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Created February 10, 2023 09:10
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String.prototype.replaceTemplateVars = function (data){
let str = this;
// data is object
for (let key in data) {
str = str.replace(new RegExp(`{${key}}`, 'g'), data[key]);
return str;
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
// Global Variables
let chapterList = document.querySelector(".chapter-list"),
editorSection = document.querySelector(".editor-section"),
chapterAccordion = document.querySelector(".accordion"),
addBtn = document.querySelector(".add-btn"),
chapterContainerElement = document.querySelector(".chapters"),
mobileView = window.innerWidth > 500 ? false : true,
chaptersArr = [],
toolbarOptions = [
header: 1,
header: 2,
list: "bullet",
list: "ordered",
align: [],
quillConfig = {
modules: {
toolbar: toolbarOptions,
placeholder: !mobileView ? "It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen" : undefined,
theme: "snow",
// quillSelector = mobileView ? "#chapter-accordion-1 .editor" : ".lg-chapter-1 .editor";
// let quill = new Quill(quillSelector, quillConfig);
// Event Listeners
addBtn.addEventListener("click", addChapter);
chapterList.addEventListener("click", deleteChapter);
chapterList.addEventListener("click", editChapter);
chapterList.addEventListener("click", selectChapter);
// Functions
function addChapter() {
let chapterTitlesCount = document.querySelectorAll(".chapter-title").length,
chapterNumber = chapterTitlesCount + 1,
chapterTitle = `Chapter ${chapterNumber}`,
sidebarChapterLinkTemplate = mobileView ? "#..." : "#temp-chapter-list-item", // todo: work on mobile view
chapterEditorTemplate = mobileView ? "#temp-sm-chapter-editor" : "#temp-lg-chapter-editor"; // todo: work on mobile view
// if (mobileView) {
// chapterTitleCount = document.querySelectorAll(".accordion-item").length;
// }
let chapterData = {ID: chapterNumber, TITLE: chapterTitle}
// clone the template and String.replace "{ID}" with the {chapterID}
let sidebarChapterLink = document.querySelector(sidebarChapterLinkTemplate).innerHTML
// clone the template and String.replace "{ID}" with the {chapterID}
let chapterEditor = document.querySelector(chapterEditorTemplate).innerHTML
// append the sidebar chapter link to the sidebar
chapterList.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", sidebarChapterLink);
// append the chapter editor to the editor section
editorSection.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", chapterEditor);
// create a new quill editor in window
if(window[`QuillEditors`] === undefined) {
window[`QuillEditors`] = {};
window[`QuillEditors`][chapterNumber] = new Quill(`#chapter-editor-${chapterNumber} .editor`, quillConfig);
// if first chapter, select it
if (chapterNumber === 1) {
selectChapter({target: document.querySelector(".chapter-title")});
function deleteChapter(e) {
if (".del-btn")) {
let id =,
chapterSidebarLink = document.querySelector(`#chapter-title-${id}`);
function editChapter(e) {
if (".edit-btn")) {
let id =,
input = document.querySelector(`#chapter-title-${id} input`);
// on blur, save the chapter title
input.addEventListener("blur", saveChapterTitle);
function saveChapterTitle(e) {"disabled", "disabled");
function selectChapter(e) {
// if (isNaN())
if (".chapter-title, .chapter-title *:not(.del-btn)")) {
// console.log(
// closest element has data-id
let sidebarItem =".chapter-title");
let id =;
// if the chapter is already selected, return
if (sidebarItem.classList.contains("active")) {
// remove the active class from all the chapterList.children
chapterList.querySelectorAll(".chapter-title").forEach((el) => {
// add the active class to the clicked chapter
// hide all the chapter editors
editorSection.querySelectorAll(".editor-container").forEach((el) => {
// show the clicked chapter editor
// trigger the addChapter function
// on quill editor change, preview the contents
for (let chapterId in window[`QuillEditors`]) {
let quillEditor = window[`QuillEditors`][chapterId];
quillEditor.on("text-change", (delta, oldDelta, source) => { QuillEditorChange(quillEditor, delta, oldDelta, source) });
function QuillEditorChange(editor, delta, oldDelta, source) {
if (source === "user") {
// loop through all the chapters and regenerate the pages array
for (let chapterId in window[`QuillEditors`]) {
let id = editor.container.closest(".editor-container");
// 1. get the chapter title
let chapterTitle = document.querySelector(`#chapter-title-${id} input`).value;
// 2. get the chapter content
let chapterContent = editor.root.innerHTML;
// 3. clone chapter preview template
let chapterPreview = document.querySelector("#temp-chapter-preview").innerHTML.replaceTemplateVars({ID: id});
// 4. append the chapter div container
chapterContainerElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", chapterPreview);
// 5. generate / append pages array
let pages = generateChapterPagesArray(id, chapterTitle, chapterContent);
// 6. generate the preview
// generatePreview();
// generate the pages array
function generateChapterPagesArray(id, chapterTitle = null, chapterContent = null, foundOverflow = false) {
