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Last active October 25, 2019 03:15
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WS: /[ \t\f\r\n]/+
DIGIT: "0".."9"
| DIGIT+ "."
int: INT
float: FLOAT
// simple types
SIMPLE: "String"
| ("Int" | "UInt") ("8" | "16" | "32" | "64")
| "Float" ("32" | "64")
| "UUID"
| "IPv4" | "IPv6"
| "DateTime"
| "Date"
simple: SIMPLE
// parametric types
PRECISION: "32" | "64" | "128"
precision: PRECISION -> int
scale: INT -> int
decimal: "Decimal" precision "(" scale ")"
| "Decimal" "(" precision "," scale ")"
?int_arg: "(" INT ")" -> int
fixed_string: "FixedString" int_arg
?parametric: fixed_string | decimal
array: "Array" "(" _type ")"
tuple: "Tuple" "(" _type ("," _type)* ")"
?composite: array | tuple
// TODO: extend aggregate_function_decl
quantiles: "quantiles" "(" float ("," float)* ")"
FUNCTION_MODIFIER: ("ArrayIf" | "If" | "Array" | "ForEach" )? ("OrDefault" | "OrNull")?
FUNCTION: ("uniq" | "any" | "quantiles") FUNCTION_MODIFIER
// XXX: what to do with `Resample`?
_agg_func_param: int | float | _type
agg_func_params: "(" _agg_func_param ("," _agg_func_param)* ")"
aggregate_function: "AggregateFunction" "(" FUNCTION agg_func_params? "," _type ("," _type)* ")"
_ENUM_INNER: /.*?/
_ENUM_ESC_INNER: _ENUM_INNER /(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?/
ENUM_TYPE: "Enum" ("8" | "16")?
enum: ENUM_TYPE "(" ENUM_KEY "=" int ("," ENUM_KEY "=" int)* ")"
nullable: "Nullable" "(" (simple | parametric | enum) ")"
_type: simple
| parametric
| composite
| enum
| aggregate_function
| nullable
ESCAPED_IDENTIFIER: ("`" /.*/ "`") | ("\"" /.*/ "\"")
_nested_inner: IDENTIFIER _type ("," IDENTIFIER _type)*
nested: "Nested" "(" _nested_inner ")"
?start: _type
| nested
%ignore WS
from pathlib import Path
from ast import literal_eval
import enum
from clickhouse_sqlalchemy import types
from lark import Lark, Transformer, v_args
class TreeToClickhouseType(Transformer):
def simple(self, t):
return getattr(types, t)()
def decimal(self, p, s):
return types.Decimal(p, s)
def fixed_string(self, l):
return types.FixedString(l)
except AttributeError:
raise NotImplementedError("clickhouse_sqlalchemy.types doesn't implement FixedString yet")
def int(self, v):
return int(v)
def array(self, *args):
return types.Array(*args)
def tuple(self, *args):
return types.Tuple(*args)
def aggregate_function(self, *args):
raise NotImplementedError("clickhouse_sqlalchemy.types doesn't implement AggregateFunction yet")
def enum(self, t, *args):
return getattr(types, t)(enum.Enum(t, zip(map(literal_eval, args[::2]), args[1::2])))
parser = Lark(
from unittest import TestCase
from clickhouse_sqlalchemy.drivers.base import ClickHouseDialect
from clickhouse_types import parser
class TestClickhouseTypes(TestCase):
def test(self):
tests = [
i + j
for i in ["UInt", "Int"]
for j in ["8", "16", "32", "64"]
] + [
"Float32", "Float64",
"Enum('foo' = 100, 'bar' = 500)",
"Enum8('foo' = 100, 'bar' = 500)",
"Enum16('foo' = 100, 'bar' = 500)",
"Enum8(' \\' t = ' = 1, 'test' = 2)",
dialect = ClickHouseDialect()
for i in tests:
with self.subTest(type=i):
parsed = parser.parse(i)
compiled = parsed.compile(dialect)
self.assertEqual(compiled, i)
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