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Created September 8, 2013 18:25
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Self contained version of
package main
import (
// Returns the source of the func f.
func GetSourceAsString(f interface{}) string {
pc := reflect.ValueOf(f).Pointer()
file, line := runtime.FuncForPC(pc).FileLine(pc)
var startIndex, endIndex int
b, err := ioutil.ReadFile(file)
startIndex, endIndex = GetLineStartEndIndicies(b, line-1)
fs := token.NewFileSet()
fileAst, err := parser.ParseFile(fs, file, nil, 0*parser.ParseComments)
query := func(i interface{}) bool {
if f, ok := i.(*ast.FuncLit); ok && startIndex <= int(f.Type.Func)-1 && int(f.Type.Func)-1 <= endIndex {
return true
return false
funcLit := FindFirst(fileAst, query)
return SprintAst(fs, funcLit)
var f2 = func() { panic(1337) }
func main() {
f := func() {
println("Hello from anon func!") // Comments are currently not preserved
if 5*5 > 26 { f = f2 }
// Output:
// func() {
// println("Hello from anon func!")
// }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Panics on error
func CheckError(err error) {
if nil != err { panic(err) }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Consistent with the default gofmt behavior
var config = &printer.Config{Mode: printer.UseSpaces | printer.TabIndent, Tabwidth: 8}
func SprintAst(fset *token.FileSet, node interface{}) string {
var buf bytes.Buffer
config.Fprint(&buf, fset, node)
return buf.String()
func SprintAstBare(node interface{}) string {
fset := token.NewFileSet()
return SprintAst(fset, node)
func PrintlnAst(fset *token.FileSet, node interface{}) {
fmt.Println(SprintAst(fset, node))
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Gets the starting and ending caret indicies of line with specified lineIndex.
// Does not include newline character.
// First line has index 0.
// Returns (-1, -1) if line is not found.
func GetLineStartEndIndicies(b []byte, lineIndex int) (startIndex, endIndex int) {
n := 0
line := 0
for {
o := bytes.IndexByte(b[n:], '\n')
if line == lineIndex {
if o == -1 { return n, len(b) } else { return n, n + o }
if o == -1 { break }
n += o + 1
return -1, -1
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
type state struct {
Visited map[uintptr]bool
func (s *state) findFirst(v reflect.Value, query func(i interface{}) bool) interface{} {
// TODO: Should I check v.CanInterface()? It seems like I might be able to get away without it...
if query(v.Interface()) { return v.Interface() }
switch v.Kind() {
case reflect.Struct:
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
if q := s.findFirst(v.Field(i), query); q != nil {
return q
case reflect.Map:
for _, key := range v.MapKeys() {
if q := s.findFirst(v.MapIndex(key), query); q != nil {
return q
case reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
for i := 0; i < v.Len(); i++ {
if q := s.findFirst(v.Index(i), query); q != nil {
return q
case reflect.Ptr:
if !v.IsNil() {
if !s.Visited[v.Pointer()] {
s.Visited[v.Pointer()] = true
if q := s.findFirst(v.Elem(), query); q != nil {
return q
case reflect.Interface:
if !v.IsNil() {
if q := s.findFirst(v.Elem(), query); q != nil {
return q
return nil
func FindFirst(d interface{}, query func(i interface{}) bool) interface{} {
s := state{Visited: make(map[uintptr]bool)}
return s.findFirst(reflect.ValueOf(d), query)
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