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Last active August 4, 2023 13:22
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Shadow Dom Commands


Quick Start

In the index.js or the root file of your cypress/support folder, import and register cypress commands

import { registerShadowCommands } from '@updater/cypress-helpers';



      .shadowShould('have.text', 'Connect TV & Internet');


Cypress does not have native support for shadowDom. This module gives us the ability to run similar commands in shadow DOM. These commands are not as fully developed as the native ones, but resemble native Cypress commands in usage.

Only use these commands on elements within a shadowRoot, not on elements which may have a shadowRoot.

What to Expect

  • Commands should feel familiar as Cypress ones and behave in similar ways
  • There is automatic retrying for certain commands (e.g. shadowGet and shadowShould)
  • Non-Dom results can be yielded into regular Cypress commands. For example:
  .then($el => $el.text())
  .should('match', /*.?/g); // no need to build non-DOM interactors!

The main differences are

  • Limited API use / less supported features
  • Retrying is on a per command (not per chain) basis (except for shadowGet, which does support retrying upcoming assertions)
  • No extra visibility/attachment/covered/disabled checks on click and trigger
  • Potentially others...TBD



Register shadow commands on the cy namespace, such as shadowGet, shadowShould, etc.


Retryable / Async

  • deeply searches DOM for all elements which have a shadowRoot
  • queries (with jquery) each shadowRoot with provided selector
  • Returns all matching results
  • Subject is optional
Param Type Description
selector string jquery selector used to find matching elements
[options] object the options to modify behaviour of the command
[options.timeout] number number of ms to retry the query until marking the command as failed. Defaults to 4s or the defaultCommandTimeout in cypress.config.



.shadowGet(selector, options)


// searches entire DOM

// searches only within container-el

// waits up to 30s (resolve immediately when found)
cy.shadowGet('custom-el-in-shadow', { timeout: 30000 })


Retryable / Async

  • must be chained from another command (e.g. shadowGet or get)
  • queries (via jquery) the yielded element and the yielded element's shadowRoot for matches
  • Only searches within the shadowRoot of the yielded element (as well as just the regular DOM children)
  • Note it is a shallow search within the yielded elements shadowRoot. It will not do a deep search through shadowRoots for the matching element. For deep search, use shadowGet

You may wonder why a shallow search is needed. That's because in shadowDom Unique selectors like ids can be repeated. Sometimes we just want to search in the immediate root without worrying about coliding with things further down the DOM tree.

Param Type Description
selector string jquery selector used to find matching elements
[options] object the options to modify behaviour of the command
[options.timeout] number number of ms to retry the query until marking the command as failed. Defaults to 4s or the defaultCommandTimeout in cypress.config.



.shadowFind(selector, options)


// shadowFind queries against the subjects' children and shadowRoot

// shadowGet matches from all shadowRoots
// shadowFind queries against the subjects' children and shadowRoot
  .shadowFind('button.action') // will query against the subject's children and shadowRoot


Retryable / Async (Up to 4s, timeout not customizable)

This Utility is most useful when needing to run assertions against shadowDom elements and it does so by leveraging jquery-chai. Cypress also does this, but it does not work in shadowDom.

  • it accepts the string syntax like Cypress' should
  • it does not accept the function syntax (but you can still use should with shadow elements as long as you run non jquery-chai assertions)
  • This smooths over the issues with Cypress' jquery-chai, which does explicit checks that are incompatible with shadowDom.
  • It uses a clean version of jquery and chai to run assertions against shadowDom elements.
  • In general, you can use should as long as you do not need to assert against the shadow DOM.

When should I use shadowShould and when should I use should?

Use shadowShould whenever you need to run assertions against elements within the shadowDom. Lite DOM and regular DOM can be used with should. Also, any non-DOM values can be used with should. You can do something like,

.should(($el) => expect($el.text()).to.match(/.?/))

Or even,

.then(($el) => $el.text()).should('match', /.?/)).

These are examples of taking non-DOM values from the shadowDom elements and using regular Cypress commands and assertions on them.

Param Type Description
chainer string the string
value any the value to be checked
method string the sub-chainer to check (see example)



.shadowShould(chainers, value)
.shadowShould(chainers, method, value)


  .should('have.text', '2017-11-22');

  .shadowShould('have.attr', 'tabindex', '0');


No-Retry / Sync

Yields a subject at the index from a given subject.

For example, if this is chained from a shadowGet which yields multiple elements, shadowEq will return the element at the specified index.

