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Last active January 25, 2019 01:36
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Host deps that pull in shared dependencies
This tracks how heavy a proc-macro or build-dependency is across the entire ecosystem. Each crate is weighted by how often it is used
("appears") along with how many shared dependencies it brings in.
The list to the right of each entry is the union of all shared dependencies it
pulls in across all usages in (including itself if it is shared).
Macos, default features.
How heavy are these host deps
phf_codegen,8283 (appears 897, has 16) - ['rand_chacha', 'siphasher', 'bitflags', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'phf_shared', 'libc', 'rand_hc', 'serde', 'unicase', 'rand_os', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'semver', 'semver-parser']
rocket_codegen,1534 (appears 45, has 40) - ['unicode-xid', 'void', 'memchr', 'base64', 'state', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'httparse', 'rocket_http', 'matches', 'url', 'rocket', 'smallvec', 'pear', 'toml', 'cookie', 'language-tags', 'hyper', 'ring', 'term', 'unicase', 'typeable', 'safemem', 'time', 'unicode-normalization', 'traitobject', 'indexmap', 'bitflags', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'untrusted', 'log', 'term-painter', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'unicode-bidi', 'mime', 'serde', 'yansi', 'byteorder']
bindgen,1486 (appears 450, has 56) - ['unicode-xid', 'memchr', 'clang-sys', 'failure', 'quick-error', 'rustc-serialize', 'rand_core', 'backtrace', 'libloading', 'quote', 'arrayvec', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'termcolor', 'clap', 'num-traits', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'peeking_take_while', 'textwrap', 'yaml-rust', 'term', 'humantime', 'rustc-demangle', 'unicode-width', 'regex-syntax', 'either', 'rayon', 'bitflags', 'which', 'bindgen', 'ansi_term', 'term_size', 'libc', 'log', 'crossbeam-deque', 'env_logger', 'crossbeam-utils', 'rayon-core', 'glob', 'memoffset', 'cfg-if', 'num_cpus', 'vec_map', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'scopeguard', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'unicode-segmentation', 'byteorder', 'nodrop', 'nom', 'thread_local', 'cexpr']
string_cache_codegen,1097 (appears 163, has 20) - ['unicode-xid', 'rand_pcg', 'rand_hc', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'quote', 'rand', 'phf_shared', 'unicase', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'siphasher', 'proc-macro2', 'bitflags', 'libc', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'string_cache_shared']
gl_generator,840 (appears 378, has 4) - ['serde', 'bitflags', 'log', 'cfg-if']
lalrpop,771 (appears 69, has 46) - ['unicode-xid', 'void', 'memchr', 'rand_pcg', 'rand_hc', 'rustc-serialize', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'quote', 'string_cache', 'precomputed-hash', 'rand', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'phf_shared', 'term', 'either', 'regex-syntax', 'new_debug_unreachable', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'lalrpop-util', 'siphasher', 'proc-macro2', 'bitflags', 'thread-id', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'rand_os', 'byteorder', 'fixedbitset', 'string_cache_shared', 'itertools', 'thread_local']
unicase,698 (appears 704, has 1) - ['unicase']
pest_derive,525 (appears 221, has 15) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'typenum', 'pest', 'byte-tools', 'generic-array', 'sha-1', 'digest', 'maplit', 'block-buffer', 'ucd-trie', 'arrayref', 'fake-simd']
rustc_version,404 (appears 3437, has 8) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'rustc_version', 'serde', 'semver', 'semver-parser']
skeptic,398 (appears 110, has 23) - ['serde_json', 'rand_core', 'remove_dir_all', 'rand', 'error-chain', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'rustc-demangle', 'unicode-width', 'itoa', 'semver-parser', 'bitflags', 'getopts', 'libc', 'walkdir', 'same-file', 'semver', 'glob', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'serde', 'tempdir', 'backtrace']
lalrpop-snap,376 (appears 43, has 48) - ['unicode-xid', 'void', 'memchr', 'diff', 'rand_pcg', 'rand_hc', 'petgraph', 'rustc-serialize', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'ordermap', 'string_cache', 'precomputed-hash', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'phf_shared', 'term', 'either', 'regex-syntax', 'new_debug_unreachable', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'lalrpop-util', 'siphasher', 'bitflags', 'thread-id', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'bit-set', 'ena', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'bit-vec', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'ascii-canvas', 'kernel32-sys', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'rand_os', 'fixedbitset', 'atty', 'string_cache_shared', 'itertools', 'thread_local']
serde_codegen,366 (appears 85, has 16) - ['unicode-xid', 'bitflags', 'kernel32-sys', 'serde_codegen', 'syntex_syntax', 'quasi', 'rand', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'term', 'log', 'rustc-serialize', 'syntex', 'aster', 'cfg-if', 'winapi']
syntex,357 (appears 89, has 20) - ['unicode-xid', 'syntex_syntax', 'serde_json', 'rustc-serialize', 'extprim', 'rand', 'num-traits', 'ryu', 'term', 'syntex', 'itoa', 'bitflags', 'libc', 'log', 'syntex_pos', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'serde', 'syntex_errors']
quasi_codegen,351 (appears 178, has 14) - ['unicode-xid', 'bitflags', 'syntex_syntax', 'kernel32-sys', 'winapi', 'libc', 'term', 'log', 'rustc-serialize', 'syntex', 'aster', 'syntex_pos', 'cfg-if', 'syntex_errors']
cssparser-macros,319 (appears 37, has 21) - ['unicode-xid', 'syn', 'rand_pcg', 'rand_hc', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'quote', 'rand', 'phf_shared', 'unicase', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'siphasher', 'proc-macro2', 'bitflags', 'libc', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'procedural-masquerade', 'serde', 'rand_os']
cc,286 (appears 2395, has 15) - ['arrayvec', 'rayon', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'cc', 'crossbeam-utils', 'lazy_static', 'scopeguard', 'libc', 'crossbeam-deque', 'num_cpus', 'either', 'rayon-core', 'nodrop', 'memoffset', 'cfg-if']
clap,282 (appears 31, has 11) - ['vec_map', 'bitflags', 'clap', 'strsim', 'ansi_term', 'term_size', 'libc', 'textwrap', 'yaml-rust', 'atty', 'unicode-width']
rand,275 (appears 44, has 15) - ['rand_chacha', 'bitflags', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'rand_hc', 'libc', 'packed_simd', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'semver', 'cfg-if', 'semver-parser']
amq-protocol-codegen,266 (appears 10, has 27) - ['memchr', 'typenum', 'handlebars', 'serde_json', 'quick-error', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'amq-protocol-types', 'regex-syntax', 'fake-simd', 'itoa', 'amq-protocol-codegen', 'pest', 'cookie-factory', 'libc', 'walkdir', 'same-file', 'log', 'ucd-trie', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'nom', 'thread_local']
zip,249 (appears 50, has 23) - ['zip', 'adler32', 'crc32fast', 'arrayvec', 'lazy_static', 'time', 'crc', 'miniz_oxide', 'bzip2-sys', 'libc', 'miniz_oxide_c_api', 'memoffset', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'miniz-sys', 'podio', 'flate2', 'scopeguard', 'libflate', 'byteorder', 'msdos_time', 'nodrop', 'bzip2']
regex,245 (appears 78, has 13) - ['kernel32-sys', 'ucd-util', 'memchr', 'thread-id', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if', 'winapi']
http_req,241 (appears 32, has 20) - ['rand_pcg', 'rand_hc', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'remove_dir_all', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'MacTypes-sys', 'security-framework-sys', 'rand_chacha', 'native-tls', 'core-foundation-sys', 'libc', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'security-framework', 'cfg-if', 'tempfile', 'rand_os', 'core-foundation']
routing,228 (appears 2, has 107) - ['rand_pcg', 'log-mdc', 'xmltree', 'matches', 'routing', 'clap', 'toml', 'num-traits', 'strsim', 'term', 'regex-syntax', 'traitobject', 'rand_chacha', 'crust', 'sha1', 'fs2', 'rust_sodium-sys', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'flate2', 'unicode-bidi', 'utf8-ranges', 'num-iter', 'serde-value', 'httparse', 'unsafe-any', 'net2', 'hex', 'fnv', 'lru_time_cache', 'get_if_addrs', 'rand', 'language-tags', 'num-bigint', 'termion', 'chrono', 'igd', 'safemem', 'config_file_handler', 'libc', 'rand_xorshift', 'tiny-keccak', 'regex', 'unicode-segmentation', 'atty', 'rust_sodium', 'xml-rs', 'itertools', 'crossbeam', 'thread_local', 'memchr', 'serde_yaml', 'idna', 'mio', 'rustc-serialize', 'dtoa', 'unwrap', 'lazy_static', 'hyper', 'textwrap', 'unicase', 'unicode-width', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'c_linked_list', 'ordered-float', 'resource_proof', 'antidote', 'vec_map', 'lazycell', 'miniz-sys', 'slab', 'iovec', 'mime', 'typemap', 'linked-hash-map', 'base64', 'num', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'rand_hc', 'quick-error', 'maidsafe_utilities', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'rand_core', 'yaml-rust', 'ryu', 'typeable', 'humantime', 'either', 'log4rs', 'fake_clock', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'ansi_term', 'term_size', 'log', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'ws', 'bytes', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'byteorder', 'bincode']
serde_json,223 (appears 106, has 9) - ['indexmap', 'num-traits', 'rand', 'libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'dtoa', 'itoa']
reqwest,213 (appears 12, has 101) - ['serde_urlencoded', 'tokio-tcp', 'rand_pcg', 'matches', 'owning_ref', 'mime_guess', 'arrayvec', 'reqwest', 'phf_shared', 'futures-cpupool', 'tokio-io', 'rand_chacha', 'native-tls', 'unreachable', 'stable_deref_trait', 'tokio-reactor', 'unicode-bidi', 'uuid', 'try-lock', 'string', 'httparse', 'net2', 'tokio-current-thread', 'adler32', 'fnv', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'openssl-sys', 'rand', 'MacTypes-sys', 'safemem', 'security-framework-sys', 'libc', 'tokio-udp', 'rand_xorshift', 'http', 'crossbeam-utils', 'crossbeam-channel', 'libflate', 'tempfile', 'parking_lot_core', 'core-foundation', 'lock_api', 'idna', 'mio', 'dtoa', 'crc32fast', 'smallvec', 'remove_dir_all', 'lazy_static', 'hyper', 'unicase', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'indexmap', 'openssl', 'tokio-uds', 'crossbeam-deque', 'memoffset', 'tokio-executor', 'futures', 'lazycell', 'iovec', 'slab', 'mime', 'hyper-tls', 'want', 'foreign-types', 'void', 'base64', 'parking_lot', 'phf', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'rand_hc', 'encoding_rs', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'tokio', 'tokio-threadpool', 'tokio-timer', 'mio-uds', 'ryu', 'bitflags', 'siphasher', 'tokio-fs', 'tokio-codec', 'core-foundation-sys', 'log', 'security-framework', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'h2', 'bytes', 'foreign-types-shared', 'scopeguard', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'byteorder', 'nodrop']
serde_derive,196 (appears 3651, has 5) - ['quote', 'synom', 'unicode-xid', 'syn', 'proc-macro2']
flate2,186 (appears 61, has 15) - ['arrayvec', 'miniz_oxide', 'miniz-sys', 'lazy_static', 'scopeguard', 'libc', 'flate2', 'crc', 'miniz_oxide_c_api', 'num_cpus', 'nodrop', 'crc32fast', 'memoffset', 'adler32', 'cfg-if']
ruma-api-macros,165 (appears 2, has 82) - ['serde_urlencoded', 'tokio-tcp', 'rand_pcg', 'matches', 'owning_ref', 'arrayvec', 'futures-cpupool', 'regex-syntax', 'tokio-io', 'rand_chacha', 'unreachable', 'stable_deref_trait', 'tokio-reactor', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'unicode-bidi', 'utf8-ranges', 'try-lock', 'string', 'httparse', 'net2', 'tokio-current-thread', 'fnv', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'rand', 'ruma-api', 'ruma-identifiers', 'libc', 'tokio-udp', 'http', 'rand_xorshift', 'crossbeam-utils', 'crossbeam-channel', 'parking_lot_core', 'regex', 'thread_local', 'memchr', 'lock_api', 'idna', 'mio', 'dtoa', 'smallvec', 'lazy_static', 'hyper', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'indexmap', 'tokio-uds', 'crossbeam-deque', 'memoffset', 'tokio-executor', 'futures', 'lazycell', 'iovec', 'slab', 'want', 'void', 'parking_lot', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'rand_hc', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'tokio', 'tokio-threadpool', 'mio-uds', 'tokio-timer', 'ryu', 'tokio-fs', 'tokio-codec', 'log', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'h2', 'bytes', 'scopeguard', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'byteorder', 'nodrop']
num-derive,161 (appears 166, has 2) - ['unicode-xid', 'num-traits']
blit,156 (appears 4, has 39) - ['num-iter', 'serde_json', 'quick-error', 'aseprite', 'adler32', 'arrayvec', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'num-rational', 'either', 'itoa', 'rayon', 'bitflags', 'lzw', 'num-integer', 'deflate', 'png', 'libc', 'crossbeam-deque', 'scoped_threadpool', 'color_quant', 'crossbeam-utils', 'rayon-core', 'num_cpus', 'gif', 'cfg-if', 'memoffset', 'jpeg-decoder', 'image', 'inflate', 'scopeguard', 'blit', 'serde', 'tiff', 'byteorder', 'nodrop', 'bincode']
gluon_base,153 (appears 6, has 26) - ['void', 'pretty', 'serde_state', 'failure', 'quick-error', 'smallvec', 'fnv', 'termcolor', 'num-traits', 'either', 'rustc-demangle', 'typed-arena', 'ordered-float', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'stable_deref_trait', 'log', 'collect-mac', 'cfg-if', 'gluon_base', 'codespan-reporting', 'serde', 'codespan', 'backtrace', 'itertools', 'anymap']
image,150 (appears 5, has 31) - ['num-iter', 'adler32', 'arrayvec', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'num-rational', 'either', 'rayon', 'lzw', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'deflate', 'png', 'libc', 'crossbeam-deque', 'scoped_threadpool', 'color_quant', 'rayon-core', 'crossbeam-utils', 'memoffset', 'gif', 'cfg-if', 'jpeg-decoder', 'num_cpus', 'inflate', 'image', 'scopeguard', 'tiff', 'byteorder', 'nodrop']
sha-1,126 (appears 176, has 8) - ['fake-simd', 'typenum', 'generic-array', 'sha-1', 'digest', 'block-buffer', 'arrayref', 'byte-tools']
handlebars,123 (appears 13, has 24) - ['memchr', 'serde_json', 'quick-error', 'rustc-serialize', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'indexmap', 'thread-id', 'libc', 'walkdir', 'same-file', 'log', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'thread_local']
digest,123 (appears 41, has 3) - ['typenum', 'generic-array', 'digest']
github_auth,120 (appears 1, has 114) - ['serde_urlencoded', 'tokio-tcp', 'rand_pcg', 'matches', 'owning_ref', 'mime_guess', 'arrayvec', 'reqwest', 'phf_shared', 'futures-cpupool', 'regex-syntax', 'tokio-io', 'rand_chacha', 'native-tls', 'unreachable', 'stable_deref_trait', 'ucd-util', 'tokio-reactor', 'aho-corasick', 'unicode-bidi', 'utf8-ranges', 'uuid', 'try-lock', 'string', 'httparse', 'failure', 'net2', 'tokio-current-thread', 'adler32', 'fnv', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'openssl-sys', 'clicolors-control', 'rand', 'MacTypes-sys', 'rustc-demangle', 'security-framework-sys', 'libc', 'http', 'rand_xorshift', 'crossbeam-utils', 'crossbeam-channel', 'libflate', 'tempfile', 'parking_lot_core', 'regex', 'atty', 'backtrace', 'dialoguer', 'thread_local', 'core-foundation', 'memchr', 'lock_api', 'idna', 'mio', 'dtoa', 'crc32fast', 'smallvec', 'remove_dir_all', 'lazy_static', 'hyper', 'unicase', 'unicode-width', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'indexmap', 'openssl', 'crossbeam-deque', 'termios', 'memoffset', 'tokio-executor', 'directories', 'lazycell', 'futures', 'slab', 'iovec', 'mime', 'hyper-tls', 'want', 'foreign-types', 'void', 'console', 'base64', 'parking_lot', 'phf', 'rand_hc', 'serde_json', 'percent-encoding', 'encoding_rs', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'tokio', 'tokio-threadpool', 'tokio-timer', 'ryu', 'bitflags', 'siphasher', 'core-foundation-sys', 'log', 'mkdirp', 'security-framework', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'h2', 'bytes', 'foreign-types-shared', 'scopeguard', 'github_auth', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'byteorder', 'nodrop']
