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Last active December 11, 2015 23:59
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Crazy stuff
;;;; lazy streams
(defmacro delay (expression)
`(lambda () ,expression))
;;; ` (backquote) means construct a list just like ' (quote)
;;; but it allows you to evaluate parts inside it with , (comma)
;;; also, the result of a macro is evaluated,
;;; so `(lambda () ,3) is evaluated as if it were just (lambda () 3)
;;;; (delay 3) => (lambda () 3)
;;;; (delay (+ 1 2)) => (lambda () (+ 1 2))
(define (force thunk) (thunk))
;;; force lets you evaluate delayed expressions
;; (delay (+ 1 2)) => (lambda () (+ 1 2))
;; (force (delay (+ 1 2))) => (force (lambda () (+ 1 2)) => (+ 1 2) => 3
(defmacro cons-stream (head tail) `(cons ,head (delay ,tail)))
;; delay works on the form passed directly to it, so cons-stream must be a macro
;;; (cons-stream 2 (+ 1 2)) => '(2 (lambda () (+ 1 2)))
;;; if we defined cons-stream like as a function,
;;; (define (cons-stream head tail)
;;; (cons head (delay tail)))
;;; (cons-stream 2 (+ 1 2)) would evaluate to '(2 3),
;;; because function arguments are always evaluated.
;;;; functions to manipulate 'streams'
(define (stream-car stream)
(car stream))
;;; the head, or car of streams are not delayed, so car works fine
;;; (stream-car (cons-stream 1 2)) => 1
(define (stream-cdr-1 stream)
(cdr stream))
;;; (stream-cdr-1 (cons-stream 1 2)) => #<procedure>
;;; oops, we forgot to force evaluation of the tail
(define (stream-cdr stream)
(force (cdr stream)))
;;; (stream-cdr (cons-stream 1 2)) => 2
;;;; at this point, we can already define the infinite fibonacci list
(define (fibgen a b)
(cons-stream a (fibgen b (+ a b))))
(define fibs (fibgen 0 1))
;;; this function calculates a list that recurses back on itself
;;; thankfully, the tail of our 'streams' are delayed
;;; (fibgen 0 1) => '(0 . #<procedure ...> )
;;; looking a little deeper, it looks like this
;;; (ignoring the lambdas that are forced when cdr'ing down the stream)
;;; '(0 . (fibgen 1 (+ 0 1)))
;;; '(0 . (cons-stream 1 (fibgen 1 (+ 1 1))))
;;; '(0 . (1 . (fibgen 1 (+ 1 1))))
;;; '(0 . (1 . (cons-stream 1 (fibgen 2 (+ 1 2)))))
;;; '(0 . (1 . (1 . (fibgen 2 (+ 1 2)))))
;;; '(0 . (1 . (1 . (cons-stream 2 (fibgen 3 (+ 2 3))))))
;;; '(0 . (1 . (1 . (2 . (cons-stream 3 (fibgen 5 (+ 3 5)))))))
;;; '(0 . (1 . (1 . (2 . (3 . (fibgen 5 (+ 3 5)))))))
;;;; how do we get at these fibs?
;;; either by manually car and cdr'ing down the list
;;;; (stream-car (stream-cdr (stream-cdr (stream-cdr fibs)))) => 2
;; or by writing a function that does it for us
(define (stream-ref strm idx)
(if (= idx 0)
(stream-car strm)
(stream-ref (stream-cdr strm) (- idx 1))))
;; (stream-ref fibs 0) => 0
;; (stream-ref fibs 1) => 1
;; (stream-ref fibs 2) => 1
;; (stream-ref fibs 3) => 2
;; (stream-ref fibs 4) => 3
;; (stream-ref fibs 12) => 144
;; it's an iterative O(n) fibonacci, so it's pretty quick too
;; (stream-ref fibs 16667) => 70390661127.......... (about 8000 digits)
;; takes about 9 milliseconds on my machine
;;; this is where it starts getting a little crazy
;;; remember how (delay (+ 1 2)) is equivalent to (lambda () (+ 1 2))?
;;; and (cons-stream 1 (+ 1 2)) is equal to (cons 1 (lambda () (+ 1 2)))
;;; well that means we can write fibs without cons-stream or delay
(define (no-delay-fibgen a b)
(cons a (lambda () (no-delay-fibgen b (+ a b)))))
(define no-delay-fibs (no-delay-fibgen 0 1))
;; (stream-ref (no-delay-fibs 12)) => 144
;; ok cool. can we reduce it further?
