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Created July 22, 2021 02:35
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{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
data Ty
= Unit -- The unit type.
| Univ String -- A polymorphic type variable. Introduced by a `ForAll`.
| Exst String -- A temporary existential type variable.
| ForAll String Ty -- Introduces a polymorphic variable.
| Ty :->: Ty -- The function type.
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- Useage: `replace ty (new, old)`
replace :: Ty -> (Ty, Ty) -> Ty
replace (ForAll x ty) delta = ForAll x (replace ty delta)
replace (a :->: b) delta = replace a delta :->: replace b delta
replace ty (new, old)
| ty == old = new
| otherwise = ty
occursIn :: Ty -> Ty -> Bool
(Exst x) `occursIn` Unit = False
(Exst x) `occursIn` (Univ _) = False
(Exst x) `occursIn` (Exst y) = x == y
(Exst x) `occursIn` (ForAll _ a) = (Exst x) `occursIn` a
(Exst x) `occursIn` (a :->: b) = (Exst x) `occursIn` a || (Exst x) `occursIn` b
type Ctx = [CtxElem]
-- Allows use of left-to-right list syntax.
pattern xs :& x = x : xs
data CtxElem
= IntroUniv String
| IntroAnn String Ty
| IntroExst String
| IntroSoln String Ty
| IntroMarker String
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- ctxHole Gamma Theta = (Gamma1, Gamma2) if Gamma == (Gamma1 ; Theta ; Gamma2)
ctxHole :: Ctx -> Ctx -> (Ctx, Ctx)
ctxHole [] hole@(_ :& _) = error ("Can't find" +++ code hole +++ "in context!")
ctxHole ctx hole =
case stripPrefix hole ctx of
Just ctx' -> (ctx', [])
Nothing -> let
ctx' :& top = ctx
(before, after) = ctxHole ctx' hole
in (before, after :& top)
fillHole :: (Ctx, Ctx) -> Ctx -> Ctx
fillHole (before, after) middle =
-- This looks reversed because `Ctx` is a reversed-looking list.
after <> middle <> before
ctxTwoHoles :: Ctx -> Ctx -> Ctx -> (Ctx, Ctx, Ctx)
ctxTwoHoles original hole1 hole2 = let
(firstThird, lastTwoThirds) = ctxHole original hole1
(middleThird, lastThird) = ctxHole lastTwoThirds hole2
in (firstThird, middleThird, lastThird)
fillTwoHoles :: (Ctx, Ctx, Ctx) -> Ctx -> Ctx -> Ctx
fillTwoHoles (firstThird, middleThird, lastThird) repl1 repl2 = let
firstTwoThirds = fillHole (firstThird, middleThird) repl1
threeThirds = fillHole (firstTwoThirds, lastThird) repl2
in threeThirds
mentions :: Ctx -> Ty -> Bool
mentions ctx ty = case (ctx, ty) of
-- Rule `UVarWF`
(ctx, Univ alpha) -> IntroUniv alpha `elem` ctx
-- Rule `UnitWF`
(_, Unit) -> True
-- Rule `ArrowWF`
(ctx, a :->: b) -> ctx `mentions` a && ctx `mentions` b
-- Rule `ForallWF`
(ctx, ForAll alpha a) -> (ctx :& IntroUniv alpha) `mentions` a
-- Rule `EvarWF`
(ctx, Exst alphaHat) -> IntroExst alphaHat `elem` ctx || hasSoln
where hasSoln = isJust searchRes
searchRes = find pred ctx
pred = \case
IntroSoln xHat _ -> xHat == alphaHat
_ -> False
subst :: Ctx -> Ty -> Ty
subst ctx Unit = Unit
subst [] ty = ty
subst ctx (ty1 :->: ty2) = subst ctx ty1 :->: subst ctx ty2
subst ctx (ForAll x ty) = ForAll x (subst ctx ty)
subst (ctx :& IntroSoln x ty') ty | Exst x == ty = ty'
subst (ctx :& _) ty = subst ctx ty
lookupVar :: Ctx -> String -> Ty
lookupVar [] x = error ("Unbound variable `" ++ x ++ "`")
lookupVar (ctx :& IntroAnn y ty) x | x == y = ty
lookupVar (ctx :& _) x = lookupVar ctx x
data Expr
= Lit Ty -- `Lit ty` is a stand-in for a literal of type `ty`.