pnet_macros,119 (appears 21, has 20) - ['unicode-xid', 'syntex_syntax', 'memchr', 'rustc-serialize', 'lazy_static', 'term', 'syntex', 'regex-syntax', 'bitflags', 'libc', 'log', 'syntex_pos', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'thread_local', 'syntex_errors', 'pnet_macros']
rusoto_core,115 (appears 1, has 115) - ['tokio-tcp', 'rand_pcg', 'typenum', 'rustls', 'matches', 'owning_ref', 'arrayvec', 'num-traits', 'futures-cpupool', 'regex-syntax', 'tokio-io', 'webpki-roots', 'rand_chacha', 'rusoto_core', 'unreachable', 'stable_deref_trait', 'crypto-mac', 'tokio-reactor', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'unicode-bidi', 'utf8-ranges', 'constant_time_eq', 'try-lock', 'string', 'httparse', 'failure', 'tokio-core', 'block-buffer', 'net2', 'tokio-current-thread', 'hex', 'fnv', 'md5', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'rand', 'ring', 'chrono', 'safemem', 'rustc-demangle', 'libc', 'ct-logs', 'scoped-tls', 'tokio-udp', 'http', 'rand_xorshift', 'crossbeam-utils', 'byte-tools', 'hyper-rustls', 'crossbeam-channel', 'rusoto_credential', 'parking_lot_core', 'regex', 'backtrace', 'xml-rs', 'thread_local', 'memchr', 'lock_api', 'idna', 'mio', 'smallvec', 'lazy_static', 'hyper', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'indexmap', 'sct', 'tokio-uds', 'hmac', 'untrusted', 'crossbeam-deque', 'arrayref', 'memoffset', 'tokio-executor', 'futures', 'lazycell', 'iovec', 'slab', 'generic-array', 'want', 'void', 'base64', 'parking_lot', 'rand_hc', 'serde_json', 'percent-encoding', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'tokio', 'tokio-threadpool', 'mio-uds', 'tokio-timer', 'ryu', 'fake-simd', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'tokio-fs', 'webpki', 'sha2', 'tokio-codec', 'log', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'dirs', 'h2', 'scopeguard', 'digest', 'bytes', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'byteorder', 'nodrop', 'tokio-rustls']
v_escape_derive,114 (appears 41, has 4) - ['nom', 'memchr', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
failure,110 (appears 34, has 21) - ['unicode-xid', 'syn', 'failure', 'arrayvec', 'quote', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'lazy_static', 'either', 'rustc-demangle', 'rayon', 'proc-macro2', 'libc', 'crossbeam-deque', 'crossbeam-utils', 'rayon-core', 'memoffset', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'scopeguard', 'nodrop', 'backtrace']
clap_flags,110 (appears 3, has 40) - ['void', 'memchr', 'nix', 'failure', 'quick-error', 'termcolor', 'clap', 'num-traits', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'textwrap', 'chrono', 'structopt', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'unicode-width', 'time', 'humantime', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'clap_flags', 'ansi_term', 'libc', 'clap-permission-flag', 'privdrop', 'log', 'env_logger', 'clap-log-flag', 'pretty_env_logger', 'clap-verbosity-flag', 'cfg-if', 'vec_map', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'backtrace', 'clap-port-flag', 'thread_local']
ignore,105 (appears 3, has 35) - ['void', 'memchr', 'ignore', 'rand_pcg', 'lock_api', 'parking_lot', 'rand_hc', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'owning_ref', 'fnv', 'smallvec', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'regex-syntax', 'rand_chacha', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'walkdir', 'stable_deref_trait', 'same-file', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'crossbeam-utils', 'crossbeam-channel', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'scopeguard', 'parking_lot_core', 'regex', 'rand_os', 'utf8-ranges', 'globset', 'thread_local']
tar,101 (appears 67, has 5) - ['tar', 'libc', 'filetime', 'cfg-if', 'xattr']
failure_derive,97 (appears 1459, has 5) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'synstructure']
parse-zoneinfo,97 (appears 17, has 10) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
clear_on_drop,97 (appears 35, has 15) - ['arrayvec', 'rayon', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'crossbeam-utils', 'lazy_static', 'scopeguard', 'libc', 'either', 'memoffset', 'crossbeam-deque', 'clear_on_drop', 'rayon-core', 'nodrop', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if']
phf_generator,90 (appears 20, has 12) - ['rand_chacha', 'siphasher', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'libc', 'phf_shared', 'rand_hc', 'unicase', 'rand_os', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac']
panini_macros_snapshot,89 (appears 2, has 41) - ['enum_stream_codegen', 'num-iter', 'panini_codegen', 'memchr', 'gearley', 'num', 'ref_slice', 'range-map', 'rustc-serialize', 'refinery', 'num-complex', 'quasi', 'cfg', 'memmem', 'num-traits', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'num-bigint', 'num-rational', 'regex-syntax', 'num-integer', 'typed-arena', 'thread-id', 'libc', 'cfg-regex', 'log', 'env_logger', 'bit-vec', 'panini', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'bit-matrix', 'optional', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex_dfa', 'aster', 'itertools', 'thread_local']
prost-build,86 (appears 7, has 26) - ['memchr', 'failure', 'quick-error', 'prost-types', 'rand_core', 'termcolor', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'humantime', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'prost', 'libc', 'log', 'env_logger', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'iovec', 'aho-corasick', 'bytes', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'byteorder', 'backtrace', 'thread_local']
protoc-rust,81 (appears 18, has 17) - ['rand_isaac', 'rand_chacha', 'remove_dir_all', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'iovec', 'bytes', 'libc', 'rand_hc', 'tempfile', 'protobuf', 'log', 'rand_os', 'rand_xorshift', 'byteorder', 'rand_core', 'cfg-if']
devise_codegen,81 (appears 44, has 6) - ['unicode-xid', 'bitflags', 'quote', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'devise_core']
regex_macros,80 (appears 9, has 13) - ['kernel32-sys', 'ucd-util', 'memchr', 'thread-id', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if', 'winapi']
libc,80 (appears 85, has 1) - ['libc']
serde,78 (appears 94, has 1) - ['serde']
stdweb-internal-macros,76 (appears 20, has 4) - ['ryu', 'serde', 'itoa', 'serde_json']
safe_bindgen,76 (appears 2, has 37) - ['void', 'memchr', 'serde_json', 'unwrap', 'rand_core', 'clap', 'toml', 'num-traits', 'rand', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'textwrap', 'term', 'ryu', 'either', 'unicode-width', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'bitflags', 'unreachable', 'term_size', 'libc', 'walkdir', 'ansi_term', 'same-file', 'log', 'cfg-if', 'vec_map', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'unicode-segmentation', 'byteorder', 'thread_local']
vergen,75 (appears 23, has 10) - ['bitflags', 'num-integer', 'num-traits', 'error-chain', 'libc', 'failure', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'time', 'cfg-if']
target_build_utils,74 (appears 53, has 5) - ['bitflags', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'rand_core', 'itoa']
protoc-rust-grpc,74 (appears 6, has 18) - ['rand_chacha', 'remove_dir_all', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'iovec', 'bytes', 'libc', 'rand_hc', 'packed_simd', 'protobuf', 'rand_os', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'byteorder', 'rand_isaac', 'rand_core', 'tempdir', 'cfg-if']
libimagrt,73 (appears 1, has 73) - ['interactor', 'memchr', 'rand_pcg', 'idna', 'handlebars', 'percent-encoding', 'failure', 'rand_hc', 'serde_json', 'quick-error', 'matches', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'libimagrt', 'remove_dir_all', 'clap', 'termcolor', 'toml', 'num-traits', 'rand', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'toml-query', 'libimagstore', 'textwrap', 'libimagerror', 'ryu', 'chrono', 'humantime', 'either', 'unicode-width', 'rustc-demangle', 'time', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'pest', 'ansi_term', 'term_size', 'walkdir', 'is-match', 'libc', 'same-file', 'ucd-trie', 'termios', 'rand_xorshift', 'env_logger', 'log', 'semver', 'xdg-basedir', 'glob', 'cfg-if', 'vec_map', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'boolinator', 'tempfile', 'unicode-bidi', 'regex', 'serde', 'libimagutil', 'rand_os', 'atty', 'utf8-ranges', 'libimaginteraction', 'backtrace', 'itertools', 'thread_local']
