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ehudros / gist:906508
Created April 6, 2011 20:55
hash attributes are not saved to database
class User
include Mongoid::Document
field :game_stats, :type=>Hash
console commands to recreate:
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > u = User.create! :game_stats => {}
=> #<User _id: 4d9c9f038533c541ce000001, game_stats: {}>
ruby-1.9.2-p0 > u.game_stats['147'] = {}
=> {}
# set crontab jobs on master only
if ['app', 'app_master'].include?(node[:instance_role])
execute "reducing timeouts in haproxy.cfg" do
command "sed s/'timeout server 120000'/'timeout server 5000'/ /etc/haproxy.cfg > /etc/haproxy.cfg"
command "sed s/'timeout client 120000'/'timeout client 5000'/ /etc/haproxy.cfg > /etc/haproxy.cfg"
command "sed s/'timeout connect 120000'/'timeout connect 5000'/ /etc/haproxy.cfg > /etc/haproxy.cfg"
command "sed s/'maxconn 65535'/'maxconn 2000'/ /etc/haproxy.cfg > /etc/haproxy.cfg"
action :run
<ehudros> hi
<@adamholt> hey ehudros
<@adamholt> I've done a little bit of investigation on whats happening with unicorn right now, and i can see that it is actually queueing requests, so newrelic is reporting correctly
<@adamholt> as you can see, every 3 seconds or so, all the workers are active and the queueing starts building
<@adamholt> that is polling the socket for stats every second
<ehudros> hmm
<ehudros> Do you think we're simply getting more requests than we can handle?
<@adamholt> i think that might be the case
* Disconnected
daemonize yes
pidfile /var/run/
port 6379
# Close the connection after a client is idle for N seconds (0 to disable)
timeout 60
# Set server verbosity to 'debug'
# it can be one of:
# debug (a lot of information, useful for development/testing)
ehudros / gist:e29644cfe5e58b13c04a
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
openfl html
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ehudros / gist:97de49ac139aa7e8683f
Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
Flambe html
<html style="height: 287px; width: 598px; overflow: visible;"><head>
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"planets": {
"Candy": {
"zones": {
"GoldProduction": {
"upgrades": [
"upgradeType": "GoldPerSecond",
"price": 1000,
"value": 1,
ehudros / file1.txt
Created November 14, 2016 18:21
the description for this gist
String file contents
2016-12-04 13:34:30,379 [10] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - CreatePeer for LoadBalancing
2016-12-04 13:34:30,467 [10] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - incoming game peer at from
2016-12-04 13:34:30,558 [10] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameApplication - CreateGamePeer
2016-12-04 13:34:30,918 [16] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameClientPeer - OnOperationRequest: conId=2, opCode=230
2016-12-04 13:34:31,017 [16] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameClientPeer - Facebook UID found!
2016-12-04 13:34:31,116 [16] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameClientPeer - HandleAuthenticateRequest - Token Authentication done. Result: 0; msg=
2016-12-04 13:34:31,262 [9] DEBUG Photon.LoadBalancing.GameServer.GameClientPeer - OnOperationRequest: conId=2, opCode=227
2016-12-04 13:34:31,347 [9] DEBUG Photon.Hive.HivePeer - HandleCreateGameOperation Room:b73a2755-b1b8f543 LobbyType:2 LobbyName:SqlLobby
2016-12-04 13: