.go:6046: standard error:
go_test.go:6046: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest950363823".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6046: go [build -o Z:gotest950363823\x.exe x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoVetWithOnlyTestFiles (1.13s)
go_test.go:3301: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3301: standard error:
go_test.go:3301: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest402099953".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3301: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestPackageMainTestCompilerFlags (1.20s)
go_test.go:1508: running testgo [test -c -n p1]
go_test.go:1508: standard error:
go_test.go:1508: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest687575236".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1508: go [test -c -n p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverpkgTestOnly (1.44s)
go_test.go:6196: running testgo [test -coverpkg=a atest]
go_test.go:6196: standard error:
go_test.go:6196: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest035060570".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6196: go [test -coverpkg=a atest] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestFFLAGS (1.48s)
go_test.go:4554: running testgo [build -x p]
go_test.go:4554: standard error:
go_test.go:4554: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest368407788\\p".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4556: missing expected "-no-such-fortran-flag"
go_test.go:4556: pattern no-such-fortran-flag not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestTestVetRebuild (1.58s)
go_test.go:5643: running testgo [test b]
go_test.go:5643: standard error:
go_test.go:5643: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest307198337".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5643: go [test b] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCgoShowsFullPathNames (1.60s)
go_test.go:2813: running testgo [build x/y/dirname]
go_test.go:2813: standard error:
go_test.go:2813: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest671235639".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2813: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2814: error did not use full path
go_test.go:2814: pattern x/y/dirname not found in standard output or standard error
--- FAIL: TestAlwaysLinkSysoFiles (1.27s)
go_test.go:4224: running testgo [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso]
go_test.go:4224: standard error:
go_test.go:4224: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest395173118".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4224: go [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestVetWithOnlyCgoFiles (1.24s)
go_test.go:3315: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3315: standard error:
go_test.go:3315: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest306760773".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3315: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentAsm (1.41s)
go_test.go:4507: running testgo [build p]
go_test.go:4507: standard error:
go_test.go:4507: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest815637851\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4507: go [build p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCaseCollisions (1.70s)
go_test.go:2306: running testgo [list -json example/a]
go_test.go:2306: standard error:
go_test.go:2306: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest450008757".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2306: go [list -json example/a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoListDeps (1.75s)
go_test.go:1765: running testgo [list -f {{.Deps}} p1]
go_test.go:1765: standard error:
go_test.go:1765: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:gotest227695406".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1765: go [list -f {{.Deps}} p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverageDashC (3.17s)
go_test.go:2639: running testgo [test -c -o Z:gotest284394237\coverdep -coverprofile=Z:gotest284394237\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep]
go_test.go:2639: standard error:
go_test.go:2639: go test coverdep.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go\Z:gotest284394237\: The directory name is invalid.
go_test.go:2639: go [test -c -o Z:gotest284394237\coverdep -coverprofile=Z:gotest284394237\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 1
FAIL cmd/go 97.429s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 21.943s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.546s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 2.501s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 3.706s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 1.030s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.239s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.855s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.622s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 3.657s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 3.851s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 2.213s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 2.531s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 3.159s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 3.226s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 4.109s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 4.039s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 4.430s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 4.163s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 1.138s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 0.399s
--- FAIL: TestSharedLibName (0.04s)
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
FAIL cmd/go/internal/work 1.748s
--- FAIL: TestDiff (0.07s)
gofmt_test.go:224: diff: got:
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
FAIL cmd/gofmt 2.003s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.197s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 1.283s
ok cmd/internal/edit 0.762s
go install mycgo: exit status 2
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:TestGoobj577036195\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/internal/goobj 2.808s
ok cmd/internal/obj 1.752s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 2.801s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 3.976s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 1.987s
ok cmd/internal/src 2.466s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 3.466s
ok cmd/link 6.895s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 5.679s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 3.255s
--- FAIL: TestGoLib (0.88s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:TestGoLib435166554\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
--- FAIL: TestCgoLib (0.88s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Z:TestGoLib576268776\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/nm 10.458s
ok cmd/objdump 8.422s
2018/12/15 13:30:14 open Z:pack160317664\pack.a: The system cannot find the path specified.
FAIL cmd/pack 4.061s
ok cmd/trace 3.368s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.017s
--- FAIL: TestParse (5.94s)
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat:cpu (0.14s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto829435547: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto829435547: invalid URL port "profile_proto829435547"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text
diff: Z:proto_test510384005: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test958211360: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.13s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto607767551: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto607767551: invalid URL port "profile_proto607767551"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text
diff: Z:proto_test841039497: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test246420052: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,filefunctions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.13s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto722259363: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto722259363: invalid URL port "profile_proto722259363"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text
diff: Z:proto_test088500173: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test515582152: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,addresses,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.12s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto505211783: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto505211783: invalid URL port "profile_proto505211783"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text
diff: Z:proto_test566278481: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test129309308: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,addresses,flat,nodecount=4:cpusmall (0.13s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto433231787: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto433231787: invalid URL port "profile_proto433231787"
driver_test.go:179: cpusmall: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree cpusmall
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree
diff: Z:proto_test160811797: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test023517040: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat,nodecount=5,call_tree:unknown (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto217475087: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto217475087: invalid URL port "profile_proto217475087"
driver_test.go:179: unknown: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text unknown
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text
diff: Z:proto_test244524313: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test018262948: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,alloc_objects,flat:heap_alloc (0.39s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto411937971: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto411937971: invalid URL port "profile_proto411937971"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text
diff: Z:proto_test227880797: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test174351640: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat:heap (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto276817815: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto276817815: invalid URL port "profile_proto276817815"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text
diff: Z:proto_test560432609: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test925111244: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat,focus=[12]00,taghide=[X3]00:heap (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto851689659: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto851689659: invalid URL port "profile_proto851689659"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus
diff: Z:proto_test431331493: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test449188800: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,inuse_objects,flat:heap (0.10s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto123001887: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto123001887: invalid URL port "profile_proto123001887"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text
diff: Z:proto_test177122217: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test637089524: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0:cpu (0.12s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto093154755: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto093154755: invalid URL port "profile_proto093154755"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide
diff: Z:proto_test989086445: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test214463848: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,show=[12]00:cpu (0.10s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto322756007: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto322756007: invalid URL port "profile_proto322756007"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test471053937: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test263266588: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0,focus=[12]00:cpu (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto526618571: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto526618571: invalid URL port "profile_proto526618571"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide
diff: Z:proto_test032077365: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test225458192: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines,cum,hide=mangled[X3]0:cpu (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto662054959: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto662054959: invalid URL port "profile_proto662054959"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide
diff: Z:proto_test157664825: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test418117700: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines:cpu (0.71s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto827451603: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto827451603: invalid URL port "profile_proto827451603"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto
diff: Z:proto_test691449981: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test522317240: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.15s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto197423031: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto197423031: invalid URL port "profile_proto197423031"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus
diff: Z:proto_test742987009: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test812045932: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,relative_percentages,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.15s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto985176283: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto985176283: invalid URL port "profile_proto985176283"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus
diff: Z:proto_test831884229: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test617918560: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,show_from=line2:cpu (0.19s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto525345855: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto525345855: invalid URL port "profile_proto525345855"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from
diff: Z:proto_test160989385: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test939440532: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:cpu (0.14s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto190903779: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto190903779: invalid URL port "profile_proto190903779"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind
diff: Z:proto_test020964365: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test783277064: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind,call_tree:cpu (0.37s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto910052295: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto910052295: invalid URL port "profile_proto910052295"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind
diff: Z:proto_test402328977: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test468650940: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:heap (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto403271659: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto403271659: invalid URL port "profile_proto403271659"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind
diff: Z:proto_test274206549: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test329833136: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat:cpu (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto730058831: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto730058831: invalid URL port "profile_proto730058831"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test278498137: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test089236196: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat,call_tree:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto952620787: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto952620787: invalid URL port "profile_proto952620787"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test856267165: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test349016152: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,lines,flat,focus=[12]00:heap (0.10s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto257920471: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto257920471: invalid URL port "profile_proto257920471"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test177381409: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test111457036: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,unit=minimum:heap_sizetags (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto463934715: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto463934715: invalid URL port "profile_proto463934715"
driver_test.go:179: heap_sizetags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_sizetags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test088004837: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test024181504: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,addresses,flat,ignore=[X3]002,focus=[X1]000:contention (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto593319007: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto593319007: invalid URL port "profile_proto593319007"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test774339049: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test292847156: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,files,cum:contention (0.29s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto702920195: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto702920195: invalid URL port "profile_proto702920195"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test274494253: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test644463272: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments,add_comment=some-comment:cpu (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto324979175: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto324979175: invalid URL port "profile_proto324979175"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.comments cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.comments
diff: Z:proto_test619602097: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test122059868: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto330784779: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto330784779: invalid URL port "profile_proto330784779"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.comments heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.comments
diff: Z:proto_test228828277: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test191000400: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto885529711: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto885529711: invalid URL port "profile_proto885529711"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags
diff: Z:proto_test091259513: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test559990148: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagignore=tag[13],tagfocus=key[12]:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto877122835: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto877122835: invalid URL port "profile_proto877122835"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore
diff: Z:proto_test967198909: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test445209336: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto045257719: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto045257719: invalid URL port "profile_proto045257719"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags
diff: Z:proto_test519524161: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test367714220: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,unit=bytes:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto326531355: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto326531355: invalid URL port "profile_proto326531355"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit
diff: Z:proto_test474603013: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test374462880: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto213906047: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto213906047: invalid URL port "profile_proto213906047"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.traces cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.traces
diff: Z:proto_test971558153: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test647064276: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:heap_tags (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto268628515: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto268628515: invalid URL port "profile_proto268628515"
driver_test.go:179: heap_tags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces heap_tags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces
diff: Z:proto_test886467149: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test514651976: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,focus=[234]00:heap_alloc (0.13s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto061233159: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto061233159: invalid URL port "profile_proto061233159"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test617642449: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test493184252: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,tagshow=[2]00:heap_alloc (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto791344171: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto791344171: invalid URL port "profile_proto791344171"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test251616661: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test335186416: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,hide=line.*1?23?:heap_alloc (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto175812239: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto175812239: invalid URL port "profile_proto175812239"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test167971225: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test579197476: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=1mb:2gb:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto052711219: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto052711219: invalid URL port "profile_proto052711219"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test725607901: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test831074712: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=30kb:,tagignore=1mb:2mb:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto107363863: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto107363863: invalid URL port "profile_proto107363863"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test250528865: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test313247820: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/disasm=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto646255931: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto646255931: invalid URL port "profile_proto646255931"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm
diff: Z:proto_test460502821: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test162213952: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/peek=line.*01:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto152360607: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto152360607: invalid URL port "profile_proto152360607"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.peek cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.peek
diff: Z:proto_test384755241: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test107521908: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/weblist=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto004627523: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto004627523: invalid URL port "profile_proto004627523"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist
diff: Z:proto_test565268333: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test339889640: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagfocus=400kb::heap_request (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto458394151: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto458394151: invalid URL port "profile_proto458394151"
driver_test.go:179: heap_request: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus heap_request
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus
diff: Z:proto_test126489841: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test924677532: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot:longNameFuncs (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto481728587: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto481728587: invalid URL port "profile_proto481728587"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Z:proto_test892160181: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test550420112: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text:longNameFuncs (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Z:profile_proto346650799: http fetch: Get http://Z:profile_proto346650799: invalid URL port "profile_proto346650799"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text
diff: Z:proto_test463409849: No such file or directory
diff: Z:proto_test641285828: No such file or directory
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 8.299s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.741s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.196s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.726s
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile (0.07s)
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile/exact_absolute_path_is_found (0.01s)
source_test.go:123: openSourceFile("Z:014109603\\foo\\", "", "") = err Could not find file Z:014109603\foo\ on path , want path "Z:014109603\\foo\\"
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 5.410s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.843s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.385s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.650s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.581s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.855s
ok cmd/vendor/ 5.141s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.856s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.639s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.011s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.322s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.640s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.965s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.313s
ok cmd/vendor/ 5.410s
ok cmd/vet 7.465s
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 2.974s
ok archive/zip 3.325s
ok bufio 1.211s
ok bytes 3.808s
ok compress/bzip2 0.386s
ok compress/flate 2.952s
ok compress/gzip 2.458s
ok compress/lzw 3.454s
ok compress/zlib 3.235s
ok container/heap 2.492s
ok container/list 2.745s
ok container/ring 3.004s
ok context 1.871s
ok crypto 0.616s
ok crypto/aes 1.446s
ok crypto/cipher 1.740s
ok crypto/des 3.476s
ok crypto/dsa 1.984s
ok crypto/ecdsa 3.525s
ok crypto/elliptic 2.769s
ok crypto/hmac 2.526s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.790s
ok crypto/md5 3.170s
ok crypto/rand 3.441s
ok crypto/rc4 2.832s
ok crypto/rsa 3.078s
ok crypto/sha1 3.174s
ok crypto/sha256 2.443s
ok crypto/sha512 3.502s
ok crypto/subtle 3.254s
ok crypto/tls 2.479s
ok crypto/x509 3.892s
ok database/sql 0.909s
ok database/sql/driver 2.702s
ok debug/dwarf 0.813s
ok debug/elf 2.906s
ok debug/gosym 4.502s
ok debug/macho 2.411s
ok debug/pe 10.671s
ok debug/plan9obj 2.162s
ok encoding/ascii85 2.529s
ok encoding/asn1 1.884s
ok encoding/base32 0.846s
ok encoding/base64 0.953s
ok encoding/binary 0.778s
ok encoding/csv 0.525s
ok encoding/gob 1.337s
ok encoding/hex 1.046s
ok encoding/json 1.453s
ok encoding/pem 1.388s
ok encoding/xml 1.854s
ok errors 1.340s
ok expvar 1.394s
ok flag 1.397s
ok fmt 0.832s
ok go/ast 1.314s
ok go/build 1.448s
ok go/constant 0.939s
ok go/doc 1.086s
ok go/format 0.842s
ok go/importer 0.962s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 0.937s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 1.800s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 1.922s
ok go/parser 2.017s
ok go/printer 2.784s
ok go/scanner 1.749s
ok go/token 1.138s
ok go/types 2.651s
ok hash 1.884s
ok hash/adler32 1.988s
ok hash/crc32 1.939s
ok hash/crc64 2.237s
ok hash/fnv 1.273s
ok html 0.412s
ok html/template 1.521s
ok image 1.209s
ok image/color 0.380s
ok image/draw 1.356s
ok image/gif 0.959s
ok image/jpeg 1.000s
ok image/png 1.713s
ok index/suffixarray 2.188s
ok internal/cpu 0.844s
ok internal/fmtsort 0.369s
ok internal/poll 2.102s
ok internal/singleflight 2.450s
ok internal/syscall/windows 2.634s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 1.155s
ok internal/trace 3.010s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 0.884s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 0.620s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 2.174s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 1.654s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 1.430s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 1.917s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 1.399s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 2.147s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 2.417s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 1.906s
ok internal/x/net/idna 1.120s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 2.109s
ok internal/x/text/transform 1.346s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 0.559s
ok internal/xcoff 0.856s
ok io 1.670s
ok io/ioutil 0.378s
ok log 0.625s
ok math 1.357s
ok math/big 2.480s
ok math/bits 0.888s
ok math/cmplx 0.651s
ok math/rand 2.065s
ok mime 1.184s
ok mime/multipart 2.361s
ok mime/quotedprintable 1.559s
ok net 8.347s
ok net/http 4.626s
ok net/http/cgi 2.021s
ok net/http/cookiejar 1.680s
ok net/http/fcgi 1.213s
ok net/http/httptest 2.951s
ok net/http/httptrace 1.564s
ok net/http/httputil 1.226s
ok net/http/internal 0.816s
ok net/http/pprof 3.437s
ok net/internal/socktest 0.821s
ok net/mail 1.600s
ok net/rpc 1.178s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 1.666s
ok net/smtp 1.116s
ok net/textproto 1.381s
ok net/url 0.910s
--- FAIL: TestHardLink (0.00s)
os_test.go:697: link "hardlinktestto", "hardlinktestfrom" failed: link hardlinktestto hardlinktestfrom: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestChtimes (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 14:02:20 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 14:02:20 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestChtimesDir (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 14:02:20 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 14:02:20 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestLongPath (0.06s)
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=247 (0.03s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dirx/bar.txt Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dirx/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=248 (0.00s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3x/bar.txt Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3x/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=249 (0.00s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir34x/bar.txt Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir34x/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=400 (0.01s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dix/bar.txt Y:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath508698198/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dix/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestDirectoryJunction (0.04s)
os_windows_test.go:121: creating link for "standard" test failed: Incorrect function.
os_windows_test.go:121: creating link for "have_blank_print_name" test failed: Incorrect function.
os_windows_test.go:304: failed to run mklink Y:\Temp\testDirLinks426354680\use_mklink_cmd_link Y:\Temp\testDirLinks426354680\dir: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
os_windows_test.go:127: failed to read abc file: open Y:\Temp\testDirLinks426354680\use_mklink_cmd_link\abc: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestMkdirAllExtendedLength (0.01s)
path_windows_test.go:74: MkdirAll("\\\\?\\Y:\\Temp\\TestMkdirAllExtendedLength915672091\\dir\\.\\dir2") should have failed, but did not
FAIL os 6.513s
ok os/exec 38.428s
ok os/signal 3.039s
ok os/user 0.694s
ok path 0.634s
--- FAIL: TestNTNamespaceSymlink (0.05s)
path_windows_test.go:542: failed to run mklink Y:\Temp\TestNTNamespaceSymlink720488184\link \\?\Volume{7f04b505-0000-0000-0000-010000000000}\: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
FAIL path/filepath 2.227s
ok plugin 0.906s
ok reflect 0.638s
ok regexp 2.692s
ok regexp/syntax 2.357s
ok runtime 33.864s
ok runtime/debug 1.173s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.498s
ok runtime/internal/math 1.974s
ok runtime/internal/sys 2.444s
ok runtime/pprof 12.275s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 2.835s
ok runtime/trace 4.705s
ok sort 0.594s
ok strconv 1.038s
ok strings 1.129s
ok sync 0.992s
ok sync/atomic 0.704s
ok syscall 1.057s
ok testing 2.162s
ok testing/quick 0.873s
ok text/scanner 1.067s
ok text/tabwriter 0.923s
ok text/template 1.936s
ok text/template/parse 1.153s
ok time 4.579s
ok unicode 1.315s
ok unicode/utf16 0.761s
ok unicode/utf8 0.970s
ok cmd/addr2line 4.883s
ok cmd/api 0.498s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 1.507s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 1.354s
ok cmd/compile 1.033s
ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 14.854s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 1.239s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.120s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 1.249s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 0.920s
ok cmd/cover 5.820s
ok cmd/doc 1.180s
ok cmd/fix 10.915s
ok cmd/go 114.326s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 9.360s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.550s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 4.307s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 1.218s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 1.378s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.641s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.680s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.644s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 1.933s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 2.222s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 2.647s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 2.349s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 2.973s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 3.514s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 3.228s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 3.852s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 4.070s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 4.348s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 4.351s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 1.033s
ok cmd/go/internal/work 1.004s
ok cmd/gofmt 1.631s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.356s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.961s
ok cmd/internal/edit 0.620s
ok cmd/internal/goobj 4.394s
ok cmd/internal/obj 1.735s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 2.776s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 3.214s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 1.462s
ok cmd/internal/src 2.275s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 2.070s
ok cmd/link 5.275s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 4.429s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 2.961s
ok cmd/nm 7.410s
ok cmd/objdump 7.239s
ok cmd/pack 10.625s
ok cmd/trace 2.796s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.195s
ok cmd/vendor/ 5.170s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.754s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.684s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.406s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.999s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.578s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.290s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.847s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.955s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.330s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.622s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.208s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.097s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.740s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.009s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.039s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.229s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.959s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.289s
ok cmd/vet 7.285s
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 3.738s
ok archive/zip 4.243s
ok bufio 0.651s
ok bytes 2.771s
ok compress/bzip2 0.383s
ok compress/flate 4.196s
ok compress/gzip 3.471s
ok compress/lzw 2.422s
ok compress/zlib 4.263s
ok container/heap 2.738s
ok container/list 2.473s
ok container/ring 2.210s
ok context 2.359s
ok crypto 0.849s
ok crypto/aes 1.122s
ok crypto/cipher 1.656s
ok crypto/des 1.969s
ok crypto/dsa 1.892s
ok crypto/ecdsa 1.992s
ok crypto/elliptic 2.660s
ok crypto/hmac 2.406s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.691s
ok crypto/md5 2.179s
ok crypto/rand 2.694s
ok crypto/rc4 2.442s
ok crypto/rsa 3.501s
ok crypto/sha1 3.269s
ok crypto/sha256 2.985s
ok crypto/sha512 3.202s
ok crypto/subtle 2.938s
ok crypto/tls 1.100s
ok crypto/x509 2.659s
ok database/sql 1.619s
ok database/sql/driver 3.722s
ok debug/dwarf 4.128s
ok debug/elf 3.943s
ok debug/gosym 5.409s
ok debug/macho 3.511s
ok debug/pe 11.834s
ok debug/plan9obj 2.454s
ok encoding/ascii85 2.195s
ok encoding/asn1 2.676s
ok encoding/base32 0.907s
ok encoding/base64 0.650s
ok encoding/binary 1.373s
ok encoding/csv 0.902s
ok encoding/gob 1.067s
ok encoding/hex 1.622s
ok encoding/json 1.017s
ok encoding/pem 1.297s
ok encoding/xml 0.804s
ok errors 1.353s
ok expvar 0.715s
ok flag 0.975s
ok fmt 2.183s
ok go/ast 2.368s
ok go/build 1.434s
ok go/constant 0.696s
ok go/doc 1.462s
ok go/format 1.199s
ok go/importer 2.103s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 2.018s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 2.434s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 2.454s
ok go/parser 2.399s
ok go/printer 2.905s
ok go/scanner 1.050s
ok go/token 1.311s
ok go/types 3.360s
ok hash 1.075s
ok hash/adler32 1.296s
ok hash/crc32 0.617s
ok hash/crc64 2.108s
ok hash/fnv 0.382s
ok html 1.047s
ok html/template 1.808s
ok image 3.888s
ok image/color 0.817s
ok image/draw 2.228s
ok image/gif 2.332s
ok image/jpeg 1.610s
ok image/png 2.981s
ok index/suffixarray 2.407s
ok internal/cpu 1.301s
ok internal/fmtsort 3.476s
ok internal/poll 2.423s
ok internal/singleflight 2.663s
ok internal/syscall/windows 3.766s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 1.283s
ok internal/trace 4.039s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 1.037s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 1.538s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 0.779s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 3.639s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 0.534s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 2.870s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 3.357s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 0.421s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 2.669s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 0.694s
ok internal/x/net/idna 1.921s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 1.375s
ok internal/x/text/transform 1.181s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 1.412s
ok internal/xcoff 1.681s
ok io 2.207s
ok io/ioutil 3.669s
ok log 3.078s
ok math 1.082s
ok math/big 1.653s
ok math/bits 3.449s
ok math/cmplx 3.605s
ok math/rand 0.948s
ok mime 0.587s
ok mime/multipart 1.197s
ok mime/quotedprintable 1.025s
ok net 8.282s
2018/12/15 13:58:29 http: TLS handshake error from read tcp> use of closed network connection
--- FAIL: TestServerConnState (0.54s)
serve_test.go:4247: Unexpected events.
