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Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
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import java.util.Hashtable;
public class Bank {
public static class InsufficientFunds extends Exception {}
final public interface Account {
Integer balance();
void increase (Integer amount);
void decrease (Integer amount);
final private class AccountImpl implements Account {
public Integer balance;
public AccountImpl(Integer initialBalance){ balance = initialBalance; }
public Integer balance() { return balance; }
public void increase (Integer amount) { balance += amount; }
public void decrease (Integer amount) { balance -= amount; }
private Hashtable<Integer, Bank.AccountImpl> accounts;
public Bank() { accounts = new Hashtable<Integer, Bank.AccountImpl>(); }
public Bank.Account accountByNumber(Integer number) {
return accounts.get(number);
public void addAccount(Integer number , Integer initialBalance) {
accounts.put(number, new Bank.AccountImpl(initialBalance));
public class Test {
private Bank bank = new Bank();
public static void main(String[] args) {
Test t = new Test();
public Test () {
bank.addAccount(111, 1000);
bank.addAccount(222, 0);
System.out.println("#111 = " + bank.accountByNumber(111).balance().toString());
System.out.println("#222 = " + bank.accountByNumber(222).balance().toString());
try {
new Transfer(bank, 300, 111, 222);
} catch(Bank.InsufficientFunds ex) {
System.out.println("Not enough money...");
System.out.println("#111 = " + bank.accountByNumber(111).balance().toString());
System.out.println("#222 = " + bank.accountByNumber(222).balance().toString());
public class Transfer {
public class InsufficientFunds extends Exception {}
public Transfer(
Bank bank,
Integer amt,
Integer from,
Integer to
) throws Transfer.InsufficientFunds {
Amount = amt;
Source = bank.accountByNumber(from);
Destination = bank.accountByNumber(to);
role Amount extends Integer {}
role Source extends Bank.Account {
void transferFrom() throws Transfer.InsufficientFunds {
if(balance() < amount) {
throw new Transfer.InsufficientFunds();
role Destination extends Bank.Account {
void transferTo() {
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