| Var String -- A reference to a variable.
| Lam String Expr -- Lambda function.
| App Expr Expr -- Function application.
| Ann Expr Ty -- Type-annotated expression.
deriving (Show, Eq)
data WithInCtx a = Ctx :|-: a
deriving (Show, Eq)
data WithOutCtx a = a :-|: Ctx
deriving (Show, Eq)
code :: Show a => a -> String
code a = "`" ++ show a ++ "`"
(+++) :: String -> String -> String
a +++ b = a ++ " " ++ b
ensure :: Bool -> String -> TypeChecker ()
ensure True _ = return ()
ensure False msg = return $ error msg
data Name = Name Char Integer
deriving Eq
instance Show Name where
show (Name ch n)
| n == 0 = "?" ++ [ch]
| otherwise = "?" ++ (ch : show n)
allNames :: [Name]
allNames = do
n <- [0..]
ch <- ['a'..'z']
return $ Name ch n
instance Enum Name where
toEnum i = allNames !! i
fromEnum name = idx
where Just idx = findIndex (==name) allNames
type TypeCheckerState = Name
type TypeChecker a = State TypeCheckerState a
initState :: TypeCheckerState
initState = toEnum 0
fresh :: TypeChecker String
fresh = do
name <- get
put $ succ name
return $ show name
infer :: WithInCtx Expr -> TypeChecker (WithOutCtx Ty)
infer = \case
-- Rule `1I=>`
ctx :|-: Lit ty -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` ty) $ "1I=>:" +++ code ty +++ "not mentioned in" +++ code ctx
return $ ty :-|: ctx
-- Rule `Var`
ctx :|-: Var x -> do
let a = lookupVar ctx x
return $ a :-|: ctx
-- Rule `Anno`
ctx :|-: Ann e a -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` a) $ "Anno: Unknown type" +++ code a
result@( _a :-|: ctx' ) <- check $ ctx :|-: (e, a)
return result
-- Rule `->E`
ctx :|-: App e1 e2 -> do
a :-|: ctx' <- infer (ctx :|-: e1)
let a' = subst ctx' a
result@( c :-|: ctx'' ) <- inferApp $ ctx' :|-: (a', e2)
return result
-- Rule `->I=>`
ctx :|-: Lam x e -> do
alphaHat <- fresh
betaHat <- fresh
let hypothesis = ctx :& IntroExst alphaHat
:& IntroExst betaHat
:& IntroAnn x (Exst alphaHat)
_betaHat :-|: ctx' <- check $ hypothesis :|-: (e, Exst betaHat)
let ctx'' = dropUntil ctx' (IntroAnn x (Exst alphaHat))
return $ (Exst alphaHat :->: Exst betaHat) :-|: ctx''
dropUntil :: Ctx -> CtxElem -> Ctx
dropUntil (ctx :& x) y
| x == y = ctx
| otherwise = dropUntil ctx y
check :: WithInCtx (Expr, Ty) -> TypeChecker (WithOutCtx Ty)
check = \case
-- Rule `1I`
ctx :|-: (Lit ty1, ty2) | ty1 == ty2 -> return $ ty1 :-|: ctx
-- Rule `Sub`
ctx :|-: (e, b) -> do
a :-|: ctx' <- infer $ ctx :|-: e
let a' = subst ctx' a
let b' = subst ctx' b
() :-|: ctx'' <- isSubtype $ ctx' :|-: (a', b')
return $ b :-|: ctx''
inferApp :: WithInCtx (Ty, Expr) -> TypeChecker (WithOutCtx Ty)
inferApp = \case
-- Rule `->App`
ctx :|-: (a :->: c, e) -> do
result@( _a :-|: ctx' ) <- check $ ctx :|-: (e, a)
return result
-- Rule `ForAll App`
ctx :|-: (ForAll alpha a, e) -> do
alphaHat <- fresh
let hypothesis = ctx :& IntroExst alphaHat
let a' = replace a (Univ alpha, Exst alphaHat)
