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Created October 24, 2017 05:53
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Caesar shift cipher
;; Caesar shift and its brute-force attack.
(def letters "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ")
(defn shift-map
"A hash-map that maps letters to letters cyclically shifted by n."
(zipmap letters
(take (count letters)
(drop n (cycle letters)))))
(defn encrypter
"Returns a function that encrypts plaintext by an n-shift cipher."
(fn [text]
(apply str
(map (shift-map n) text))))
(defn decrypter
"A decrypter is just an encrypter that shifts backwards."
(encrypter (mod (- n) (count letters))))
(defn brute-force-attack
"Calculates all shifts and thus breaking the cipher."
(fn [n] ((decrypter n) ciphertext))
(range 1 (count letters))))
;; STUDENT CHALLENGE: "jyvqijkuvdjqmyeqwzhijqiroiqszdxeqrbekuqmzbbqxvjqrdqvnjhrqfezdjqzdqwzdrbqxhruv"
;; DECIPHER THIS: "pazv tmonpxmfamiurdrmkagmefndfrqmvem afmfurmenzrmnem rhrdmyrnhv t"
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