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Last active May 28, 2020 21:06
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Telnet parsing in Scala
object Telnet {
type ByteString = Vector[Byte]
type Commands = Vector[Command]
abstract class Command
case class Line(text: String) extends Command
case class SubNegotiaton(option: Byte, data: ByteString) extends Command
case class Will(option: Byte) extends Command
case class Wont(option: Byte) extends Command
case class Do(option: Byte) extends Command
case class Dont(option: Byte) extends Command
case class Special(cmd: Byte) extends Command
abstract class State;
case class InText(line: String) extends State
case class InCommand(line: String) extends State
case class InCommandOption(mk: (Byte => Command), line:String) extends State
case class InStartSubNegotation(line:String) extends State
case class InSubNegotiation(option:Byte, cmd: ByteString, line:String) extends State
case class InSubNegotiationCommand(option:Byte, cmd: ByteString, line:String) extends State
val IAC = 255.toByte
val WILL = 251.toByte
val WONT = 252.toByte
val DO = 253.toByte
val DONT = 254.toByte
val SB = 250.toByte
val SE = 240.toByte
val cmdlow = 236.toByte
val cmdhigh = 249.toByte
def step(s: State, byte: Byte): (Option[Command], State) = s match {
case InText(line) => (byte, line) match {
case (IAC, _) => (None, InCommand(line))
case ('\n', "") | ('\r', "") => (None, InText(line))
case ('\n', _) | ('\r', "") => (Some(Line(line)), InText(""))
case _ => (None, InText(line + byte))
case InCommand(line) => byte match {
case WILL => (None, InCommandOption(Will, line))
case WONT => (None, InCommandOption(Wont, line))
case DO => (None, InCommandOption(Do, line))
case DONT => (None, InCommandOption(Dont, line))
case SB => (None, InStartSubNegotation(line))
case x if (cmdlow <= x && x <= cmdhigh) => (Some(Special(byte)), InText(line))
case _ => throw new Exception("Protocol error!")
case InCommandOption(mk, line) => {
(Some(mk(byte)), InText(line))
case InStartSubNegotation(line) => {
(None, InSubNegotiation(byte, Vector(), line))
case InSubNegotiation(option, buf, line) => byte match {
case IAC => (None, InSubNegotiationCommand(option, buf, line))
case _ => (None, InSubNegotiation(option, buf :+ byte, line))
case InSubNegotiationCommand(option, buf, line) => byte match {
case IAC => (None, InSubNegotiation(option, buf :+ byte, line))
case SE => (Some(SubNegotiaton(option, buf)), InText(line))
case _ => throw new Exception("Protocol error!")
def readBytes(bytes: List[Byte], partial: State): (Commands, State) = {
def fn(m: (Commands, State), byte: Byte) = step(m._2, byte) match {
case (None, last) => (m._1, last)
case (Some(c), last) => (c +: m._1, last)
val start: (Commands, State) = (Vector[Command](), partial)
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