Got log:
Conn 1: new active idle active closed
Conn 2: new active idle active closed
Conn 3: new active hijacked
Conn 4: new active hijacked
Conn 5: new active closed
Conn 6: new closed
Conn 7: new active idle closed
Conn 1: new active idle active closed
Conn 2: new active idle active closed
Conn 3: new active hijacked
Conn 4: new active hijacked
Conn 5: new closed
Conn 6: new active closed
Conn 7: new active idle closed
FAIL net/http 3.334s
ok net/http/cgi 0.791s
ok net/http/cookiejar 1.464s
ok net/http/fcgi 0.607s
ok net/http/httptest 3.782s
ok net/http/httptrace 0.553s
ok net/http/httputil 1.980s
ok net/http/internal 0.837s
ok net/http/pprof 4.170s
ok net/internal/socktest 1.666s
ok net/mail 2.620s
ok net/rpc 2.456s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 2.700s
ok net/smtp 1.537s
ok net/textproto 2.368s
ok net/url 0.420s
--- FAIL: TestHardLink (0.00s)
os_test.go:697: link "hardlinktestto", "hardlinktestfrom" failed: link hardlinktestto hardlinktestfrom: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestChtimes (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:58:34 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:58:34 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestChtimesDir (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:58:34 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:58:34 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestLongPath (0.02s)
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=247 (0.02s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Y:_Go_TestLongPath967250934/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir345678x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=248 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Y:_Go_TestLongPath967250934/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=249 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Y:_Go_TestLongPath967250934/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=400 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir Y:_Go_TestLongPath967250934/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestDirectoryJunction (0.02s)
os_windows_test.go:107: mkdir Y:testDirLinks458490520\dir: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestOpenVolumeName (0.00s)
os_windows_test.go:617: open Y:TestOpenVolumeName854293386\file1: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestCmdArgs (0.04s)
os_windows_test.go:826: building main.exe failed: exit status 1
CreateFile Y:TestCmdArgs857051980\main.go: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestMkdirAllExtendedLength (0.00s)
path_windows_test.go:74: MkdirAll("\\\\?\\Y:\\TestMkdirAllExtendedLength023146043\\dir\\.\\dir2") should have failed, but did not
FAIL os 2.441s
--- FAIL: TestLookPath (2.23s)
lp_windows_test.go:81: test={rootDir:Y:TestLookPath196123351\d0 PATH:p1;p2 PATHEXT:.COM;.EXE;.BAT files:[p1\a.exe p2\a.exe p2\a] searchFor:a fails:false}: "cmd /c a" command failed, but expected to succeed: exit status 1 - 'a' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
--- FAIL: TestCommand (17.19s)
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d0\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d0" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d1\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d1" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a want:a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d2\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d2" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d3\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d3" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:.\p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d4\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d4" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d5\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d5" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d6\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d6" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d9\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d9" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d10\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d10" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d11\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d11" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p2\a.exe fails:false}: exec: exit status 1 Child: exec: "a.exe": executable file not found in %PATH%
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d13\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d13" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d14\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d14" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "Y:\\TestCommand360493130\\d15\\p\\a.exe" must have "Y:TestCommand360493130\\d15" prefix
FAIL os/exec 21.872s
ok os/signal 3.843s
ok os/user 0.966s
ok path 1.658s
--- FAIL: TestWindowsGlob (0.02s)
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\a") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\a"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\a"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\b") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\b"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\b"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\*") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\a" "Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\b" "Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\a" "Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\b" "Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\d*") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\*i*") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\*r") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\?ir") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\d*\\*\\bin\\git.exe") returns ["Y:\\TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir\\d\\bin\\git.exe"], but ["Y:TestWindowsGlob182109290\\dir\\d\\bin\\git.exe"] expected
--- FAIL: TestAbs (0.01s)
path_test.go:1076: Y:TestAbs359127870: CreateFile Y:TestAbs359127870: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: Y:TestAbs359127870/.: CreateFile Y:TestAbs359127870/.: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: Y:TestAbs359127870/a/../a/b: CreateFile Y:TestAbs359127870/a/../a/b: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: Y:TestAbs359127870/a/b/c/../../.././a: CreateFile Y:TestAbs359127870/a/b/c/../../.././a: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: Y:TestAbs359127870/a/b/c/../../.././a/: CreateFile Y:TestAbs359127870/a/b/c/../../.././a/: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestAbsEmptyString (0.00s)
path_test.go:1120: Y:TestAbsEmptyString697025925: CreateFile Y:TestAbsEmptyString697025925: The system cannot find the file specified.
--- FAIL: TestToNorm (0.01s)
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir Y:testToNorm557032725\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestNTNamespaceSymlink (0.05s)
path_windows_test.go:542: failed to run mklink Y:TestNTNamespaceSymlink039625584\link \\?\Volume{7f04b505-0000-0000-0000-010000000000}\: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
FAIL path/filepath 2.128s
ok plugin 1.458s
ok reflect 0.825s
ok regexp 1.639s
ok regexp/syntax 0.973s
--- FAIL: TestMemPprof (0.40s)
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top Y:go-build861507855\testprog.exe Y:memprof038997047]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://Y:memprof038997047/debug/pprof/profile
Y:memprof038997047: Get http://Y:memprof038997047/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof038997047"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top Y:memprof038997047]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://Y:memprof038997047/debug/pprof/profile
Y:memprof038997047: Get http://Y:memprof038997047/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof038997047"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
--- FAIL: TestTimePprof (0.29s)
crash_test.go:636: Fetching profile over HTTP from http://Y:timeprof046387715/debug/pprof/profile
Y:timeprof046387715: Get http://Y:timeprof046387715/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "timeprof046387715"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:638: exit status 1
FAIL runtime 30.916s
ok runtime/debug 1.423s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 2.019s
ok runtime/internal/math 2.067s
ok runtime/internal/sys 1.889s
ok runtime/pprof 9.901s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 2.010s
ok runtime/trace 2.975s
ok sort 0.760s
ok strconv 1.098s
ok strings 0.593s
ok sync 2.188s
ok sync/atomic 0.946s
ok syscall 1.615s
ok testing 2.097s
ok testing/quick 1.308s
ok text/scanner 1.528s
ok text/tabwriter 1.623s
ok text/template 2.063s
ok text/template/parse 2.132s
ok time 3.874s
ok unicode 1.633s
ok unicode/utf16 0.673s
ok unicode/utf8 0.538s
--- FAIL: TestAddr2Line (1.84s)
addr2line_test.go:103: go test -c -o Y:TestAddr2Line727478615\testaddr2line_test.exe cmd/addr2line: exit status 1
go test cmd/addr2line.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\addr2line\Y:TestAddr2Line727478615\: The directory name is invalid.
FAIL cmd/addr2line 2.259s
ok cmd/api 1.363s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 1.495s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 1.075s
ok cmd/compile 1.622s
--- FAIL: TestCode (4.25s)
ssa_test.go:173: Build failed: exit status 1
go test command-line-arguments.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\compile\internal\gc\Y:TestCode874852968\: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScopeRanges (1.16s)
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 18 "\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 19 "\t\tf2(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 20 "\t\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 21 "\t\t\tf3(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 23 "\t\tf4(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 28 "\tif a, b, c := gret3(); a != 1 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 29 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 30 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 31 "\t\tf1(c)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 33 "\tfor i, x := range v {": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 34 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 35 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 37 "\tif a, ok := <- ch; ok {": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 38 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 40 "\tif a, ok := iface.(int); ok {": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 41 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 45 "\tif x := gret1(); x != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 46 "\t\ta := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 47 "\t\tf1(a); f1(x)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 49 "\t\tb := 1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 50 "\t\tf1(b); f1(x+1)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 54 "\tswitch x := gret1(); x {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 55 "\tcase 0:": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 56 "\t\ti := x + 5": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 57 "\t\tf1(x); f1(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 58 "\tcase 1:": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 59 "\t\tj := x + 10": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 60 "\t\tf1(x); f1(j)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 61 "\tcase 2:": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 62 "\t\tk := x + 2": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 63 "\t\tf1(x); f1(k)": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 68 "\tcase int:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 69 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 70 "\tcase uint8:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 71 "\t\tf1(int(x))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 72 "\tcase float64:": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 73 "\t\tf1(int(x)+1)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 78 "\tcase i := <- ch:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 79 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 80 "\tcase f := <- floatch:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 81 "\t\tf1(int(f))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 87 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 88 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 89 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 96 "\t\tb := 0": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 97 "\t\tf2(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 98 "\t\tif gretbool() {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 99 "\t\t\tc := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 100 "\t\t\tf3(c)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 102 "\t\t\tc := 1.1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 103 "\t\t\tf4(int(c))": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 105 "\t\tf5(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 111 "\tf := func(c int) {": expected: [0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 114 "\t\tif e := 3; e != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 115 "\t\t\tf1(e)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 116 "\t\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 117 "\t\t\tb = 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 125 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 126 "\t\tp := &b": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 127 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 128 "\t\tfi(p)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 134 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 135 "\t\tf := func() int {": expected: [1 0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 138 "\t\treturn f": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:297: mismatched output
FAIL cmd/compile/internal/gc 11.957s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 1.980s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.954s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 1.645s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 1.224s
ok cmd/cover 5.834s
ok cmd/doc 1.838s
ok cmd/fix 11.335s
--- FAIL: TestRelativeGOBINFail (0.00s)
go_test.go:1430: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:1430: testgo failed as expected: exec: "Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:1431: go install must fail if $GOBIN is a relative path
go_test.go:1431: pattern cannot install, GOBIN must be an absolute path not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in Y:\gotest951007851
--- FAIL: TestTestOutputToDevNull (0.04s)
go_test.go:1471: running testgo [test -o NUL -c p]
go_test.go:1471: standard error:
go_test.go:1471: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest275173070".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1471: go [test -o NUL -c p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATHPrintedSearchList (0.03s)
go_test.go:2014: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:2014: standard error:
go_test.go:2014: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest975931349\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2014: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2015: expected default GOPATH
go_test.go:2015: pattern Y:gotest975931349\\home\\go\\src\\github\.com\\golang\\example\\hello.*from \$GOPATH not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildTestOnly (0.01s)
go_test.go:3067: running testgo [build testonly testonly...]
go_test.go:3067: testgo failed as expected: exec: "Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:3068: go build ./xtestonly produced unexpected error
go_test.go:3068: pattern no non-test Go files in not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in Y:\gotest073267682\src
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildGOPATHOrder (0.05s)
go_test.go:3898: running testgo [install -x bar]
go_test.go:3898: standard error:
go_test.go:3898: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest255675933\\p1".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3898: go [install -x bar] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDotDotDotOutsideGOPATH (0.02s)
go_test.go:4526: running testgo [build ./...]
go_test.go:4526: go [build ./...] failed unexpectedly in Y:\gotest703878602\pkgs: exec: "Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in Y:\gotest703878602\pkgs
--- FAIL: TestBuildTagsNoComma (0.03s)
go_test.go:4611: running testgo [build -tags tag1 tag2 math]
go_test.go:4611: standard error:
go_test.go:4611: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest623756961\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4611: go [build -tags tag1 tag2 math] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT (0.61s)
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT/RelocatedTree (0.03s)
go_test.go:4666: go env GOROOT:
have Y:\gotest804745612\new
want Y:gotest804745612\new
--- FAIL: TestBadCommandLines (0.03s)
go_test.go:5844: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5844: standard error:
go_test.go:5844: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest508474747".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5844: go [build x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestBadCgoDirectives (0.04s)
go_test.go:5901: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5901: standard error:
go_test.go:5901: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest226337950".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5901: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:5902: did not reject //go:cgo_ldflag directive
go_test.go:5902: pattern //go:cgo_ldflag .* only allowed in cgo-generated code not found in standard error
go test proxy starting
go proxy_test: invalid module path encoding "": malformed module path "": invalid version
go test proxy running at GOPROXY=
--- FAIL: TestScript (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_wildcard (0.22s)
# Fix for
# go run x/... should not panic when directory x doesn't exist. (0.042s)
> ! go run nonexistent/...
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr '^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$'
FAIL: testdata\script\run_wildcard.txt:5: no match for `^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glockfile (0.23s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glockfile.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_hello (0.26s)
# hello world (0.015s)
> go run hello.go
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\run_hello.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_install_versioned (0.28s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.Target}}'
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_install_versioned.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_upgrade_patch (0.28s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_upgrade_patch.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_test (0.28s)
# go list -compiled -test must handle test-only packages
# (0.006s)
> go list -compiled -test
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_test.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_build (0.31s)
# initial conditions: using sampler v1.3.0, not listed in go.mod. (0.018s)
> go list -deps
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_build.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_dir (0.31s)
# go list with path to directory should work (0.022s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}' $GOROOT/src/math
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_dir.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_nodeps (0.32s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod vendor
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_nodeps.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_compile_binary (0.33s)
> ! go test -c compile_binary/...
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build comment'
FAIL: testdata\script\test_compile_binary.txt:2: no match for `build comment` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_versions (0.34s)
# Test rejection of pkg@version in GOPATH mode. (0.015s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_versions.txt:4: no match for `cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_devnull (0.35s)
# go test -c -o NUL
# should work (see (0.021s)
> cd x
> go test -o=$devnull -c
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\test_devnull.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list (0.35s)
# list {{.Dir}} shows main module and go.mod but not not-yet-downloaded dependency dir. (0.032s)
> go list -m -f '{{.Path}} {{.Main}} {{.GoMod}} {{.Dir}}' all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_sum (0.38s)
# go.sum should list directly used modules and dependencies (0.044s)
> go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_sum.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/vet_asm (0.39s)
# Issue 27665. Verify that "go vet" analyzes non-Go files. (0.028s)
> env GOOS=linux
> env GOARCH=amd64
> ! go vet -asmdecl a
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'f: invalid MOVW of x'
FAIL: testdata\script\vet_asm.txt:6: no match for `f: invalid MOVW of x` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cleans_build (0.39s)
# 'go install' with no arguments should clean up after go build (0.043s)
> cd mycmd
> go build
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cleans_build.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import_mod (0.42s)
# Test that GOPATH/pkg/mod is excluded (0.025s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go list mod/foo
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'disallowed import path'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import_mod.txt:4: no match for `disallowed import path` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_verify (0.42s)
# With good go.sum, verify succeeds by avoiding download. (0.033s)
> cp go.sum.good go.sum
> go mod verify
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_verify.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_help (0.20s)
# go help get shows usage for get (0.011s)
> go help get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_help.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/binary_only (0.45s)
# check that error for missing binary-only says where it should be (0.037s)
> ! go build b
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr pkg[\\/].*a\.a
FAIL: testdata\script\binary_only.txt:3: no match for `pkg[\\/].*a\.a` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import (0.27s)
# latest should be v1.5.2 not v1.5.3-pre1 (0.021s)
> go list
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_graph (0.25s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod graph
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_graph.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gopkg_unstable (0.28s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go get -d
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gopkg_unstable.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_replace (0.57s)
# Before vendoring, we expect to see the original directory. (0.017s)
> go list -f '{{.Version}} {{.Dir}}' -m
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_replace.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glide (0.19s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glide.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_getmode_vendor (0.25s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get -m
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_getmode_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_std (0.23s)
# listing GOROOT should only find standard packages (0.066s)
> cd $GOROOT/src
> go list -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\\script-list_std\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
[exit status 2]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_std.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_bad_import (0.58s)
# This test matches list_bad_import, but in module mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.003s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.017s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_badtest (0.58s)
> ! go test badtest/...
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stdout ^ok
> stdout ^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec
FAIL: testdata\script\test_badtest.txt:3: no match for `^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec` found in stdout
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_git (0.19s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_git.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_replace (0.61s)
# From inside the module, 'go list -m all' should NOT include transitive
# requirements of modules that have been replaced. (0.018s)
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_replace.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_warning (0.28s)
# go get in GO111MODULE=auto should warn when not using modules and go.mod exists (0.038s)
> env GO111MODULE=auto
> mkdir z
> cd z
> ! go get # fails because no code in directory, not the warning
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee ''go help modules'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_warning.txt:7: no match for `go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee 'go help modules'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_e (0.31s)
# issue 25980: crash in go list -e -test (0.021s)
> go list -e -test -f '{{.Error}}' p
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_e.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_quote (0.28s)
# Check that mod tidy does not introduce repeated
# require statements when input go.mod has quoted requirements. (0.015s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod tidy
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_quote.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_upgrade (0.25s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_tags (0.31s)
# go list supports -tags (0.036s)
> go list -tags=thetag ./my...