It will not retry and yields whatever is passed into it synchronously.

Param Type Description
index number specifies the index of the element to yield from the subject








No-Retry / Sync

  • Allows you to click on an element within a shadowRoot.
  • Can be chained from shadowGet, shadowFind, or shadowEq
  • Clicks on the first element (index 0) from the yielded elements of previous command
  • Cypress' click does not work in shadowDom for multiple reasons
  • Uses native or jquery .click functionality, but does not do additional checks Cypress' click does such as checking the component is visible, not covered, and not disabled.
  • Would need to put in more work to ensure component clicks cannot pass through when the component is not in an actual interactive state.







No-Retry / Sync

  • Allows you to select an option from a select element within a shadowRoot.
  • Can be chained from shadowGet, shadowFind, or shadowEq
  • Expects an actual select element to be the subject
  • Selects the provided option from the first element (index 0) from the yielded elements of previous command
  • Option can be by value or by text, but must be strictly equal
  • Cypress' select does not work in shadowDom for multiple reasons
  • Does not do additional checks Cypress' select does such as checking the component is visible, not covered, and not disabled.
  • Would need to put in more work to ensure component selects cannot pass through when the component is not in an actual interactive state.
Param Type Description
option String | Number The option from the select to select, by value or by text





    .shadowSelect('AL'); // by value

    .shadowSelect('3 Bedroooms'); // by text


No Retry / Sync

  • allows to trigger an event similarly to how Cypress' trigger works.
  • This works with elements on the shadow DOM since they pose problems with almost all of Cypress' commands.
  • Currently only supports these events:
    • keydown
    • keypress
    • keyup
    • change
    • input
  • Options can also be provided per event
    • key events supports keyboard event options i.e. keyCode or bubbles
    • change and input events support the value for the update
Param Type Description
event string The event from the above list which will be triggered
options object | value Options which depend on the kind of event and modify the event's behaviour


.shadowTrigger(event, options)


// Changing an input
  .shadowTrigger('input', '99511');

// changing value of a custom element
  .shadowTrigger('change', '2019-01-02');

// triggering a key event
  .shadowTrigger('keydown', { keyCode: 39, bubbles: true });


No-Retry / Sync

Convenience function to assert partial match between the textContent of an element and the passed in value.

This does not work like cy.contains.

Literally just runs this assertion:

Param Type Description
text string the text to match against




    .shadowContains('Should contain this text...')