git2,72 (appears 13, has 24) - ['void', 'libssh2-sys', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'rustc-serialize', 'matches', 'url', 'smallvec', 'openssl-sys', 'git2', 'rand', 'unicode-normalization', 'bitflags', 'libz-sys', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'log', 'curl-sys', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'unicode-bidi', 'libgit2-sys', 'uuid']
docopt_macros,71 (appears 7, has 17) - ['docopt', 'kernel32-sys', 'ucd-util', 'memchr', 'thread-id', 'aho-corasick', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'rustc-serialize', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if', 'winapi']
exonum-build,71 (appears 5, has 15) - ['rand_chacha', 'remove_dir_all', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'tempfile', 'rand_hc', 'libc', 'protobuf', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'cfg-if']
rustorm_codegen,68 (appears 4, has 15) - ['num-integer', 'rand', 'num-traits', 'bigdecimal', 'num-bigint', 'libc', 'serde', 'geo', 'ryu', 'rustorm_dao', 'chrono', 'uuid', 'serde_json', 'time', 'itoa']
darling_macro,64 (appears 48, has 7) - ['quote', 'unicode-xid', 'syn', 'proc-macro2', 'darling_core', 'ident_case', 'fnv']
migrations_macros,61 (appears 6, has 25) - ['unicode-xid', 'mysqlclient-sys', 'idna', 'pq-sys', 'percent-encoding', 'matches', 'url', 'num-traits', 'r2d2', 'chrono', 'time', 'unicode-normalization', 'libsqlite3-sys', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'libc', 'log', 'scheduled-thread-pool', 'antidote', 'cfg-if', 'migrations_internals', 'diesel', 'unicode-bidi', 'serde', 'byteorder']
libimagentrytag,61 (appears 1, has 61) - ['memchr', 'rand_pcg', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'failure', 'rand_hc', 'matches', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'remove_dir_all', 'clap', 'toml', 'num-traits', 'rand', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'toml-query', 'libimagstore', 'textwrap', 'libimagerror', 'ryu', 'chrono', 'either', 'regex-syntax', 'unicode-width', 'rustc-demangle', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'semver-parser', 'bitflags', 'rand_chacha', 'num-integer', 'ansi_term', 'term_size', 'walkdir', 'libc', 'is-match', 'same-file', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'glob', 'cfg-if', 'vec_map', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'boolinator', 'unicode-bidi', 'tempfile', 'regex', 'serde', 'libimagutil', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'rand_os', 'backtrace', 'itertools', 'thread_local']
cbindgen,60 (appears 6, has 27) - ['rand_pcg', 'rand_hc', 'serde_json', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'remove_dir_all', 'clap', 'rand', 'strsim', 'textwrap', 'ryu', 'unicode-width', 'itoa', 'rand_chacha', 'bitflags', 'ansi_term', 'term_size', 'libc', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'cfg-if', 'vec_map', 'serde', 'rand_os', 'atty', 'unicode-segmentation', 'tempdir']
semver,58 (appears 148, has 14) - ['kernel32-sys', 'memchr', 'thread-id', 'aho-corasick', 'regex-syntax', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'semver', 'thread_local', 'winapi', 'semver-parser']
proc-macro-hack,58 (appears 59, has 4) - ['unicode-xid', 'syn', 'proc-macro2', 'quote']
diesel_codegen,56 (appears 3, has 27) - ['memchr', 'pq-sys', 'serde_json', 'num-traits', 'error-chain', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'chrono', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'time', 'itoa', 'libsqlite3-sys', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'libc', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'diesel', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'dotenv', 'byteorder', 'backtrace', 'thread_local']
wither_derive,56 (appears 1, has 53) - ['linked-hash-map', 'textnonce', 'memchr', 'base64', 'typenum', 'serde_json', 'block-buffer', 'try_from', 'rand_core', 'mongodb', 'hex', 'md5', 'rand', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'pbkdf2', 'scan_fmt', 'chrono', 'safemem', 'regex-syntax', 'time', 'fake-simd', 'itoa', 'semver-parser', 'indexmap', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'hmac', 'sha2', 'data-encoding', 'libc', 'md-5', 'hostname', 'arrayref', 'semver', 'byte-tools', 'crypto-mac', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'separator', 'aho-corasick', 'bson', 'generic-array', 'sha-1', 'digest', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'byteorder', 'constant_time_eq', 'bufstream', 'thread_local']
sha2,54 (appears 47, has 11) - ['opaque-debug', 'typenum', 'byte-tools', 'sha2', 'generic-array', 'digest', 'block-buffer', 'block-padding', 'byteorder', 'arrayref', 'fake-simd']
libimagstore,52 (appears 1, has 52) - ['memchr', 'rand_pcg', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'failure', 'rand_hc', 'matches', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'remove_dir_all', 'toml', 'num-traits', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'toml-query', 'libimagstore', 'libimagerror', 'ryu', 'chrono', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'ansi_term', 'walkdir', 'is-match', 'libc', 'same-file', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'glob', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'boolinator', 'tempfile', 'unicode-bidi', 'regex', 'serde', 'libimagutil', 'utf8-ranges', 'rand_os', 'backtrace', 'thread_local']
quickcheck_macros,51 (appears 19, has 22) - ['memchr', 'quick-error', 'rand_core', 'termcolor', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'humantime', 'regex-syntax', 'thread-id', 'libc', 'log', 'env_logger', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'thread_local', 'quickcheck']
schemafy_snapshot,48 (appears 4, has 19) - ['memchr', 'serde_json', 'quote', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'either', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'Inflector', 'thread-id', 'libc', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'itertools', 'thread_local']
subtle,48 (appears 46, has 2) - ['num-traits', 'subtle']
graphql_query_derive,48 (appears 3, has 26) - ['unicode-xid', 'void', 'syn', 'memchr', 'ascii', 'failure', 'serde_json', 'quote', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'either', 'rustc-demangle', 'itoa', 'proc-macro2', 'graphql_client_codegen', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'heck', 'graphql-parser', 'cfg-if', 'serde', 'combine', 'unicode-segmentation', 'byteorder', 'backtrace', 'itertools']
amethyst_derive,47 (appears 11, has 46) - ['shred', 'void', 'parking_lot', 'mopa', 'owning_ref', 'fnv', 'shrev', 'smallvec', 'arrayvec', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'error-chain', 'amethyst_core', 'rand', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'specs', 'either', 'rustc-demangle', 'rayon', 'bitflags', 'cgmath', 'unreachable', 'atom', 'libc', 'stable_deref_trait', 'tuple_utils', 'approx', 'crossbeam-deque', 'log', 'crossbeam-utils', 'rayon-core', 'memoffset', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'hibitset', 'fxhash', 'futures', 'scopeguard', 'specs-hierarchy', 'parking_lot_core', 'serde', 'mint', 'byteorder', 'nodrop', 'backtrace', 'crossbeam']
pear_codegen,46 (appears 44, has 4) - ['unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'quote']
cargo,45 (appears 1, has 42) - ['memchr', 'rand_pcg', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'rand_hc', 'serde_json', 'crossbeam', 'matches', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'filetime', 'remove_dir_all', 'toml', 'error-chain', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'bitflags', 'libc', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'unicode-bidi', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'rand_os', 'atty', 'tempdir', 'backtrace', 'thread_local']
zmq-sys,44 (appears 22, has 2) - ['zmq-sys', 'libc']
prost-derive,44 (appears 13, has 10) - ['quote', 'unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2', 'libc', 'failure', 'either', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'itertools', 'cfg-if']
