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Created September 23, 2020 08:18
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#include "cinder/app/App.h"
#include "cinder/app/RendererGl.h"
#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "cinder/Capture.h"
#include "CinderOpenCV.h"
using namespace ci;
using namespace ci::app;
static std::string const VideoStreamAddress = "rtsp://";
class ocvCaptureApp : public App {
void setup();
void update();
void draw();
CaptureRef mCapture;
gl::TextureRef mTexture;
cv::VideoCapture mVideoCapture;
cv::Mat mCurrentVideoFrame;
void ocvCaptureApp::setup()
// try {
// mCapture = Capture::create( 640, 480 );
// mCapture->start();
// }
// catch( ... ) {
// console() << "Failed to initialize capture" << std::endl;
// }
try {
if (! {
console() << "couldn't open stream" << std::endl;
catch( ... ) {
console() << "Failed to initialize capture" << std::endl;
void ocvCaptureApp::update()
if( mCapture && mCapture->checkNewFrame() ) {
cv::Mat input( toOcv( *mCapture->getSurface() ) ), output;
cv::Sobel( input, output, CV_8U, 1, 0 );
// cv::threshold( input, output, 128, 255, CV_8U );
// cv::Laplacian( input, output, CV_8U );
// cv::circle( output, toOcv( Vec2f(200, 200) ), 300, toOcv( Color( 0, 0.5f, 1 ) ), -1 );
// cv::line( output, cv::Point( 1, 1 ), cv::Point( 30, 30 ), toOcv( Color( 1, 0.5f, 0 ) ) );
mTexture = gl::Texture::create( fromOcv( output ), gl::Texture::Format().loadTopDown() );
void ocvCaptureApp::draw()
if( mTexture )
gl::draw( mTexture );
CINDER_APP( ocvCaptureApp, RendererGl )
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