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Last active October 6, 2023 17:43
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Add Event to Google Calendar
"categories": [
"id": "6c8438a5-1b1a-4869-9c0c-9f7910f42075",
"name": "Shortcuts",
"shortcuts": [
"codeOnPrepare": "title \u003d prompt(\"Event Title\");\nstartDate \u003d promptDate(\"YYYYMMDD\") + \"T\" + promptTime(\"HHmmSS\");\nendDate \u003d promptDate(\"YYYYMMDD\") + \"T\" + promptTime(\"HHmmSS\");\ncURL \u003d \"\u003dTEMPLATE\u0026dates\u003d\" + startDate + \"/\" + endDate + \"\u0026text\u003d\" + title;\nopenUrl(cURL);\n",
"description": "Add event to Google calendar with some simple questions.",
"executionType": "scripting",
"iconName": "flat_color_calendar",
"id": "5ed03151-4d6c-4b12-a813-547b6ebbb774",
"name": "Add Event"
"compatibilityVersion": 71,
"version": 71
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