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_tags.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_dep (0.21s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_dep.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gobuild_import (0.45s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gobuild_import.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_why (0.73s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -test all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_why.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_compiled_imports (0.33s)
# go list should report import "C" (0.015s)
> cd x
> go list -f '{{.Imports}}'
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_compiled_imports.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_imports (0.44s)
# issue 26880: list with tests has wrong variant in imports (0.018s)
> go list -test -f '{{.ImportPath}}:{{with .Imports}} {{join . ", "}}{{end}}' a b
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_imports.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/help (0.22s)
# go help shows overview. (0.026s)
> go help
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\help.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/goflags (0.22s)
# GOFLAGS sets flags for commands (0.026s)
> env GOFLAGS='-e -f={{.Dir}} --test.benchtime=1s -count=10'
> go list asdfasdfasdf # succeeds because of -e
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\goflags.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_unicode (0.24s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_unicode.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_find (0.40s)
# go list -find should not report imports (0.014s)
> go list -f {{.Incomplete}} x/y/z... # should probably exit non-zero but never has
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_find.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_tilde (0.21s)
# Paths containing windows short names should be rejected before attempting to fetch. (0.019s)
> ! go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'trailing tilde and digits'
FAIL: testdata\script\get_tilde.txt:3: no match for `trailing tilde and digits` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/linkname (0.26s)
# check for linker name in error message about linker crash (0.024s)
> [!gc] skip
> ! go build -ldflags=-crash_for_testing x.go
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr [\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link
FAIL: testdata\script\linkname.txt:4: no match for `[\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_dotfiles (0.23s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_dotfiles.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_brace (0.22s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_brace.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case_cgo (0.26s)
> [!cgo] skip
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case_cgo.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case (0.25s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_importmap (0.53s)
# gccgo does not have standard packages. (0.000s)
# fmt should have no rewritten imports.
# The import from a/b should map c/d to a's vendor directory. (0.012s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.ImportMap}}' fmt a/b
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_importmap.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_gopath (0.20s)
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_gopath.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_bad_import (0.49s)
# This test matches mod_list_bad_import, but in GOPATH mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.002s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.010s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_concurrent (0.40s)
# Concurrent builds should succeed, even if they need to download modules. (0.026s)
> go build ./x &
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_concurrent.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_none (0.18s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod init
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_none.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_filenames (0.22s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stderr 'unzip.*badfile1'
> stderr 'unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char ''☺'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_filenames.txt:5: no match for `unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char '☺'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/fileline (0.37s)
# look for short, relative file:line in error message (0.017s)
> ! go run ../../gopath/x/y/z/err.go
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:
FAIL: testdata\script\fileline.txt:3: no match for `^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cross_gobin (0.27s)
> cd mycmd
> go build mycmd
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cross_gobin.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_nocache (0.21s)
# As of Go 1.12, the module cache is required.
# If none of the variables we use to locate GOCACHE are set, the cache is off
# and we cannot build. (0.018s)
> env GOCACHE=
> env HOME=
> [plan9] env home=
> [windows] env LocalAppData=
> ! go build -o triv triv.go
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*'
FAIL: testdata\script\build_nocache.txt:11: no match for `build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_go_version (0.72s)
# Test support for declaring needed Go version in module. (0.011s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_go_version.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_moved (0.17s)
# A 'go get' that worked at a previous version should continue to work at that version,
# even if the package was subsequently moved into a submodule. (0.018s)
> go mod init
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_moved.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test_files (0.44s)
# Testing an explicit source file should use the same import visibility as the
# package in the same directory. (0.016s)
> go list -test -deps
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test_files.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_build_tags (0.32s)
# Test that build tags are used.
# (0.026s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> ! go list -f {{.GoFiles}}
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build constraints exclude all Go files'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_build_tags.txt:8: no match for `build constraints exclude all Go files` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_gomips (0.23s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.026s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_gomips.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_find (0.19s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_find.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_downgrade (0.26s)
# downgrade sampler should downgrade quote (0.020s)
> go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_downgrade.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_clean_cache (0.50s)
# 'mod download' should download the module to the cache. (0.009s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_clean_cache.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_relative_tmpdir (0.26s)
# If GOTMPDIR is relative, 'go build' should derive an absolute $WORK directory. (0.003s)
> cd $WORK
FAIL: testdata\script\build_relative_tmpdir.txt:2: CreateFile $WORK\gopath\src\$WORK: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_indirect (0.25s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_indirect.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_removed (0.43s)
# go command should detect package staleness as source file set changes (0.015s)
> go install mypkg
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_removed.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_domain (0.36s)
# explicit get should report errors about bad names (0.014s)
> ! go get appengine
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_domain.txt:5: no match for `malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_conf (0.19s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_conf.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_link (0.23s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.016s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_link.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_internal (1.17s)
# should be importable from other modules. (0.027s)
> rm go.mod
> go mod init
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_internal.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_commit (0.24s)
# @commit should resolve
# should not resolve with -m,
# because that's not a module path. (0.012s)
# ... but it should work without -m.
# because of -d, the compiler should not run (0.009s)
> go get -d -x
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_commit.txt:11: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/vendor_complex (1.18s)
# smoke test for complex build configuration (0.021s)
> go build -o complex.exe complex
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\vendor_complex.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_yml (0.21s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_yml.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_output (0.28s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.024s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_output.txt:5: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_manifest (0.21s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_manifest.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_godeps (0.21s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_godeps.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_incompatible (0.27s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list x
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_incompatible.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_local (0.37s)
# Test 'go get' with a local module with a name that is not valid for network lookup. (0.014s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_local.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_json (0.22s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_json.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_tsv (0.21s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_tsv.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy (0.73s)
# tidy removes unused y, but everything else is used (0.012s)
> go mod tidy -v
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_compile (0.26s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.025s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_compile.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/gcflags_patterns (0.64s)
# -gcflags=-e applies to named packages, not dependencies (0.020s)
> go build -n -v -gcflags=-e z1 z2
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\gcflags_patterns.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_download (0.25s)
# download with version should print nothing (0.015s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_download.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_file_proxy (0.22s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_file_proxy.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_GOTMPDIR (0.26s)
# Set GOCACHE to a clean directory to ensure that 'go build' has work to report. (0.000s)
# Build should use GOTMPDIR if set. (0.021s)
> env GOTMPDIR=$WORK/my-favorite-tmpdir
> mkdir $GOTMPDIR
FAIL: testdata\script\build_GOTMPDIR.txt:6: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query (0.25s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -versions
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badzip (0.23s)
# Zip files with unexpected file names inside should be rejected. (0.013s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get -d
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'zip for has unexpected file'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badzip.txt:5: no match for `zip for has unexpected file` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_modinfo (0.30s)
# Test to ensure runtime/debug.ReadBuildInfo parses
# the modinfo embedded in a binary by the go tool
# when module is enabled. (0.018s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> go mod edit
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_modinfo.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_doc (0.31s)
# go doc should find module documentation (0.017s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go doc y
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_doc.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/cgo_syso_issue29253 (0.55s)
# This test tests that we can link in-package syso files that provides symbols
# for cgo. See issue 29253. (0.258s)
> [!cgo] stop
> [!gc] stop
> cc -c -o pkg/o.syso ext.c
Cannot create temporary file in Y:\cmd-go-test-833119303\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\gopath\src\cmd-go-test-833119303\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\tmp\: No such file or directory
[exit status 3]
FAIL: testdata\script\cgo_syso_issue29253.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit_go (0.23s)
# Test support for go mod -edit to set language version. (0.020s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go build
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'type aliases only supported as of'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit_go.txt:5: no match for `type aliases only supported as of` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test (0.81s)
# TODO(bcmills): Convert the 'go test' calls below to 'go list -test' once 'go
# list' is more sensitive to package loading errors.
# A test in the module's root package should work. (0.038s)
> cd a/
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go test
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit (0.26s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_enabled (0.18s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_enabled.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_nomod (0.22s)
# Test go commands with no module. (0.000s)
# go mod edit fails unless given explicit mod file argument (0.050s)
> ! go mod edit -json
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> go mod edit -json x.mod
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_nomod.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_require_exclude (0.23s)
# build with no newer version to satisfy exclude (0.023s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go list -m all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'no newer version available'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_require_exclude.txt:4: no match for `no newer version available` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_upgrade (0.17s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -u all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_path (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_path.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\Y:cmd-go-test-833119303: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_replaced (0.19s)
# After 'go get -d', the go.sum file should contain the sum for the module. (0.017s)
> go get -d
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_sum_replaced.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_std_vendor (0.20s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.TestImports}}'
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_std_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_domain_root (0.19s)
# Module paths that are domain roots should resolve.
# ( not (0.016s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go build
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_domain_root.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_readonly (0.17s)
# -mod=readonly must not resolve missing modules nor update go.mod
# TODO(bcmills): 'go list' should suffice, but today it does not fail due to
# unresolved imports. When that is fixed, use 'go list' instead of 'go list all'. (0.017s)
> env GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_readonly.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badmod (0.27s)
# Unknown lines should be ignored in dependency go.mod files. (0.028s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badmod.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_outside (0.23s)
# This script tests commands in module mode outside of any module.
# First, ensure that we really are in module mode, and that we really don't have
# a go.mod file. (0.015s)
> go env GOMOD
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_outside.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query_exclude (0.15s)
# get excluded version (0.024s)
> cp go.mod1 go.mod
> ! go get
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ' excluded'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query_exclude.txt:6: no match for ` excluded` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_multirepo (0.22s)
# initial standalone module should use no downloaded modules (0.008s)
> go list -deps -f {{.Dir}}
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_multirepo.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_local_replace (0.29s)
# Test that local replacements work even with dummy module names.
# (0.029s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x/y
> go list -f '{{.Dir}}' zz
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_local_replace.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_fs_patterns (0.44s)
# File system pattern searches should skip sub-modules and vendor directories. (0.004s)
# all packages (0.018s)
> go list all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_fs_patterns.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_internal (0.20s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' runbad1.go
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_internal.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_patterns (0.29s)
# 'go list all' should list all of the packages used (directly or indirectly) by
# the packages in the main module, but no other packages from the standard
# library or active modules.
# 'go list ...' should list packages in all active modules and the standard library.
# But not cmd/* - see
# 'go list' should list packages in all modules that begin with ''.
# 'go list ./...' should list only packages in the current module, not other active modules.
# Warnings about unmatched patterns should only be printed once.
# And the go command should be able to keep track of all this! (0.005s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.Match}}' all ... ./... ./xyz...
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_patterns.txt:19: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace (0.23s)
# Make sure the test builds without replacement. (0.004s)
> go build -o a1.exe .
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor (1.46s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace_import (0.23s)
# 'go list -mod=readonly' should not add requirements even if they can be
# resolved locally. (0.003s)
# 'go list' should resolve imports using replacements. (0.000s)
> go list all
[fork/exec Y:cmd-go-test-833119303\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace_import.txt:10: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentAsm (0.07s)
go_test.go:4507: running testgo [build p]
go_test.go:4507: standard error:
go_test.go:4507: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest180684691\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4507: go [build p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATH (0.16s)
go_test.go:1969: running testgo [env GOPATH]
go_test.go:1969: standard error:
go_test.go:1969: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest916942953\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1969: go [env GOPATH] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDontReportRemoveOfEmptyDir (0.17s)
go_test.go:6067: running testgo [install -x a]
go_test.go:6067: standard error:
go_test.go:6067: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest037271772".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6067: go [install -x a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestVetWithOnlyCgoFiles (0.18s)
go_test.go:3315: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3315: standard error:
go_test.go:3315: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest098788530".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3315: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoVetWithOnlyTestFiles (0.19s)
go_test.go:3301: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3301: standard error:
go_test.go:3301: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest928517638".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3301: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCgoCache (0.19s)
go_test.go:6046: running testgo [build -o Y:gotest389975791\x.exe x]
go_test.go:6046: standard error:
go_test.go:6046: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest389975791".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6046: go [build -o Y:gotest389975791\x.exe x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestAlwaysLinkSysoFiles (0.20s)
go_test.go:4224: running testgo [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso]
go_test.go:4224: standard error:
go_test.go:4224: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest787837059".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4224: go [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestPackageMainTestCompilerFlags (0.25s)
go_test.go:1508: running testgo [test -c -n p1]
go_test.go:1508: standard error:
go_test.go:1508: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest007601803".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1508: go [test -c -n p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverpkgTestOnly (0.28s)
go_test.go:6196: running testgo [test -coverpkg=a atest]
go_test.go:6196: standard error:
go_test.go:6196: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest937724880".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6196: go [test -coverpkg=a atest] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCgoShowsFullPathNames (0.29s)
go_test.go:2813: running testgo [build x/y/dirname]
go_test.go:2813: standard error:
go_test.go:2813: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest557548186".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2813: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2814: error did not use full path
go_test.go:2814: pattern x/y/dirname not found in standard output or standard error
--- FAIL: TestTestVetRebuild (0.31s)
go_test.go:5643: running testgo [test b]
go_test.go:5643: standard error:
go_test.go:5643: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest498704770".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5643: go [test b] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestFFLAGS (0.21s)
go_test.go:4554: running testgo [build -x p]
go_test.go:4554: standard error:
go_test.go:4554: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest157323734\\p".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4556: missing expected "-no-such-fortran-flag"
go_test.go:4556: pattern no-such-fortran-flag not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestCaseCollisions (0.33s)
go_test.go:2306: running testgo [list -json example/a]
go_test.go:2306: standard error:
go_test.go:2306: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest393572020".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2306: go [list -json example/a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoListDeps (0.35s)
go_test.go:1765: running testgo [list -f {{.Deps}} p1]
go_test.go:1765: standard error:
go_test.go:1765: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:gotest078362215".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1765: go [list -f {{.Deps}} p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverageDashC (1.91s)
go_test.go:2639: running testgo [test -c -o Y:gotest858414325\coverdep -coverprofile=Y:gotest858414325\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep]
go_test.go:2639: standard error:
go_test.go:2639: go test coverdep.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go\Y:gotest858414325\: The directory name is invalid.
go_test.go:2639: go [test -c -o Y:gotest858414325\coverdep -coverprofile=Y:gotest858414325\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 1
FAIL cmd/go 82.361s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 9.885s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.805s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 1.508s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 1.346s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.973s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.649s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.722s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.186s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 1.810s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 1.933s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 1.915s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 1.430s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 1.375s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 1.753s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 1.992s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 1.172s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 1.313s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 1.562s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 1.662s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 1.433s
--- FAIL: TestSharedLibName (0.03s)
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
FAIL cmd/go/internal/work 1.327s
--- FAIL: TestDiff (0.05s)
gofmt_test.go:224: diff: got:
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
FAIL cmd/gofmt 1.109s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.477s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 1.610s
ok cmd/internal/edit 1.058s
go install mycgo: exit status 2
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:TestGoobj478585639\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/internal/goobj 2.650s
ok cmd/internal/obj 0.783s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 2.736s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 4.101s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 1.878s
ok cmd/internal/src 2.401s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 2.976s
ok cmd/link 6.398s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 3.915s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 0.600s
--- FAIL: TestGoLib (0.66s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:TestGoLib153624186\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
--- FAIL: TestCgoLib (0.66s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "Y:TestGoLib041761288\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/nm 5.897s
ok cmd/objdump 5.828s
2018/12/15 13:58:58 open Y:pack010335500\pack.a: The system cannot find the path specified.
FAIL cmd/pack 0.422s
ok cmd/trace 2.238s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.997s
--- FAIL: TestParse (3.88s)
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto494993843: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto494993843: invalid URL port "profile_proto494993843"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text
diff: Y:proto_test855437917: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test398492184: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto021185687: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto021185687: invalid URL port "profile_proto021185687"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text
diff: Y:proto_test488765665: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test221796044: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,filefunctions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto318248891: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto318248891: invalid URL port "profile_proto318248891"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text
diff: Y:proto_test192606629: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test563731136: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,addresses,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto811595551: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto811595551: invalid URL port "profile_proto811595551"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text
diff: Y:proto_test144146089: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test729673204: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,addresses,flat,nodecount=4:cpusmall (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto221558979: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto221558979: invalid URL port "profile_proto221558979"
driver_test.go:179: cpusmall: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree cpusmall
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree
diff: Y:proto_test183734253: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test830100072: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat,nodecount=5,call_tree:unknown (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto500890279: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto500890279: invalid URL port "profile_proto500890279"
driver_test.go:179: unknown: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text unknown
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text
diff: Y:proto_test030520177: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test738348060: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,alloc_objects,flat:heap_alloc (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto056193227: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto056193227: invalid URL port "profile_proto056193227"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text
diff: Y:proto_test037982005: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test300714256: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto706296111: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto706296111: invalid URL port "profile_proto706296111"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text
diff: Y:proto_test828014905: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test813330244: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat,focus=[12]00,taghide=[X3]00:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto321361363: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto321361363: invalid URL port "profile_proto321361363"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus
diff: Y:proto_test590162301: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test127503032: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,inuse_objects,flat:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto858313399: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto858313399: invalid URL port "profile_proto858313399"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text
diff: Y:proto_test107625985: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test610203500: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto193280475: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto193280475: invalid URL port "profile_proto193280475"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide
diff: Y:proto_test803862725: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test634306912: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,show=[12]00:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto175161151: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto175161151: invalid URL port "profile_proto175161151"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test493723081: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test037520532: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0,focus=[12]00:cpu (0.10s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto592480995: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto592480995: invalid URL port "profile_proto592480995"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide
diff: Y:proto_test445848845: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test372086536: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines,cum,hide=mangled[X3]0:cpu (0.10s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto020755143: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto020755143: invalid URL port "profile_proto020755143"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide
diff: Y:proto_test652539537: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test056842428: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines:cpu (0.10s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto569875179: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto569875179: invalid URL port "profile_proto569875179"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto
diff: Y:proto_test651222613: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test811276208: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto121056079: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto121056079: invalid URL port "profile_proto121056079"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus
diff: Y:proto_test991548505: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test350118884: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,relative_percentages,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto205901299: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto205901299: invalid URL port "profile_proto205901299"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus
diff: Y:proto_test904499869: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test901478232: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,show_from=line2:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto343820503: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto343820503: invalid URL port "profile_proto343820503"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from
diff: Y:proto_test594888993: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test278918668: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto533463035: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto533463035: invalid URL port "profile_proto533463035"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind
diff: Y:proto_test551705061: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test743138304: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind,call_tree:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto451819871: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto451819871: invalid URL port "profile_proto451819871"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind
diff: Y:proto_test344514793: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test351262516: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:heap (0.06s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto678977283: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto678977283: invalid URL port "profile_proto678977283"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind
diff: Y:proto_test318319661: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test946692520: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto944625895: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto944625895: invalid URL port "profile_proto944625895"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test687458737: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test685338972: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat,call_tree:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto912119051: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto912119051: invalid URL port "profile_proto912119051"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test768313205: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test168466512: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,lines,flat,focus=[12]00:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto528569711: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto528569711: invalid URL port "profile_proto528569711"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test934114169: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test930495620: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,unit=minimum:heap_sizetags (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto143870995: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto143870995: invalid URL port "profile_proto143870995"
driver_test.go:179: heap_sizetags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_sizetags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test358962621: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test974307832: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,addresses,flat,ignore=[X3]002,focus=[X1]000:contention (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto790365431: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto790365431: invalid URL port "profile_proto790365431"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test922108481: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test645505708: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,files,cum:contention (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto693008411: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto693008411: invalid URL port "profile_proto693008411"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test616623365: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test174937760: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments,add_comment=some-comment:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto139169151: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto139169151: invalid URL port "profile_proto139169151"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.comments cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.comments
diff: Y:proto_test556488201: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test903913940: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto026052387: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto026052387: invalid URL port "profile_proto026052387"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.comments heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.comments
diff: Y:proto_test548550477: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test143742024: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto376811783: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto376811783: invalid URL port "profile_proto376811783"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags
diff: Y:proto_test240659665: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test241559548: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagignore=tag[13],tagfocus=key[12]:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto175723819: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto175723819: invalid URL port "profile_proto175723819"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore
diff: Y:proto_test650507925: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test066673392: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto881761679: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto881761679: invalid URL port "profile_proto881761679"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags
diff: Y:proto_test723248793: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test471440164: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,unit=bytes:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto902669363: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto902669363: invalid URL port "profile_proto902669363"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit
diff: Y:proto_test560493277: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test829298840: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:cpu (0.28s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto061522711: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto061522711: invalid URL port "profile_proto061522711"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.traces cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.traces
diff: Y:proto_test475978081: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test200491340: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:heap_tags (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto650786363: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto650786363: invalid URL port "profile_proto650786363"
driver_test.go:179: heap_tags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces heap_tags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces
diff: Y:proto_test898185253: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test476220224: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,focus=[234]00:heap_alloc (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto318108063: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto318108063: invalid URL port "profile_proto318108063"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test782429993: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test148935796: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,tagshow=[2]00:heap_alloc (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto065950531: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto065950531: invalid URL port "profile_proto065950531"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test750506605: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test372410600: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,hide=line.*1?23?:heap_alloc (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto267505447: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto267505447: invalid URL port "profile_proto267505447"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test947762161: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test646384796: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=1mb:2gb:heap (0.06s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto373113675: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto373113675: invalid URL port "profile_proto373113675"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test868073397: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test641956752: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=30kb:,tagignore=1mb:2mb:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto242021807: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto242021807: invalid URL port "profile_proto242021807"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test334407097: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test225476548: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/disasm=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto316804179: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto316804179: invalid URL port "profile_proto316804179"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm
diff: Y:proto_test572530685: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test833880888: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/peek=line.*01:cpu (0.23s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto341586743: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto341586743: invalid URL port "profile_proto341586743"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.peek cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.peek
diff: Y:proto_test288527489: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test032528364: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/weblist=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto305291867: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto305291867: invalid URL port "profile_proto305291867"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist
diff: Y:proto_test784840005: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test340205024: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagfocus=400kb::heap_request (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto062902719: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto062902719: invalid URL port "profile_proto062902719"
driver_test.go:179: heap_request: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus heap_request
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus
diff: Y:proto_test647815753: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test990431508: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot:longNameFuncs (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto592992099: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto592992099: invalid URL port "profile_proto592992099"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: Y:proto_test289616781: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test336061832: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text:longNameFuncs (0.06s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: Y:profile_proto412782919: http fetch: Get http://Y:profile_proto412782919: invalid URL port "profile_proto412782919"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text
diff: Y:proto_test974624017: No such file or directory
diff: Y:proto_test598690620: No such file or directory
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 6.208s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.097s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.616s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.346s
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile (0.03s)
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile/exact_absolute_path_is_found (0.00s)
source_test.go:123: openSourceFile("Y:922248087\\foo\\", "", "") = err Could not find file Y:922248087\foo\ on path , want path "Y:922248087\\foo\\"
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 2.015s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.791s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.528s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.440s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.691s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.251s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.176s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.787s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.730s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.085s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.394s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.671s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.066s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.637s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.812s
ok cmd/vet 6.375s
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 2.249s
ok archive/zip 2.764s
ok bufio 1.175s
ok bytes 2.991s
ok compress/bzip2 0.431s
ok compress/flate 2.732s
ok compress/gzip 2.522s
ok compress/lzw 3.176s
ok compress/zlib 2.264s
ok container/heap 2.192s
ok container/list 1.908s
ok container/ring 2.185s
ok context 2.385s
ok crypto 0.631s
ok crypto/aes 1.675s
ok crypto/cipher 1.956s
ok crypto/des 2.931s
ok crypto/dsa 0.893s
ok crypto/ecdsa 2.489s
ok crypto/elliptic 2.472s
ok crypto/hmac 2.220s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.461s
ok crypto/md5 2.962s
ok crypto/rand 3.005s
ok crypto/rc4 2.184s
ok crypto/rsa 2.696s
ok crypto/sha1 2.512s
ok crypto/sha256 2.768s
ok crypto/sha512 2.916s
ok crypto/subtle 2.657s
ok crypto/tls 2.870s
ok crypto/x509 5.715s
ok database/sql 0.932s
ok database/sql/driver 2.759s
ok debug/dwarf 0.655s
ok debug/elf 3.232s
ok debug/gosym 4.638s
ok debug/macho 3.242s
ok debug/pe 13.099s
ok debug/plan9obj 3.509s
ok encoding/ascii85 3.233s
ok encoding/asn1 4.006s
ok encoding/base32 0.481s
ok encoding/base64 0.577s
ok encoding/binary 2.097s
ok encoding/csv 0.840s
ok encoding/gob 1.127s
ok encoding/hex 1.360s
ok encoding/json 1.285s
ok encoding/pem 1.033s
ok encoding/xml 1.068s
ok errors 1.608s
ok expvar 1.660s
ok flag 0.548s
ok fmt 0.927s
ok go/ast 1.236s
ok go/build 1.048s
ok go/constant 1.136s
ok go/doc 1.798s
ok go/format 1.494s
ok go/importer 1.773s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.776s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 1.789s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 2.912s
ok go/parser 1.003s
ok go/printer 1.508s
ok go/scanner 1.033s
ok go/token 2.296s
ok go/types 2.327s
ok hash 1.558s
ok hash/adler32 1.355s
ok hash/crc32 2.045s
ok hash/crc64 1.090s
ok hash/fnv 1.494s
ok html 0.605s
ok html/template 1.191s
ok image 2.885s
ok image/color 0.357s
ok image/draw 1.636s
ok image/gif 1.183s
ok image/jpeg 1.503s
ok image/png 2.755s
ok index/suffixarray 2.472s
ok internal/cpu 0.372s
ok internal/fmtsort 3.137s
ok internal/poll 2.231s
ok internal/singleflight 2.891s
ok internal/syscall/windows 3.411s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 1.013s
ok internal/trace 4.122s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 2.585s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 1.566s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 1.267s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 1.508s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 1.089s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 1.043s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 2.280s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 1.291s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 0.576s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 1.728s
ok internal/x/net/idna 0.941s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 2.466s
ok internal/x/text/transform 0.427s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 0.680s
ok internal/xcoff 1.221s
ok io 1.503s
ok io/ioutil 2.637s
ok log 2.428s
ok math 0.542s
ok math/big 2.404s
ok math/bits 0.689s
ok math/cmplx 0.853s
ok math/rand 1.061s
ok mime 0.670s
ok mime/multipart 1.355s
ok mime/quotedprintable 0.505s
ok net 8.517s
ok net/http 4.420s
ok net/http/cgi 1.697s
ok net/http/cookiejar 1.723s
ok net/http/fcgi 1.483s
ok net/http/httptest 3.932s
ok net/http/httptrace 1.382s
ok net/http/httputil 1.174s
ok net/http/internal 1.071s
ok net/http/pprof 2.572s
ok net/internal/socktest 0.562s
ok net/mail 0.738s
ok net/rpc 2.044s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 1.652s
ok net/smtp 2.119s
ok net/textproto 0.977s
ok net/url 2.018s
--- FAIL: TestHardLink (0.00s)
os_test.go:697: link "hardlinktestto", "hardlinktestfrom" failed: link hardlinktestto hardlinktestfrom: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestChtimes (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:54:20 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:54:20 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestChtimesDir (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:54:20 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:54:20 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestLongPath (0.03s)
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=247 (0.01s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dirx/bar.txt X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dirx/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=248 (0.00s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3x/bar.txt X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3x/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=249 (0.00s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir34x/bar.txt X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir34x/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=400 (0.01s)
os_test.go:2021: Link failed: link X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dix/bar.txt X:\Temp\_Go_TestLongPath238541134/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dix/link.txt: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestDirectoryJunction (0.04s)
os_windows_test.go:121: creating link for "standard" test failed: Incorrect function.
