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Last active June 13, 2017 06:33
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title: you might be better off without async/await publishedAt: 06.12.2017 16:10 ...

With es2017, async/await is the new hot sh**. And with Babel it is tempting to use it everywhere.

* If you rewrite this express route in es2017...
router.get('/posts', (req, res) => {
    .then(response =>

    // Convert object to array and get file contents
    .then(files => Object.keys(files).map(key => files[key]))
    .then(files => => file.content))

    // Extract meta data with marked (markdown converter)
    .then(contents => => marked(content)))

    // Only use published posts and sort by publishedAt
    .then(posts => posts.filter(p => p.meta.publishedAt))
    .then(posts => posts.sort((a, b) => a.meta.publishedAt < b.meta.publishedAt))

    // Return posts
    .then(posts => res.json(posts))

    // Give a nice error messages if something broke
    .catch((err) => {
      res.status(500).send('Wups! Something broke.')
      console.error(err.message, err.stack)

* get this, which is equivalent in functionality.
router.get('/posts', (req, res) => {
  try {
    const response = await axios.get(`${gistId}`)
    const files =

    // Convert object to array and get file contents
    const filesArray = Object.keys(files).map(key => files[key])
    const contents = => file.content)

    // Extract meta data with marked (markdown converter)
    const posts = => marked(content))

    // Only use published posts and sort by publishedAt
    const filtered = posts.filter(p => p.meta.publishedAt)
    const sorted = filtered.sort((a, b) => a.meta.publishedAt < b.meta.publishedAt)

    // Return posts
  } catch (err) {
    // Give a nice error messages if something broke
    res.status(500).send('Wups! Something broke.')
    console.error(err.message, err.stack)

Besides the fact that the async/await version uses 14 lines of code compared to 13 with plain old promises, async/await is much less intuitive and less reader friendly. It is hard to see how to control flow works and you have to constantly come up with new names for variables.

Next time you get to choose your stack, rethink the benefits and drawbacks of async/await.

title: the possessive pronoun "my" publishedAt: 06.11.2017 11:10 ...

The small and often casually spoken word "my" is toxic in workplaces for leaders.

It states possession and ownership. It implies a claim. It demonstrates dominance and it forces others to accept the speaker as the new holder.

It's easy and satisfying to say.

My idea, My work. My project. My vision. My fix. My initiative.

Every word we use day by day evokes emotions.

Other options: The idea. Our work. The project. Our vision. The fix. Our initiative.

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