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Created August 25, 2010 14:15
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// jquery related selects plugin by eric hynds,
// re-write of
$.fn.relatedSelects = function( options ){
function RelatedSelect( form, options ){
var selects = this.selects = [], form = $(form);
// build an array of select instances
$.each(options, function( name ){
selects.push( new Select( name, this, form ) );
// store obj in form's data cache
$.data(form, "relatedSelects", this);
return this;
function Select( name, options, form ){
var elem = document.getElementById( name );
this.form = form;
this.element = $(elem);
this.options = $.extend({}, $.fn.relatedSelects.options, options);
this.dependencies = [];
this.satisfied = [];
// let's do this thing
return this;
Select.prototype = {
_init: function(){
var self = this,
opts = self.options,
depends = opts.depends,
satisfied = self.satisfied,
dependencies = self.dependencies;
// build an array of dependencies
if( typeof depends === "string" && depends.length ){
dependencies.push( document.getElementById(depends) );
} else if( $.isArray(depends) ){
dependencies = $.map(depends, function(elem){
return document.getElementById( elem );
// disable selects that have dependencies
if( dependencies.length ){
// build a loading message
self.loading = $('<option selected="selected">'+opts.loadingMessage+'</option>');
// listen to the change event on each dependency
// self obj in here is the elem being updated!
// "this" is the calling select box
$(dependencies).bind("change.relatedselects", function(){
// get the relatedselect obj associated with the calling elem
var obj = $.data(this, "relatedSelect") || {},
o = $.extend({}, opts, obj.options || {}),
defaultValue = o.defaultValue,
index = $.inArray(, satisfied);
// abort the current ajax request if exists
if( self.xhr ){
// selected an option considered to be invalid?
if( this.value == defaultValue ){
satisfied.splice(index, 1);
// reset element
.find("option[value="+defaultValue +"]")
// legit values, mark as satisfied
} else {
if( index === -1 ){
satisfied.push( );
// fire onchange callback self.element, this, dependencies.length-satisfied.length ); self.element, satisfied, dependencies );
// if this select box is satisfied, run it.
if( satisfied.length === dependencies.length ){
self._fetch( this );
// "this" is the select being updated, not the caller
_fetch: function( caller ){
var self = this,
opts = self.options,
elem = this.element,
source = opts.source;
// insert loading option
this.loading.prependTo( elem );
// resolve function sources
if( $.isFunction(source) ){
source = self.form[0] );
// ajax data source
if( typeof source === "string"){
this.xhr = $.ajax({
url: opts.source,
dataType: opts.dataType,
data: self.form.serialize(),
beforeSend: function(){ elem );
success: function( data ){
self._populate( data );
complete: function(){
self.loading.detach(); elem );
error: function(){ elem );
// array datasource
} else if( $.isArray( source ) ){
self._populate( source );
// data fed from _fetch
_populate: function( data ){
var html = [], select = this.element;
// if the value returned from the ajax request is valid json and isn't empty
if($.isPlainObject(data) && !$.isEmptyObject(data)){
// build the options
$.each(data, function(i,item){
html.push('<option value="'+i+'">' + item + '</option>');
// html datatype
} else if( typeof data === "string" && $.trim(data).length ){
// arrays
} else if( $.isArray(data) && data.length ){
$.each(data, function(i,obj){
html.push('<option value="'+obj.value+'">' + obj.text + '</option>');
// if the response is invalid/empty, reset the default option
// and fire the onEmptyResult callback
} else {
if( !opts.disableIfEmpty ){
} select, caller );
.find("option:gt(1)") // TODO: change this
.append( html.join('') )
// remove the loading message
return this.each(function(){
$.data(this, "relatedSelect", this, new RelatedSelect( this, options ));
// default options
$.fn.relatedSelects.options = {
loadingMessage: "Loading...",
source: null,
dataType: "json",
depends: null,
disableIfEmpty: false,
defaultValue: "",
onDependencyChanged: $.noop,
onEmptyResult: $.noop,
onChange: $.noop,
onError: $.noop
// end plugin closure
var placeholder = $("#placeholder");
// init plugin on the form
"state": {
depends: "country",
loadingMessage: "Loading states....",
source: function(){
// "this" is the form
return [
{ value:"MA", text:"Massachusetts"},
{ value:"VT", text:"Vermont" }
"county": {
depends: "state",
loadingMessage: "Loading counties...",
source: [
{ value: "BARN", text:"Barnstable" },
{ value: "PLYM", text:"Plymouth" }
"town": {
// you don't really need to enumerate each one here
// since they all depend on each other, but it's useful
// to display which dependencies have been met
// and which ones are left
depends: ["country", "state", "county", "color"],
source: "/ajax_json_echo/",
loadingMessage: "Loading towns....",
onDependencyChanged: function( satisfied, dependencies ){
var html = [], left = $.map(dependencies, function(elem){
return $.inArray(, satisfied) === -1 ? : null;
if( satisfied.length ){
html.push('<b>'+satisfied.join('</b> and <b>')+'</b> ');
html.push(satisfied.length > 1 ? 'dependencies have ' : 'dependency has ');
html.push('been met, but you still need to select a ');
html.push('<b>' + left.join('</b> and <b>') + '</b>.');
} else {
html.push('You need to choose something from these selects: ');
html.push('<b>' + left.join('</b>, <b>') + '</b>');
placeholder.html( html.join('') );
onLoadingStart: function(){
placeholder.html("Loading towns...");
onLoadingEnd: function(){
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