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Last active October 18, 2019 16:05
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  • Save egormkn/e3e0b8107c7e861fb2f07fe8b6b81d15 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save egormkn/e3e0b8107c7e861fb2f07fe8b6b81d15 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Statistics for cycles in yeast6 metabolic model
/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.11.0-openjdk-amd64/bin/java -javaagent:/home/egor/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/192.6817.14/lib/idea_rt.jar=44289:/home/egor/.local/share/JetBrains/Toolbox/apps/IDEA-U/ch-0/192.6817.14/bin -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -classpath /home/egor/Documents/Bioinformatics/Bachelor/solver/target/classes:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/ibm/cplex/12.9.0/cplex-12.9.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/ibm/cplex-native/12.9.0/cplex-native-12.9.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/sbml/libsbml/5.16.0/libsbml-5.16.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/net/sf/jopt-simple/jopt-simple/6.0-alpha-3/jopt-simple-6.0-alpha-3.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-all/0.38/ejml-all-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/google/code/findbugs/jsr305/3.0.2/jsr305-3.0.2.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-core/0.38/ejml-core-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-fdense/0.38/ejml-fdense-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-ddense/0.38/ejml-ddense-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-cdense/0.38/ejml-cdense-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-zdense/0.38/ejml-zdense-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-dsparse/0.38/ejml-dsparse-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ejml/ejml-simple/0.38/ejml-simple-0.38.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/ojalgo/ojalgo/47.3.0/ojalgo-47.3.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/jfree/jfreechart/1.5.0/jfreechart-1.5.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/javatuples/javatuples/1.2/javatuples-1.2.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/net/sf/jung/jung-visualization/2.1.1/jung-visualization-2.1.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/net/sf/jung/jung-api/2.1.1/jung-api-2.1.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/google/guava/guava/19.0/guava-19.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/net/sf/jung/jung-algorithms/2.1.1/jung-algorithms-2.1.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/net/sf/jung/jung-graph-impl/2.1.1/jung-graph-impl-2.1.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/graphstream/gs-core/1.3/gs-core-1.3.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/junit/junit/4.12/junit-4.12.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3/hamcrest-core-1.3.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/graphstream/pherd/1.0/pherd-1.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/graphstream/mbox2/1.0/mbox2-1.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/graphstream/gs-ui/1.3/gs-ui-1.3.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/graphstream/gs-algo/1.3/gs-algo-1.3.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-math/2.1/commons-math-2.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-math3/3.4.1/commons-math3-3.4.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/scala-lang/scala-library/2.10.1/scala-library-2.10.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/guru/nidi/graphviz-java/0.11.0/graphviz-java-0.11.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/webjars/npm/viz.js/2.1.2/viz.js-2.1.2.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/apache/xmlgraphics/xmlgraphics-commons/2.3/xmlgraphics-commons-2.3.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/commons-io/commons-io/2.6/commons-io-2.6.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/guru/nidi/com/kitfox/svgSalamander/1.1.2/svgSalamander-1.1.2.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/net/arnx/nashorn-promise/0.1.1/nashorn-promise-0.1.1.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/eclipsesource/j2v8/j2v8_macosx_x86_64/4.6.0/j2v8_macosx_x86_64-4.6.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/eclipsesource/j2v8/j2v8_linux_x86_64/4.6.0/j2v8_linux_x86_64-4.6.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/eclipsesource/j2v8/j2v8_win32_x86_64/4.6.0/j2v8_win32_x86_64-4.6.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/com/eclipsesource/j2v8/j2v8_win32_x86/4.6.0/j2v8_win32_x86-4.6.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/apache/commons/commons-exec/1.3/commons-exec-1.3.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/jcl-over-slf4j/1.7.26/jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.26.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/jul-to-slf4j/1.7.26/jul-to-slf4j-1.7.26.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.26/slf4j-api-1.7.26.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-core/2.12.0/log4j-core-2.12.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-api/2.12.0/log4j-api-2.12.0.jar:/home/egor/.m2/repository/org/apache/logging/log4j/log4j-slf4j-impl/2.12.0/log4j-slf4j-impl-2.12.0.jar ru.ifmo.cycles.SolverApplication --sbml yeast6.xml --solver componentfva --log INFO
[ INFO] Reading SBML file: yeast6.xml
[ INFO] Running ComponentFVASolver with
[ INFO] Output file: output/componentfvasolver.tsv
[ INFO] Infinity: 100000.000000
[ INFO] Epsilon: 1.000000e-06
[ INFO] Time limit: none
[ INFO] Memory limit: none
[ INFO] Restarts: none
[ INFO] Threads: 1
[ INFO] ----------- START -----------
[ INFO] Number of metabolites: 2606
[ INFO] Number of reactions: 1888
[ INFO] Number of unbounded reactions: 293
[ INFO] Number of unbounded directed reactions: 329
[ INFO] Number of components: 2
[ INFO] Component size: 325
[ INFO] Component size: 4
[ INFO] Processing component 1/2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 37
[ INFO] Found cycles: 28+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 36+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 25+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 49+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 22
[ INFO] Found cycles: 26+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 67+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 13
[ INFO] Found cycles: 15
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 18+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 28+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 27+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 18+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 34
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 43
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 7
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 9+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 29+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 26
[ INFO] Found cycles: 46
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 28+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 23+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 7+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 9+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 23
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 36
[ INFO] Found cycles: 13+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3
[ INFO] Found cycles: 29+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 41
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 10+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 0+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 23+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 13+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 17
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 15+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 39
[ INFO] Found cycles: 25
[ INFO] Found cycles: 11
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 46
[ INFO] Found cycles: 19+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 19+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 11+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 40
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 23
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 22+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 29
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 36+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 30
[ INFO] Found cycles: 20+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 10+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 18
[ INFO] Found cycles: 76+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 21+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 17+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 44
[ INFO] Found cycles: 15+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 9+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 10+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 45+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 20+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 40+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 28
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 11+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 30+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 52+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 18+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 30
[ INFO] Found cycles: 28
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 6
[ INFO] Found cycles: 46
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 7+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 15+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 6+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 30
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 28+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 61
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 20+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 9
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 10
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 19+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 6+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 41+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 26+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 11+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 38
[ INFO] Found cycles: 84+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 72+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 21+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 46
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 22+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 76
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 27
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 39
[ INFO] Found cycles: 18
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 22+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 15
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 18
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3
[ INFO] Found cycles: 75+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 23
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 10
[ INFO] Found cycles: 10+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 26
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 19+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 37
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 23
[ INFO] Found cycles: 19
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 6
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8
[ INFO] Found cycles: 8+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 7+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 25
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 42+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 14+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 21+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 24+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 11
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 119+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 11+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 13
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 7+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 12+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 56
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 5
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 15+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 13+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 0+
[ INFO] Found cycles: 3
[ INFO] Found cycles: 6
[ INFO] Found cycles: 4
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 16+
[ INFO] Processing component 2/2
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] Found cycles: 1
[ INFO] ------------ END ------------
[ INFO] Total application time: 2933.883 sec
Process finished with exit code 0
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