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Created October 28, 2012 00:49
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Tail-recursion and mutual recursion macros
;; A couple of silly macros for a language that has defmacro but no tail-recursion
;; the mutual recursion macro is even worse, because you can only really 'call' one of the functions
(defmacro recur (arg-pairs &body body)
(let ((arg-names (mapcar #'car arg-pairs)) ;; extract loop variable names
(arg-vals (mapcar #'cadr arg-pairs))) ;; extract start values
;; block to return from
`(block nil
(let (,@(loop for name in arg-names collect `(,(symb 'next- name) '())))
((lambda ,arg-names
(macrolet ((tail-recur (&rest new-arg-values)
`(recur-with-new-values recur ,new-arg-values)))
;; make sure variables are set for the next loop
;; then jump back to the beginning of the function body
(defmacro recur-with-new-values (func-name arg-pairs)
;; set next loop variables
,@(loop for pair in arg-pairs collect `(setf ,(symb 'next- (car pair))
,(cadr pair)))
;; set real loop var bindings to 'next'-bindings
,@(loop for pair in arg-pairs collect `(setf ,(car pair)
,(symb 'next- (car pair))))
(go ,func-name)))
(defun mkstr (&rest args)
(with-output-to-string (s)
(dolist (a args) (princ a s))))
(defun symb (&rest args)
(values (intern (apply #'mkstr args))))
;; fibonacci using recur
(defun fibonacci (n)
(recur ((a 0) (b 1) (count n))
(if (<= count 0)
(return a) ;;a->b b->(+ a b) count -> (1- count)
(tail-recur (a b) (b (+ a b)) (count (1- count))))))
(fibonacci 0)
=> 0
(fibonacci 1)
=> 1
(fibonacci 2)
=> 1
(fibonacci 3)
=> 2
(defmacro mutual-recur (args &rest functions)
(let* ((func-names (mapcar (lambda (x) (car x)) functions))
(bodies (mapcar #'cadr functions))
(tag-sets (let ((res '()))
(loop for name in func-names for body in bodies do
(progn (push name res)
(push body res)))
(nreverse res)))
(macrojumps (loop for name in func-names collect (list name '(&rest new-arg-values)
``(recur-with-new-values ,',name ,new-arg-values)))))
`(block nil (macrolet (,@macrojumps)
(let (,@(loop for arg in args collect `(,(symb 'next- arg) '())))
(tagbody ,@tag-sets))))))
(defun even (n)
(mutual-recur (n) ;; n -> (abs (1- n))
(even (if (= n 0) (return t) (not (odd (n (abs (1- n)))))))
;; n -> (abs (1- n))
(odd (if (= n 0) (return nil) (even (n (abs (1- n))))))))
(even 1)
=> nil
(even 2)
=> t
;; Updated version of recur that supports optional inline type declarations
;; requires the defstar package
(defmacro recur ((&rest arg-pairs) &body body)
(let ((arg-names (mapcar #'first arg-pairs)) ;; extract loop
;; variable names
(arg-types (loop for item in arg-pairs collect (if (= 3 (length item))
(second item) (member t nil))))
(arg-vals (loop for item in arg-pairs collect (if (= 3 (length item))
(third item) (second item))))) ;; extract start values
;; block to return from
`(block nil
(*let (,@(loop for name in arg-names
for val in arg-vals
for type in arg-types collect `(,(symb 'next- name) ,@(if type (list type) '()) ,val))
(ret-val '()))
((lambda ,arg-names
(macrolet ((tail-recur (&rest new-arg-values)
(let ((new-arg-values
(loop for set in new-arg-values collect
(if (= 3 (length set))
(if (eql '-> (second set))
`(,(first set) ,(second set))
(error "Unknown symbol: ~a" (second set)))
`(recur-with-new-values recur ,new-arg-values)))
(exit (&optional return-value)
(if return-value
(setf ret-val ,return-value)
(go exit))
`(go exit))))
exit '())))
;; without type declarations
(defun fibonacci (n)
(recur ((a 0) (b 1) (count n))
(if (<= count 0)
(exit a) ;;a->b b->(+ a b) count -> (1- count)
(tail-recur (a b) (b (+ a b)) (count (1- count))))))
;; Though the version without type declarations is tail-recursive,
;; and a tail-recursive fibonacci is typically O(n) in time complexity,
;; this version is not, because bignum arithmetic is not O(1) but typically log(n)
;; this next version fixes that
(defun fibonacci% (n)
(declare (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
(recur ((a fixnum 0) (b fixnum 1) (count fixnum n))
(if (<= count 0)
(exit a)
(tail-recur (a b) (b (+ a b)) (count (1- count))))))
;; now we have a O(n) time fibonacci
(time (fibonacci 1234567))
-> 20.865 seconds of real time
(time (fibonacci% 1234567))
-> .120 seconds of real time
(dotimes (i 20000) (fibonacci% 1234567))
-> 23.9 seconds of real time
;; The performance difference slowly gets larger as the numbers get larger (because bignum arithmetic grows logarithmically with size),
;; but the typed version overflows rather quickly either way.
(fibonacci% 90)
-> 2880067194370816120
(fibonacci% 91)
-> -4563325426479245499
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