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Last active January 2, 2016 07:59
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Save ehaliewicz/8273920 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A quick game of life algorithm.
(ql:quickload "lispbuilder-sdl")
(ql:quickload "lispbuilder-sdl-gfx")
(deftype triplet () '(unsigned-byte 16))
(defmacro pixel-to-cell (val) `(/ ,val *cell-size*))
(defmacro cell-to-col (val) `(floor ,val 3))
(defmacro pixel-to-col (val) `(cell-to-col (pixel-to-cell ,val)))
(defmacro cell-to-pixel (val) `(* *cell-size* ,val))
(defmacro col-to-cell (val) `(* ,val 3))
(defmacro col-to-pixel (val) `(* *cell-size* (col-to-cell ,val)))
(defmacro edge (cell) `(ldb (byte 1 15) ,cell))
(defmacro next-states (cell) `(ldb (byte 3 12) ,cell))
(defmacro cur-states (cell) `(ldb (byte 3 9) ,cell))
(defmacro a-neighbors (cell) `(ldb (byte 3 6) ,cell))
(defmacro b-neighbors (cell) `(ldb (byte 3 3) ,cell))
(defmacro c-neighbors (cell) `(ldb (byte 3 0) ,cell))
;; gets next cell states based on current states and neighbors
(defun cell-changes (cell)
(let* ((cur-states (cur-states cell))
(a (ldb (byte 1 2) cur-states))
(b (ldb (byte 1 1) cur-states))
(c (ldb (byte 1 0) cur-states))
(a-neighbors (+ b (a-neighbors cell)))
(b-neighbors (+ a c (b-neighbors cell)))
(c-neighbors (+ b (c-neighbors cell))))
(let ((res 0))
(setf (ldb (byte 1 2) res) (case a-neighbors
(2 a)
(3 1)
(otherwise 0))
(ldb (byte 1 1) res) (case b-neighbors
(2 b)
(3 1)
(otherwise 0))
(ldb (byte 1 0) res) (case c-neighbors
(2 c)
(3 1)
(otherwise 0)))
;; lookup-table optimization
;; maps cell triplets and neighbor counts (bitmap) to the next cell states
(defparameter *second-pass-table* (make-array 4096 :element-type '(unsigned-byte 3)
(loop for x below 4096 collect
(cell-changes x))))
;; keep track of cells in triplets
;; and keep track of cells that will change next generation in a
;; change list
;; triplet and cell are interchangeable
;; to create the next generation we make two passes over the change
;; list
;; first pass
;; - for each triplet in the change list
;; - move the next cell states to the current cell states
;; - update neighbor counts of neighboring triplets based on the change
;; - draw cells based on the change
;; second pass
;; - for each adjacent triplet in the change list (including the changed triplet)
;; - check neighbor counts and current cell states
;; - if the cell states will change, set the next cell state in the triplet
;; - and add it to the change list
;; - flip a bit in another array to avoid checking or adding the
;; same triplet to the change list more than once
;; there are more optimizations I can do with this algorithm
;; (precalculating optimized update functions for the first pass, etc.)
;; but the graphics are the bottleneck most of the time
;; start-list is a list ((x y) (x y) (x y))
;; of live cells
;; width must be a multiple of 3 (because of the triplet structure)
(defun main (&key start-list (cell-size 4)
(height 56) (width 240))
(declare (optimize (speed 3))
(type fixnum cell-size width height))
(assert (zerop (rem width 3)) () "Width must be a multiple of 3.")
(sdl:window (* cell-size width) (* cell-size height) :hw t)
(let* ((change-list (list))
(num-rows height)
(num-cols (/ width 3))
(draw-surf (sdl:create-surface (* cell-size width) (* cell-size height) :type :sw))
(added-map (make-array `(,num-rows ,num-cols) :element-type 'boolean))
(table (make-array `(,num-rows ,num-cols) :element-type 'triplet)))
(labels ((draw-live-cell (x y surf)
(sdl-gfx-cffi::box-color surf
(* cell-size x) (* cell-size y)
(* cell-size (1+ x)) (* cell-size (1+ y))
(draw-dead-cell (x y surf)
(sdl-gfx-cffi::box-color surf
(* cell-size x) (* cell-size y)
(* cell-size (1+ x)) (* cell-size (1+ y))
(draw-states (states x y surf)
;; draw a cell
(let ((x (* 3 x)))
(if (plusp (ldb (byte 1 2) states))
(draw-live-cell x y surf)
(draw-dead-cell x y surf))
;; draw b cell
(if (plusp (ldb (byte 1 1) states))
(draw-live-cell (+ x 1) y surf)
(draw-dead-cell (+ x 1) y surf))
;; draw c cell
(if (plusp (ldb (byte 1 0) states))
(draw-live-cell (+ x 2) y surf)