File located at /src/shadowDom/shadowCommands.js

const Promise = require('bluebird');
import { merge } from 'lodash';
import { waitsFor, catchRejection } from './waitsfor';
import { smartlog } from './smartlog';
import { should, ensureChainerExists } from './shadowShould';
import { shadowSelect as _shadowSelect } from './shadowSelect';
import $ from 'jquery';
* ## About
* Cypress does not have native support for `shadowDom`.
* This module gives us the ability to run similar commands in shadow DOM.
* These commands are not as fully developed as the native ones,
* but resemble native Cypress commands in usage.
* > Only use these commands on elements *within* a `shadowRoot`,
* not on elements which may have a `shadowRoot`.
* What to Expect
* * Commands should feel familiar as Cypress ones and behave in similar ways
* * There is automatic retrying for certain commands (e.g. `shadowGet` and `shadowShould`)
* * Non-Dom results can be yielded into regular Cypress commands.
* For example:
.then($el => $el.text())
.should('match', /*.?/g); // no need to build non-DOM interactors!
* The main differences are
* * Limited API use / less supported features
* * Retrying is on a per command (not per chain) basis (except for `shadowGet`,
* which does support retrying upcoming assertions)
* * No extra visibility/attachment/covered/disabled checks on `click` and `trigger`
* * Potentially others...TBD
## API
* @module shadowDom
* Register shadow commands on the `cy` namespace,
* such as `shadowGet`, `shadowShould`, etc.
function registerShadowCommands() {
const OPTIONAL_SUBECT = { prevSubject: 'optional' };
const PREV_SUBJECT = { prevSubject: true };
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowGet', OPTIONAL_SUBECT, shadowGet);
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowFind', PREV_SUBJECT, shadowFind);
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowEq', PREV_SUBJECT, shadowEq);
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowContains', PREV_SUBJECT, shadowContains);
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowShould', PREV_SUBJECT, shadowShould);
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowClick', PREV_SUBJECT, shadowClick);
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowSelect', PREV_SUBJECT, shadowSelect);
Cypress.Commands.add('shadowTrigger', PREV_SUBJECT, shadowTrigger);
* **Retryable / Async**
* * deeply searches DOM for all elements which have a `shadowRoot`
* * queries (with jquery) each `shadowRoot` with provided selector
* * Returns all matching results
* * Subject is optional
* @param {string} selector jquery selector used to find matching elements
* @param {object} [options] the options to modify behaviour of the command
* @param {number} [options.timeout] number of ms to retry the query until
* marking the command as failed. Defaults to 4s or the `defaultCommandTimeout`
* in cypress.config.
* @example
### Syntax
.shadowGet(selector, options)
### Usage
// searches entire DOM
// searches only within container-el
// waits up to 30s (resolve immediately when found)
cy.shadowGet('custom-el-in-shadow', { timeout: 30000 })
function shadowGet(subject, selector, passedOptions = {}) {
smartlog.log('[shadowGet] arguments', subject, selector);
const options = _addElemTimeoutMsg(selector, passedOptions);
// this._timeout = options.timeout || Cypress.config('defaultCommandTimeout') || 4000;
// setup log to start spinner off
const log = Cypress.log({
message: selector,
verify: true
let foundElements;
const getElements = () => waitsFor(() => {
const win = cy.state('window');
foundElements = _queryShadowChildren(subject ? subject[0] : win.document.body, selector);
return foundElements.length > 0;
}, options).then(() => {
smartlog.log('[shadowGet] found', foundElements);
// setting found $el on log to mimic cypress logging
log.$el = foundElements;
return $(foundElements);
.catch((err) => {
// catching and rethrowing this way =>
// error message applied to current log
Cypress.utils.throwErr(err, {
onFail: log
const resolveElements = function () {
return Promise["try"](getElements).then(function ($el) {
if (options.verify === false) {
return $el;
return cy.verifyUpcomingAssertions($el, options, {
onRetry: resolveElements
return resolveElements();
* **Retryable / Async**
* * must be chained from another command (e.g. `shadowGet` or `get`)
* * queries (via jquery) the yielded element and the yielded element's `shadowRoot` for matches
* * **Only** searches within the `shadowRoot` of the yielded element (as well as just the regular DOM children)
* * **Note** it is a **shallow** search within the yielded elements shadowRoot. It will **not**
* do a deep search through shadowRoots for the matching element. For deep search, use `shadowGet`
* > You may wonder why a shallow search is needed. That's because in shadowDom
* > Unique selectors like `id`s can be repeated. Sometimes we just want to search
* > in the immediate root without worrying about coliding with things further down
* > the DOM tree.
* @param {string} selector jquery selector used to find matching elements
* @param {object} [options] the options to modify behaviour of the command
