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Last active October 20, 2017 13:51
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Burrows-Wheeler Transform
;; simple implementation of the Burrows-Wheeler transform (used in bzip2)
(defn rotations
"All rotations (cyclic permutations) of a string s."
(let [n (count s)]
(reduce (fn [rotations i]
(conj rotations
(apply str
(take n (drop i (cycle s))))))
(range (count s)))))
(defn b-w-t
"The Burrows-Wheeler transform of a string s. It produces a single
permuted string."
(apply str (map last (sort (rotations s)))))
(defn reverse-b-w-t
"Reverse transformation of the Burrows-Wheeler Transform. Returns all
rotations of the original string."
(reduce (fn [ss _]
(map (comp (partial apply str) cons)
(sort (map str s))
(range (dec (count s)))))
(defn r-b-w-t
"If the string s was encoded with start character ^ and end
character |, then this function finds the original string."
(filter #(= \^ (first %))
(reverse-b-w-t s)))
(b-w-t "^banana|")
(r-b-w-t "|bnn^aaa")
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