os_windows_test.go:121: creating link for "have_blank_print_name" test failed: Incorrect function.
os_windows_test.go:304: failed to run mklink X:\Temp\testDirLinks598721968\use_mklink_cmd_link X:\Temp\testDirLinks598721968\dir: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
os_windows_test.go:127: failed to read abc file: open X:\Temp\testDirLinks598721968\use_mklink_cmd_link\abc: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestMkdirAllExtendedLength (0.00s)
path_windows_test.go:74: MkdirAll("\\\\?\\X:\\Temp\\TestMkdirAllExtendedLength614412275\\dir\\.\\dir2") should have failed, but did not
FAIL os 5.503s
ok os/exec 37.986s
ok os/signal 3.108s
ok os/user 1.778s
ok path 0.409s
--- FAIL: TestNTNamespaceSymlink (0.06s)
path_windows_test.go:542: failed to run mklink X:\Temp\TestNTNamespaceSymlink290671708\link \\?\Volume{040f73f8-6aec-405b-812a-20129d1533ce}\: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
FAIL path/filepath 1.176s
ok plugin 0.535s
ok reflect 0.840s
ok regexp 2.004s
ok regexp/syntax 1.176s
ok runtime 32.157s
ok runtime/debug 1.396s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.720s
ok runtime/internal/math 0.844s
ok runtime/internal/sys 1.126s
ok runtime/pprof 11.262s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 1.939s
ok runtime/trace 3.427s
ok sort 0.635s
ok strconv 1.716s
ok strings 1.453s
ok sync 2.305s
ok sync/atomic 0.378s
ok syscall 1.027s
ok testing 1.703s
ok testing/quick 0.711s
ok text/scanner 1.107s
ok text/tabwriter 0.838s
ok text/template 1.356s
ok text/template/parse 0.803s
ok time 5.123s
ok unicode 0.812s
ok unicode/utf16 1.245s
ok unicode/utf8 0.536s
ok cmd/addr2line 5.074s
ok cmd/api 0.604s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.972s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.843s
ok cmd/compile 1.032s
ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 17.411s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 1.952s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.422s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.712s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 2.302s
ok cmd/cover 6.379s
ok cmd/doc 1.498s
ok cmd/fix 11.101s
ok cmd/go 109.858s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 7.372s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.551s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 1.063s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 1.819s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 1.229s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.516s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.714s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.013s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 2.000s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 2.856s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 2.280s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 2.519s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 2.889s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 1.469s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 3.313s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 3.585s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 3.132s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 3.400s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 0.705s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 3.229s
ok cmd/go/internal/work 3.109s
ok cmd/gofmt 2.123s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.361s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.935s
ok cmd/internal/edit 0.666s
ok cmd/internal/goobj 3.131s
ok cmd/internal/obj 2.827s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 2.370s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 3.304s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 1.744s
ok cmd/internal/src 3.410s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 3.417s
ok cmd/link 5.641s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 5.717s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 1.043s
ok cmd/nm 7.201s
ok cmd/objdump 7.038s
ok cmd/pack 9.146s
ok cmd/trace 1.734s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.360s
ok cmd/vendor/ 6.119s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.619s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.035s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.748s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.091s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.847s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.614s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.535s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.247s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.761s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.409s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.323s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.177s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.367s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.599s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.965s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.228s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.435s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.701s
ok cmd/vet 7.435s
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 3.603s
ok archive/zip 3.816s
ok bufio 1.417s
ok bytes 3.041s
ok compress/bzip2 0.900s
ok compress/flate 3.507s
ok compress/gzip 2.756s
ok compress/lzw 2.710s
ok compress/zlib 2.769s
ok container/heap 1.977s
ok container/list 2.231s
ok container/ring 2.245s
ok context 1.564s
ok crypto 0.324s
ok crypto/aes 1.129s
ok crypto/cipher 1.956s
ok crypto/des 2.491s
ok crypto/dsa 1.655s
ok crypto/ecdsa 3.059s
ok crypto/elliptic 2.721s
ok crypto/hmac 2.510s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.757s
ok crypto/md5 2.689s
ok crypto/rand 2.966s
ok crypto/rc4 2.853s
ok crypto/rsa 2.240s
ok crypto/sha1 2.740s
ok crypto/sha256 2.495s
ok crypto/sha512 3.213s
ok crypto/subtle 2.952s
ok crypto/tls 1.277s
ok crypto/x509 4.913s
ok database/sql 1.405s
ok database/sql/driver 3.003s
ok debug/dwarf 2.087s
ok debug/elf 3.020s
ok debug/gosym 5.751s
ok debug/macho 3.279s
ok debug/pe 12.859s
ok debug/plan9obj 2.753s
ok encoding/ascii85 3.013s
ok encoding/asn1 4.010s
ok encoding/base32 0.957s
ok encoding/base64 0.928s
ok encoding/binary 0.582s
ok encoding/csv 0.789s
ok encoding/gob 1.055s
ok encoding/hex 0.844s
ok encoding/json 1.052s
ok encoding/pem 0.838s
ok encoding/xml 1.096s
ok errors 0.820s
ok expvar 0.954s
ok flag 0.958s
ok fmt 0.813s
ok go/ast 2.340s
ok go/build 1.714s
ok go/constant 1.247s
ok go/doc 0.698s
ok go/format 0.930s
ok go/importer 2.568s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.145s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 1.404s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 2.221s
ok go/parser 1.849s
ok go/printer 2.344s
ok go/scanner 2.345s
ok go/token 0.867s
ok go/types 2.131s
ok hash 1.585s
ok hash/adler32 2.333s
ok hash/crc32 1.344s
ok hash/crc64 1.951s
ok hash/fnv 0.366s
ok html 0.604s
ok html/template 2.284s
ok image 0.954s
ok image/color 0.424s
ok image/draw 1.112s
ok image/gif 2.264s
ok image/jpeg 1.693s
ok image/png 2.729s
ok index/suffixarray 2.956s
ok internal/cpu 1.319s
ok internal/fmtsort 0.376s
ok internal/poll 1.550s
ok internal/singleflight 2.222s
ok internal/syscall/windows 2.475s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 0.659s
ok internal/trace 1.987s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 1.180s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 1.607s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 1.097s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 1.850s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 1.127s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 1.348s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 2.153s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 2.006s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 1.863s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 2.043s
ok internal/x/net/idna 1.541s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 2.524s
ok internal/x/text/transform 1.784s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 1.080s
ok internal/xcoff 1.624s
ok io 1.383s
ok io/ioutil 0.691s
ok log 0.403s
ok math 2.521s
ok math/big 2.710s
ok math/bits 0.807s
ok math/cmplx 0.899s
ok math/rand 1.296s
ok mime 0.641s
ok mime/multipart 2.089s
ok mime/quotedprintable 1.476s
ok net 7.613s
ok net/http 4.669s
ok net/http/cgi 2.614s
ok net/http/cookiejar 2.563s
ok net/http/fcgi 2.090s
ok net/http/httptest 2.800s
ok net/http/httptrace 1.621s
ok net/http/httputil 1.192s
ok net/http/internal 0.386s
ok net/http/pprof 3.399s
ok net/internal/socktest 0.847s
ok net/mail 0.974s
ok net/rpc 1.921s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 2.269s
ok net/smtp 2.460s
ok net/textproto 2.773s
ok net/url 0.417s
--- FAIL: TestHardLink (0.00s)
os_test.go:697: link "hardlinktestto", "hardlinktestfrom" failed: link hardlinktestto hardlinktestfrom: Incorrect function.
--- FAIL: TestChtimes (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:50:36 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:50:36 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestChtimesDir (0.00s)
os_test.go:1164: AccessTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 00:00:00 +0200 EET
os_test.go:1169: ModTime didn't go backwards; was=2018-12-15 13:50:36 +0200 EET, after=2018-12-15 13:50:36 +0200 EET
--- FAIL: TestLongPath (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=247 (0.01s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir X:_Go_TestLongPath699132986/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir345678x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=248 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir X:_Go_TestLongPath699132986/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=249 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir X:_Go_TestLongPath699132986/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=400 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir X:_Go_TestLongPath699132986/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestDirectoryJunction (0.03s)
os_windows_test.go:107: mkdir X:testDirLinks371345788\dir: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestOpenVolumeName (0.00s)
os_windows_test.go:617: open X:TestOpenVolumeName939584526\file1: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestCmdArgs (0.04s)
os_windows_test.go:826: building main.exe failed: exit status 1
CreateFile X:TestCmdArgs146533488\main.go: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestMkdirAllExtendedLength (0.00s)
path_windows_test.go:74: MkdirAll("\\\\?\\X:\\TestMkdirAllExtendedLength518312719\\dir\\.\\dir2") should have failed, but did not
FAIL os 0.972s
--- FAIL: TestLookPath (2.44s)
lp_windows_test.go:81: test={rootDir:X:TestLookPath502884859\d0 PATH:p1;p2 PATHEXT:.COM;.EXE;.BAT files:[p1\a.exe p2\a.exe p2\a] searchFor:a fails:false}: "cmd /c a" command failed, but expected to succeed: exit status 1 - 'a' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
--- FAIL: TestCommand (17.32s)
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d0\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d0" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d1\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d1" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a want:a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d2\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d2" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d3\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d3" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:.\p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d4\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d4" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d5\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d5" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d6\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d6" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d9\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d9" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d10\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d10" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d11\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d11" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p2\a.exe fails:false}: exec: exit status 1 Child: exec: "a.exe": executable file not found in %PATH%
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d13\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d13" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d14\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d14" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "X:\\TestCommand451678494\\d15\\p\\a.exe" must have "X:TestCommand451678494\\d15" prefix
FAIL os/exec 22.266s
ok os/signal 3.223s
ok os/user 0.571s
ok path 0.687s
--- FAIL: TestWindowsGlob (0.01s)
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\a") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\a"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\a"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\b") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\b"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\b"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\*") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\a" "X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\b" "X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\a" "X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\b" "X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\d*") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\*i*") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\*r") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\?ir") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\d*\\*\\bin\\git.exe") returns ["X:\\TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir\\d\\bin\\git.exe"], but ["X:TestWindowsGlob676265302\\dir\\d\\bin\\git.exe"] expected
--- FAIL: TestAbs (0.01s)
path_test.go:1076: X:TestAbs154263274: CreateFile X:TestAbs154263274: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: X:TestAbs154263274/.: CreateFile X:TestAbs154263274/.: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: X:TestAbs154263274/a/../a/b: CreateFile X:TestAbs154263274/a/../a/b: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: X:TestAbs154263274/a/b/c/../../.././a: CreateFile X:TestAbs154263274/a/b/c/../../.././a: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: X:TestAbs154263274/a/b/c/../../.././a/: CreateFile X:TestAbs154263274/a/b/c/../../.././a/: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestAbsEmptyString (0.01s)
path_test.go:1120: X:TestAbsEmptyString304768321: CreateFile X:TestAbsEmptyString304768321: The system cannot find the file specified.
--- FAIL: TestToNorm (0.00s)
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir X:testToNorm877743057\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestNTNamespaceSymlink (0.05s)
path_windows_test.go:542: failed to run mklink X:TestNTNamespaceSymlink955809532\link \\?\Volume{040f73f8-6aec-405b-812a-20129d1533ce}\: exit status 1 "Local NTFS volumes are required to complete the operation.\r\n"
FAIL path/filepath 1.281s
ok plugin 0.884s
ok reflect 0.885s
ok regexp 1.979s
ok regexp/syntax 0.866s
--- FAIL: TestMemPprof (0.48s)
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top X:go-build228906219\testprog.exe X:memprof619243691]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://X:memprof619243691/debug/pprof/profile
X:memprof619243691: Get http://X:memprof619243691/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof619243691"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top X:memprof619243691]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://X:memprof619243691/debug/pprof/profile
X:memprof619243691: Get http://X:memprof619243691/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof619243691"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
--- FAIL: TestTimePprof (0.27s)
crash_test.go:636: Fetching profile over HTTP from http://X:timeprof188556819/debug/pprof/profile
X:timeprof188556819: Get http://X:timeprof188556819/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "timeprof188556819"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:638: exit status 1
FAIL runtime 32.192s
ok runtime/debug 1.158s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.765s
ok runtime/internal/math 1.914s
ok runtime/internal/sys 1.401s
ok runtime/pprof 10.204s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 1.111s
ok runtime/trace 3.130s
ok sort 1.011s
ok strconv 1.200s
ok strings 1.569s
ok sync 2.631s
ok sync/atomic 1.250s
ok syscall 0.985s
ok testing 2.908s
ok testing/quick 1.283s
ok text/scanner 1.788s
ok text/tabwriter 1.483s
ok text/template 1.141s
ok text/template/parse 1.635s
ok time 3.289s
ok unicode 0.340s
ok unicode/utf16 1.218s
ok unicode/utf8 0.681s
--- FAIL: TestAddr2Line (1.77s)
addr2line_test.go:103: go test -c -o X:TestAddr2Line088204395\testaddr2line_test.exe cmd/addr2line: exit status 1
go test cmd/addr2line.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\addr2line\X:TestAddr2Line088204395\: The directory name is invalid.
FAIL cmd/addr2line 2.789s
ok cmd/api 1.454s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 1.060s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 1.295s
ok cmd/compile 1.189s
--- FAIL: TestCode (4.14s)
ssa_test.go:173: Build failed: exit status 1
go test command-line-arguments.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\compile\internal\gc\X:TestCode203540656\: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScopeRanges (1.45s)
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 18 "\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 19 "\t\tf2(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 20 "\t\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 21 "\t\t\tf3(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 23 "\t\tf4(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 28 "\tif a, b, c := gret3(); a != 1 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 29 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 30 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 31 "\t\tf1(c)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 33 "\tfor i, x := range v {": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 34 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 35 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 37 "\tif a, ok := <- ch; ok {": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 38 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 40 "\tif a, ok := iface.(int); ok {": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 41 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 45 "\tif x := gret1(); x != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 46 "\t\ta := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 47 "\t\tf1(a); f1(x)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 49 "\t\tb := 1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 50 "\t\tf1(b); f1(x+1)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 54 "\tswitch x := gret1(); x {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 55 "\tcase 0:": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 56 "\t\ti := x + 5": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 57 "\t\tf1(x); f1(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 58 "\tcase 1:": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 59 "\t\tj := x + 10": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 60 "\t\tf1(x); f1(j)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 61 "\tcase 2:": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 62 "\t\tk := x + 2": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 63 "\t\tf1(x); f1(k)": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 68 "\tcase int:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 69 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 70 "\tcase uint8:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 71 "\t\tf1(int(x))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 72 "\tcase float64:": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 73 "\t\tf1(int(x)+1)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 78 "\tcase i := <- ch:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 79 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 80 "\tcase f := <- floatch:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 81 "\t\tf1(int(f))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 87 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 88 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 89 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 96 "\t\tb := 0": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 97 "\t\tf2(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 98 "\t\tif gretbool() {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 99 "\t\t\tc := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 100 "\t\t\tf3(c)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 102 "\t\t\tc := 1.1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 103 "\t\t\tf4(int(c))": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 105 "\t\tf5(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 111 "\tf := func(c int) {": expected: [0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 114 "\t\tif e := 3; e != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 115 "\t\t\tf1(e)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 116 "\t\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 117 "\t\t\tb = 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 125 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 126 "\t\tp := &b": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 127 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 128 "\t\tfi(p)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 134 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 135 "\t\tf := func() int {": expected: [1 0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 138 "\t\treturn f": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:297: mismatched output
FAIL cmd/compile/internal/gc 13.307s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 1.484s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 0.892s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.622s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 1.417s
ok cmd/cover 5.482s
ok cmd/doc 1.975s
ok cmd/fix 11.059s
--- FAIL: TestRelativeGOBINFail (0.00s)
go_test.go:1430: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:1430: testgo failed as expected: exec: "X:cmd-go-test-166975607\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:1431: go install must fail if $GOBIN is a relative path
go_test.go:1431: pattern cannot install, GOBIN must be an absolute path not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in X:\gotest424343963
--- FAIL: TestTestOutputToDevNull (0.04s)
go_test.go:1471: running testgo [test -o NUL -c p]
go_test.go:1471: standard error:
go_test.go:1471: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest676287038".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1471: go [test -o NUL -c p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATHPrintedSearchList (0.03s)
go_test.go:2014: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:2014: standard error:
go_test.go:2014: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest321452677\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2014: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2015: expected default GOPATH
go_test.go:2015: pattern X:gotest321452677\\home\\go\\src\\github\.com\\golang\\example\\hello.*from \$GOPATH not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildTestOnly (0.01s)
go_test.go:3067: running testgo [build testonly testonly...]
go_test.go:3067: testgo failed as expected: exec: "X:cmd-go-test-166975607\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:3068: go build ./xtestonly produced unexpected error
go_test.go:3068: pattern no non-test Go files in not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in X:\gotest065308242\src
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildGOPATHOrder (0.05s)
go_test.go:3898: running testgo [install -x bar]
go_test.go:3898: standard error:
go_test.go:3898: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest439011533\\p1".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3898: go [install -x bar] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDotDotDotOutsideGOPATH (0.02s)
go_test.go:4526: running testgo [build ./...]
go_test.go:4526: go [build ./...] failed unexpectedly in X:\gotest503371834\pkgs: exec: "X:cmd-go-test-166975607\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in X:\gotest503371834\pkgs
--- FAIL: TestBuildTagsNoComma (0.03s)
go_test.go:4611: running testgo [build -tags tag1 tag2 math]
go_test.go:4611: standard error:
go_test.go:4611: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest910887505\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4611: go [build -tags tag1 tag2 math] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT (0.61s)
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT/RelocatedTree (0.03s)
go_test.go:4666: go env GOROOT:
have X:\gotest863199612\new
want X:gotest863199612\new
--- FAIL: TestBadCommandLines (0.03s)
go_test.go:5844: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5844: standard error:
go_test.go:5844: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest672235691".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5844: go [build x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestBadCgoDirectives (0.04s)
go_test.go:5901: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5901: standard error:
go_test.go:5901: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest851742222".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5901: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:5902: did not reject //go:cgo_ldflag directive
go_test.go:5902: pattern //go:cgo_ldflag .* only allowed in cgo-generated code not found in standard error
go test proxy starting
go proxy_test: invalid module path encoding "": malformed module path "": invalid version
go test proxy running at GOPROXY=
--- FAIL: TestScript (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_moved (0.10s)
# A 'go get' that worked at a previous version should continue to work at that version,
# even if the package was subsequently moved into a submodule. (0.023s)
> go mod init
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_moved.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_wildcard (0.10s)
# Fix for
# go run x/... should not panic when directory x doesn't exist. (0.017s)
> ! go run nonexistent/...
