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Last active October 5, 2023 07:04
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Essential Linux Commands
ls, ls -la # list files
cd # change directory
pwd # current path
touch # create new files
cat # read file content
echo # output content
less # read big file
mkdir, mkdir -p # create directory
cp, cp -r # copy file, directory
mv # move or rename file, dir
rm, rm -r # delete file, dir
ln -s # create shortcut
clear # clear screen
exit # exit terminal
tar czf arc.tar.gv f... # create archive
tar xzf arc.tar.gv # extract archive
gzip, gunzip # compress/decompress
nano # edit file
vim # edit file
ps aux # view all processes
top # view all processes
kill PID # force stop process
chmod # change permission
which cmd # find out cmd location
wget, wget -c # download file
cmd | grep # filter cmd output
apt install|remove|update|upgrade|dist-upgrade
snap install|remove|refresh
ssh # remote manage server
scp # remove copy or download
service service-name start|stop|restart|reload
!! # recall last cmd
shutdown -r -now # restart right now
export # Change PATH var
git init # create git repo
git add [files] # add files for staging
git commit -m [msg] # commit changes
git status # view repo status
git log # view commit history
git tag [tag] # tag current commit
git checkout [tag] # checkout tagged commit
git checkout [hash] # checkout commit by hash
git branch # view existing branches
git branch [name] # create branch
git checkout [branch] # change branch
git checkout # change back to master/main
git checkout -b [branch] # create branch and switch to it
git merge [branch] # merge [branch] to current branch
git rebase [branch] # bombine [branch] with curren branch
git init --bare # create repo with only history
git clone [repo] # create repo based on [repo]
git pull # get updates from origin repo
git push # send update to origin repo
git remote add origin [repo] # set origin for current repo
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