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Last active November 29, 2022 11:20
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Save eimg/5055173 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple yet secure PHP PDO database wrapper with CRUD methods...
# PDO Wrapper, supporting MySQL and Sqlite
# Usage:
# $db = new db();
# // table, data
# $db->create('users', array(
# 'fname' => 'john',
# 'lname' => 'doe'
# ));
# // table, where, where-bind
# $db->read('users', "fname LIKE :search", array(
# ':search' => 'j%'
# ));
# // table, data, where, where-bind
# $db->update('users', array(
# 'fname' => 'jame'
# ), 'gender = :gender', array(
# ':gender' => 'female'
# ));
# // table, where, where-bind
# $db->delete('users', 'lname = :lname', array(
# ':lname' => 'doe'
# ));
class db
private $config = array(
# "dbdriver" => "sqlite",
# "sqlitedb" => "path/to/db.sqlite"
"dbdriver" => "mysql",
"dbuser" => "root",
"dbpass" => "",
"dbname" => "test"
function db() {
$dbhost = $this->config['dbhost'];
$dbuser = $this->config['dbuser'];
$dbpass = $this->config['dbpass'];
$dbname = $this->config['dbname'];
# $sqlitedb = $this->config['sqlitedb'];
$options = array(
try {
switch($this->config["dbdriver"]) {
case "sqlite":
$conn = "sqlite:{$sqlitedb}";
case "mysql":
$conn = "mysql:host={$dbhost};dbname={$dbname}";
echo "Unsuportted DB Driver! Check the configuration.";
$this->db = new PDO($conn, $dbuser, $dbpass, $options);
} catch(PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); exit(1);
function run($sql, $bind=array()) {
$sql = trim($sql);
try {
$result = $this->db->prepare($sql);
return $result;
} catch (PDOException $e) {
echo $e->getMessage(); exit(1);
function create($table, $data) {
$fields = $this->filter($table, $data);
$sql = "INSERT INTO " . $table . " (" . implode($fields, ", ") . ") VALUES (:" . implode($fields, ", :") . ");";
$bind = array();
foreach($fields as $field)
$bind[":$field"] = $data[$field];
$result = $this->run($sql, $bind);
return $this->db->lastInsertId();
function read($table, $where="", $bind=array(), $fields="*") {
$sql = "SELECT " . $fields . " FROM " . $table;
$sql .= " WHERE " . $where;
$sql .= ";";
$result = $this->run($sql, $bind);
$rows = array();
while($row = $result->fetch()) {
$rows[] = $row;
return $rows;
function update($table, $data, $where, $bind=array()) {
$fields = $this->filter($table, $data);
$fieldSize = sizeof($fields);
$sql = "UPDATE " . $table . " SET ";
for($f = 0; $f < $fieldSize; ++$f) {
if($f > 0)
$sql .= ", ";
$sql .= $fields[$f] . " = :update_" . $fields[$f];
$sql .= " WHERE " . $where . ";";
foreach($fields as $field)
$bind[":update_$field"] = $data[$field];
$result = $this->run($sql, $bind);
return $result->rowCount();
function delete($table, $where, $bind="") {
$sql = "DELETE FROM " . $table . " WHERE " . $where . ";";
$result = $this->run($sql, $bind);
return $result->rowCount();
private function filter($table, $data) {
$driver = $this->config['dbdriver'];
if($driver == 'sqlite') {
$sql = "PRAGMA table_info('" . $table . "');";
$key = "name";
} elseif($driver == 'mysql') {
$sql = "DESCRIBE " . $table . ";";
$key = "Field";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = '" . $table . "';";
$key = "column_name";
if(false !== ($list = $this->run($sql))) {
$fields = array();
foreach($list as $record)
$fields[] = $record[$key];
return array_values(array_intersect($fields, array_keys($data)));
return array();
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When I run the following code:
$db->update('dispatch', array( 'name' => $name, 'phone' => $phone), 'id = :id', array( ':id' => $id));
Nothing updates, if I refresh the page nothing is affected. Is there something I am missing?

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private $config = array(
        # "dbdriver" => "sqlite",
        # "sqlitedb" => "path/to/db.sqlite"
        "dbdriver" => "mysql",
        "dbuser" => "root",
        "dbpass" => "",
        "dbname" => "test"

Missed setting dbhost variable in config array...
Add that variable and check. Hope this help.

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