result@( c :-|: ctx' ) <- inferApp $ hypothesis :|-: (a', e)
return result
-- Rule `alphaHat App`
ctx :|-: (Exst alphaHat, e) -> do
let (before, after) = ctxHole ctx [IntroExst alphaHat]
alphaHat1 <- fresh
alphaHat2 <- fresh
let middle = [] :& IntroExst alphaHat2
:& IntroExst alphaHat1
:& IntroSoln alphaHat (Exst alphaHat1 :->: Exst alphaHat2)
let ctx' = fillHole (before, after) middle
result@( _ :-|: ctx'' ) <- check $ ctx' :|-: (e, Exst alphaHat1)
return result
isSubtype :: WithInCtx (Ty, Ty) -> TypeChecker (WithOutCtx ())
isSubtype = \case
-- Rule `<:Var`
ctx :|-: (Univ alpha1, Univ alpha2) | alpha1 == alpha2 -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` Univ alpha1) $ "<:Var: Couldn't find" ++ code (Univ alpha1)
return $ () :-|: ctx
-- Rule `<:Unit`
ctx :|-: (Unit, Unit) -> do
return $ () :-|: ctx
-- Rule `<:Exvar`
ctx :|-: (Exst alphaHat1, Exst alphaHat2) | alphaHat1 == alphaHat2 -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` Exst alphaHat1) $ "<:Exvar: Couldn't find" ++ code (Exst alphaHat1)
return $ () :-|: ctx
-- Rule `<: ->`
ctx :|-: (a1 :->: a2, b1 :->: b2) -> do
() :-|: ctx' <- isSubtype $ ctx :|-: (b1, a1)
let a2' = subst ctx' a2
let b2' = subst ctx' b2
result@( () :-|: ctx'' ) <- isSubtype $ ctx :|-: (a2', b2')
return result
-- Rule `<: ForAll L`
ctx :|-: (ForAll alpha a, b) -> do
alphaHat <- fresh
let hypothesis = ctx :& IntroMarker alphaHat
:& IntroExst alphaHat
let a' = replace a (Exst alphaHat, Univ alpha)
() :-|: ctx' <- isSubtype $ hypothesis :|-: (a', b)
let (before, _after) = ctxHole ctx' ([] :& IntroMarker alphaHat)
let ctx'' = before
return $ () :-|: ctx''
-- Rule `<: ForAll R`
ctx :|-: (a, ForAll alpha b) -> do
let hypothesis = ctx :& IntroUniv alpha
() :-|: ctx' <- isSubtype $ hypothesis :|-: (a, b)
let (before, _after) = ctxHole ctx' ([] :& IntroUniv alpha)
let ctx'' = before
return $ () :-|: ctx''
-- Rule `<: Instantiate L`
ctx :|-: (Exst alphaHat, a) -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` Exst alphaHat) $ "<:InstantiateL: Couldn't find" +++ code (Exst alphaHat)
() <- ensure (not (Exst alphaHat `occursIn` a)) $ "<:InstantiateL: Occurs check failed for" +++ code (Exst alphaHat, a)
result@( () :-|: ctx' ) <- instSubtype $ ctx :|-: (alphaHat, a)
return result
-- Rule `<: Instantiate R`
ctx :|-: (a, Exst alphaHat) -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` Exst alphaHat) $ "<:InstantiateR: Couldn't find" +++ code (Exst alphaHat)
() <- ensure (not (Exst alphaHat `occursIn` a)) $ "<:InstantiateR: Occurs check failed for" +++ code (Exst alphaHat, a)
result@( () :-|: ctx' ) <- instSupertype $ ctx :|-: (a, alphaHat)
return result
instSubtype :: WithInCtx (String, Ty) -> TypeChecker (WithOutCtx ())
instSubtype = \case
-- Rule `InstLReach`
ctx :|-: (alphaHat, Exst betaHat) -> do
-- This corresponds to `Gamma[alphaHat][betaHat]` in the paper.
