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Forked from tbranyen/use.js
Created February 2, 2012 19:45
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Save ehynds/1725353 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A RequireJS compatible plugin to provide shimming capabilities declaratively.
/* RequireJS Use Plugin v0.1.0
* Copyright 2012, Tim Branyen (@tbranyen)
* use.js may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
define(function() {
var buildMap = {};
return {
version: "0.1.0",
// Invoked by the AMD builder, passed the path to resolve, the require
// function, done callback, and the configuration options.
// Configuration format
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The string property used in attach will resolve to window[stringProp]
// Functions are evaluated in the scope of the window and passed all
// arguments.
// require.config({
// use: {
// "libs/underscore": {
// attach: "_"
// },
// "libs/backbone": {
// deps: ["use!underscore", "jquery"],
// attach: function(_, $) {
// return this.Backbone.noConflict();
// }
// }
// }
// });
load: function(name, req, load, config) {
var module = config.use && config.use[name];
// No module to load so return early.
if (!module) {
return load();
if(config.isBuild) {
var fs = require.nodeRequire("fs");
var url = req.toUrl(name);
if(/\.js$/.test(url) === false) {
url += ".js";
buildMap[name] = {
content: fs.readFileSync(url, "utf8"),
attach: module.attach
return load();
// Read the current module configuration for any dependencies that are
// required to run this particular non-AMD module.
req(module.deps || [], function() {
// Require this module
req([name], function() {
// Attach property
var attach = config.use[name].attach;
// Return the correct attached object
if (typeof attach == "function") {
return load(attach.apply(window, arguments));
// Use window for now (maybe this?)
return load(window[attach]);
write: function(pluginName, moduleName, write, config) {
if(moduleName in buildMap) {
var module = buildMap[moduleName];
var content = module.content;
var attach = module.attach;
var def = "define(function() { " + content + ";";
if(module.attach) {
if(typeof attach == "function") {
// convert the attach fn to a string
var fn = attach.toString();
// append the file and the logic (body of the attach fn) to attach it.
def += fn.substring(fn.indexOf("{") + 1, fn.lastIndexOf("}")).trim();
} else {
def += "return " + attach + ";";
// close off the define
def += "});\n";
// write module
write.asModule(pluginName + "!" + moduleName, def);
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