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr '^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$'
FAIL: testdata\script\run_wildcard.txt:5: no match for `^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_path (0.11s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_path.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query (0.11s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -versions
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_hello (0.17s)
# hello world (0.003s)
> go run hello.go
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\run_hello.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_upgrade (0.18s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -u all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badzip (0.18s)
# Zip files with unexpected file names inside should be rejected. (0.004s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get -d
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'zip for has unexpected file'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badzip.txt:5: no match for `zip for has unexpected file` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_compile_binary (0.18s)
> ! go test -c compile_binary/...
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build comment'
FAIL: testdata\script\test_compile_binary.txt:2: no match for `build comment` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_devnull (0.20s)
# go test -c -o NUL
# should work (see (0.003s)
> cd x
> go test -o=$devnull -c
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\test_devnull.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_test (0.21s)
# go list -compiled -test must handle test-only packages
# (0.010s)
> go list -compiled -test
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_test.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_dir (0.22s)
# go list with path to directory should work (0.011s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}' $GOROOT/src/math
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_dir.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/vet_asm (0.23s)
# Issue 27665. Verify that "go vet" analyzes non-Go files. (0.006s)
> env GOOS=linux
> env GOARCH=amd64
> ! go vet -asmdecl a
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'f: invalid MOVW of x'
FAIL: testdata\script\vet_asm.txt:6: no match for `f: invalid MOVW of x` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_replaced (0.23s)
# After 'go get -d', the go.sum file should contain the sum for the module. (0.019s)
> go get -d
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_sum_replaced.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_nomod (0.23s)
# Test go commands with no module. (0.000s)
# go mod edit fails unless given explicit mod file argument (0.031s)
> ! go mod edit -json
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> go mod edit -json x.mod
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_nomod.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_std_vendor (0.24s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.TestImports}}'
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_std_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_modinfo (0.25s)
# Test to ensure runtime/debug.ReadBuildInfo parses
# the modinfo embedded in a binary by the go tool
# when module is enabled. (0.014s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> go mod edit
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_modinfo.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/binary_only (0.26s)
# check that error for missing binary-only says where it should be (0.006s)
> ! go build b
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr pkg[\\/].*a\.a
FAIL: testdata\script\binary_only.txt:3: no match for `pkg[\\/].*a\.a` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_outside (0.28s)
# This script tests commands in module mode outside of any module.
# First, ensure that we really are in module mode, and that we really don't have
# a go.mod file. (0.023s)
> go env GOMOD
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_outside.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list (0.18s)
# list {{.Dir}} shows main module and go.mod but not not-yet-downloaded dependency dir. (0.010s)
> go list -m -f '{{.Path}} {{.Main}} {{.GoMod}} {{.Dir}}' all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_require_exclude (0.19s)
# build with no newer version to satisfy exclude (0.009s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go list -m all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'no newer version available'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_require_exclude.txt:4: no match for `no newer version available` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badmod (0.29s)
# Unknown lines should be ignored in dependency go.mod files. (0.014s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badmod.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_multirepo (0.32s)
# initial standalone module should use no downloaded modules (0.010s)
> go list -deps -f {{.Dir}}
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_multirepo.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_install_versioned (0.15s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.Target}}'
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_install_versioned.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test_files (0.35s)
# Testing an explicit source file should use the same import visibility as the
# package in the same directory. (0.008s)
> go list -test -deps
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test_files.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_readonly (0.17s)
# -mod=readonly must not resolve missing modules nor update go.mod
# TODO(bcmills): 'go list' should suffice, but today it does not fail due to
# unresolved imports. When that is fixed, use 'go list' instead of 'go list all'. (0.010s)
> env GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_readonly.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_help (0.13s)
# go help get shows usage for get (0.013s)
> go help get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_help.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_local_replace (0.36s)
# Test that local replacements work even with dummy module names.
# (0.014s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x/y
> go list -f '{{.Dir}}' zz
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_local_replace.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import (0.17s)
# latest should be v1.5.2 not v1.5.3-pre1 (0.013s)
> go list
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_graph (0.16s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod graph
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_graph.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query_exclude (0.19s)
# get excluded version (0.028s)
> cp go.mod1 go.mod
> ! go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ' excluded'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query_exclude.txt:6: no match for ` excluded` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_build (0.17s)
# initial conditions: using sampler v1.3.0, not listed in go.mod. (0.010s)
> go list -deps
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_build.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_badtest (0.40s)
> ! go test badtest/...
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stdout ^ok
> stdout ^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec
FAIL: testdata\script\test_badtest.txt:3: no match for `^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec` found in stdout
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gopkg_unstable (0.19s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go get -d
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gopkg_unstable.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_bad_import (0.33s)
# This test matches list_bad_import, but in module mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.002s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.009s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import_mod (0.22s)
# Test that GOPATH/pkg/mod is excluded (0.012s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go list mod/foo
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'disallowed import path'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import_mod.txt:4: no match for `disallowed import path` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_nodeps (0.16s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod vendor
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_nodeps.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_versions (0.18s)
# Test rejection of pkg@version in GOPATH mode. (0.010s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_versions.txt:4: no match for `cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_internal (0.48s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' runbad1.go
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_internal.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_upgrade_patch (0.15s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_upgrade_patch.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_none (0.12s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod init
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_none.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_upgrade (0.16s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_verify (0.23s)
# With good go.sum, verify succeeds by avoiding download. (0.022s)
> cp go.sum.good go.sum
> go mod verify
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_verify.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_getmode_vendor (0.16s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get -m
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_getmode_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy (0.55s)
# tidy removes unused y, but everything else is used (0.009s)
> go mod tidy -v
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gobuild_import (0.27s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gobuild_import.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_manifest (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_manifest.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_json (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_json.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_sum (0.17s)
# go.sum should list directly used modules and dependencies (0.010s)
> go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_sum.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_warning (0.17s)
# go get in GO111MODULE=auto should warn when not using modules and go.mod exists (0.019s)
> env GO111MODULE=auto
> mkdir z
> cd z
> ! go get # fails because no code in directory, not the warning
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee ''go help modules'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_warning.txt:7: no match for `go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee 'go help modules'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_conf (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_conf.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_e (0.20s)
# issue 25980: crash in go list -e -test (0.009s)
> go list -e -test -f '{{.Error}}' p
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_e.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_quote (0.18s)
# Check that mod tidy does not introduce repeated
# require statements when input go.mod has quoted requirements. (0.009s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod tidy
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_quote.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_replace (0.33s)
# Before vendoring, we expect to see the original directory. (0.009s)
> go list -f '{{.Version}} {{.Dir}}' -m
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_replace.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test (0.62s)
# TODO(bcmills): Convert the 'go test' calls below to 'go list -test' once 'go
# list' is more sensitive to package loading errors.
# A test in the module's root package should work. (0.025s)
> cd a/
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go test
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_filenames (0.15s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stderr 'unzip.*badfile1'
> stderr 'unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char ''☺'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_filenames.txt:5: no match for `unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char '☺'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_tsv (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_tsv.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_patterns (0.63s)
# 'go list all' should list all of the packages used (directly or indirectly) by
# the packages in the main module, but no other packages from the standard
# library or active modules.
# 'go list ...' should list packages in all active modules and the standard library.
# But not cmd/* - see
# 'go list' should list packages in all modules that begin with ''.
# 'go list ./...' should list only packages in the current module, not other active modules.
# Warnings about unmatched patterns should only be printed once.
# And the go command should be able to keep track of all this! (0.010s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.Match}}' all ... ./... ./xyz...
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_patterns.txt:19: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_indirect (0.17s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_indirect.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case_cgo (0.14s)
> [!cgo] skip
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case_cgo.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_downgrade (0.17s)
# downgrade sampler should downgrade quote (0.010s)
> go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_downgrade.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_godeps (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_godeps.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_why (0.43s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -test all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_why.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case (0.14s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_dotfiles (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_dotfiles.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_local (0.24s)
# Test 'go get' with a local module with a name that is not valid for network lookup. (0.009s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_local.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glide (0.12s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glide.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_commit (0.15s)
# @commit should resolve
# should not resolve with -m,
# because that's not a module path. (0.010s)
# ... but it should work without -m.
# because of -d, the compiler should not run (0.009s)
> go get -d -x
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_commit.txt:11: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace (0.53s)
# Make sure the test builds without replacement. (0.008s)
> go build -o a1.exe .
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_build_tags (0.21s)
# Test that build tags are used.
# (0.014s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> ! go list -f {{.GoFiles}}
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build constraints exclude all Go files'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_build_tags.txt:8: no match for `build constraints exclude all Go files` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_concurrent (0.26s)
# Concurrent builds should succeed, even if they need to download modules. (0.008s)
> go build ./x &
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_concurrent.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glockfile (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glockfile.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_find (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_find.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_git (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_git.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_incompatible (0.19s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list x
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_incompatible.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_dep (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_dep.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit (0.20s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_domain (0.25s)
# explicit get should report errors about bad names (0.010s)
> ! go get appengine
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_domain.txt:5: no match for `malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_go_version (0.48s)
# Test support for declaring needed Go version in module. (0.009s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_go_version.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_enabled (0.14s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_enabled.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_replace (0.35s)
# From inside the module, 'go list -m all' should NOT include transitive
# requirements of modules that have been replaced. (0.011s)
> go list -m all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_replace.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/vendor_complex (0.77s)
# smoke test for complex build configuration (0.010s)
> go build -o complex.exe complex
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\vendor_complex.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_tags (0.19s)
# go list supports -tags (0.010s)
> go list -tags=thetag ./my...
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_tags.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_imports (0.28s)
# issue 26880: list with tests has wrong variant in imports (0.011s)
> go list -test -f '{{.ImportPath}}:{{with .Imports}} {{join . ", "}}{{end}}' a b
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_imports.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_file_proxy (0.14s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_file_proxy.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_std (0.17s)
# listing GOROOT should only find standard packages (0.046s)
> cd $GOROOT/src
> go list -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:cmd-go-test-166975607\\script-list_std\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
[exit status 2]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_std.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/help (0.13s)
# go help shows overview. (0.011s)
> go help
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\help.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_download (0.16s)
# download with version should print nothing (0.011s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_download.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_yml (0.14s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_yml.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit_go (0.17s)
# Test support for go mod -edit to set language version. (0.010s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go build
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'type aliases only supported as of'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit_go.txt:5: no match for `type aliases only supported as of` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/goflags (0.13s)
# GOFLAGS sets flags for commands (0.015s)
> env GOFLAGS='-e -f={{.Dir}} --test.benchtime=1s -count=10'
> go list asdfasdfasdf # succeeds because of -e
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\goflags.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_clean_cache (0.33s)
# 'mod download' should download the module to the cache. (0.008s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_clean_cache.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cross_gobin (0.20s)
> cd mycmd
> go build mycmd
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cross_gobin.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_internal (0.72s)
# should be importable from other modules. (0.018s)
> rm go.mod
> go mod init
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_internal.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_unicode (0.14s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_unicode.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cleans_build (0.20s)
# 'go install' with no arguments should clean up after go build (0.015s)
> cd mycmd
> go build
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cleans_build.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_brace (0.14s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_brace.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/linkname (0.15s)
# check for linker name in error message about linker crash (0.010s)
> [!gc] skip
> ! go build -ldflags=-crash_for_testing x.go
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr [\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link
FAIL: testdata\script\linkname.txt:4: no match for `[\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_gopath (0.13s)
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_gopath.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_compiled_imports (0.20s)
# go list should report import "C" (0.015s)
> cd x
> go list -f '{{.Imports}}'
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_compiled_imports.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_domain_root (0.16s)
# Module paths that are domain roots should resolve.
# ( not (0.010s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go build
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_domain_root.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_tilde (0.11s)
# Paths containing windows short names should be rejected before attempting to fetch. (0.008s)
> ! go get
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'trailing tilde and digits'
FAIL: testdata\script\get_tilde.txt:3: no match for `trailing tilde and digits` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_find (0.24s)
# go list -find should not report imports (0.011s)
> go list -f {{.Incomplete}} x/y/z... # should probably exit non-zero but never has
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_find.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_doc (0.18s)
# go doc should find module documentation (0.009s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go doc y
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_doc.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_output (0.15s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.017s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_output.txt:5: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace_import (0.83s)
# 'go list -mod=readonly' should not add requirements even if they can be
# resolved locally. (0.031s)
# 'go list' should resolve imports using replacements. (0.012s)
> go list all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace_import.txt:10: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_gomips (0.10s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.015s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_gomips.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_compile (0.09s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.011s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_compile.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_importmap (0.27s)
# gccgo does not have standard packages. (0.000s)
# fmt should have no rewritten imports.
# The import from a/b should map c/d to a's vendor directory. (0.013s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.ImportMap}}' fmt a/b
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_importmap.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_link (0.09s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.010s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_link.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_fs_patterns (0.39s)
# File system pattern searches should skip sub-modules and vendor directories. (0.003s)
# all packages (0.010s)
> go list all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_fs_patterns.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_relative_tmpdir (0.11s)
# If GOTMPDIR is relative, 'go build' should derive an absolute $WORK directory. (0.003s)
> cd $WORK
FAIL: testdata\script\build_relative_tmpdir.txt:2: CreateFile $WORK\gopath\src\$WORK: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_nocache (0.08s)
# As of Go 1.12, the module cache is required.
# If none of the variables we use to locate GOCACHE are set, the cache is off
# and we cannot build. (0.007s)
> env GOCACHE=
> env HOME=
> [plan9] env home=
> [windows] env LocalAppData=
> ! go build -o triv triv.go
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*'
FAIL: testdata\script\build_nocache.txt:11: no match for `build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_removed (0.21s)
# go command should detect package staleness as source file set changes (0.009s)
> go install mypkg
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_removed.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_GOTMPDIR (0.08s)
# Set GOCACHE to a clean directory to ensure that 'go build' has work to report. (0.000s)
# Build should use GOTMPDIR if set. (0.008s)
> env GOTMPDIR=$WORK/my-favorite-tmpdir
> mkdir $GOTMPDIR
FAIL: testdata\script\build_GOTMPDIR.txt:6: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\X:cmd-go-test-166975607: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_bad_import (0.23s)
# This test matches mod_list_bad_import, but in GOPATH mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.004s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.009s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/fileline (0.14s)
# look for short, relative file:line in error message (0.012s)
> ! go run ../../gopath/x/y/z/err.go
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:
FAIL: testdata\script\fileline.txt:3: no match for `^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/gcflags_patterns (0.18s)
# -gcflags=-e applies to named packages, not dependencies (0.010s)
> go build -n -v -gcflags=-e z1 z2
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\gcflags_patterns.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor (0.68s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec X:cmd-go-test-166975607\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/cgo_syso_issue29253 (0.25s)
# This test tests that we can link in-package syso files that provides symbols
# for cgo. See issue 29253. (0.185s)
> [!cgo] stop
> [!gc] stop
> cc -c -o pkg/o.syso ext.c
Cannot create temporary file in X:\cmd-go-test-166975607\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\gopath\src\cmd-go-test-166975607\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\tmp\: No such file or directory
[exit status 3]
FAIL: testdata\script\cgo_syso_issue29253.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATH (0.12s)
go_test.go:1969: running testgo [env GOPATH]
go_test.go:1969: standard error:
go_test.go:1969: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest421735199\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1969: go [env GOPATH] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDontReportRemoveOfEmptyDir (0.13s)
go_test.go:6067: running testgo [install -x a]
go_test.go:6067: standard error:
go_test.go:6067: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest886446685".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6067: go [install -x a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoVetWithOnlyTestFiles (0.13s)
go_test.go:3301: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3301: standard error:
go_test.go:3301: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest023360802".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3301: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestVetWithOnlyCgoFiles (0.14s)
go_test.go:3315: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3315: standard error:
go_test.go:3315: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest753639355".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3315: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestAlwaysLinkSysoFiles (0.14s)
go_test.go:4224: running testgo [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso]
go_test.go:4224: standard error:
go_test.go:4224: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest459288438".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4224: go [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverpkgTestOnly (0.15s)
go_test.go:6196: running testgo [test -coverpkg=a atest]
go_test.go:6196: standard error:
go_test.go:6196: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest283273694".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6196: go [test -coverpkg=a atest] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCgoShowsFullPathNames (0.16s)
go_test.go:2813: running testgo [build x/y/dirname]
go_test.go:2813: standard error:
go_test.go:2813: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest576174346".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2813: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2814: error did not use full path
go_test.go:2814: pattern x/y/dirname not found in standard output or standard error
--- FAIL: TestPackageMainTestCompilerFlags (0.16s)
go_test.go:1508: running testgo [test -c -n p1]
go_test.go:1508: standard error:
go_test.go:1508: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest844418273".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1508: go [test -c -n p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestFFLAGS (0.17s)
go_test.go:4554: running testgo [build -x p]
go_test.go:4554: standard error:
go_test.go:4554: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest853455897\\p".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4556: missing expected "-no-such-fortran-flag"
go_test.go:4556: pattern no-such-fortran-flag not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentAsm (0.19s)
go_test.go:4507: running testgo [build p]
go_test.go:4507: standard error:
go_test.go:4507: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest665160855\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4507: go [build p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestTestVetRebuild (0.21s)
go_test.go:5643: running testgo [test b]
go_test.go:5643: standard error:
go_test.go:5643: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest074859506".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5643: go [test b] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCaseCollisions (0.21s)
go_test.go:2306: running testgo [list -json example/a]
go_test.go:2306: standard error:
go_test.go:2306: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest307262899".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2306: go [list -json example/a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCgoCache (0.13s)
go_test.go:6046: running testgo [build -o X:gotest292657478\x.exe x]
go_test.go:6046: standard error:
go_test.go:6046: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest292657478".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6046: go [build -o X:gotest292657478\x.exe x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoListDeps (0.21s)
go_test.go:1765: running testgo [list -f {{.Deps}} p1]
go_test.go:1765: standard error:
go_test.go:1765: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:gotest512820645".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1765: go [list -f {{.Deps}} p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverageDashC (1.77s)
go_test.go:2639: running testgo [test -c -o X:gotest885793773\coverdep -coverprofile=X:gotest885793773\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep]
go_test.go:2639: standard error:
go_test.go:2639: go test coverdep.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go\X:gotest885793773\: The directory name is invalid.
go_test.go:2639: go [test -c -o X:gotest885793773\coverdep -coverprofile=X:gotest885793773\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 1
FAIL cmd/go 82.730s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 9.362s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 1.209s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 1.561s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 1.264s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.906s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.090s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 0.657s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.527s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 1.868s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 1.967s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 1.990s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 1.720s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 1.223s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 1.739s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 1.698s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 1.553s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 1.795s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 1.758s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 0.951s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 1.219s
--- FAIL: TestSharedLibName (0.04s)
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
FAIL cmd/go/internal/work 2.944s
--- FAIL: TestDiff (0.04s)
gofmt_test.go:224: diff: got:
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
FAIL cmd/gofmt 1.416s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 2.275s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 1.048s
ok cmd/internal/edit 0.619s
go install mycgo: exit status 2
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:TestGoobj360860019\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/internal/goobj 2.125s
ok cmd/internal/obj 1.874s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 2.488s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 3.415s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 2.953s
ok cmd/internal/src 2.687s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 3.340s
ok cmd/link 5.639s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 4.053s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 0.476s
--- FAIL: TestCgoLib (0.48s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:TestGoLib518594368\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
--- FAIL: TestGoLib (0.48s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "X:TestGoLib688302117\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/nm 5.509s
ok cmd/objdump 5.370s
2018/12/15 13:51:01 open X:pack262066792\pack.a: The system cannot find the path specified.