validator_derive,44 (appears 3, has 23) - ['unicode-xid', 'memchr', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'matches', 'url', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'validator', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'indexmap', 'libc', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'unicode-bidi', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'thread_local']
panini_macros,44 (appears 1, has 40) - ['num-iter', 'panini_codegen', 'memchr', 'gearley', 'num', 'ref_slice', 'range-map', 'rustc-serialize', 'refinery', 'num-complex', 'quasi', 'cfg', 'rand', 'num-traits', 'memmem', 'lazy_static', 'num-bigint', 'num-rational', 'regex-syntax', 'num-integer', 'typed-arena', 'thread-id', 'libc', 'cfg-regex', 'log', 'env_logger', 'bit-vec', 'panini', 'cfg-if', 'winapi', 'kernel32-sys', 'optional', 'bit-matrix', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex_dfa', 'aster', 'itertools', 'thread_local']
tapioca-codegen,43 (appears 1, has 42) - ['serde_urlencoded', 'base64', 'idna', 'httparse', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'dtoa', 'matches', 'url', 'adler32', 'crc32fast', 'remove_dir_all', 'reqwest', 'rand', 'language-tags', 'lazy_static', 'hyper', 'ryu', 'unicase', 'typeable', 'safemem', 'time', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'traitobject', 'security-framework-sys', 'native-tls', 'core-foundation-sys', 'libc', 'log', 'security-framework', 'num_cpus', 'antidote', 'cfg-if', 'hyper-native-tls', 'libflate', 'unicode-bidi', 'mime', 'serde', 'tempdir', 'byteorder', 'core-foundation']
unhtml_derive,43 (appears 1, has 43) - ['void', 'phf', 'markup5ever', 'failure', 'dtoa', 'matches', 'smallvec', 'string_cache', 'dtoa-short', 'unhtml', 'precomputed-hash', 'lazy_static', 'html5ever', 'phf_shared', 'scraper', 'tendril', 'rustc-demangle', 'unicode-width', 'itoa', 'new_debug_unreachable', 'thin-slice', 'bitflags', 'siphasher', 'futf', 'unreachable', 'getopts', 'libc', 'utf-8', 'stable_deref_trait', 'mac', 'log', 'servo_arc', 'ego-tree', 'cfg-if', 'fxhash', 'selectors', 'procedural-masquerade', 'serde', 'cssparser', 'byteorder', 'string_cache_shared', 'nodrop', 'backtrace']
generic-array,42 (appears 21, has 2) - ['typenum', 'generic-array']
yansi,41 (appears 93, has 1) - ['yansi']
phf_shared,40 (appears 20, has 3) - ['siphasher', 'unicase', 'phf_shared']
structopt,40 (appears 4, has 10) - ['vec_map', 'bitflags', 'clap', 'strsim', 'ansi_term', 'libc', 'textwrap', 'atty', 'structopt', 'unicode-width']
askalono,39 (appears 1, has 38) - ['memchr', 'serde_json', 'failure', 'crc32fast', 'arrayvec', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'rmp-serde', 'ryu', 'either', 'regex-syntax', 'rustc-demangle', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'rayon', 'libc', 'log', 'crossbeam-deque', 'rmp', 'crossbeam-utils', 'rayon-core', 'num_cpus', 'memoffset', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'miniz-sys', 'aho-corasick', 'flate2', 'scopeguard', 'askalono', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'byteorder', 'nodrop', 'backtrace', 'thread_local']
includedir_codegen,38 (appears 5, has 12) - ['cfg-if', 'kernel32-sys', 'siphasher', 'bitflags', 'miniz-sys', 'flate2', 'phf_shared', 'libc', 'semver', 'crc32fast', 'winapi', 'semver-parser']
rust_sodium,38 (appears 2, has 18) - ['rand_chacha', 'rust_sodium-sys', 'miniz-sys', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'rand_hc', 'libc', 'serde', 'log', 'rand_os', 'rand_xorshift', 'unwrap', 'rand_isaac', 'rand_core', 'rust_sodium', 'time', 'cfg-if']
ffi_utils,38 (appears 2, has 19) - ['memchr', 'base64', 'unwrap', 'ffi_utils', 'lazy_static', 'safemem', 'regex-syntax', 'walkdir', 'libc', 'same-file', 'log', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'byteorder', 'thread_local']
byteorder,37 (appears 37, has 1) - ['byteorder']
glob,36 (appears 532, has 1) - ['glob']
libobliv-sys,36 (appears 1, has 33) - ['clang-sys', 'memchr', 'libobliv-sys', 'libloading', 'quote', 'clap', 'peeking_take_while', 'lazy_static', 'strsim', 'textwrap', 'regex-syntax', 'unicode-width', 'libgpg-error-sys', 'bitflags', 'which', 'bindgen', 'ansi_term', 'libc', 'log', 'env_logger', 'glob', 'cfg-if', 'vec_map', 'ucd-util', 'cc', 'aho-corasick', 'libgcrypt-sys', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'atty', 'nom', 'thread_local', 'cexpr']
rust_qt_binding_generator,36 (appears 2, has 26) - ['memchr', 'serde_json', 'arrayvec', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'either', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'rayon', 'libc', 'log', 'crossbeam-deque', 'crossbeam-utils', 'rayon-core', 'num_cpus', 'memoffset', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'scopeguard', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'nodrop', 'thread_local']
libimagutil,36 (appears 1, has 36) - ['memchr', 'rand_pcg', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'rand_hc', 'matches', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'url', 'remove_dir_all', 'num-traits', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'chrono', 'regex-syntax', 'time', 'unicode-normalization', 'semver-parser', 'rand_chacha', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'libc', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'semver', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'boolinator', 'unicode-bidi', 'tempfile', 'regex', 'libimagutil', 'rand_os', 'utf8-ranges', 'thread_local']
gazetta,35 (appears 1, has 34) - ['linked-hash-map', 'idna', 'gazetta-render-ext', 'deunicode', 'gazetta-cli', 'percent-encoding', 'gazetta', 'matches', 'url', 'pulldown-cmark', 'slug', 'clap', 'num-traits', 'strsim', 'lazy_static', 'textwrap', 'yaml-rust', 'chrono', 'unicode-width', 'time', 'gazetta-core', 'unicode-normalization', 'bitflags', 'num-integer', 'ansi_term', 'getopts', 'libc', 'horrorshow', 'glob', 'vec_map', 'str_stack', 'unicode-bidi', 'gazetta-model-ext', 'atty']
cfg-if,33 (appears 50, has 1) - ['cfg-if']
oysterpack_built,32 (appears 3, has 14) - ['num-integer', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'log', 'chrono', 'rand_core', 'semver', 'time', 'itoa', 'cfg-if', 'semver-parser']
enum-primitive-derive,32 (appears 24, has 1) - ['num-traits']
amq-protocol,32 (appears 1, has 29) - ['memchr', 'idna', 'handlebars', 'percent-encoding', 'serde_json', 'quick-error', 'matches', 'url', 'lazy_static', 'ryu', 'amq-protocol-types', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'unicode-normalization', 'amq-protocol-codegen', 'pest', 'cookie-factory', 'libc', 'log', 'amq-protocol', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'unicode-bidi', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'nom', 'thread_local']
structopt-derive,31 (appears 309, has 6) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'syn', 'proc-macro2', 'unicode-segmentation', 'heck']
phf_macros,29 (appears 14, has 3) - ['siphasher', 'libc', 'phf_shared']
elastic_types_derive,29 (appears 3, has 10) - ['num-integer', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'quick-error', 'chrono', 'time', 'itoa']
log,28 (appears 14, has 2) - ['log', 'cfg-if']
which,28 (appears 9, has 5) - ['libc', 'failure', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
quick-xml,28 (appears 5, has 9) - ['memchr', 'quick-xml', 'libc', 'failure', 'encoding_rs', 'log', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
built,28 (appears 5, has 15) - ['bitflags', 'toml', 'semver', 'idna', 'unicode-bidi', 'libc', 'percent-encoding', 'serde', 'log', 'matches', 'url', 'time', 'cfg-if', 'unicode-normalization', 'semver-parser']
kg-display-derive,28 (appears 5, has 13) - ['quote', 'kg-utils', 'unicode-xid', 'memchr', 'syn', 'proc-macro2', 'libc', 'serde', 'synstructure', 'nom', 'heapsize', 'cfg-if', 'kg-display']
ws,27 (appears 1, has 27) - ['idna', 'httparse', 'percent-encoding', 'mio', 'net2', 'matches', 'url', 'openssl-sys', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'unicode-normalization', 'bitflags', 'openssl', 'mio-extras', 'libc', 'log', 'sha1', 'cfg-if', 'ws', 'lazycell', 'iovec', 'slab', 'foreign-types-shared', 'bytes', 'unicode-bidi', 'byteorder', 'foreign-types']
prost-amino-derive,27 (appears 3, has 13) - ['fake-simd', 'typenum', 'generic-array', 'sha2', 'digest', 'libc', 'failure', 'block-buffer', 'backtrace', 'arrayref', 'rustc-demangle', 'byte-tools', 'cfg-if']
