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Created August 11, 2022 15:26
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Simple Weather App Design
h2(class="date-dayname") Tuesday
span(class="date-day") 15 Jan 2019
i(class="location-icon" data-feather="map-pin")
span(class="location") Paris, FR
i(class="weather-icon" data-feather="sun")
h1(class="weather-temp") 29°C
h3(class="weather-desc") Sunny
span(class="title") PRECIPITATION
span(class="value") 0 %
span(class="title") HUMIDITY
span(class="value") 34 %
span(class="title") WIND
span(class="value") 0 km/h
i(class="day-icon" data-feather="sun")
span(class="day-name") Tue
span(class="day-temp") 29°C
i(class="day-icon" data-feather="cloud")
span(class="day-name") Wed
span(class="day-temp") 21°C
i(class="day-icon" data-feather="cloud-snow")
span(class="day-name") Thu
span(class="day-temp") 08°C
i(class="day-icon" data-feather="cloud-rain")
span(class="day-name") Fry
span(class="day-temp") 19°C
span Change location
@import url(',700,900&display=swap');
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.weather-desc {
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.week-list>li .day-name {
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.week-list>li .day-icon {
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.week-list>li .day-temp {
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margin: 10px 0 0 0;
font-weight: 700;
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padding: 25px 35px;
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transition: transform 200ms ease;
transition: transform 200ms ease, -webkit-transform 200ms ease;
.location-button:hover {
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-ms-transform: scale(0.95);
transform: scale(0.95);
.location-button .feather {
height: 1em;
width: auto;
margin-right: 5px;
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