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Last active August 23, 2017 11:25
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-- code based on
data Command : Type -> Type where
PutStr : String -> Command ()
GetStr : Command String
data InfIO : Type where
Do : Command a -> (a -> Inf InfIO) -> InfIO
(>>=) : Command a -> (a -> Inf InfIO) -> InfIO
(>>=) = Do
runCommand : Command a -> IO a
runCommand (PutStr x) = putStr x
runCommand GetStr = getLine
-- a run function:
run : InfIO -> IO ()
run (Do command rest) = do res <- runCommand command
run (rest res)
-- expanding `do` notation and doing eta reduction fails:
run (Do command rest) = runCommand command >>= run . rest
-- `-- test.idr line 17 col 51:
-- When checking right hand side of run with expected type
-- IO ()
-- When checking an application of function Prelude.Basics..:
-- Type mismatch between
-- a -> Inf InfIO (Type of rest)
-- and
-- a -> InfIO (Expected type)
-- Specifically:
-- Type mismatch between
-- Inf InfIO
-- and
-- InfIO
-- inserting a `Force` fixes it:
run (Do command rest) = runCommand command >>= run . Force . rest
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