config,27 (appears 1, has 23) - ['linked-hash-map', 'memchr', 'serde_json', 'config', 'toml', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'yaml-rust', 'ryu', 'regex-syntax', 'itoa', 'libc', 'cfg-if', 'serde-hjson', 'ucd-util', 'rust-ini', 'aho-corasick', 'serde_test', 'regex', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'nom', 'thread_local']
clippy,27 (appears 10, has 22) - ['memchr', 'idna', 'percent-encoding', 'rustc-serialize', 'matches', 'url', 'lazy_static', 'either', 'unicode-width', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'unicode-normalization', 'libc', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'unicode-bidi', 'serde', 'utf8-ranges', 'backtrace', 'thread_local', 'nom']
capnpc,26 (appears 10, has 3) - ['futures', 'byteorder', 'capnp']
num_cpus,26 (appears 23, has 2) - ['num_cpus', 'libc']
protoc-grpcio,26 (appears 3, has 18) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'remove_dir_all', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'rand_chacha', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'tempfile', 'libc', 'rand_hc', 'protobuf', 'log', 'rand_os', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'cfg-if']
cpp,26 (appears 2, has 12) - ['unicode-xid', 'bitflags', 'syntex_syntax', 'libc', 'term', 'log', 'rustc-serialize', 'cpp', 'syntex_pos', 'cfg-if', 'syntex_errors', 'gcc']
distance-field,26 (appears 1, has 25) - ['num-iter', 'adler32', 'arrayvec', 'crossbeam-epoch', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'num-rational', 'either', 'rayon', 'bitflags', 'lzw', 'num-integer', 'deflate', 'libc', 'crossbeam-deque', 'crossbeam-utils', 'rayon-core', 'color_quant', 'memoffset', 'num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'jpeg-decoder', 'scopeguard', 'byteorder', 'nodrop']
wasm-bindgen-macro,24 (appears 32, has 3) - ['log', 'lazy_static', 'cfg-if']
data-encoding-macro-internal,24 (appears 12, has 2) - ['data-encoding', 'proc-macro-hack']
dotenv_codegen_impl,24 (appears 2, has 12) - ['kernel32-sys', 'memchr', 'thread-id', 'aho-corasick', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'dotenv', 'proc-macro-hack', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'winapi']
tower-web-macros,24 (appears 3, has 8) - ['iovec', 'bytes', 'libc', 'proc-macro-hack', 'http', 'byteorder', 'itoa', 'fnv']
syntex_syntax,24 (appears 3, has 10) - ['unicode-xid', 'bitflags', 'syntex_syntax', 'libc', 'term', 'log', 'rustc-serialize', 'syntex_pos', 'cfg-if', 'syntex_errors']
slurm-sys,22 (appears 2, has 11) - ['vec_map', 'bitflags', 'clap', 'strsim', 'ansi_term', 'libc', 'textwrap', 'atty', 'unicode-width', 'slurm-sys', 'cfg-if']
askama_derive,22 (appears 3, has 10) - ['memchr', 'toml', 'askama_shared', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'itoa', 'cfg-if']
env_logger,22 (appears 18, has 6) - ['ucd-util', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'log', 'regex-syntax', 'cfg-if']
tempdir,22 (appears 10, has 6) - ['bitflags', 'remove_dir_all', 'rand', 'libc', 'tempdir', 'rand_core']
juniper_codegen,22 (appears 9, has 5) - ['unicode-xid', 'memchr', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'cfg-if']
derive_type_level,22 (appears 2, has 20) - ['unicode-xid', 'syn', 'memchr', 'core_extensions', 'typenum', 'arrayvec', 'quote', 'lazy_static', 'regex-syntax', 'proc-macro2', 'derive_type_level_lib', 'typed-arena', 'libc', 'cfg-if', 'ucd-util', 'aho-corasick', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'nodrop', 'thread_local']
kg-diag-derive,22 (appears 2, has 11) - ['kg-utils', 'memchr', 'libc', 'kg-diag', 'serde', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'heapsize', 'cfg-if', 'nom', 'kg-display']
bincode,21 (appears 6, has 5) - ['num-traits', 'serde', 'rustc-serialize', 'byteorder', 'bincode']
psl-codegen,21 (appears 3, has 18) - ['rand_chacha', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'error-chain', 'idna', 'lazy_static', 'unicode-bidi', 'rand_hc', 'libc', 'rand_os', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'matches', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if', 'unicode-normalization']
toml,20 (appears 15, has 2) - ['serde', 'toml']
wasm-bindgen-webidl,20 (appears 16, has 7) - ['lazy_static', 'libc', 'failure', 'log', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
azure-functions-codegen,20 (appears 1, has 20) - ['rand_pcg', 'rand_hc', 'grpcio', 'rand_core', 'rand_isaac', 'remove_dir_all', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'azure-functions-shared', 'rand_chacha', 'libc', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'cfg-if', 'futures', 'tempfile', 'serde', 'protobuf', 'rand_os', 'grpcio-sys']
jni,20 (appears 2, has 10) - ['void', 'memchr', 'unreachable', 'libc', 'walkdir', 'same-file', 'log', 'byteorder', 'either', 'cfg-if']
stdweb-derive,19 (appears 20, has 1) - ['serde']
unwrap,19 (appears 21, has 1) - ['unwrap']
weft_derive,19 (appears 1, has 19) - ['void', 'phf', 'markup5ever', 'string_cache', 'precomputed-hash', 'lazy_static', 'html5ever', 'phf_shared', 'tendril', 'new_debug_unreachable', 'siphasher', 'futf', 'unreachable', 'utf-8', 'mac', 'log', 'cfg-if', 'serde', 'string_cache_shared']
askama,18 (appears 2, has 11) - ['memchr', 'toml', 'askama_shared', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'itoa', 'askama', 'cfg-if']
vulkano-shader-derive,18 (appears 8, has 4) - ['remove_dir_all', 'rand_core', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
rusty-cheddar,18 (appears 3, has 11) - ['vec_map', 'kernel32-sys', 'bitflags', 'clap', 'strsim', 'ansi_term', 'libc', 'log', 'rustc-serialize', 'cfg-if', 'winapi']
xdrgen,18 (appears 1, has 17) - ['xdr-codec', 'ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'error-chain', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'log', 'utf8-ranges', 'env_logger', 'byteorder', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'backtrace', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
hyphenation_commons,18 (appears 3, has 9) - ['hyphenation_commons', 'atlatl', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'serde', 'log', 'rustc-serialize', 'cfg-if', 'fnv']
num-bigint,17 (appears 5, has 4) - ['num-traits', 'rand', 'num-integer', 'libc']
chrono,17 (appears 9, has 5) - ['num-integer', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'chrono', 'time']
varlink_generator,17 (appears 2, has 10) - ['iovec', 'ansi_term', 'bytes', 'libc', 'varlink_parser', 'byteorder', 'either', 'unicode-width', 'itertools', 'chainerror']
webidl,17 (appears 1, has 17) - ['rand_chacha', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'strsim', 'rand_hc', 'libc', 'either', 'serde', 'log', 'atty', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_os', 'rand_isaac', 'rand_core', 'byteorder', 'itertools', 'cfg-if']
binjs_meta,17 (appears 1, has 17) - ['rand_isaac', 'rand_chacha', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'strsim', 'rand_hc', 'libc', 'serde', 'either', 'rand_os', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'byteorder', 'rand_core', 'atty', 'itertools', 'cfg-if']
binjs_generate_library,17 (appears 1, has 17) - ['rand_isaac', 'rand_chacha', 'rand_pcg', 'rand', 'strsim', 'rand_hc', 'libc', 'serde', 'either', 'rand_os', 'log', 'rand_xorshift', 'rand_core', 'byteorder', 'atty', 'itertools', 'cfg-if']
rust-enum-derive,17 (appears 1, has 16) - ['kernel32-sys', 'memchr', 'thread-id', 'aho-corasick', 'regex-syntax', 'getopts', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'log', 'env_logger', 'rustc-serialize', 'unicode-width', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if', 'winapi']
diesel,17 (appears 2, has 13) - ['bitflags', 'num-integer', 'num-traits', 'pq-sys', 'diesel', 'libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'chrono', 'byteorder', 'time', 'itoa']
lazy_static,16 (appears 30, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
time,16 (appears 13, has 2) - ['time', 'libc']
structdoc-derive,16 (appears 8, has 2) - ['itertools', 'either']
itertools,16 (appears 10, has 2) - ['itertools', 'either']
rosrust_codegen,16 (appears 1, has 15) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'error-chain', 'rand', 'lazy_static', 'backtrace', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'time', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