FAIL cmd/pack 0.663s
ok cmd/trace 3.989s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.580s
--- FAIL: TestParse (3.84s)
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat:cpu (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto650624215: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto650624215: invalid URL port "profile_proto650624215"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text
diff: X:proto_test225856801: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test062735884: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.23s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto921351675: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto921351675: invalid URL port "profile_proto921351675"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text
diff: X:proto_test434741221: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test453956608: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,filefunctions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto950515551: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto950515551: invalid URL port "profile_proto950515551"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text
diff: X:proto_test578864873: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test477483828: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,addresses,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.06s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto458615043: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto458615043: invalid URL port "profile_proto458615043"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text
diff: X:proto_test886130221: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test495787944: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,addresses,flat,nodecount=4:cpusmall (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto914269415: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto914269415: invalid URL port "profile_proto914269415"
driver_test.go:179: cpusmall: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree cpusmall
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree
diff: X:proto_test353114033: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test875225948: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat,nodecount=5,call_tree:unknown (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto592565515: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto592565515: invalid URL port "profile_proto592565515"
driver_test.go:179: unknown: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text unknown
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text
diff: X:proto_test957093749: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test245691472: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,alloc_objects,flat:heap_alloc (0.14s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto789378415: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto789378415: invalid URL port "profile_proto789378415"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text
diff: X:proto_test525406073: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test935352964: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat:heap (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto559975443: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto559975443: invalid URL port "profile_proto559975443"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text
diff: X:proto_test638657981: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test157927928: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat,focus=[12]00,taghide=[X3]00:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto272974583: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto272974583: invalid URL port "profile_proto272974583"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus
diff: X:proto_test924393025: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test193617580: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,inuse_objects,flat:heap (0.24s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto689764379: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto689764379: invalid URL port "profile_proto689764379"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text
diff: X:proto_test675282181: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test288633504: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto568986495: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto568986495: invalid URL port "profile_proto568986495"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide
diff: X:proto_test015402505: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test417284052: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,show=[12]00:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto142952227: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto142952227: invalid URL port "profile_proto142952227"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test681712461: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test383414344: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0,focus=[12]00:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto073470215: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto073470215: invalid URL port "profile_proto073470215"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide
diff: X:proto_test446476497: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test602978300: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines,cum,hide=mangled[X3]0:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto036145963: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto036145963: invalid URL port "profile_proto036145963"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide
diff: X:proto_test740525717: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test242347248: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto148506511: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto148506511: invalid URL port "profile_proto148506511"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto
diff: X:proto_test305296537: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test331159332: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto603265587: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto603265587: invalid URL port "profile_proto603265587"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus
diff: X:proto_test875985117: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test901994136: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,relative_percentages,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto459500823: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto459500823: invalid URL port "profile_proto459500823"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus
diff: X:proto_test086995297: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test038258508: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,show_from=line2:cpu (0.18s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto150869051: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto150869051: invalid URL port "profile_proto150869051"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from
diff: X:proto_test778389541: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test799855424: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto465820575: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto465820575: invalid URL port "profile_proto465820575"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind
diff: X:proto_test782919977: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test695767156: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind,call_tree:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto461781827: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto461781827: invalid URL port "profile_proto461781827"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind
diff: X:proto_test584603757: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test525640936: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto820129575: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto820129575: invalid URL port "profile_proto820129575"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind
diff: X:proto_test205445617: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test831501468: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto992325451: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto992325451: invalid URL port "profile_proto992325451"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test894638517: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test260012432: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat,call_tree:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto690863535: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto690863535: invalid URL port "profile_proto690863535"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test203543993: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test713175492: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,lines,flat,focus=[12]00:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto222883411: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto222883411: invalid URL port "profile_proto222883411"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test153822717: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test965568824: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,unit=minimum:heap_sizetags (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto878304567: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto878304567: invalid URL port "profile_proto878304567"
driver_test.go:179: heap_sizetags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_sizetags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test999304321: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test054020588: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,addresses,flat,ignore=[X3]002,focus=[X1]000:contention (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto866837083: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto866837083: invalid URL port "profile_proto866837083"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test206254405: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test459616224: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,files,cum:contention (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto199091135: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto199091135: invalid URL port "profile_proto199091135"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test580634697: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test880712980: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments,add_comment=some-comment:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto168067939: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto168067939: invalid URL port "profile_proto168067939"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.comments cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.comments
diff: X:proto_test444040077: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test404605832: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto729098055: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto729098055: invalid URL port "profile_proto729098055"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.comments heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.comments
diff: X:proto_test574653713: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test448511292: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto761862507: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto761862507: invalid URL port "profile_proto761862507"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags
diff: X:proto_test962387669: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test295454768: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagignore=tag[13],tagfocus=key[12]:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto134882767: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto134882767: invalid URL port "profile_proto134882767"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore
diff: X:proto_test537001177: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test858309732: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto099220083: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto099220083: invalid URL port "profile_proto099220083"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags
diff: X:proto_test360814877: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test314207704: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,unit=bytes:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto043370839: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto043370839: invalid URL port "profile_proto043370839"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit
diff: X:proto_test002362273: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test181293708: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto434563195: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto434563195: invalid URL port "profile_proto434563195"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.traces cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.traces
diff: X:proto_test845178469: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test706744960: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:heap_tags (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto500107743: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto500107743: invalid URL port "profile_proto500107743"
driver_test.go:179: heap_tags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces heap_tags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces
diff: X:proto_test195551081: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test285511092: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,focus=[234]00:heap_alloc (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto607047043: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto607047043: invalid URL port "profile_proto607047043"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test155688109: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test321798696: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,tagshow=[2]00:heap_alloc (0.06s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto106011495: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto106011495: invalid URL port "profile_proto106011495"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test913872945: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test299588060: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,hide=line.*1?23?:heap_alloc (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto565140875: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto565140875: invalid URL port "profile_proto565140875"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test500773877: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test787113680: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=1mb:2gb:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto897397231: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto897397231: invalid URL port "profile_proto897397231"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test005275129: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test058883844: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=30kb:,tagignore=1mb:2mb:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto864677523: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto864677523: invalid URL port "profile_proto864677523"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test547134525: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test732818040: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/disasm=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto314568055: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto314568055: invalid URL port "profile_proto314568055"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm
diff: X:proto_test147318465: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test253561132: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/peek=line.*01:cpu (0.06s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto845403803: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto845403803: invalid URL port "profile_proto845403803"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.peek cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.peek
diff: X:proto_test365312389: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test946905888: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/weblist=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto913677823: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto913677823: invalid URL port "profile_proto913677823"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist
diff: X:proto_test977297033: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test149029972: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagfocus=400kb::heap_request (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto075966371: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto075966371: invalid URL port "profile_proto075966371"
driver_test.go:179: heap_request: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus heap_request
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus
diff: X:proto_test661645261: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test987995336: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot:longNameFuncs (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto807421831: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto807421831: invalid URL port "profile_proto807421831"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: X:proto_test228211537: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test943536252: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text:longNameFuncs (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: X:profile_proto837136811: http fetch: Get http://X:profile_proto837136811: invalid URL port "profile_proto837136811"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text
diff: X:proto_test670777621: No such file or directory
diff: X:proto_test140263792: No such file or directory
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 10.415s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.291s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.012s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.703s
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile/exact_absolute_path_is_found (0.00s)
source_test.go:123: openSourceFile("X:604159379\\foo\\", "", "") = err Could not find file X:604159379\foo\ on path , want path "X:604159379\\foo\\"
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 5.143s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.870s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.465s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.783s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.208s
ok cmd/vendor/ 5.280s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.652s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.697s
ok cmd/vendor/ 5.598s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.377s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.292s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.349s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.817s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.079s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.559s
ok cmd/vet 7.943s
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 2.669s
ok archive/zip 3.819s
ok bufio 0.666s
ok bytes 3.247s
ok compress/bzip2 0.461s
ok compress/flate 3.433s
ok compress/gzip 2.682s
ok compress/lzw 3.155s
ok compress/zlib 3.502s
ok container/heap 2.949s
ok container/list 2.654s
ok container/ring 2.426s
ok context 1.851s
ok crypto 1.134s
ok crypto/aes 1.410s
ok crypto/cipher 1.681s
ok crypto/des 2.392s
ok crypto/dsa 1.919s
ok crypto/ecdsa 2.709s
ok crypto/elliptic 2.929s
ok crypto/hmac 2.160s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.688s
ok crypto/md5 2.637s
ok crypto/rand 2.771s
ok crypto/rc4 2.390s
ok crypto/rsa 3.183s
ok crypto/sha1 2.503s
ok crypto/sha256 2.503s
ok crypto/sha512 2.882s
ok crypto/subtle 2.624s
ok crypto/tls 1.686s
ok crypto/x509 2.439s
ok database/sql 2.220s
ok database/sql/driver 0.827s
ok debug/dwarf 1.951s
ok debug/elf 0.689s
ok debug/gosym 2.758s
ok debug/macho 0.408s
ok debug/pe 10.432s
ok debug/plan9obj 1.468s
ok encoding/ascii85 1.183s
ok encoding/asn1 2.177s
ok encoding/base32 2.400s
ok encoding/base64 1.879s
ok encoding/binary 2.150s
ok encoding/csv 1.636s
ok encoding/gob 2.417s
ok encoding/hex 1.889s
ok encoding/json 1.890s
ok encoding/pem 1.573s
ok encoding/xml 0.469s
ok errors 2.124s
ok expvar 1.452s
ok flag 0.725s
ok fmt 0.601s
ok go/ast 2.102s
ok go/build 0.967s
ok go/constant 0.724s
ok go/doc 0.905s
ok go/format 0.474s
ok go/importer 2.852s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 1.406s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 2.706s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 1.918s
ok go/parser 2.380s
ok go/printer 3.386s
ok go/scanner 2.605s
ok go/token 3.195s
ok go/types 2.561s
ok hash 1.603s
ok hash/adler32 1.866s
ok hash/crc32 0.973s
ok hash/crc64 2.858s
ok hash/fnv 2.879s
ok html 0.514s
ok html/template 1.660s
ok image 4.433s
ok image/color 0.728s
ok image/draw 1.897s
ok image/gif 1.501s
ok image/jpeg 1.516s
ok image/png 2.438s
ok index/suffixarray 2.673s
ok internal/cpu 1.297s
ok internal/fmtsort 3.669s
ok internal/poll 1.927s
ok internal/singleflight 2.359s
ok internal/syscall/windows 2.944s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 4.044s
ok internal/trace 4.185s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 3.910s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 0.813s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 1.059s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 4.299s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 4.189s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 1.033s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 2.422s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 0.455s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 2.406s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 0.907s
ok internal/x/net/idna 1.394s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 2.099s
ok internal/x/text/transform 1.148s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 0.386s
ok internal/xcoff 0.657s
ok io 2.199s
ok io/ioutil 2.824s
ok log 2.569s
ok math 2.352s
ok math/big 1.947s
ok math/bits 0.991s
ok math/cmplx 3.032s
ok math/rand 3.568s
ok mime 0.736s
ok mime/multipart 1.136s
ok mime/quotedprintable 0.550s
ok net 9.634s
ok net/http 3.077s
ok net/http/cgi 1.336s
ok net/http/cookiejar 1.417s
ok net/http/fcgi 1.938s
ok net/http/httptest 4.641s
ok net/http/httptrace 1.497s
ok net/http/httputil 2.628s
ok net/http/internal 1.670s
ok net/http/pprof 4.794s
ok net/internal/socktest 2.169s
ok net/mail 2.104s
ok net/rpc 2.939s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 2.816s
ok net/smtp 1.678s
ok net/textproto 2.594s
ok net/url 0.395s
ok os 5.144s
ok os/exec 37.001s
ok os/signal 4.209s
ok os/user 0.687s
ok path 1.494s
ok path/filepath 2.139s
ok plugin 1.225s
ok reflect 0.608s
ok regexp 1.100s
ok regexp/syntax 0.987s
ok runtime 32.997s
ok runtime/debug 1.396s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.518s
ok runtime/internal/math 1.734s
ok runtime/internal/sys 1.464s
ok runtime/pprof 11.394s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 0.803s
ok runtime/trace 3.628s
ok sort 0.850s
ok strconv 1.371s
ok strings 0.886s
ok sync 2.006s
ok sync/atomic 0.730s
ok syscall 0.760s
ok testing 2.957s
ok testing/quick 1.072s
ok text/scanner 1.335s
ok text/tabwriter 1.167s
ok text/template 1.171s
ok text/template/parse 1.085s
ok time 4.447s
ok unicode 1.074s
ok unicode/utf16 1.905s
ok unicode/utf8 0.394s
ok cmd/addr2line 5.973s
ok cmd/api 1.338s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.945s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.796s
ok cmd/compile 1.292s
ok cmd/compile/internal/gc 14.717s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 3.638s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.292s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.998s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 2.287s
ok cmd/cover 6.468s
ok cmd/doc 2.139s
ok cmd/fix 12.237s
ok cmd/go 106.922s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 7.310s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.585s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 3.421s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 1.842s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 1.311s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.869s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 1.383s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.146s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 1.798s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 2.013s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 2.183s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 2.269s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 2.575s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 2.825s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 3.099s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 3.707s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 3.372s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 3.930s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 4.011s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 1.514s
ok cmd/go/internal/work 1.349s
ok cmd/gofmt 1.178s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 0.982s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 0.498s
ok cmd/internal/edit 1.540s
ok cmd/internal/goobj 3.242s
ok cmd/internal/obj 2.560s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 3.172s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 3.558s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 2.299s
ok cmd/internal/src 2.054s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 3.450s
ok cmd/link 4.748s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 5.889s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 3.794s
ok cmd/nm 9.489s
ok cmd/objdump 9.336s
ok cmd/pack 12.083s
ok cmd/trace 5.151s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.841s
ok cmd/vendor/ 7.092s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.605s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.017s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.864s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.820s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.661s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.432s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.810s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.301s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.570s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.331s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.034s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.753s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.534s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.958s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.201s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.496s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.240s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.327s
ok cmd/vet 6.784s
##### os/user with tag osusergo
ok os/user 0.299s
##### GOMAXPROCS=2 runtime -cpu=1,2,4 -quick
--- FAIL: TestDLLPreloadMitigation (0.54s)
syscall_windows_test.go:895: CreateFile W:\Temp\TestDLLPreloadMitigation393020519\nojack.dll: Access is denied.
--- FAIL: TestDLLPreloadMitigation (0.52s)
syscall_windows_test.go:895: CreateFile W:\Temp\TestDLLPreloadMitigation899602542\nojack.dll: Access is denied.
FAIL runtime 19.929s
##### Testing without libgcc.
ok crypto/x509 1.544s
ok net 0.319s
ok os/user 0.291s
##### sync -cpu=10
skipped due to earlier error
##### Testing race detector
skipped due to earlier error
skipped due to earlier error
skipped due to earlier error
skipped due to earlier error
skipped due to earlier error
##### ../misc/cgo/stdio
skipped due to earlier error
##### ../misc/cgo/life
skipped due to earlier error
##### ../misc/cgo/test
skipped due to earlier error
skipped due to earlier error
skipped due to earlier error
skipped due to earlier error
Building Go cmd/dist using C:\Go
Building Go toolchain1 using C:\Go.
Building Go bootstrap cmd/go (go_bootstrap) using Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain2 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain1.
Building Go toolchain3 using go_bootstrap and Go toolchain2.
Building packages and commands for windows/amd64.
##### Testing packages.
ok archive/tar 3.004s
ok archive/zip 3.603s
ok bufio 0.888s
ok bytes 3.509s
ok compress/bzip2 0.622s
ok compress/flate 3.492s
ok compress/gzip 3.528s
ok compress/lzw 2.913s
ok compress/zlib 3.522s
ok container/heap 2.932s
ok container/list 2.685s
ok container/ring 2.430s
ok context 1.298s
ok crypto 1.117s
ok crypto/aes 1.649s
ok crypto/cipher 2.447s
ok crypto/des 2.688s
ok crypto/dsa 1.383s
ok crypto/ecdsa 3.004s
ok crypto/elliptic 3.462s
ok crypto/hmac 1.905s
ok crypto/internal/subtle 2.163s
ok crypto/md5 3.207s
ok crypto/rand 3.744s
ok crypto/rc4 2.708s
ok crypto/rsa 3.262s
ok crypto/sha1 2.942s
ok crypto/sha256 3.464s
ok crypto/sha512 3.186s
ok crypto/subtle 2.672s
ok crypto/tls 2.487s
ok crypto/x509 2.755s
ok database/sql 1.700s
ok database/sql/driver 3.765s
ok debug/dwarf 1.029s
ok debug/elf 1.816s
ok debug/gosym 3.363s
ok debug/macho 1.075s
ok debug/pe 10.124s
ok debug/plan9obj 1.171s
ok encoding/ascii85 1.434s
ok encoding/asn1 1.673s
ok encoding/base32 1.293s
ok encoding/base64 1.540s
ok encoding/binary 1.335s
ok encoding/csv 0.819s
ok encoding/gob 1.078s
ok encoding/hex 0.805s
ok encoding/json 2.140s
ok encoding/pem 1.011s
ok encoding/xml 1.030s
ok errors 0.551s
ok expvar 1.172s
ok flag 0.576s
ok fmt 2.425s
ok go/ast 1.678s
ok go/build 1.047s
ok go/constant 1.911s
ok go/doc 2.184s
ok go/format 1.203s
ok go/importer 1.587s
ok go/internal/gccgoimporter 3.407s
ok go/internal/gcimporter 3.812s
ok go/internal/srcimporter 3.408s
ok go/parser 3.976s
ok go/printer 3.997s
ok go/scanner 3.141s
ok go/token 0.936s
ok go/types 1.886s
ok hash 2.902s
ok hash/adler32 3.530s
ok hash/crc32 1.094s
ok hash/crc64 0.369s
ok hash/fnv 0.717s
ok html 0.707s
ok html/template 1.737s
ok image 1.951s
ok image/color 1.286s
ok image/draw 2.203s
ok image/gif 0.992s
ok image/jpeg 1.056s
ok image/png 2.468s
ok index/suffixarray 1.119s
ok internal/cpu 0.358s
ok internal/fmtsort 1.382s
ok internal/poll 1.573s
ok internal/singleflight 0.375s
ok internal/syscall/windows 0.882s
ok internal/syscall/windows/registry 3.141s
ok internal/trace 2.426s
ok internal/x/crypto/chacha20poly1305 2.664s
ok internal/x/crypto/cryptobyte 3.096s
ok internal/x/crypto/curve25519 0.561s
ok internal/x/crypto/hkdf 2.842s
ok internal/x/crypto/internal/chacha20 2.917s
ok internal/x/crypto/poly1305 3.132s
ok internal/x/net/dns/dnsmessage 1.929s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpguts 0.810s
ok internal/x/net/http/httpproxy 1.627s
ok internal/x/net/http2/hpack 0.555s
ok internal/x/net/idna 1.128s
ok internal/x/net/nettest 1.824s
ok internal/x/text/transform 0.858s
ok internal/x/text/unicode/norm 1.812s
ok internal/xcoff 2.074s
ok io 0.856s
ok io/ioutil 1.409s
ok log 0.406s
ok math 1.149s
ok math/big 2.914s
ok math/bits 1.138s
ok math/cmplx 0.692s
ok math/rand 1.156s
ok mime 1.183s
ok mime/multipart 2.127s
ok mime/quotedprintable 0.966s
ok net 8.909s
2018/12/15 13:40:48 http: TLS handshake error from write tcp> use of closed network connection
2018/12/15 13:40:48 http: TLS handshake error from read tcp> use of closed network connection
--- FAIL: TestServerConnState (0.61s)
serve_test.go:4247: Unexpected events.
Got log:
Conn 1: new active idle active closed
Conn 2: new active idle active closed
Conn 3: new active hijacked
Conn 4: new active hijacked
Conn 5: new active closed
Conn 6: new active idle closed
Conn 7: new closed
Conn 1: new active idle active closed
Conn 2: new active idle active closed
Conn 3: new active hijacked
Conn 4: new active hijacked
Conn 5: new closed
Conn 6: new active closed
Conn 7: new active idle closed
FAIL net/http 4.297s
ok net/http/cgi 1.853s
ok net/http/cookiejar 1.955s
ok net/http/fcgi 1.982s
ok net/http/httptest 3.231s
ok net/http/httptrace 1.330s
ok net/http/httputil 1.241s
ok net/http/internal 0.859s
ok net/http/pprof 3.424s
ok net/internal/socktest 1.120s
ok net/mail 1.061s
ok net/rpc 1.429s
ok net/rpc/jsonrpc 1.552s
ok net/smtp 0.902s
ok net/textproto 0.896s
ok net/url 0.631s
--- FAIL: TestLongPath (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=247 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir W:_Go_TestLongPath424544150/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir345678x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=248 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir W:_Go_TestLongPath424544150/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789x: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=249 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir W:_Go_TestLongPath424544150/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestLongPath/length=400 (0.00s)
os_test.go:1999: MkdirAll failed: mkdir W:_Go_TestLongPath424544150/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789/dir3456789: The filename or extension is too long.
--- FAIL: TestDirectoryJunction (0.02s)
os_windows_test.go:107: mkdir W:testDirLinks693965624\dir: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestOpenVolumeName (0.00s)
os_windows_test.go:617: open W:TestOpenVolumeName156184362\file1: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestCmdArgs (0.05s)
os_windows_test.go:826: building main.exe failed: exit status 1
CreateFile W:TestCmdArgs578862572\main.go: The system cannot find the path specified.
