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Last active August 29, 2015 14:00
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  • Save ehaliewicz/11167773 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ehaliewicz/11167773 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
lambda calculus -> c compiler
;; compiles untyped lambda calculus to portable C
;; syntax
;; (lambda x x) - lambda abstraction
;; (x y) - lambda combination (assuming x and y are bound)
;; map of function names to declarations
;; kept separate from the rest of the C code because they need to be forward-declared
(defvar *lambda-map* nil)
(defun c-compile-lambda (expression outfile)
(with-open-file (out outfile :direction :output
:if-does-not-exist :create :if-exists :supersede)
(format out "~a" (lambda->c expression))))
;; c type definitions, includes, etc.
(defun prelude ()
(emit "#include \"stdlib.h\"")
(emit "#include \"stdio.h\"")
(emit "#include \"string.h\"")
(emit "#define MULTI_LINE_STRING(a) #a")
(emit "typedef struct closure * (*lambda_func)();")
(emit "typedef struct closure { char* str; lambda_func func; struct env* environment;} closure;")
(emit "typedef struct env { struct env* next; closure* dat;} env;~%")
(emit "env** stack;")
(emit "int sp = 0;")
(emit "env* environment = NULL;")
(emit "char* gc_pool;")
(emit "int gc_ptr = 0;")
(emit "int gc_pool_size;")
(emit "int num_allocs = 0;")
(emit "int num_bytes_allocd = 0;")
(emit "void* gc_alloc(int size_in_bytes) {")
(emit "int res = gc_ptr;")
(emit "gc_ptr+=size_in_bytes;")
(emit "num_bytes_allocd+=size_in_bytes;")
(emit "num_allocs++;")
;; no gc yet, just keep allocating memory until we run out ;)
(emit "if (gc_ptr > gc_pool_size) {")
(emit "void* res = realloc(gc_pool, gc_pool_size*2);")
(emit "if(res) {")
(emit "gc_pool = res;")
(emit "} else {")
(emit "printf(\"Out of memory, gc not implemented\\n\");")
(emit "exit(0);")
(emit "}")
(emit "}")
(emit "return &(gc_pool[res]);")
(emit "}")
;; environment extension
(emit "env* push(closure* obj, env* old_env) {")
(emit "env* link = gc_alloc(sizeof(closure));")
(emit "link->next = old_env;")
(emit "link->dat = obj;")
(emit "return link;")
(emit "}")
;; environment lookup
(emit "closure* env_ref(env* environment, int idx) {")
(emit "env* tmp_env = environment;")
(emit "if(tmp_env == NULL) { goto error; }")
(emit "while(idx > 0 && tmp_env->next) {")
(emit "tmp_env = tmp_env->next;")
(emit "idx--;")
(emit "}")
(emit "if (tmp_env == NULL || idx > 0) { goto error; }")
(emit "return tmp_env->dat;")
(emit "error:")
(emit "printf(\"Error retrieving environment value: idx %i\\n\", idx);")
(emit "exit(0);")
(emit "}")
(emit "closure* make_closure(lambda_func func, char* str, env* environment) {")
(emit "closure *clos = gc_alloc(sizeof(closure));")
(emit "clos->func = func;")
(emit "clos->str = str;")
(emit "clos->environment = environment;")
(emit "return clos;")
(emit "}")))
;; wrapper func
;; emits a main function
(defun lambda->c (expression)
(let ((*lambda-map* (make-hash-table :test 'eq)))
(declare (special *lambda-map*))
(multiple-value-bind (decl value)
(compile-lambda expression nil)
(apply #'cat-new
(loop for v being the hash-value of *lambda-map* collecting
(emit v)))
(emit "int main(int argc, char** argv) {")
(emit "if (argc < 2) { gc_pool_size = 128; }")
(emit "else { gc_pool_size = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 10); }")
;; allocate memory
(emit "gc_pool = malloc(sizeof(char*) * gc_pool_size);")
;; calculate result
(emit "printf(\"result: %s\\n\", (~a->func)(environment)->str);" value)
;; free memory and output allocation statistics
(emit "free(gc_pool);")
(emit "printf(\"Number of bytes allocated: %i\\n\", num_bytes_allocd);")
(emit "printf(\"Number of objects allocated: %i\\n\", num_allocs);")
(emit "return 0;")
(emit "}")))))
(defun emit (string &rest args)
(apply #'format nil string args))
;; concatenate strings with newlines in between
(defun cat-new (&rest strings)
#'concatenate 'string
(reduce (lambda (x y) (cons x (cons (format nil "~%") y)))
:from-end :left
:initial-value nil)))
;; compile a lambda expression into a closure
(defun compile-closure (expr env)
(destructuring-bind (lambda arg body) expr
(let ((clos-name (gensym "closure"))
(func-name (gensym "lambda"))
(returnp (symbolp body)))
(let ((func-decl
(emit "closure* ~a(env* environment) {" func-name)
(multiple-value-bind (decl value)
(compile-lambda body (cons arg env))
(emit "return ~a;" value)))
(emit "}")))
(emit "closure* ~a = make_closure(&~a, MULTI_LINE_STRING(~a), environment);~%"
clos-name func-name expr))
(clos-value (emit "~a" clos-name)))
(setf (gethash func-name *lambda-map*) func-decl)
(defun compile-print (expr env)
(let ((null-closure (emit "make_closure(NULL, NULL, NULL)")))
(if (stringp expr)
(emit "printf(\"%s\\n\", ~s);" expr)
(multiple-value-bind (decl value) (compile-lambda expr env)
(emit "printf(\"%s\\n\", (~a)->str);" value))))
;; null closure, because all values on the C side are closures
;; returns two values: (C declaration, C value)
(defun compile-lambda (expr &optional env)
(etypecase expr
(symbol (let ((pos (position expr env)))
;; symbol reference: only a value, no declaration needed
(values nil
(if pos
(emit "(env_ref(environment, ~a))" pos)
(if (null expr)
(error "Unbound symbol ~a." expr))))))
(list (case (car expr)
(lambda (compile-closure expr env))
(print (compile-print (cadr expr) env))
(otherwise ;; application
(destructuring-bind (operator operand) expr
(multiple-value-bind (operand-decl operand-value)
(compile-lambda operand env)
(multiple-value-bind (operator-decl operator-value)
(compile-lambda operator env)
;; declaration
;; value
(emit "~a->func(push(~a, ~a->environment))" operator-value operand-value operator-value))))))))))
;; doesn't work
(defun cps-transform (expr)
(labels ((recur (expr)
(etypecase expr
(symbol `(lambda k (k ,expr)))
(string `(lambda k (k ,expr)))
(case (car expr)
`(,(recur (cadr expr)) k))
(lambda (destructuring-bind (lambda arg body) expr
`(lambda k
(lambda ,arg
(k ,(if (symbolp body) body body))))))
(destructuring-bind (operator operand) expr
`((,(recur operator)
(lambda val (k val)))
,(recur operand)))))))))
`((lambda k ,(recur expr))
(lambda x x))))
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