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Last active December 16, 2015 20:33
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# GistID: 9017260c676865aa6551
import re
import sys
TCP_EXTRACTOR = re.compile(r"""^\s*
(\d+):\s # sl - 0
([\dA-F]{8}(?:[\dA-F]{24})?):([\dA-F]{4})\s # local address and port - 1 y 2
([\dA-F]{8}(?:[\dA-F]{24})?):([\dA-F]{4})\s # remote address and port - 3 y 4
([\dA-F]{2})\s # st - 5
([\dA-F]{8}):([\dA-F]{8})\s # tx_queue and rx_queue - 6 y 7
(\d\d):([\dA-F]{8}|(?:F{9,}))\s # tr and tm->when - 8 y 9
([\dA-F]{8})\s+ # retrnsmt - 10
(\d+)\s+ # uid - 11
(\d+)\s+ # timeout - 12
(\d+)\s+ # inode - 13
(\d+)\s+ # ref count - 14
((?:[\dA-F]{8}){1,2}) # memory address - 15
(\d+)\s+ # retransmit timeout - 16
(\d+)\s+ # predicted tick - 17
(\d+)\s+ # ack.quick - 18
(\d+)\s+ # sending congestion window - 19
(-?\d+) # slow start size threshold - 20
(.*) # more - 21
$""", re.X | re.IGNORECASE)
matches = []
with open("/proc/net/tcp", "r") as f:
for line in f.readlines():
for i in matches:
i = i.groups()
if int(i[10]) > 0:
print i
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