* @param {number} [options.timeout] number of ms to retry the query until
* marking the command as failed. Defaults to 4s or the `defaultCommandTimeout`
* in cypress.config.
* @example
### Syntax
.shadowFind(selector, options)
### Usage
// shadowFind queries against the subjects' children and shadowRoot
// shadowGet matches from all shadowRoots
// shadowFind queries against the subjects' children and shadowRoot
.shadowFind('button.action') // will query against the subject's children and shadowRoot
function shadowFind(subject, selector, passedOptions) {
smartlog.log('[shadowFind] arguments', subject, selector);
const options = _addElemTimeoutMsg(selector, passedOptions);
// setup log to start spinner off
const log = Cypress.log({
message: selector
let foundElements;
// returning promise => spinner
return waitsFor(() => {
foundElements = _queryChildrenAndShadowRoot(subject, selector);
return foundElements.length > 0;
}, options).then(() => {
smartlog.log('[shadowFind] found', foundElements);
// setting found $el on log to mimic cypress logging
log.$el = foundElements;
return foundElements;
.catch((err) => {
// catching and rethrowing this way =>
// error message applied to current log
Cypress.utils.throwErr(err, {
onFail: log
* **Retryable / Async**
* (Up to 4s, timeout not customizable)
* This Utility is most useful when needing to run
* assertions against shadowDom elements and it does so by leveraging `jquery-chai`. `Cypress` also does this, but it does not work in shadowDom.
* * it accepts the `string` syntax like Cypress' `should`
* * it does not accept the `function` syntax
* (but you can still use `should` with shadow elements as long as you run non `jquery-chai` assertions)
* * This smooths over the issues with Cypress' `jquery-chai`,
* which does explicit checks that are incompatible with shadowDom.
* * It uses a clean version of jquery and chai to run assertions against shadowDom elements.
* * In general, you can use `should` as long as you do not need to assert against the shadow DOM.
* > **When should I use `shadowShould` and when should I use `should`?**
* >
* > Use `shadowShould` whenever you need to run assertions
* against elements within the `shadowDom`.
* > Lite DOM and regular DOM can be used with `should`.
* > Also, any non-DOM values can be used with `should`.
* > You can do something like,
* >
* >`.should(($el) => expect($el.text()).to.match(/.?/))`
* >
* > Or even,
* >
* > `.then(($el) => $el.text()).should('match', /.?/))`.
* >
* > These are examples of taking non-DOM values from the shadowDom elements and using
* > regular Cypress commands and assertions on them.
* @param {string} chainer the string
* @param {any} value the value to be checked
* @param {string} method the sub-chainer to check (see example)
* @example
### Syntax
.shadowShould(chainers, value)
.shadowShould(chainers, method, value)
### Usage
.should('have.text', '2017-11-22');
.shadowShould('have.attr', 'tabindex', '0');
function shadowShould(subject, chainer, {
const message = _formatElementMessage(subject[0], chainer,;
const log = Cypress.log({
message: message,
state: 'pending'
// allow jquery chai to throw an error if we pass a bad chainer
ensureChainerExists(subject, chainer);
return waitsFor(() => {
try {
should(subject, chainer,;
return true;
} catch (ex) {
return false;
.then(() => {
assert(true, message);
return subject;
.catch(() => {
try {
should(subject, chainer,;
} catch (err) {
Cypress.utils.throwErr(err, {
onFail: log
* **No-Retry / Sync**
* Yields a subject at the index from a given subject.
* For example, if this is chained from a `shadowGet`
* which yields multiple elements, `shadowEq` will return
* the element at the specified index.
* It will *not* retry and yields whatever is passed
* into it synchronously.
* @param {number} index specifies the index of
* the element to yield from the subject
* @example
### Syntax
### Usage
function shadowEq(subject, index) {
name: 'shadoweq',
message: index,
// todo check into how cypress handles this situation
if (subject[index] === undefined) {
throw new Error('There is no subject at the specified index');
return subject[index];
* **No-Retry / Sync**
* * Allows you to click on an element within a shadowRoot.
* * Can be chained from `shadowGet`, `shadowFind`, or `shadowEq`
* * Clicks on the first element (index 0) from the
* yielded elements of previous command
* * Cypress' `click` does not work in shadowDom for multiple reasons
* * Uses native or jquery .click functionality,
* but does not do additional checks Cypress' click does
* such as checking the component is visible,
* not covered, and not disabled.
* * Would need to put in more work to ensure component clicks cannot pass
* through when the component is not in an actual interactive state.
* @example
### Syntax
### Usage
function shadowClick(subject, options) {
name: 'shadowclick'
// todo: retry until element is "clickable"
if (subject[0].tagName === 'A') {
// jQuery click doesn't work on Anchors
} else {;
* **No-Retry / Sync**
* * Allows you to select an option from a `select` element within a shadowRoot.
* * Can be chained from `shadowGet`, `shadowFind`, or `shadowEq`
* * Expects an actual `select` element to be the subject