FAIL os 2.210s
--- FAIL: TestLookPath (2.18s)
lp_windows_test.go:81: test={rootDir:W:TestLookPath129008039\d0 PATH:p1;p2 PATHEXT:.COM;.EXE;.BAT files:[p1\a.exe p2\a.exe p2\a] searchFor:a fails:false}: "cmd /c a" command failed, but expected to succeed: exit status 1 - 'a' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
--- FAIL: TestCommand (17.05s)
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d0\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d0" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a.exe want:a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d1\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d1" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:a want:a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d2\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d2" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d3\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d3" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir: arg0:.\p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d4\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d4" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d5\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d5" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir: arg0:p\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d6\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d6" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[a.exe p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d9\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d9" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d10\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d10" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[a.exe p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d11\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d11" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2;p files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:a.exe want:p2\a.exe fails:false}: exec: exit status 1 Child: exec: "a.exe": executable file not found in %PATH%
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH: files:[p\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d13\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d13" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a.exe want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d14\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d14" prefix
lp_windows_test.go:375: test={PATH:p2 files:[p\a.exe p2\a.exe] dir:p arg0:.\a want:p\a.exe fails:false}: "W:\\TestCommand640122586\\d15\\p\\a.exe" must have "W:TestCommand640122586\\d15" prefix
FAIL os/exec 20.854s
ok os/signal 4.246s
ok os/user 0.408s
ok path 1.166s
--- FAIL: TestWindowsGlob (0.01s)
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\a") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\a"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\a"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\b") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\b"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\b"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\*") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\a" "W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\b" "W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\a" "W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\b" "W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\d*") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\*i*") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\*r") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\?ir") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir"] expected
match_test.go:341: Glob("W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\d*\\*\\bin\\git.exe") returns ["W:\\TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir\\d\\bin\\git.exe"], but ["W:TestWindowsGlob922309642\\dir\\d\\bin\\git.exe"] expected
--- FAIL: TestAbs (0.00s)
path_test.go:1076: W:TestAbs686855390: CreateFile W:TestAbs686855390: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: W:TestAbs686855390/.: CreateFile W:TestAbs686855390/.: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_test.go:1076: W:TestAbs686855390/a/../a/b: CreateFile W:TestAbs686855390/a/../a/b: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: W:TestAbs686855390/a/b/c/../../.././a: CreateFile W:TestAbs686855390/a/b/c/../../.././a: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_test.go:1076: W:TestAbs686855390/a/b/c/../../.././a/: CreateFile W:TestAbs686855390/a/b/c/../../.././a/: The system cannot find the path specified.
--- FAIL: TestAbsEmptyString (0.00s)
path_test.go:1120: W:TestAbsEmptyString256021669: CreateFile W:TestAbsEmptyString256021669: The system cannot find the file specified.
--- FAIL: TestToNorm (0.00s)
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285: The system cannot find the file specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
path_windows_test.go:474: chdir W:testToNorm283103285\test: The system cannot find the path specified.
FAIL path/filepath 1.887s
ok plugin 0.891s
ok reflect 0.814s
ok regexp 1.123s
ok regexp/syntax 0.978s
--- FAIL: TestMemPprof (0.46s)
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top W:go-build822390187\testprog.exe W:memprof457485627]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://W:memprof457485627/debug/pprof/profile
W:memprof457485627: Get http://W:memprof457485627/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof457485627"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
crash_test.go:492: [c:\Go.tip\bin\go.exe tool pprof -alloc_space -top W:memprof457485627]:
Fetching profile over HTTP from http://W:memprof457485627/debug/pprof/profile
W:memprof457485627: Get http://W:memprof457485627/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "memprof457485627"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:494: exit status 1
--- FAIL: TestTimePprof (0.28s)
crash_test.go:636: Fetching profile over HTTP from http://W:timeprof958103723/debug/pprof/profile
W:timeprof958103723: Get http://W:timeprof958103723/debug/pprof/profile: invalid URL port "timeprof958103723"
failed to fetch any source profiles
crash_test.go:638: exit status 1
FAIL runtime 30.933s
ok runtime/debug 0.680s
ok runtime/internal/atomic 1.025s
ok runtime/internal/math 1.237s
ok runtime/internal/sys 0.546s
ok runtime/pprof 10.110s
ok runtime/pprof/internal/profile 1.413s
ok runtime/trace 3.788s
ok sort 0.898s
ok strconv 0.840s
ok strings 2.535s
ok sync 0.946s
ok sync/atomic 0.647s
ok syscall 0.746s
ok testing 3.242s
ok testing/quick 1.331s
ok text/scanner 1.948s
ok text/tabwriter 1.498s
ok text/template 2.683s
ok text/template/parse 1.736s
ok time 3.455s
ok unicode 2.117s
ok unicode/utf16 0.989s
ok unicode/utf8 2.182s
--- FAIL: TestAddr2Line (1.98s)
addr2line_test.go:103: go test -c -o W:TestAddr2Line497625303\testaddr2line_test.exe cmd/addr2line: exit status 1
go test cmd/addr2line.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\addr2line\W:TestAddr2Line497625303\: The directory name is invalid.
FAIL cmd/addr2line 2.590s
ok cmd/api 0.621s
ok cmd/asm/internal/asm 0.929s
ok cmd/asm/internal/lex 0.961s
ok cmd/compile 1.261s
--- FAIL: TestCode (4.37s)
ssa_test.go:173: Build failed: exit status 1
go test command-line-arguments.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\compile\internal\gc\W:TestCode279876308\: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScopeRanges (1.39s)
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 18 "\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 19 "\t\tf2(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 20 "\t\tfor i := 0; i < 5; i++ {": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 21 "\t\t\tf3(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 23 "\t\tf4(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 28 "\tif a, b, c := gret3(); a != 1 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 29 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 30 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 31 "\t\tf1(c)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 33 "\tfor i, x := range v {": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 34 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 35 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 37 "\tif a, ok := <- ch; ok {": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 38 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 40 "\tif a, ok := iface.(int); ok {": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 41 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 45 "\tif x := gret1(); x != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 46 "\t\ta := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 47 "\t\tf1(a); f1(x)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 49 "\t\tb := 1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 50 "\t\tf1(b); f1(x+1)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 54 "\tswitch x := gret1(); x {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 55 "\tcase 0:": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 56 "\t\ti := x + 5": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 57 "\t\tf1(x); f1(i)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 58 "\tcase 1:": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 59 "\t\tj := x + 10": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 60 "\t\tf1(x); f1(j)": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 61 "\tcase 2:": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 62 "\t\tk := x + 2": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 63 "\t\tf1(x); f1(k)": expected: [1 4] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 68 "\tcase int:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 69 "\t\tf1(x)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 70 "\tcase uint8:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 71 "\t\tf1(int(x))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 72 "\tcase float64:": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 73 "\t\tf1(int(x)+1)": expected: [3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 78 "\tcase i := <- ch:": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 79 "\t\tf1(i)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 80 "\tcase f := <- floatch:": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 81 "\t\tf1(int(f))": expected: [2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 87 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 88 "\t\tf1(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 89 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 96 "\t\tb := 0": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 97 "\t\tf2(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 98 "\t\tif gretbool() {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 99 "\t\t\tc := 0": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 100 "\t\t\tf3(c)": expected: [1 2] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 102 "\t\t\tc := 1.1": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 103 "\t\t\tf4(int(c))": expected: [1 3] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 105 "\t\tf5(b)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 111 "\tf := func(c int) {": expected: [0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 114 "\t\tif e := 3; e != 0 {": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 115 "\t\t\tf1(e)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 116 "\t\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 117 "\t\t\tb = 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 125 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 126 "\t\tp := &b": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 127 "\t\tf1(a)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 128 "\t\tfi(p)": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 134 "\t\tb := 2": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 135 "\t\tf := func() int {": expected: [1 0] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:280: mismatch at line 138 "\t\treturn f": expected: [1] got: [ ]
scope_test.go:297: mismatched output
FAIL cmd/compile/internal/gc 15.404s
ok cmd/compile/internal/ssa 4.025s
ok cmd/compile/internal/syntax 1.196s
ok cmd/compile/internal/test 0.695s [no tests to run]
ok cmd/compile/internal/types 1.775s
ok cmd/cover 5.708s
ok cmd/doc 1.818s
ok cmd/fix 11.695s
--- FAIL: TestRelativeGOBINFail (0.00s)
go_test.go:1430: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:1430: testgo failed as expected: exec: "W:cmd-go-test-177175419\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:1431: go install must fail if $GOBIN is a relative path
go_test.go:1431: pattern cannot install, GOBIN must be an absolute path not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in W:\gotest309258975
--- FAIL: TestTestOutputToDevNull (0.04s)
go_test.go:1471: running testgo [test -o NUL -c p]
go_test.go:1471: standard error:
go_test.go:1471: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest673005234".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1471: go [test -o NUL -c p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATHPrintedSearchList (0.03s)
go_test.go:2014: running testgo [install]
go_test.go:2014: standard error:
go_test.go:2014: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest206048873\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2014: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2015: expected default GOPATH
go_test.go:2015: pattern W:gotest206048873\\home\\go\\src\\github\.com\\golang\\example\\hello.*from \$GOPATH not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildTestOnly (0.01s)
go_test.go:3067: running testgo [build testonly testonly...]
go_test.go:3067: testgo failed as expected: exec: "W:cmd-go-test-177175419\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
go_test.go:3068: go build ./xtestonly produced unexpected error
go_test.go:3068: pattern no non-test Go files in not found in standard error
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in W:\gotest872996870\src
--- FAIL: TestGoBuildGOPATHOrder (0.05s)
go_test.go:3898: running testgo [install -x bar]
go_test.go:3898: standard error:
go_test.go:3898: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest914611505\\p1".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3898: go [install -x bar] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDotDotDotOutsideGOPATH (0.02s)
go_test.go:4526: running testgo [build ./...]
go_test.go:4526: go [build ./...] failed unexpectedly in W:\gotest243370606\pkgs: exec: "W:cmd-go-test-177175419\\testbin\\go.exe": file does not exist
asm_amd64.s:519: ended in W:\gotest243370606\pkgs
--- FAIL: TestBuildTagsNoComma (0.03s)
go_test.go:4611: running testgo [build -tags tag1 tag2 math]
go_test.go:4611: standard error:
go_test.go:4611: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest285965557\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4611: go [build -tags tag1 tag2 math] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT (0.61s)
--- FAIL: TestExecutableGOROOT/RelocatedTree (0.03s)
go_test.go:4666: go env GOROOT:
have W:\gotest161157072\new
want W:gotest161157072\new
--- FAIL: TestBadCommandLines (0.03s)
go_test.go:5844: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5844: standard error:
go_test.go:5844: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest425303279".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5844: go [build x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestBadCgoDirectives (0.04s)
go_test.go:5901: running testgo [build x]
go_test.go:5901: standard error:
go_test.go:5901: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest214384514".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5901: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:5902: did not reject //go:cgo_ldflag directive
go_test.go:5902: pattern //go:cgo_ldflag .* only allowed in cgo-generated code not found in standard error
go test proxy starting
go proxy_test: invalid module path encoding "": malformed module path "": invalid version
go test proxy running at GOPROXY=
--- FAIL: TestScript (0.00s)
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_wildcard (0.04s)
# Fix for
# go run x/... should not panic when directory x doesn't exist. (0.004s)
> ! go run nonexistent/...
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr '^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$'
FAIL: testdata\script\run_wildcard.txt:5: no match for `^go run: no packages loaded from nonexistent/...$` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_path (0.04s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_path.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/run_hello (0.09s)
# hello world (0.003s)
> go run hello.go
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\run_hello.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_compile_binary (0.09s)
> ! go test -c compile_binary/...
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build comment'
FAIL: testdata\script\test_compile_binary.txt:2: no match for `build comment` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_upgrade_patch (0.09s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_upgrade_patch.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_devnull (0.10s)
# go test -c -o NUL
# should work (see (0.001s)
> cd x
> go test -o=$devnull -c
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\test_devnull.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_versions (0.11s)
# Test rejection of pkg@version in GOPATH mode. (0.003s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_versions.txt:4: no match for `cannot use path@version syntax in GOPATH mode` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_sum_replaced (0.12s)
# After 'go get -d', the go.sum file should contain the sum for the module. (0.002s)
> go get -d
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_sum_replaced.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_build (0.13s)
# initial conditions: using sampler v1.3.0, not listed in go.mod. (0.006s)
> go list -deps
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_build.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_nodeps (0.13s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod vendor
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_nodeps.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit (0.14s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_sum (0.14s)
# go.sum should list directly used modules and dependencies (0.005s)
> go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_sum.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_quote (0.14s)
# Check that mod tidy does not introduce repeated
# require statements when input go.mod has quoted requirements. (0.005s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod tidy
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_quote.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/vet_asm (0.15s)
# Issue 27665. Verify that "go vet" analyzes non-Go files. (0.007s)
> env GOOS=linux
> env GOARCH=amd64
> ! go vet -asmdecl a
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'f: invalid MOVW of x'
FAIL: testdata\script\vet_asm.txt:6: no match for `f: invalid MOVW of x` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_compiled_imports (0.11s)
# go list should report import "C" (0.009s)
> cd x
> go list -f '{{.Imports}}'
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_compiled_imports.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_std_vendor (0.15s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.TestImports}}'
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_std_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_require_exclude (0.13s)
# build with no newer version to satisfy exclude (0.008s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go list -m all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'no newer version available'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_require_exclude.txt:4: no match for `no newer version available` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/binary_only (0.17s)
# check that error for missing binary-only says where it should be (0.009s)
> ! go build b
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr pkg[\\/].*a\.a
FAIL: testdata\script\binary_only.txt:3: no match for `pkg[\\/].*a\.a` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_verify (0.18s)
# With good go.sum, verify succeeds by avoiding download. (0.016s)
> cp go.sum.good go.sum
> go mod verify
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_verify.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_download (0.10s)
# download with version should print nothing (0.007s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_download.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_yml (0.08s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_yml.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_manifest (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_manifest.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_domain_root (0.11s)
# Module paths that are domain roots should resolve.
# ( not (0.006s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go build
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_domain_root.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_json (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_json.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_vendor_conf (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_vendor_conf.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_readonly (0.10s)
# -mod=readonly must not resolve missing modules nor update go.mod
# TODO(bcmills): 'go list' should suffice, but today it does not fail due to
# unresolved imports. When that is fixed, use 'go list' instead of 'go list all'. (0.006s)
> env GOFLAGS=-mod=readonly
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_readonly.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test_files (0.23s)
# Testing an explicit source file should use the same import visibility as the
# package in the same directory. (0.009s)
> go list -test -deps
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test_files.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_tsv (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_tsv.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor_replace (0.23s)
# Before vendoring, we expect to see the original directory. (0.007s)
> go list -f '{{.Version}} {{.Dir}}' -m
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor_replace.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_godeps (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_godeps.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glockfile (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glockfile.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_glide (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_glide.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query (0.10s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -versions
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy_replace (0.25s)
# From inside the module, 'go list -m all' should NOT include transitive
# requirements of modules that have been replaced. (0.007s)
> go list -m all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy_replace.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/test_badtest (0.26s)
> ! go test badtest/...
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stdout ^ok
> stdout ^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec
FAIL: testdata\script\test_badtest.txt:3: no match for `^FAIL\tbadtest/badexec` found in stdout
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_doc (0.15s)
# go doc should find module documentation (0.006s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go doc y
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_doc.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_git (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_git.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_query_exclude (0.13s)
# get excluded version (0.017s)
> cp go.mod1 go.mod
> ! go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ' excluded'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_query_exclude.txt:6: no match for ` excluded` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_convert_dep (0.08s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_convert_dep.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_nomod (0.11s)
# Test go commands with no module. (0.000s)
# go mod edit fails unless given explicit mod file argument (0.013s)
> ! go mod edit -json
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> go mod edit -json x.mod
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_nomod.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_run_internal (0.31s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -e -f '{{.Incomplete}}' runbad1.go
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_run_internal.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_outside (0.15s)
# This script tests commands in module mode outside of any module.
# First, ensure that we really are in module mode, and that we really don't have
# a go.mod file. (0.006s)
> go env GOMOD
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_outside.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case_cgo (0.10s)
> [!cgo] skip
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case_cgo.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_case (0.10s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_case.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badzip (0.10s)
# Zip files with unexpected file names inside should be rejected. (0.006s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get -d
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'zip for has unexpected file'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badzip.txt:5: no match for `zip for has unexpected file` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_modinfo (0.14s)
# Test to ensure runtime/debug.ReadBuildInfo parses
# the modinfo embedded in a binary by the go tool
# when module is enabled. (0.008s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> go mod edit
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_modinfo.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_why (0.34s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -test all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_why.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_filenames (0.10s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> ! stderr 'unzip.*badfile1'
> stderr 'unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char ''☺'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_filenames.txt:5: no match for `unzip.*badfile2[\\/]@v[\\/]*malformed file path "☺.go": invalid char '☺'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/linkname (0.11s)
# check for linker name in error message about linker crash (0.006s)
> [!gc] skip
> ! go build -ldflags=-crash_for_testing x.go
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr [\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link
FAIL: testdata\script\linkname.txt:4: no match for `[\\/]tool[\\/].*[\\/]link` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_gopath (0.10s)
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_gopath.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_upgrade (0.11s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m -u all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_multirepo (0.18s)
# initial standalone module should use no downloaded modules (0.006s)
> go list -deps -f {{.Dir}}
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_multirepo.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_concurrent (0.18s)
# Concurrent builds should succeed, even if they need to download modules. (0.008s)
> go build ./x &
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_concurrent.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_build_tags (0.15s)
# Test that build tags are used.
# (0.009s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x
> ! go list -f {{.GoFiles}}
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build constraints exclude all Go files'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_build_tags.txt:8: no match for `build constraints exclude all Go files` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_tidy (0.38s)
# tidy removes unused y, but everything else is used (0.007s)
> go mod tidy -v
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_tidy.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/help (0.09s)
# go help shows overview. (0.007s)
> go help
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\help.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cross_gobin (0.13s)
> cd mycmd
> go build mycmd
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cross_gobin.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_load_badmod (0.17s)
# Unknown lines should be ignored in dependency go.mod files. (0.007s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_load_badmod.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_cleans_build (0.13s)
# 'go install' with no arguments should clean up after go build (0.009s)
> cd mycmd
> go build
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_cleans_build.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_test (0.12s)
# go list -compiled -test must handle test-only packages
# (0.008s)
> go list -compiled -test
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_test.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_local_replace (0.21s)
# Test that local replacements work even with dummy module names.
# (0.010s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cd x/y
> go list -f '{{.Dir}}' zz
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_local_replace.txt:7: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_dir (0.11s)
# go list with path to directory should work (0.006s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}' $GOROOT/src/math
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_dir.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_test (0.43s)
# TODO(bcmills): Convert the 'go test' calls below to 'go list -test' once 'go
# list' is more sensitive to package loading errors.
# A test in the module's root package should work. (0.020s)
> cd a/
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go test
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_test.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_bad_domain (0.18s)
# explicit get should report errors about bad names (0.008s)
> ! go get appengine
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_bad_domain.txt:5: no match for `malformed module path "appengine": missing dot in first path element` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_clean_cache (0.23s)
# 'mod download' should download the module to the cache. (0.008s)
> go mod download
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_clean_cache.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_e (0.14s)
# issue 25980: crash in go list -e -test (0.007s)
> go list -e -test -f '{{.Error}}' p
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_e.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_std (0.12s)
# listing GOROOT should only find standard packages (0.038s)
> cd $GOROOT/src
> go list -f '{{if not .Standard}}{{.ImportPath}}{{end}}' ./...
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:cmd-go-test-177175419\\script-list_std\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
[exit status 2]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_std.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_tags (0.13s)
# go list supports -tags (0.007s)
> go list -tags=thetag ./my...
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_tags.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_test_imports (0.20s)
# issue 26880: list with tests has wrong variant in imports (0.007s)
> go list -test -f '{{.ImportPath}}:{{with .Imports}} {{join . ", "}}{{end}}' a b
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_test_imports.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_bad_import (0.23s)
# This test matches mod_list_bad_import, but in GOPATH mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.002s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.007s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/install_rebuild_removed (0.21s)
# go command should detect package staleness as source file set changes (0.007s)
> go install mypkg
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\install_rebuild_removed.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_relative_tmpdir (0.12s)
# If GOTMPDIR is relative, 'go build' should derive an absolute $WORK directory. (0.003s)
> cd $WORK
FAIL: testdata\script\build_relative_tmpdir.txt:2: CreateFile $WORK\gopath\src\$WORK: The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace (0.37s)
# Make sure the test builds without replacement. (0.006s)
> go build -o a1.exe .
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/gcflags_patterns (0.29s)
# -gcflags=-e applies to named packages, not dependencies (0.007s)
> go build -n -v -gcflags=-e z1 z2
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\gcflags_patterns.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_upgrade (0.12s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_upgrade.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/goflags (0.09s)
# GOFLAGS sets flags for commands (0.007s)
> env GOFLAGS='-e -f={{.Dir}} --test.benchtime=1s -count=10'
> go list asdfasdfasdf # succeeds because of -e
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\goflags.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_find (0.18s)
# go list -find should not report imports (0.008s)
> go list -f {{.Incomplete}} x/y/z... # should probably exit non-zero but never has
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_find.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_warning (0.12s)
# go get in GO111MODULE=auto should warn when not using modules and go.mod exists (0.015s)
> env GO111MODULE=auto
> mkdir z
> cd z
> ! go get # fails because no code in directory, not the warning
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee ''go help modules'''
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_warning.txt:7: no match for `go get: warning: modules disabled by GO111MODULE=auto in GOPATH/src;\n\tignoring ..[/\\]go.mod;\n\tsee 'go help modules'` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/vendor_complex (0.53s)
# smoke test for complex build configuration (0.007s)
> go build -o complex.exe complex
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\vendor_complex.txt:2: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/fileline (0.17s)
# look for short, relative file:line in error message (0.008s)
> ! go run ../../gopath/x/y/z/err.go
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr ^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:
FAIL: testdata\script\fileline.txt:3: no match for `^..[\\/]x[\\/]y[\\/]z[\\/]err.go:` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_incompatible (0.14s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list x
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_incompatible.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_none (0.09s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod init
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_none.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_install_versioned (0.11s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -f '{{.Target}}'
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_install_versioned.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_commit (0.12s)
# @commit should resolve
# should not resolve with -m,
# because that's not a module path. (0.009s)
# ... but it should work without -m.
# because of -d, the compiler should not run (0.008s)
> go get -d -x
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_commit.txt:11: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_moved (0.09s)
# A 'go get' that worked at a previous version should continue to work at that version,
# even if the package was subsequently moved into a submodule. (0.009s)
> go mod init
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_moved.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_downgrade (0.13s)
# downgrade sampler should downgrade quote (0.007s)
> go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_downgrade.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_unicode (0.10s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_unicode.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list (0.13s)
# list {{.Dir}} shows main module and go.mod but not not-yet-downloaded dependency dir. (0.007s)
> go list -m -f '{{.Path}} {{.Main}} {{.GoMod}} {{.Dir}}' all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_tilde (0.09s)
# Paths containing windows short names should be rejected before attempting to fetch. (0.007s)
> ! go get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'trailing tilde and digits'
FAIL: testdata\script\get_tilde.txt:3: no match for `trailing tilde and digits` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_patterns (0.41s)
# 'go list all' should list all of the packages used (directly or indirectly) by
# the packages in the main module, but no other packages from the standard
# library or active modules.
# 'go list ...' should list packages in all active modules and the standard library.
# But not cmd/* - see
# 'go list' should list packages in all modules that begin with ''.
# 'go list ./...' should list only packages in the current module, not other active modules.
# Warnings about unmatched patterns should only be printed once.
# And the go command should be able to keep track of all this! (0.007s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.Match}}' all ... ./... ./xyz...