;; sure we can, by removing cons/car/cdr, and replacing them with a few clever functions
(define (fcons hd tl)
(lambda (a) (a hd tl)))
(define (fcar pair)
(pair (lambda (hd tl) hd)))
(define (fcdr pair)
(pair (lambda (hd tl) tl)))
;;; (fcons 1 2) => (lambda (a) (a 1 2))
;;; (fcar (fcons 1 2)) => 1
;;; (fcdr (fcons 1 2)) => 2
;;; a litte counter-intuitive at first,
;;; but it's a neat way of defining structures with just functions
;; with these we can remove the cons from fibs
;; (define (no-delay-fibgen a b)
;; (cons a (lambda () (no-delay-fibgen b (+ a b)))))
(define (no-cons-fibgen a b)
(fcons a (lambda () (no-cons-fibgen b (+ a b)))))
;;; to use our function conses, we need to redefine stream-car/cdr/ref
(define (fstream-car stream) ;; f for func
(fcar stream))
(define (fstream-cdr stream)
(force (fcdr stream)))
(define (fstream-ref stream idx)
(if (= idx 0)
(fstream-car stream)
(fstream-ref (fstream-cdr stream) (- idx 1))))
;;; (fstream-ref (no-cons-fibgen 0 1) 12) => 144
;;; this is where it starts getting really crazy
;;; how can we simplify this further so we are literally just using functions?
;;; well, our list is defined recursively, and if we just want to use literal functions,
;;; that means we need the Y combinator
(define (Y f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
;;; this one is really tough for me to explain, because I've never really figured it out myself
;;; just suffice it to say that it computes the fixed points of functions,
;;; i.e. lets you do anonymous recursion
;;; with this we can define our fibonacci list like this
(define y-fibgen-builder
(lambda (f)
(lambda (a b)
(fcons a (lambda () (f b (+ a b)))))))
;;;; first convert y-fibgen to return a function that takes itself,
;;;; and applies itself back onto it's recursive case
(define y-fibgen
(Y y-fibgen-builder))
;;; and then apply it to Y, returning a y-recursive fib-gen function
(define y-fibs (y-fibgen 0 1))
;; and call it with the starting 0 and 1
;;; (fstream-ref y-fibs 12) => 144
;;; we're getting really close here but a little bit more to go
;;; while we're having fun with the Y combinator,
;;; we might as well use it in our recursive stream-ref function
(define y-fstream-ref-builder
(lambda (f)
(lambda (stream idx)
(if (= idx 0) (fstream-car stream)
(f (fstream-cdr stream) (- idx 1))))))
(define y-fstream-ref (Y y-fstream-ref-builder))
;;; (y-fstream-ref y-fibs 122) => 144
;;; now that everything is pure lambdas (and a couple zeros and ones)
;;; we can substitute down to almost nothing :)
(define fibs-integrated-1 (lambda (idx)
(y-fstream-ref y-fibs idx)))
(define fibs-integrated-2 (lambda (idx)
((Y y-fstream-ref-builder) y-fibs idx)))
(define fibs-integrated-3 (lambda (idx)
((Y y-fstream-ref-builder) ((Y y-fibgen-builder) 0 1))))
;; substituting in the y combinator
(define fibs-integrated-4
(lambda (idx)
((;; y combinator
(lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
((;; y combinator
(lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
y-fibgen-builder) 0 1) idx)))
;;; substituting in the function builders
(define fibs-integrated-5
(lambda (idx)
((;; y combinator
(lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
;; y-stream-ref-builder
(lambda (f)
(lambda (stream idx)
(if (= idx 0) (fstream-car stream)
(f (fstream-cdr stream) (- idx 1))))))
((;; y combinator
(lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
;; y-fibgen-builder
(lambda (f)
(lambda (a b)
(fcons a (lambda () (f b (+ a b))))))) 0 1) idx)))
;;; substituting in the fstream-car/cdr/cons/force functions
(define fibs-integrated-6
(lambda (idx)
((;; y combinator
(lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
;; y-stream-ref-builder
(lambda (f)
(lambda (stream idx)
(if (= idx 0)
;; fcar
((lambda (pair) (pair (lambda (hd tl) hd)))
;; y-recursive case
(f ( ;; force
(lambda (thunk) (thunk))
;; fcdr
((lambda (pair) (pair (lambda (hd tl) tl)))
stream)) (- idx 1))))))
((;; y combinator
(lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
;; y-fibgen-builder
(lambda (f)
(lambda (a b)
(;; fcons
(lambda (hd tl) (lambda (a) (a hd tl)))
a (lambda () (f b (+ a b))))))) 0 1) idx)))
;;; final destination
(define fibs-final
(lambda (idx)
(((lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
(lambda (f)
(lambda (stream idx)
(if (= idx 0)
((lambda (pair) (pair (lambda (hd tl) hd))) stream)
(f ((lambda (thunk) (thunk))
((lambda (pair) (pair (lambda (hd tl) tl)))
stream)) (- idx 1))))))
(((lambda (f) ((lambda (x) (x x))
(lambda (y) (f (lambda (arg . args)
(apply (y y) arg args))))))
(lambda (f)
(lambda (a b)
((lambda (hd tl) (lambda (a) (a hd tl)))
a (lambda () (f b (+ a b))))))) 0 1) idx)))
;;;; (fibs-final 12) => 144
;;;; (fibs-final 16667) => 703906611271...
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