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Created May 11, 2022 12:24
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Group 31

  1. crescendo - peak

  2. apprise - inform or tell (someone)

  3. extenuating - (of a factor or situation) serving to lesson the seriousness of an offense

  4. shirk - avoid or neglect (a duty or responsibility)

  5. ulterior - unapparent; secondary; intentionally hidden

  6. beguile - Charm and enchant (someone), sometimes in a deceptive way

  7. retaliate - fight back

  8. hapless - unfortunate

  9. voluble - talkative, wordy

  10. ponderous - clumsy, dull, awkward

  11. obfuscate - obscure, bewilder

  12. pastiche - imitation, mixture

  13. frenetic - frantic, wild

  14. stanch

  15. abrogate - repudiate, revoke, repeal

  16. sinecure - easy job; soft option

  17. surfeit - excess

  18. sinuous

  19. callous - heartless, unfeeling

  20. sordid - unsavory, vile, louche, base, debased

  21. coddle - pamper, cosset, mollycoddle

  22. recluse - hermit, ascetic, loner, solitary

  23. aghast - filled with horror or shock

  24. perspicacious - astute, perceptive, observant

  25. fringe

  26. rhapsody - elation, euphoria, exultation

  27. ossify - become inflexible

  28. boon - blessing, godsend

  29. serendipitous - chance, accidental

  30. immaculate - unblemished, clean, perfect

Group 32

  1. depravity - moral corruption, wickedness

  2. indictment - a sign something should be condemned

  3. turbid - murky

  4. dilettante - a person who clutivates an area of interest, without real commitment or knowledge)

  5. rampant - spreading unchecked

  6. gregarious - fond of company; sociable; social

  7. paragon - a perfect example or model

  8. penurious - extremely poor, poverty-stricken

  9. malevolent - wishing to do evil to others

  10. effrontery - impertinent behavior

  11. indignant - feeling or showing anger

  12. remote - faraway, detached or distant

  13. patronize - treat condescendingly

  14. abstruse - difficult to understand

  15. endow - provide with a quality or asset

  16. ineluctable - unable to be resisted; inescapable

  17. reprobate - unprincipled; an immoral person

  18. turgid - swollen; inflated or bombastic

  19. latitude - freedom for action or thought

  20. piquant - having a sharp taste; intriguing

  21. pacify - decrease anger or agitation

  22. caricature - mock in an exaggerated way

  23. encroach - intrude on a person's territory

  24. vacuous - showing lack of thought

  25. auxiliary - providing additional help

  26. inquisitive - curious (positive connotation); prying (negative connotation)

  27. mediate - intervene to settle a dispute

  28. occlude - stop or close up an opening

  29. entreat - ask someone earnestly

  30. levity - humor, especially in serious matters

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