* * Selects the provided `option` from the first element (index 0) from the
* yielded elements of previous command
* * Option can be by `value` or by `text`, but must be strictly equal
* * Cypress' `select` does not work in shadowDom for multiple reasons
* * Does not do additional checks Cypress' select does
* such as checking the component is visible,
* not covered, and not disabled.
* * Would need to put in more work to ensure component selects cannot pass
* through when the component is not in an actual interactive state.
* @param {String|Number} option The option from the `select` to select,
* by `value` or by `text`
* @example
### Syntax
### Usage
.shadowSelect('AL'); // by value
.shadowSelect('3 Bedroooms'); // by text
function shadowSelect(subject, select, options) {
name: 'shadowselect',
message: `'${select}' on ${subject[0].tagName}`,
return _shadowSelect(subject, select, options);
* **No Retry / Sync**
* * allows to trigger an event similarly to how Cypress' `trigger` works.
* * This works with elements on the shadow DOM since they pose problems with
* almost all of Cypress' commands.
* * Currently only supports these events:
* * `keydown`
* * `keypress`
* * `keyup`
* * `change`
* * `input`
* * Options can also be provided per event
* * `key` events supports keyboard event options i.e. `keyCode` or `bubbles`
* * `change` and `input` events support the `value` for the update
* @param {string} event The event from the above list which will be triggered
* @param {object|value} options Options which depend on the kind of event and
* modify the event's behaviour
* @example
.shadowTrigger(event, options)
### Usage
// Changing an input
.shadowTrigger('input', '99511');
// changing value of a custom element
.shadowTrigger('change', '2019-01-02');
// triggering a key event
.shadowTrigger('keydown', { keyCode: 39, bubbles: true });
function shadowTrigger(subject, event, options) {
name: 'shadowTrigger',
// todo: retry until element is "interactable"
const createdEvent = _createEvent(event, options, subject[0]);
if (!createdEvent) {
throw new Error(`Event not supported by shadowTrigger: ${event}`);
return subject;
* **No-Retry / Sync**
* Convenience function to assert partial match between the `textContent` of
* an element and the passed in value.
* This does not work like `cy.contains`.
* Literally just runs this assertion:
* ```js
* expect(subject[0].textContent).to.contain(text)
* ```
* @param {string} text the text to match against
* @example
### Usage
.shadowContains('Should contain this text...')
function shadowContains(subject, text) {
return subject;
function _formatElementMessage(element, chainer, {
const elementText = element.tagName.toLowerCase(),
id = ? `#${}` : '',
chainerText = chainer.replace('.', ' '),
check = rest.join(' ');
return `expect **<${elementText}${id}>** to ${chainerText} **${check}**`;
function _isShadowElement(el) {
return (
el.shadowRoot &&
el.shadowRoot.childNodes &&
el.shadowRoot.childNodes.length > 0
function _getAllShadowChildren(elems) {
return elems.reduce((acc, el) => {
let nodesToReduce = [];
// smartlog.log('[shadow] get for element', el);
if (el.childNodes) {
nodesToReduce = nodesToReduce.concat([...el.childNodes]);
if (el.shadowRoot) {
nodesToReduce = nodesToReduce.concat([...el.shadowRoot.childNodes]);
if (el.tagName === 'SLOT') {
// NOTE: `assignedNodes` are part of litedom, therefore will be in the childNodes
// doing this here duplicates what we return
// nodesToReduce = nodesToReduce.concat([...el.assignedNodes()])
return acc.concat(_getAllShadowChildren(nodesToReduce));
}, [])
function _queryShadowChildren(node, query) {
const shadowRoots = _getAllShadowChildren([node]).filter(_isShadowElement);
smartlog.log('[shadowroots]', shadowRoots);
const matchedEls = shadowRoots.reduce(
(matched, el) => [...matched, ...$(el.shadowRoot).find(query)],
smartlog.log('Matched els', matchedEls);
return matchedEls;
function _queryChildrenAndShadowRoot(subject, selector) {
let foundElements = [...subject.find(selector)];
const shadowRoots = [...subject].map(s => s.shadowRoot).filter(root => root !== undefined);
shadowRoots.forEach((root) => {
foundElements = [...$(root).find(selector)].concat(foundElements);
return foundElements;
function _addElemTimeoutMsg(selector, opts) {
return merge({}, opts, {
message: `Expected to find element: '${selector}' but never found it.`,
function _createEvent(event, options, element) {
if (['keydown', 'keypress', 'keyup'].indexOf(event) !== -1) {
// In Chromium/Electron, dispatchEvent with keyCode will be received as 0
// this fixes that issue
const customEvent = document.createEvent('KeyboardEvent', options),
{ keyCode } = options;
['keyCode', 'which'].forEach(prop => {
Object.defineProperty(customEvent, prop, {
get: function () {
return this.keyCodeVal;
if (customEvent.initKeyboardEvent) {
} else {
customEvent.keyCodeVal = keyCode;
if (customEvent.keyCode !== keyCode) {
throw new Error(
`keyCode mismatch keyCode ${customEvent.keyCode} which ${
return customEvent;
if (['change', 'input'].indexOf(event) !== -1) {
element.value = options;
const change = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
change.initEvent(event, true, true);
return change;