(draw-dead-cell (+ x 2) y surf))))
;; update neighbor counts of surrounding triplets
(update-neighbors (cell x y)
(let* ((next-states (next-states cell))
(cur-states (cur-states cell))
(na (ldb (byte 1 2) next-states))
(nb (ldb (byte 1 1) next-states))
(nc (ldb (byte 1 0) next-states))
(a (ldb (byte 1 2) cur-states))
(b (ldb (byte 1 1) cur-states))
(c (ldb (byte 1 0) cur-states))
(da (- na a))
(db (- nb b))
(dc (- nc c)))
;; abc abc abc
;; abc abc abc
;; abc abc abc
(let ((lx (if (minusp (1- x)) (1- num-cols) (1- x)))
(rx (if (>= (1+ x) num-cols) 0 (1+ x)))
(uy (if (minusp (1- y)) (1- num-rows) (1- y)))
(dy (if (>= (1+ y) num-rows) 0 (1+ y))))
(symbol-macrolet ((ul (aref table uy lx))
(u (aref table uy x))
(ur (aref table uy rx))
(l (aref table y lx))
(r (aref table y rx))
(dl (aref table dy lx))
(d (aref table dy x))
(dr (aref table dy rx)))
(unless (zerop da)
;; ul c
(incf (c-neighbors ul) da)
;; u ab
(incf (a-neighbors u) da)
(incf (b-neighbors u) da)
;; l c
(incf (c-neighbors l) da)
;; dl c
(incf (c-neighbors dl) da)
;; d ab
(incf (a-neighbors d) da)
(incf (b-neighbors d) da))
(unless (zerop db)
;; u abc
(incf (a-neighbors u) db)
(incf (b-neighbors u) db)
(incf (c-neighbors u) db)
;; d abc
(incf (a-neighbors d) db)
(incf (b-neighbors d) db)
(incf (c-neighbors d) db))
(unless (zerop dc)
;; u bc
(incf (b-neighbors u) dc)
(incf (c-neighbors u) dc)
;; ur a
(incf (a-neighbors ur) dc)
;; r a
(incf (a-neighbors r) dc)
;; d bc
(incf (b-neighbors d) dc)
(incf (c-neighbors d) dc)
;; dr a
(incf (a-neighbors dr) dc))))))
;; get the next cell states
;; based on the current states and neighbor counts
(cell-changes-p (cell)
(let* ((cur-states (cur-states cell))
(a (ldb (byte 1 2) cur-states))
(b (ldb (byte 1 1) cur-states))
(c (ldb (byte 1 0) cur-states))
(a-neighbors (+ b (a-neighbors cell)))
(b-neighbors (+ a c (b-neighbors cell)))
(c-neighbors (+ b (c-neighbors cell))))
(let ((res 0))
(setf (ldb (byte 1 2) res) (case a-neighbors
(2 a)
(3 1)
(otherwise 0))
(ldb (byte 1 1) res) (case b-neighbors
(2 b)
(3 1)
(otherwise 0))
(ldb (byte 1 0) res) (case c-neighbors
(2 c)
(3 1)
(otherwise 0)))
;; clear board
(clear-table ()
(loop for y below num-rows do
(loop for x below num-cols do
(setf (aref table y x)
(let ((cell 0))
(when (or (zerop x)
(zerop y)
(= x (1- num-cols))
(= y (1- num-rows)))
(setf (ldb (byte 1 15) cell) 1))
;; clear added/checked table
(clear-map ()
(loop for y below num-rows do
(loop for x below num-cols do
(setf (aref added-map y x) nil)))))
(labels ((first-loop ()
(let ((surf (sdl:fp draw-surf)))
(loop for el in change-list do
(destructuring-bind (x . y) el
(let* ((cell (aref table y x))
(next-states (next-states cell))
(cur-states (cur-states cell))
(mask (ash (logand #b1111111000000000) -9)))
(when (/= next-states cur-states)
(draw-states next-states x y surf)
(update-neighbors cell x y)
(setf (cur-states (aref table y x))
(next-states (aref table y x))))
(second-loop ()
(let ((new-list (list)))
(loop for el in change-list do
(destructuring-bind (x . y) el
(loop for y from (1- y) to (1+ y) do
(loop for x from (1- x) to (1+ x) do
(let ((x (mod x num-cols))
(y (mod y num-rows)))
(unless (aref added-map y x)
(let* ((cell (aref table y x))
(res (aref *second-pass-table* (logand #b0000111111111111 cell))))
(when (/= (cur-states (aref table y x))
(setf (next-states (aref table y x))
(push (cons x y) new-list)))
(setf (aref added-map y x) t)))))))
(setf change-list new-list))))
(sdl:with-init ()
(sdl:clear-display sdl:*black*)
(loop for cell in start-list do
;; set next state
;; add to change list
(destructuring-bind (x y) cell
(multiple-value-bind (col cell) (floor x 3)
(setf (ldb (byte 1 (- 2 cell)) (next-states (aref table y col)))
(unless (aref added-map y col) (push (cons col y) change-list)
(setf (aref added-map y col) t)))))
(setf (sdl:frame-rate) 0)
(let ((update nil))
(sdl:with-events ()
(:quit-event () t)
(:key-down-event (:key k) (when (eql :sdl-key-space k)
(setf update (not update))))
(:idle ()
(when update
(sdl:blit-surface draw-surf)
(setf update t))))))))))
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