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Created February 13, 2012 03:19
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Tomcat Puppet
class tomcat {
$tomcat_url = ""
$jdk_url = ""
Exec {
path => "${::path}",
group { "puppet":
ensure => present,
package { "acpid":
ensure => installed,
package { "supervisor":
ensure => installed,
package { "wget":
ensure => installed,
exec { "tomcat::get_jdk":
cwd => "/tmp",
command => "wget ${jdk_url} -O jdk.bin > /root/.tomcat_get_jdk",
creates => "/root/.tomcat_get_jdk",
timeout => 900,
require => Package["wget"],
notify => Exec["tomcat::extract_jdk"],
exec { "tomcat::extract_jdk":
cwd => "/opt",
command => "sh /tmp/jdk.bin ; mv jdk* java",
creates => "/opt/java",
require => Exec["tomcat::get_jdk"],
refreshonly => true,
file { "/etc/environment":
ensure => present,
content => "JAVA_HOME=/opt/java
user { "tomcat":
ensure => present,
comment => "Tomcat User",
home => "/opt/tomcat",
shell => "/bin/bash",
exec { "tomcat::get_tomcat":
cwd => "/tmp",
command => "wget ${tomcat_url} -O tomcat.tar.gz > /root/.tomcat_get_tomcat",
creates => "/root/.tomcat_get_tomcat",
timeout => 900,
require => Package["wget"],
notify => Exec["tomcat::extract_tomcat"],
exec { "tomcat::extract_tomcat":
cwd => "/opt",
command => "tar zxf /tmp/tomcat.tar.gz ; mv apache* tomcat",
creates => "/opt/tomcat",
require => Exec["tomcat::get_tomcat"],
refreshonly => true,
file { "/opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml":
ensure => present,
content => "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<user username=\"admin\" password=\"tomcat\" roles=\"manager-gui\"/>
require => Exec["tomcat::extract_tomcat"],
file { "/opt/tomcat":
ensure => directory,
owner => "tomcat",
mode => 0755,
recurse => true,
require => Exec["tomcat::extract_tomcat"],
file { "/etc/supervisor/conf.d/tomcat.conf":
ensure => present,
content => "[program:tomcat]
command=/opt/tomcat/bin/ run
environment=JAVA_HOME=\"/opt/java\",JAVA_OPTS=\"-Xms512m -Xmx512m -XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -XX:+CMSPermGenSweepingEnabled\"
require => [ Package["supervisor"], File["/opt/tomcat/conf/tomcat-users.xml"] ],
notify => Exec["tomcat::update_supervisor"],
exec { "tomcat::update_supervisor":
command => "supervisorctl update",
refreshonly => true,
include tomcat
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