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eberfreitas / Caddyfile
Created March 11, 2016 06:33
Caddy configuration for CakePHP 3 (and probably 2 as well) - Use this file on your project root
root webroot
fastcgi / php
rewrite {
to {path} {path}/ /index.php?{path}&{query}
AbraaoAlves / contains-IgnoreAceents
Created October 7, 2011 15:24
Custom jQuery Selector to tag that contains text(ignore accents). It works equals :contains selector, but select all tags inpedendent of accents
(function($) {
var accent_map = {
jakebellacera / ICS.php
Last active July 10, 2024 11:27
A convenient script to generate iCalendar (.ics) files on the fly in PHP.
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* means.