derive_builder,15 (appears 68, has 1) - ['fnv']
rocket_contrib_codegen,15 (appears 5, has 3) - ['unicode-xid', 'bitflags', 'yansi']
error-chain,15 (appears 3, has 5) - ['error-chain', 'libc', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
mml,14 (appears 5, has 5) - ['libc', 'serde', 'log', 'either', 'cfg-if']
walkdir,14 (appears 28, has 4) - ['winapi', 'same-file', 'kernel32-sys', 'walkdir']
dotenv,14 (appears 2, has 14) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'error-chain', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'dotenv', 'rustc-demangle', 'regex-syntax', 'backtrace', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
cranelift-codegen-meta,13 (appears 14, has 1) - ['cranelift-entity']
syn,12 (appears 127, has 4) - ['unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'quote']
stderrlog,12 (appears 1, has 11) - ['num-integer', 'termcolor', 'num-traits', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'log', 'chrono', 'stderrlog', 'time', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
mashup-impl,12 (appears 12, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
prefixopt_derive,12 (appears 1, has 12) - ['vec_map', 'bitflags', 'map_in_place', 'clap', 'strsim', 'ansi_term', 'scopeguard', 'libc', 'textwrap', 'prefixopt', 'atty', 'unicode-width']
rustc-serialize,11 (appears 53, has 1) - ['rustc-serialize']
dotenv_macros,11 (appears 1, has 11) - ['kernel32-sys', 'memchr', 'thread-id', 'aho-corasick', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'dotenv', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'winapi']
rust-crypto,11 (appears 5, has 6) - ['rand', 'libc', 'serde', 'rustc-serialize', 'rand_core', 'time']
deuterium_plugin,11 (appears 1, has 11) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'time', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
crowbook-intl,11 (appears 1, has 10) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
qt_build_tools,10 (appears 10, has 1) - ['libc']
wayland-scanner,10 (appears 16, has 2) - ['bitflags', 'xml-rs']
schemafy,10 (appears 2, has 6) - ['libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'either', 'itoa']
webframework-derive,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
nt-packet-derive,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['nt-packet', 'iovec', 'bytes', 'libc', 'failure', 'byteorder', 'rustc-demangle', 'nt-leb128', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
doubter-macros,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['unicode-xid', 'bitflags', 'quote', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'bytecount', 'proc-macro-hack', 'pulldown-cmark', 'glob', 'doubter-impl']
elastic_derive,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['num-integer', 'num-traits', 'libc', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'quick-error', 'chrono', 'time', 'itoa']
locustdb-derive,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
relexer-derive,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
blob,10 (appears 8, has 3) - ['serde', 'base64', 'byteorder']
waterbear-instruction-derive,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
reformation_derive,10 (appears 1, has 10) - ['ucd-util', 'memchr', 'aho-corasick', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'regex', 'utf8-ranges', 'regex-syntax', 'thread_local', 'cfg-if']
gcc,9 (appears 926, has 3) - ['num_cpus', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
diesel_derives,9 (appears 45, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
include_dir,9 (appears 2, has 7) - ['include_dir', 'error-chain', 'libc', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'glob', 'cfg-if']
cargo_metadata,9 (appears 2, has 5) - ['error-chain', 'libc', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
futures-select-macro-preview,8 (appears 31, has 4) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'syn', 'proc-macro2']
derive-error-chain,8 (appears 24, has 4) - ['quote', 'synom', 'syn', 'unicode-xid']
openssl,8 (appears 1, has 8) - ['cfg-if', 'bitflags', 'openssl', 'openssl-sys', 'foreign-types-shared', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'foreign-types']
relm-attributes,8 (appears 4, has 4) - ['log', 'lazy_static', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
mg-settings-macros,8 (appears 3, has 4) - ['log', 'lazy_static', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
configure_derive,8 (appears 4, has 2) - ['unicode-segmentation', 'heck']
qapi-codegen,8 (appears 2, has 4) - ['ryu', 'serde', 'itoa', 'serde_json']
atlatl,8 (appears 2, has 4) - ['num-traits', 'atlatl', 'serde', 'fnv']
treeflection_derive,8 (appears 2, has 4) - ['ryu', 'serde', 'itoa', 'serde_json']
cli-setup,8 (appears 2, has 5) - ['bitflags', 'dirs', 'lazy_static', 'libc', 'colored']
libimagerror,8 (appears 1, has 8) - ['ansi_term', 'libc', 'failure', 'libimagerror', 'log', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
quote,7 (appears 105, has 3) - ['unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2', 'quote']
phf,7 (appears 2, has 4) - ['siphasher', 'unicase', 'phf', 'phf_shared']
libgcrypt-sys,7 (appears 2, has 4) - ['libgpg-error-sys', 'libgcrypt-sys', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
hyper,7 (appears 4, has 6) - ['lazy_static', 'libc', 'log', 'rustc-serialize', 'time', 'cfg-if']
csv,7 (appears 9, has 7) - ['memchr', 'csv-core', 'csv', 'libc', 'serde', 'byteorder', 'cfg-if']
cpp_macros,7 (appears 8, has 3) - ['lazy_static', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
cpp_build,7 (appears 7, has 3) - ['lazy_static', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
mktemp,7 (appears 1, has 6) - ['bitflags', 'rand', 'mktemp', 'libc', 'rustc-serialize', 'uuid']
autoimpl-derive,7 (appears 3, has 5) - ['unicode-xid', 'synom', 'quote', 'syn', 'proc-macro-hack']
taikai,7 (appears 2, has 4) - ['serde', 'encoding_rs', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
quasi_macros,6 (appears 43, has 1) - ['aster']
curl,6 (appears 7, has 2) - ['cfg-if', 'libc']
simple_logger,6 (appears 1, has 5) - ['simple_logger', 'libc', 'log', 'time', 'cfg-if']
shrinkwraprs,6 (appears 3, has 2) - ['itertools', 'either']
serde_yaml,6 (appears 2, has 5) - ['linked-hash-map', 'serde_yaml', 'yaml-rust', 'serde', 'dtoa']
telebot-derive,6 (appears 3, has 2) - ['log', 'cfg-if']
wabt,6 (appears 1, has 6) - ['wabt-sys', 'serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'wabt', 'itoa']
telegram_codegen,6 (appears 1, has 6) - ['error-chain', 'libc', 'serde', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
rustfmt,6 (appears 1, has 5) - ['rand', 'libc', 'log', 'unicode-width', 'cfg-if']
proc-macro2,5 (appears 66, has 2) - ['unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2']
strum_macros,5 (appears 30, has 4) - ['unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'quote']
scroll_derive,5 (appears 36, has 4) - ['quote', 'syn', 'unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2']
wee-peg,5 (appears 2, has 3) - ['quote', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
parity-hash,5 (appears 1, has 5) - ['uint', 'crunchy', 'byteorder', 'parity-hash', 'rustc-hex']
protobuf-codegen-pure,5 (appears 5, has 1) - ['protobuf']
relm-derive,5 (appears 5, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
foreman,5 (appears 1, has 5) - ['error-chain', 'libc', 'rustc-demangle', 'backtrace', 'cfg-if']
vulkano-shaders,5 (appears 5, has 2) - ['cfg-if', 'libc']
bzip2,5 (appears 5, has 3) - ['bzip2-sys', 'bzip2', 'libc']
uuid,5 (appears 1, has 4) - ['rand', 'uuid', 'serde', 'libc']
aseprite,5 (appears 1, has 5) - ['serde_json', 'ryu', 'serde', 'aseprite', 'itoa']
actix_derive,4 (appears 56, has 4) - ['bitflags', 'rand', 'libc', 'rand_core']
azure-functions-shared-codegen,4 (appears 3, has 4) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'syn', 'proc-macro2']
fs-utils,4 (appears 4, has 1) - ['quick-error']
packed_struct_codegen,4 (appears 2, has 2) - ['serde', 'packed_struct']
proc-macro-rules-macros,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['quote', 'syn', 'unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2']