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_patterns.txt:19: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_list_bad_import (0.23s)
# This test matches list_bad_import, but in module mode.
# Please keep them in sync. (0.002s)
# Without -e, listing an otherwise-valid package with an unsatisfied direct import should fail.
# BUG: Today it succeeds. (0.008s)
> go list -f '{{if .Error}}error{{end}} {{if .Incomplete}}incomplete{{end}} {{range .DepsErrors}}bad dep: {{.Err}}{{end}}'
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_list_bad_import.txt:9: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/list_importmap (0.23s)
# gccgo does not have standard packages. (0.000s)
# fmt should have no rewritten imports.
# The import from a/b should map c/d to a's vendor directory. (0.008s)
> go list -f '{{.ImportPath}}: {{.ImportMap}}' fmt a/b
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\list_importmap.txt:6: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_indirect (0.12s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_indirect.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_link (0.11s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.013s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_link.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_dotfiles (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_dotfiles.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/get_brace (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\get_brace.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_nocache (0.10s)
# As of Go 1.12, the module cache is required.
# If none of the variables we use to locate GOCACHE are set, the cache is off
# and we cannot build. (0.009s)
> env GOCACHE=
> env HOME=
> [plan9] env home=
> [windows] env LocalAppData=
> ! go build -o triv triv.go
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*'
FAIL: testdata\script\build_nocache.txt:11: no match for `build cache is required, but could not be located: GOCACHE is not defined and .*` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_help (0.08s)
# go help get shows usage for get (0.006s)
> go help get
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_help.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_enabled (0.09s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_enabled.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_file_proxy (0.08s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_file_proxy.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_edit_go (0.11s)
# Test support for go mod -edit to set language version. (0.008s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> ! go build
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'type aliases only supported as of'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_edit_go.txt:5: no match for `type aliases only supported as of` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_find (0.08s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_find.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_output (0.12s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.012s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_output.txt:5: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import (0.10s)
# latest should be v1.5.2 not v1.5.3-pre1 (0.007s)
> go list
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_get_local (0.16s)
# Test 'go get' with a local module with a name that is not valid for network lookup. (0.007s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod edit -fmt
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_get_local.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_graph (0.09s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go mod graph
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_graph.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gopkg_unstable (0.11s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> cp go.mod.empty go.mod
> go get -d
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gopkg_unstable.txt:4: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_compile (0.09s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.012s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_compile.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_GOTMPDIR (0.09s)
# Set GOCACHE to a clean directory to ensure that 'go build' has work to report. (0.000s)
# Build should use GOTMPDIR if set. (0.011s)
> env GOTMPDIR=$WORK/my-favorite-tmpdir
> mkdir $GOTMPDIR
FAIL: testdata\script\build_GOTMPDIR.txt:6: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_getmode_vendor (0.09s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go get -m
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_getmode_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_import_mod (0.12s)
# Test that GOPATH/pkg/mod is excluded (0.006s)
> env GO111MODULE=off
> ! go list mod/foo
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
> stderr 'disallowed import path'
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_import_mod.txt:4: no match for `disallowed import path` found in stderr
--- FAIL: TestScript/build_cache_gomips (0.08s)
# Set up fresh GOCACHE. (0.012s)
> env GOCACHE=$WORK/gocache
> mkdir $GOCACHE
FAIL: testdata\script\build_cache_gomips.txt:3: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_replace_import (0.57s)
# 'go list -mod=readonly' should not add requirements even if they can be
# resolved locally. (0.020s)
# 'go list' should resolve imports using replacements. (0.008s)
> go list all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_replace_import.txt:10: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/cgo_syso_issue29253 (0.28s)
# This test tests that we can link in-package syso files that provides symbols
# for cgo. See issue 29253. (0.198s)
> [!cgo] stop
> [!gc] stop
> cc -c -o pkg/o.syso ext.c
Cannot create temporary file in W:\cmd-go-test-177175419\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\gopath\src\cmd-go-test-177175419\script-cgo_syso_issue29253\tmp\: No such file or directory
[exit status 3]
FAIL: testdata\script\cgo_syso_issue29253.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_gobuild_import (0.11s)
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_gobuild_import.txt:0: mkdir $WORK\gopath\src\W:cmd-go-test-177175419: The directory name is invalid.
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_fs_patterns (0.16s)
# File system pattern searches should skip sub-modules and vendor directories. (0.001s)
# all packages (0.005s)
> go list all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_fs_patterns.txt:8: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_go_version (0.13s)
# Test support for declaring needed Go version in module. (0.002s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_go_version.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_internal (0.25s)
# should be importable from other modules. (0.012s)
> rm go.mod
> go mod init
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_internal.txt:5: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestScript/mod_vendor (0.69s)
> env GO111MODULE=on
> go list -m all
[fork/exec W:cmd-go-test-177175419\testbin\go.exe: The system cannot find the path specified.]
FAIL: testdata\script\mod_vendor.txt:3: unexpected command failure
--- FAIL: TestDefaultGOPATH (0.11s)
go_test.go:1969: running testgo [env GOPATH]
go_test.go:1969: standard error:
go_test.go:1969: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest949820756\\home\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1969: go [env GOPATH] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestDontReportRemoveOfEmptyDir (0.12s)
go_test.go:6067: running testgo [install -x a]
go_test.go:6067: standard error:
go_test.go:6067: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest177433343".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6067: go [install -x a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestVetWithOnlyCgoFiles (0.12s)
go_test.go:3315: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3315: standard error:
go_test.go:3315: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest965600214".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3315: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestAlwaysLinkSysoFiles (0.12s)
go_test.go:4224: running testgo [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso]
go_test.go:4224: standard error:
go_test.go:4224: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest866086994".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4224: go [list -f {{.SysoFiles}} syso] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoVetWithOnlyTestFiles (0.12s)
go_test.go:3301: running testgo [vet p]
go_test.go:3301: standard error:
go_test.go:3301: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest848590880".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:3301: go [vet p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCgoShowsFullPathNames (0.13s)
go_test.go:2813: running testgo [build x/y/dirname]
go_test.go:2813: standard error:
go_test.go:2813: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest679825571".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2813: testgo failed as expected: exit status 2
go_test.go:2814: error did not use full path
go_test.go:2814: pattern x/y/dirname not found in standard output or standard error
--- FAIL: TestCgoCache (0.13s)
go_test.go:6046: running testgo [build -o W:gotest085636158\x.exe x]
go_test.go:6046: standard error:
go_test.go:6046: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest085636158".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6046: go [build -o W:gotest085636158\x.exe x] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverpkgTestOnly (0.14s)
go_test.go:6196: running testgo [test -coverpkg=a atest]
go_test.go:6196: standard error:
go_test.go:6196: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest962170685".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:6196: go [test -coverpkg=a atest] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestFFLAGS (0.14s)
go_test.go:4554: running testgo [build -x p]
go_test.go:4554: standard error:
go_test.go:4554: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest913247365\\p".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4556: missing expected "-no-such-fortran-flag"
go_test.go:4556: pattern no-such-fortran-flag not found in standard error
--- FAIL: TestCaseCollisions (0.15s)
go_test.go:2306: running testgo [list -json example/a]
go_test.go:2306: standard error:
go_test.go:2306: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest385711515".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:2306: go [list -json example/a] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestTestVetRebuild (0.16s)
go_test.go:5643: running testgo [test b]
go_test.go:5643: standard error:
go_test.go:5643: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest523381112".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:5643: go [test b] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestPackageMainTestCompilerFlags (0.09s)
go_test.go:1508: running testgo [test -c -n p1]
go_test.go:1508: standard error:
go_test.go:1508: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest979406906".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1508: go [test -c -n p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestConcurrentAsm (0.10s)
go_test.go:4507: running testgo [build p]
go_test.go:4507: standard error:
go_test.go:4507: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest176171089\\go".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:4507: go [build p] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestGoListDeps (0.11s)
go_test.go:1765: running testgo [list -f {{.Deps}} p1]
go_test.go:1765: standard error:
go_test.go:1765: go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:gotest099335815".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
go_test.go:1765: go [list -f {{.Deps}} p1] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 2
--- FAIL: TestCoverageDashC (1.78s)
go_test.go:2639: running testgo [test -c -o W:gotest591504503\coverdep -coverprofile=W:gotest591504503\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep]
go_test.go:2639: standard error:
go_test.go:2639: go test coverdep.test: mkdir c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go\W:gotest591504503\: The directory name is invalid.
go_test.go:2639: go [test -c -o W:gotest591504503\coverdep -coverprofile=W:gotest591504503\no\such\dir\cover.out coverdep] failed unexpectedly in c:\Go.tip\src\cmd\go: exit status 1
FAIL cmd/go 80.333s
ok cmd/go/internal/cache 8.717s
ok cmd/go/internal/dirhash 0.955s
ok cmd/go/internal/generate 1.562s
ok cmd/go/internal/get 2.413s
ok cmd/go/internal/imports 0.831s
ok cmd/go/internal/load 1.097s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile 1.345s
ok cmd/go/internal/lockedfile/internal/filelock 1.625s
ok cmd/go/internal/modconv 3.116s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch 3.428s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfetch/codehost 1.858s
ok cmd/go/internal/modfile 2.022s
ok cmd/go/internal/modload 3.458s
ok cmd/go/internal/module 2.237s
ok cmd/go/internal/mvs 2.854s
ok cmd/go/internal/par 3.490s
ok cmd/go/internal/search 3.440s
ok cmd/go/internal/semver 0.530s
ok cmd/go/internal/txtar 0.507s
ok cmd/go/internal/web2 0.798s
--- FAIL: TestSharedLibName (0.00s)
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
build_test.go:203: libname returned "", expected ""
FAIL cmd/go/internal/work 3.120s
--- FAIL: TestDiff (0.04s)
gofmt_test.go:224: diff: got:
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
FAIL cmd/gofmt 1.458s
ok cmd/internal/buildid 1.075s
ok cmd/internal/dwarf 1.090s
ok cmd/internal/edit 1.647s
go install mycgo: exit status 2
go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:TestGoobj679110063\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/internal/goobj 2.383s
ok cmd/internal/obj 2.106s
ok cmd/internal/obj/arm64 2.659s
ok cmd/internal/obj/x86 4.560s
ok cmd/internal/objabi 2.345s
ok cmd/internal/src 3.366s
ok cmd/internal/test2json 2.880s
ok cmd/link 4.450s
ok cmd/link/internal/ld 5.914s
ok cmd/link/internal/sym 4.249s
--- FAIL: TestCgoLib (0.31s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:TestGoLib128600337\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
--- FAIL: TestGoLib (0.32s)
nm_test.go:234: building test lib failed: exit status 2 go: GOPATH entry is relative; must be absolute path: "W:TestGoLib000101227\\gopath".
For more details see: 'go help gopath'
FAIL cmd/nm 9.860s
ok cmd/objdump 9.249s
2018/12/15 13:41:20 open W:pack102165948\pack.a: The system cannot find the path specified.
FAIL cmd/pack 4.031s
ok cmd/trace 0.792s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.726s
--- FAIL: TestParse (3.76s)
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto458623003: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto458623003: invalid URL port "profile_proto458623003"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.text
diff: W:proto_test595524869: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test853495456: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.10s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto025435519: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto025435519: invalid URL port "profile_proto025435519"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.functions.noinlines.text
diff: W:proto_test067949065: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test305585620: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,filefunctions,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto149703971: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto149703971: invalid URL port "profile_proto149703971"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.filefunctions.noinlines.text
diff: W:proto_test268219213: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test252505672: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,addresses,noinlines,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto187004679: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto187004679: invalid URL port "profile_proto187004679"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.noinlines.text
diff: W:proto_test995179729: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test594262012: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,addresses,flat,nodecount=4:cpusmall (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto869955883: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto869955883: invalid URL port "profile_proto869955883"
driver_test.go:179: cpusmall: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree cpusmall
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpusmall.flat.addresses.tree
diff: W:proto_test685953173: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test062822128: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,functions,flat,nodecount=5,call_tree:unknown (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto116758927: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto116758927: invalid URL port "profile_proto116758927"
driver_test.go:179: unknown: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text unknown
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.unknown.flat.functions.call_tree.text
diff: W:proto_test973558937: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test567896868: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,alloc_objects,flat:heap_alloc (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto030435891: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto030435891: invalid URL port "profile_proto030435891"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_alloc.flat.alloc_objects.text
diff: W:proto_test210876637: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test619874968: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat:heap (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto430161687: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto430161687: invalid URL port "profile_proto430161687"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text
diff: W:proto_test051477857: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test135805260: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,files,flat,focus=[12]00,taghide=[X3]00:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto840549947: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto840549947: invalid URL port "profile_proto840549947"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.files.text.focus
diff: W:proto_test301918757: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test713096512: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,inuse_objects,flat:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto442218399: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto442218399: invalid URL port "profile_proto442218399"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.flat.inuse_objects.text
diff: W:proto_test499253033: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test500458612: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto006649667: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto006649667: invalid URL port "profile_proto006649667"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.hide
diff: W:proto_test885252717: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test157322984: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,show=[12]00:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto271843623: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto271843623: invalid URL port "profile_proto271843623"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test313808881: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test703913116: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text,lines,cum,hide=line[X3]0,focus=[12]00:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto404097355: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto404097355: invalid URL port "profile_proto404097355"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.text.focus.hide
diff: W:proto_test140679605: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test116438928: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines,cum,hide=mangled[X3]0:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto574401967: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto574401967: invalid URL port "profile_proto574401967"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.topproto.hide
diff: W:proto_test729213881: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test171121092: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/topproto,lines:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto247962707: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto247962707: invalid URL port "profile_proto247962707"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.lines.topproto
diff: W:proto_test819029501: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test294362424: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto132619063: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto132619063: invalid URL port "profile_proto132619063"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.lines.tree.focus
diff: W:proto_test193462913: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test940713964: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,relative_percentages,cum,focus=[24]00:heap (0.06s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto301958747: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto301958747: invalid URL port "profile_proto301958747"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.cum.relative_percentages.tree.focus
diff: W:proto_test385547077: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test417880544: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tree,lines,cum,show_from=line2:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto586385855: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto586385855: invalid URL port "profile_proto586385855"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.cum.lines.tree.show_from
diff: W:proto_test710851657: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test237962516: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto175944035: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto175944035: invalid URL port "profile_proto175944035"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.callgrind
diff: W:proto_test054032781: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test227087240: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind,call_tree:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto920278855: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto920278855: invalid URL port "profile_proto920278855"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.call_tree.callgrind
diff: W:proto_test535499025: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test159718204: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/callgrind:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto776762219: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto776762219: invalid URL port "profile_proto776762219"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.callgrind
diff: W:proto_test467099349: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test642573360: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto435268047: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto435268047: invalid URL port "profile_proto435268047"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test280788697: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test226695268: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,functions,flat,call_tree:cpu (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto142615155: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto142615155: invalid URL port "profile_proto142615155"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test972216605: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test440219096: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,lines,flat,focus=[12]00:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto298271575: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto298271575: invalid URL port "profile_proto298271575"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test739697057: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test687995532: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,unit=minimum:heap_sizetags (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto840838779: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto840838779: invalid URL port "profile_proto840838779"
driver_test.go:179: heap_sizetags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_sizetags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test543871589: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test627902080: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,addresses,flat,ignore=[X3]002,focus=[X1]000:contention (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto115505631: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto115505631: invalid URL port "profile_proto115505631"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test005942121: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test347679668: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,files,cum:contention (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto813983619: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto813983619: invalid URL port "profile_proto813983619"
driver_test.go:179: contention: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ contention
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test301516973: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test279480872: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments,add_comment=some-comment:cpu (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto659171687: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto659171687: invalid URL port "profile_proto659171687"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.comments cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.comments
diff: W:proto_test766411313: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test438548444: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/comments:heap (0.07s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto134592395: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto134592395: invalid URL port "profile_proto134592395"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.comments heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.comments
diff: W:proto_test148471285: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test300890320: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto042448367: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto042448367: invalid URL port "profile_proto042448367"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags
diff: W:proto_test254148601: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test658232068: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagignore=tag[13],tagfocus=key[12]:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto093184147: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto093184147: invalid URL port "profile_proto093184147"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.tags.focus.ignore
diff: W:proto_test941836349: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test063577720: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto393114999: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto393114999: invalid URL port "profile_proto393114999"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags
diff: W:proto_test372620481: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test727325996: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,unit=bytes:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto194935451: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto194935451: invalid URL port "profile_proto194935451"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap.tags.unit
diff: W:proto_test783366533: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test970050848: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:cpu (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto795610623: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto795610623: invalid URL port "profile_proto795610623"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.traces cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.traces
diff: W:proto_test070475913: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test699769428: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/traces:heap_tags (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto849306531: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto849306531: invalid URL port "profile_proto849306531"
driver_test.go:179: heap_tags: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces heap_tags
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_tags.traces
diff: W:proto_test496060877: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test951537864: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,focus=[234]00:heap_alloc (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto861266823: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto861266823: invalid URL port "profile_proto861266823"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test822814033: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test025466492: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,tagshow=[2]00:heap_alloc (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto133789611: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto133789611: invalid URL port "profile_proto133789611"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test861968661: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test422922608: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,alloc_space,flat,hide=line.*1?23?:heap_alloc (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto322335759: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto322335759: invalid URL port "profile_proto322335759"
driver_test.go:179: heap_alloc: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap_alloc
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test247847705: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test134953892: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=1mb:2gb:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto430471347: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto430471347: invalid URL port "profile_proto430471347"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test160815965: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test579857176: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot,inuse_space,flat,tagfocus=30kb:,tagignore=1mb:2mb:heap (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto254192023: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto254192023: invalid URL port "profile_proto254192023"
driver_test.go:179: heap: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ heap
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test009944033: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test301474764: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/disasm=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.08s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto201488571: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto201488571: invalid URL port "profile_proto201488571"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.disasm
diff: W:proto_test714485925: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test627986368: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/peek=line.*01:cpu (0.12s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto681068063: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto681068063: invalid URL port "profile_proto681068063"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.peek cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.peek
diff: W:proto_test973158825: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test499935476: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/weblist=line[13],addresses,flat:cpu (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto277559747: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto277559747: invalid URL port "profile_proto277559747"
driver_test.go:179: cpu: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist cpu
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.cpu.flat.addresses.weblist
diff: W:proto_test372581613: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test289578344: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/tags,tagfocus=400kb::heap_request (0.09s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto155257767: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto155257767: invalid URL port "profile_proto155257767"
driver_test.go:179: heap_request: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus heap_request
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.heap_request.tags.focus
diff: W:proto_test461278833: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test068432156: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/dot:longNameFuncs (0.11s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto055213515: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto055213515: invalid URL port "profile_proto055213515"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/ longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/
diff: W:proto_test003842613: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test307038224: No such file or directory
--- FAIL: TestParse/text:longNameFuncs (0.14s)
proftest.go:125: unexpected error: W:profile_proto309788207: http fetch: Get http://W:profile_proto309788207: invalid URL port "profile_proto309788207"
driver_test.go:179: longNameFuncs: failed to fetch any source profiles
driver_test.go:203: diff testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text longNameFuncs
driver_test.go:208: testdata/pprof.longNameFuncs.text
diff: W:proto_test243194425: No such file or directory
diff: W:proto_test546529348: No such file or directory
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 10.285s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.145s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.648s
ok cmd/vendor/ 0.929s
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile (0.01s)
--- FAIL: TestOpenSourceFile/exact_absolute_path_is_found (0.00s)
source_test.go:123: openSourceFile("W:106615543\\foo\\", "", "") = err Could not find file W:106615543\foo\ on path , want path "W:106615543\\foo\\"
FAIL cmd/vendor/ 4.671s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.480s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.260s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.606s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.075s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.331s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.113s
ok cmd/vendor/ 4.037s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.639s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.847s
ok cmd/vendor/ 1.429s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.314s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.822s
ok cmd/vendor/ 3.386s
ok cmd/vendor/ 2.699s
ok cmd/vet 6.748s
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