export { registerShadowCommands };
import $ from 'jquery';
const createShadowDom = (host, dom) => {
const shadow = host.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });
shadow.innerHTML = dom;
const final = 5;
const createOrderTest = (host, count) => {
const elem = host.shadowRoot.querySelector('.order-test');
createShadowDom(elem, `<div class="order-test ${count}">`);
if (count < final) {
createOrderTest(elem, count);
describe('shadowDom', () => {
before(() => {
.then($el => {
createShadowDom($el.get(0), `
<div id="test">Test Div
<select id="select">
<option value="a">Option A</option>
<option value="b">Option B</option>
<div class="order-test 0">
<div class="timeout-test">
createOrderTest($el.get(0), 0);
context('shadowCommands', () => {
it('in general these commands work. this is good enough for now.', () => {
.shadowShould('have.length', 2)
.should($el => {
assert($el, 'shadowGet is able to retrieve the shadow element');
assert($el, 'shadowFind span is able to get the elements');
assert($el, 'shadowShould was able to make the assertion');
it('shadowGet returns elements in correct order', () => {
[...Array(6)].forEach((_, i) => {
.shadowShould('have.class', i)
context('retryability', () => {
it('retries the starter element until all chained commands pass', () => {
let count = 0;
// add another option into the select after 2 seconds
// to ensure that the shadowGet will not resolve immediately
// with the correct state
cy.shadowGet('select option')
.then($el => {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 2000);
// retries getting the elements until `should` passes
// this allows us to pass only once the element state is correct
// rather than fail immediately because it wasn't correct quickly enough
cy.shadowGet('select option')
.should((el) => {
context('timeout', () => {
it('actually waits until the timeout passes before failing the test', () => {
.then($el => {
setTimeout(() => {
$el.append('<div class="pass-timeout-test">');
}, 10000);
cy.shadowGet('.pass-timeout-test', { timeout: 30000})
/** Code below modified from Cypress select source
import _ from 'lodash';
import $ from 'jquery';
const newLineRe = /\n/g;
export function shadowSelect(subject, valueOrText, options = {}) {
valueOrText = [].concat(valueOrText);
function getOptions() {
var optionEls, optionsObjects, uniqueValues, values;
values = [];
optionEls = [];
optionsObjects = subject.find("option").map(function (index, el) {
let optEl, trimmedText, value;
value = el.value;
optEl = $(el);
if (valueOrText.indexOf(value) >= 0) {
trimmedText = optEl.text().replace(newLineRe, "").trim();
return {
value: value,
originalText: optEl.text(),
text: trimmedText,
$el: optEl
if (!values.length) {
uniqueValues = _.chain(optionsObjects).map("value").uniq().value();
_.each(optionsObjects, function (obj, index) {
var ref;
if (ref = obj.text, valueOrText.indexOf(ref) >= 0) {
return values.push(obj.value);
return {
values: values,
optionEls: optionEls,
optionsObjects: optionsObjects
var obj = getOptions();
var optionEls, optionsObjects, values;
if (obj == null) {
obj = {};
values = obj.values, optionEls = obj.optionEls, optionsObjects = obj.optionsObjects;
var input = new Event("input", {
bubbles: true,
composed: true,
cancelable: false
var change = document.createEvent("HTMLEvents");
change.initEvent("change", true, false);
import $ from 'jquery';
import { get } from 'lodash';
import chai, { expect } from 'chai';
import chaijq from 'chai-jquery';
// chai-jquery is overwritten by cypress and blows up with shadowdom
// our should calls will not blow up on shadow dom because we
// use chai jquery directly
try {
chai.use((...args) => chaijq(...args, $));
} catch (ex) {
export function should(subject, chainer, check, value) {
const caller = expect(subject).to,
expectation = get(caller, chainer);
if (expectation) {, check, value);
} else {
Cypress.log(`Chainer not currently supported by .shadowShould: ${chainer}`);
export function ensureChainerExists(subject, chainer) {
const expectation = get(expect(subject).to, chainer);
let debugging = false;
const smartlog = {};
Object.defineProperty(smartlog, 'log', {
get: function() {
return debugging ? console.log.bind(console) : () => {};
function enableDebug() {
debugging = true;
export { smartlog, enableDebug };
const WAIT_TIME = 3900; // 10ms less than cypress :)
function catchRejection(done) {
return function (err) {
throw err;
function waitsFor(f, options = {}) {
var func = f, // this function returns true when promise is fufilled
intervalTime = options.interval || RETRY_INTERVAL_TIME; // optional interval
return new Promise(function (fufill, reject) {
var interval = setInterval(function () {
if (func()) {
}, intervalTime);
var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
new Error(`Timed out retrying: ${options.message || ''}`)
}, options.timeout || WAIT_TIME);
export { waitsFor, catchRejection };
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@mandric it looks to be a lot closer than mine in terms of actually being up to date. I'd have to actually pull it locally to know for sure. It looks pretty far along the right track :)

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