let (before, middle, after) = ctxTwoHoles ctx [IntroExst alphaHat] [IntroExst betaHat]
let ctx' = fillTwoHoles (before, middle, after) [IntroExst alphaHat] [IntroSoln betaHat (Exst alphaHat)]
return $ () :-|: ctx'
-- Rule `InstLArr`
ctx :|-: (alphaHat, a1 :->: a2) -> do
let (before, after) = ctxHole ctx [IntroExst alphaHat]
alphaHat1 <- fresh
alphaHat2 <- fresh
let repl = [] :& IntroExst alphaHat2
:& IntroExst alphaHat1
:& IntroSoln alphaHat (Exst alphaHat1 :->: Exst alphaHat2)
let ctx' = fillHole (before, after) repl
() :-|: ctx'' <- instSupertype $ ctx' :|-: (a1, alphaHat1)
let a2' = subst ctx'' a2
result@( () :-|: ctx''' ) <- instSubtype $ ctx'' :|-: (alphaHat2, a2')
return result
-- Rule `InstLAllR`
ctx :|-: (alphaHat, ForAll beta b) -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` Exst alphaHat) $ "InstLAllR:" +++ code (Exst alphaHat, ctx)
let hypothesis = ctx :& IntroUniv beta
() :-|: ctx' <- instSubtype $ hypothesis :|-: (alphaHat, b)
let (beforeBeta, afterBeta) = ctxHole ctx' [IntroUniv beta]
return $ () :-|: beforeBeta
-- Rule `InstLSolve`
ctx :|-: (alphaHat, tau) -> do
let (before, after) = ctxHole ctx [IntroExst alphaHat]
() <- ensure (before `mentions` tau) $ "InstLSolve:" +++ code (alphaHat, tau)
return $ () :-|: fillHole (before, after) [IntroSoln alphaHat tau]
instSupertype :: WithInCtx (Ty, String) -> TypeChecker (WithOutCtx ())
instSupertype = \case
-- Rule `InstRReach
ctx :|-: (Exst betaHat, alphaHat) -> do
let (before, middle, after) = ctxTwoHoles ctx [IntroExst alphaHat] [IntroExst betaHat]
let ctx' = fillTwoHoles (before, middle, after) [IntroExst alphaHat] [IntroSoln betaHat (Exst alphaHat)]
return $ () :-|: ctx'
-- Rule `InstLArr`
ctx :|-: (a1 :->: a2, alphaHat) -> do
let (before, after) = ctxHole ctx [IntroExst alphaHat]
alphaHat1 <- fresh
alphaHat2 <- fresh
let repl = [] :& IntroExst alphaHat2
:& IntroExst alphaHat1
:& IntroSoln alphaHat (Exst alphaHat1 :->: Exst alphaHat2)
let ctx' = fillHole (before, after) repl
() :-|: ctx'' <- instSubtype $ ctx' :|-: (alphaHat1, a1)
let a2' = subst ctx'' a2
result@( () :-|: ctx''' ) <- instSupertype $ ctx'' :|-: (a2', alphaHat2)
return result
-- Rule `InstRAllL`
ctx :|-: (ForAll beta b, alphaHat) -> do
() <- ensure (ctx `mentions` Exst alphaHat) $ "InstRAllL:" +++ code (ctx, Exst alphaHat)
betaHat <- fresh
let hypothesis = ctx :& IntroMarker betaHat :& IntroExst betaHat
let b' = replace b (Exst betaHat, Univ beta)
() :-|: ctx' <- instSupertype $ hypothesis :|-: (b', alphaHat)
let (beforeMarker, afterMarker) = ctxHole ctx' [IntroMarker betaHat]
return $ () :-|: beforeMarker
-- Rule `InstRSolve`
ctx :|-: (tau, alphaHat) -> do
let (before, after) = ctxHole ctx [IntroExst alphaHat]
() <- ensure (before `mentions` tau) $ "InstRSolve:" +++ code (tau, alphaHat)
return $ () :-|: fillHole (before, after) [IntroSoln alphaHat tau]
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