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Last active April 8, 2017 04:03
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Standard example of destructuring: calculating the slope of a line
; representation of a line defined by two points
(def l [[1 2] [2 4]])
;information extracted on demand, actual calculation obscure
(defn slope
(- (first (first line)) (first (second line)))
(- (second (first line)) (second (second line)))))
;argument pre-processed, pieces of information print-named
;actual computation clear, but explicit naming tedious
(defn slope2
(let [p1 (first line)
p2 (second line)
x1 (first p1)
y1 (second p1)
x2 (first p2)
y2 (second p2)]
(/ (- x1 x2) (- y1 y2))))
; win-win with destructuring
(defn slope3
[[[x1 y1] [x2 y2]]]
(/ (- x1 x2) (- y1 y2)))
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