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Last active January 3, 2024 16:03
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An implementation of the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm in SWI-Prolog.
:- op(600, yfx, '@'). % Function application
:- op(450, xfy, '=>'). % Type variable quantification
:- op(1150, fx, mode).
% Defines/validates a typing context.
tcx([X-Sigma | Tcx]) :-
% Defines/validates an abstracted ("sigma") type. These are often called "type
% schemes".
sigma_type(Vs=>Tau) :-
% Defines/validates a set of variables.
set_of_vars([V | Vs]) :-
maplist(\==(V), Vs),
% Defines/validates a simple ("tau") type.
tau_type(A->B) :-
tau_type(tuple(Ts)) :-
maplist(tau_type, Ts).
tau_type(Constructor) :-
Constructor =.. [Name | Args],
length(Args, Arity),
maplist(tau_type, Args).
tau_type(V) :- var(V). % An Inference/Generic Variable.
:- mode inference(+_TypeContext, +_Term, -_Type).
inference(_Tcx, N, nat) :- integer(N), N >= 0, !.
inference(Tcx, A+B, nat) :-
inference(Tcx, A, ATy),
inference(Tcx, B, BTy),
( ATy = nat, BTy = nat -> true
; throw(type_check_err('The arguments to `+` must have type nat'(ATy, BTy)))
inference(_Tcx, true, bool) :- !.
inference(_Tcx, false, bool) :- !.
inference(_Tcx, [], list(_)) :- !.
inference(Tcx, [Tm | Tms], list(EleTy)) :-
inference(Tcx, Tm, EleTy),
inference(Tcx, Tms, list(TailEleTy)),
( EleTy = TailEleTy -> true
; throw(type_check_err('You can''t add an element of type A to a list of type list(B)'(EleTy, TailEleTy)))
inference(Tcx, tuple(Tms), tuple(Tys)) :-
maplist({Tcx}/[E, ETy]>>inference(Tcx, E, ETy), Tms, Tys).
inference(Tcx, X->Body, FreshXTy->BodyTy) :-
% Function parameters are not allowed to have generic types. For example
% this is not allowed:
% `fn thing(x: for<T> (T, T)) -> int`
inference([X-[]=>FreshXTy | Tcx], Body, BodyTy).
inference(Tcx, let(X, Binding, Body), BodyTy) :-
inference(Tcx, Binding, BindingTy),
generalize(Tcx, BindingTy, BindingScheme),
inference([X-BindingScheme | Tcx], Body, BodyTy).
inference(Tcx, Fn@Arg, RetTy) :-
inference(Tcx, Arg, ArgTy),
inference(Tcx, Fn, ParamTy->RetTy),
( ParamTy = ArgTy -> true
; throw(type_check_err('Expected argument of type A, got B'(ParamTy, ArgTy)))
inference(Tcx, X, Ty) :-
( member(X-Vs=>Ty0, Tcx) -> instantiate(Vs=>Ty0, Ty)
; throw(type_check_err('Unbound variable'(X)))
:- mode instantiate(+_TypeScheme, -_SimpleType).
instantiate(Vs=>Ty0, Ty) :-
copy_term(Vs, Ty0, _, Ty).
:- mode generalize(+_TypeContext, +_SimpleType, -_TypeScheme).
generalize(Tcx, Ty0, Vs=>Ty) :-
term_variables(Ty0, TyVars),
term_variables(Tcx, TcxVars),
include({TcxVars}/[X]>>maplist(\==(X), TcxVars), TyVars, Vs0),
copy_term(Vs0=>Ty0, Vs=>Ty).
:- mode test_case(+_Tcx, +_Tm, +_ExpectedResult).
test_case([], 123, ok(nat)).
test_case([], 123+456, ok(nat)).
test_case([], true, ok(bool)).
test_case([], false, ok(bool)).
test_case([], tuple([123, true]), ok(tuple([nat, bool]))).
test_case([], [], ok(list(_))).
test_case([], [1, 2, 3], ok(list(nat))).
test_case([], [[], [], []], ok(list(list(_)))).
test_case([], x->123, ok(_T->nat)).
test_case([], x->x, ok(T->T)).
f->tuple([f@3, f@true]),
failure('Luca Cardelli says this term can''t be typed.')).
(f->tuple([f@3, f@true]))@succ,
failure('Luca Cardelli says this term can''t be typed.')).
g->let(f, g, tuple([f@3, f@true])),
failure('Luca Cardelli says this term can''t be typed.')).
failure('Operator `+` is not defined on booleans.')).
test_case([], let(f, x->x, f), ok(T->T)).
test_case([], let(f, x->y->tuple([x,y]), f), ok(A->B->tuple([A, B]))).
test_case([], let(add, x->y->x+y, add), ok(nat->nat->nat)).
test_case([], let(f, x->x, f@123), ok(nat)).
test_case([], let(f, x->x, tuple([f@123, f@true])), ok(tuple([nat, bool]))).
test_case([], let(id, x->x, let(f, y->id@y, f)), ok(A->A)).
test_case([], let(x, 123, x), ok(nat)).
test_case([], let(add, x->y->123, add@123@123), ok(nat)).
test_case([x-[]=>nat], x, ok(nat)).
test :-
% Test that all expected successes suceed.
test_case(Tcx, Tm, ok(ExpectedTy)),
catch(inference(Tcx, Tm, ActualTy), Err,
format('!!! Error encountered during test:~n'),
format(' Tm = ~p~n', [Tm]),
format(' Err = ~p~n~n', [Err])
ExpectedTy =@= ActualTy
format('!!! Test Failure:~n'),
format(' Term: ~p~n', [Tm]),
format(' Expected type: ~p~n', [ExpectedTy]),
format(' Actual type: ~p~n~n', [ActualTy])
format('!!! Inference Failure:~n'),
format(' Term: ~p~n~n', [Tm])
% Test that all expected failures fail.
test_case(Tcx, Tm, failure(Msg)),
catch(inference(Tcx, Tm, Res), type_check_err(_), false) % Ignore any type check errors
format('!!! Unexpected Inference Success:~n'),
format(' Expected inference failure for term: ~p~n', [Tm]),
format(' Inferred incorrect type: ~p~n', [Res]),
format(' Message: ~a~n~n', [Msg])
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