indoc-impl,4 (appears 6, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
ron,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['serde', 'bitflags', 'base64', 'byteorder']
core_extensions,4 (appears 2, has 2) - ['typenum', 'core_extensions']
protogen,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['nom', 'memchr', 'cfg-if', 'libc']
tmq-zmq-sys,4 (appears 2, has 2) - ['libc', 'tmq-zmq-sys']
protoc,4 (appears 2, has 2) - ['log', 'cfg-if']
variant_count,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['unicode-xid', 'quote', 'syn', 'proc-macro2']
frunk_derives,4 (appears 5, has 1) - ['frunk_core']
nasm-rs,4 (appears 2, has 3) - ['arrayvec', 'nodrop', 'libc']
futures-macro-async-preview,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['quote', 'syn', 'unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2']
v11_macros,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['num-traits', 'procedural-masquerade', 'lazy_static', 'serde']
persistentcache_procmacro,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['serde', 'bincode', 'lazy_static', 'byteorder']
native-file-tests,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['serde', 'log', 'cfg-if', 'byteorder']
demo-hack-impl,4 (appears 2, has 4) - ['quote', 'proc-macro2', 'syn', 'unicode-xid']
zmq-pw-sys,4 (appears 2, has 2) - ['zmq-pw-sys', 'libc']
diesel_migrations,4 (appears 1, has 4) - ['bitflags', 'pq-sys', 'diesel', 'byteorder']
base64,3 (appears 1, has 3) - ['base64', 'byteorder', 'safemem']
ref-cast-impl,3 (appears 3, has 3) - ['unicode-xid', 'proc-macro2', 'quote']
bstring_macros_hack,3 (appears 1, has 3) - ['bstring', 'proc-macro-hack', 'ref_slice']
clang-sys,3 (appears 3, has 1) - ['libc']
typed-html-macros,3 (appears 1, has 3) - ['serde', 'libc', 'byteorder']
net-literals-impl,3 (appears 3, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
rusqlite,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['libc']
derive-new,2 (appears 24, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
dynasm,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['byteorder', 'stable_deref_trait']
libgpg-error-sys,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['libgpg-error-sys']
mkdirp,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['mkdirp']
nom,2 (appears 3, has 2) - ['cfg-if', 'libc']
pyo3cls,2 (appears 5, has 2) - ['log', 'cfg-if']
parse_qapi,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['json', 'itoa']
xdg,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['xdg']
cstr-macros,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['procedural-masquerade']
peg,2 (appears 29, has 2) - ['peg', 'quote']
drone-core-macros,2 (appears 11, has 2) - ['cfg-if', 'libc']
tarpc-plugins,2 (appears 3, has 1) - ['either']
git-build-version,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['bitflags', 'libc']
pnacl-build-helper,2 (appears 3, has 1) - ['libc']
lttng-ust-generate,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['log', 'cfg-if']
os_type,2 (appears 3, has 1) - ['libc']
rust-embed,2 (appears 2, has 2) - ['log', 'cfg-if']
tango,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['cfg-if', 'libc']
slug,2 (appears 2, has 2) - ['deunicode', 'slug']
skylane_scanner,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['bitflags']
moz-cheddar,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['cfg-if', 'libc']
cdrs_helpers_derive,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['rand', 'libc']
protobuf,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['protobuf']
display-as-proc-macro,2 (appears 3, has 1) - ['glob']
ordermap,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['ordermap']
indexing,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['indexing']
nl80211-buildtools,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['bitflags', 'libc']
gtmpl_derive,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['gtmpl_value']
crc16,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['crc16']
simi-macros,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['cfg-if']
unhygienic-impl,2 (appears 2, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
pkg,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['pkg', 'lazy_static']
rundo_attrs,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['difference', 'rundo_types']
typesafe-derive-builder,2 (appears 1, has 2) - ['rand', 'libc']
pkg-config,1 (appears 2078, has 1) - ['pkg-config']
derivative,1 (appears 115, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
include_dir_impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
liutongshuo_decoding_macros_impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
fuzzy-pickles-derive,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
rprompt,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['rprompt']
test-case-derive,1 (appears 2, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
derive_more,1 (appears 37, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
matches,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['matches']
snapshot-proc-macro,1 (appears 2, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
constexpr-macros,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
maud_macros,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['maud']
palette_derive,1 (appears 9, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
rtps-idl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['serde']
gui-derive,1 (appears 2, has 1) - ['gui']
tokio-core,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
hyper-tls,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
scraper,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
parker_codegen,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
binary_macros_impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
json_macros,1 (appears 2, has 1) - ['rustc-serialize']
rustc_tools_util,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['rustc_tools_util']
protobuf-codegen,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['protobuf']
grpcio-compiler,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['protobuf']
mycroft-macros-impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
encoding_rs,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['cfg-if']
warp_dsl_impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
wasm-bindgen,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['wasm-bindgen']
relm-derive-state,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
eosio_macros,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['eosio_sys']
singletonum-derive,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['libc']
ast_node,1 (appears 5, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
unicode-normalization,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['unicode-normalization']
wasm-wrapper-gen-impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
duct,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['libc']
rust-lzma,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['rust-lzma']
vulkan_rs_generator,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['lazy_static']
shaderc,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['libc']
wstr_impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
string_enum,1 (appears 3, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
enum_kind,1 (appears 3, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
swc_ecma_parser_macros,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['unicode-xid']
webgl_generator,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['serde']
hex-literal-impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
include-repo-impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
parser-c-macro,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['libc']
dlopen_derive,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['libc']
structure-macro-impl,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['proc-macro-hack']
extprim_literals_macros,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['procedural-masquerade']
dirs,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['libc']
derivate,1 (appears 1, has 1) - ['either']
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