document.querySelectorAll('.chapterPreviewContainer *').forEach(el => el.remove());
// todo: use generatePreview() to control the pages dom
let pagesArray = [];
// 1. add the content to virtual DOM to build the pages array by checking if content is overflowing
// js_offscreenPreview
let offscreenPreview = document.querySelector("#js_offscreenPreview");
let virtualPage = offscreenPreview.querySelector(".preview");
// 3. get the height of the content js_offscreenPreview page and check if content is overflowing
let newContent =`<h1 class="cht">${chapterTitle}</h1>${chapterContent}`
virtualPage.innerHTML = newContent;
// 4. get height of all the elements in the content
let elementsHeight = Array.from(virtualPage.children)
.map(el => el.getBoundingClientRect().height)
.reduce((a,b) => a + b);
// 5. get the height of the page
let pageHeight = virtualPage.getBoundingClientRect().height;
// 6. count the number of pages
let pagesCount = Math.ceil(elementsHeight / pageHeight);
// 8. create elements stack
let elementsStack = Array.from(virtualPage.children);
// 7. create the pages dom
for (let i = 0; i < pagesCount; i++) {
let pageID = `${id}_${i + 1}`;
let page = document.querySelector("#temp-chapter-page").innerHTML.replaceTemplateVars({ID: pageID, PAGE: i + 1});
// pagesArray.push(page);
// add the page to the chapter preview
let chapterPreview = document.querySelector(`#chapter-preview-${id} .chapterPreviewContainer`);
chapterPreview.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", page);
let currentPage = document.querySelector(`.preview_${pageID}`);
let pageBottom = virtualPage.getBoundingClientRect().bottom;
let pageFinished = false;
let consumedPageHeight = 0;
while (!pageFinished && elementsStack.length > 0) {
let el = elementsStack[0];
let elBounding = el.getBoundingClientRect();
let elBottom = elBounding.bottom;
let elHeight = elBounding.height;
let newConsumedPageHeight = consumedPageHeight + elHeight;
// 10. if the element is overflowing, split it and add the overflowing part to the next page
if (newConsumedPageHeight > pageHeight) {
// 1. calculate the first overflowing space
let characterWidth = getCharacterWidth(el);
let firstOverflowingSpaceCalculation = Math.floor((pageHeight - consumedPageHeight) / characterWidth);
let firstOverflowingSpace = el.textContent.lastIndexOf(" ", firstOverflowingSpaceCalculation);
let firstPart = el.textContent.substring(0, firstOverflowingSpace);
let secondPart = el.textContent.substring(firstOverflowingSpace + 1);
// split the overflowing element
let firstPartEl = document.createElement(el.tagName);
firstPartEl.innerHTML = firstPart;
let secondPartEl = document.createElement(el.tagName);
secondPartEl.innerHTML = secondPart;
// secondPartEl.classList.add("overflowing");
// secondPartEl.classList.add(`oHidden`);
// add the first part to the page
// add the second part to the dom to measure it
// document.querySelectorAll(".overflowing").forEach(el => el.remove());
// currentPage.appendChild(secondPartEl);
// secondPartEl = document.querySelector(`.preview_${pageID} .overflowing`)
// add the second part to the stack to be added to the next page
// currentPage.appendChild(secondPartEl);
// secondPartEl = document.querySelector(`.preview_${pageID} .overflowing`)
// stop the loop
pageFinished = true;
// add the element to the page
// remove the element from the stack
console.log("no overflow")
consumedPageHeight += elHeight;
// secondPartEl.remove();
document.querySelectorAll(".overflowing").forEach(el => el.remove());
return pagesArray;
function createHiddenSpan(el) {
let textContent = el.textContent;
let span = document.createElement("span"); = "hidden"; = "pre"; = window.getComputedStyle(el).fontSize; = window.getComputedStyle(el).fontFamily;
span.textContent = textContent;
return span;
function getCharacterWidth(el) {
let textContent = el.textContent;
let span = createHiddenSpan(el);
let spanWidth = span.offsetWidth;
return spanWidth / textContent.length;
function generatePreview() {
// 1. clear the preview
chapterContainerElement.innerHTML = "";
// 2. loop through the chapters array
chaptersArr.forEach((chapter) => {
// temp-chapter-preview
// 3. clone the chapter template
let chapterTemplate = document.querySelector("#temp-chapter-preview").innerHTML;
let chapterPreview = chapterTemplate.replaceTemplateVars({ ID: });
// 4. append the chapter div container
chapterContainerElement.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", chapterPreview);
// 5. append the chapter content
let chapterContent = document.querySelector(`#chapter-preview-${} .chapterPreviewContainer`);
chapter.pages.forEach((page) => {
let pageId = + "_" + chapter.pages.indexOf(page);
// 6. clone the page template
let pageTemplate = document.querySelector("#temp-chapter-page").innerHTML;
let pagePreview = pageTemplate.replaceTemplateVars({ ID: pageId });
// 7. append the page div container
chapterContent.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", pagePreview);
// 8. append the page content
let pageContent = document.querySelector(`.preview_${pageId}`);
// pageContent.append(;
chaptersArr = [];
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