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Created September 1, 2017 09:13
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Big Kotlin file used for "Introduction to Kotlin" presentation at Jayway Kday 1 Sept '17
package org.jetbrains.kotlinworkshop.introduction.Einar
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* Class
class User {
* Class with primary constructor
class ClassWithPrimaryConstructor(name: String)
* The primary constructor cannot contain any code.
* Initialization code can be placed in initializer blocks,
* which are prefixed with the init keyword:
class Customer(name: String) {
init {"Customer initialized with value ${name}")
* Note that parameters of the primary constructor can be used in the initializer blocks.
* They can also be used in property initializers declared in the class body:
class Customer2(name: String) {
val customerKey = name.toUpperCase()
* Properties can be declared and initialized in the primary constructor
class Employee(val vacationDays: Int)
class Company(val employees : List<Employee> = mutableListOf(Employee(5)))
* Secondary constructors
class Store(customers: List<Customer>) {
constructor(customers: List<Customer>, open: Boolean): this(customers) {
// Do something
constructor(customers: List<Customer>, open: Boolean, name: String): this(customers) {
// Do something else
* Classes are final by default.
open class NonFinalClass {
open fun overrideMePlease() {
// are functions
class Extender: NonFinalClass() {
override fun overrideMePlease() {
* Create instance of class
* No "new" keyword
val usr = User()
val store = Store(listOf( Customer("Bob"), Customer("Lisa") ))
* Singleton in Kotlin is called object declaration
object Singleton {
init {
println("This ($this) is a singleton")
* Companion Objects - object declaration inside class
class Key(val value: Int) {
companion object {
val COMPARATOR: Comparator<Key> = compareBy<Key> { it.value }
fun publicStaticFinalFunction() {
// do stuff
// Java
// public static final field in Key class
//, key2);
interface Contract {
fun isSecure(): Boolean
fun getRandomKey(): Int
class Bank: Contract {
override fun isSecure(): Boolean {
return true
override fun getRandomKey(): Int {
return 4
* Val / Var
class ValVar {
val immutable = "can't be re-assigning this one"
var mutable = "go ahead"
lateinit var hej: String
init {
immutable = "tryin!"
mutable = "Ok!"
fun double(x: Int): Int {
return 2*x
class CallingFunctionz {
init {
val bank = Bank()
val secure = bank.isSecure()
* Higher-Order functions
fun operation(name: String, giveRaise: () -> Unit) {
if (name == "einar") {
* Lambdas
class Lambda {
val printHelloWorld = {
println("Hello, world!")
init {
val russianNames = arrayOf("Maksim", "Artem", "Sophia", "Maria", "Maksim")
val selectedName = russianNames
.filter { name -> name.startsWith("m", ignoreCase = true) }
.sortedBy { name -> name.length }
val selectedNameShortened = russianNames
.filter { it.startsWith("m", ignoreCase = true) }
.sortedBy { it.length }
* Null Safety
class NullabilityDemo {
fun function() {}
fun getNumberOfThings(): Int {
return 1
class Nullability {
var prop: NullabilityDemo = NullabilityDemo()
var propCanBeNull: NullabilityDemo? = NullabilityDemo()
init {
prop = null
propCanBeNull = null
fun useProperties() {
prop.function() // no problem!
propCanBeNull?.function() // no no no no! Use ? or !!, preferably ?
fun printListSafely() {
val listWithNulls: List<String?> = listOf("A", null)
for (item in listWithNulls) {
item?.let { println(it) } // prints A and ignores null
* Elvis operator
val text: String? = "234234"
val length = text?.length ?: -1
* Data classes
* Equivalent of Java POJO.
* Compiler generates equals(), hashCode(), getters, setters (if mutable), copy() and toString()
data class Car(val manufacturer: String?, val insurancePayed: Boolean, val leftHandSteering: Boolean)
* Extension Functions
* Extensions do not actually modify classes they extend. By defining an extension,
* you do not insert new members into a class,
* but merely make new functions callable with the dot-notation on variables of this type.
fun String.replaceSpaceWithDash(): String {
return this.replace(" ", "-")
fun <T> MutableList<T>.swap(index1: Int, index2: Int) {
val tmp = this[index1] // 'this' corresponds to the list
this[index1] = this[index2]
this[index2] = tmp
class Test {
init {
val textWithDash = "this is a text with spaces".replaceSpaceWithDash()
val list = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3, 4)
list.swap(0, 3)
* Java Interoperability!
// Java can be called from Kotlin and vice versa
// Copy paste some java code now!
* Default & Named arguments
data class WebSite(val url: String = "")
class Test3 {
init {
val jaywayWebSite = WebSite()
val googleWebSite = WebSite("")
* Kotlin Standard Library
* Higher-order functions implementing idiomatic patterns (let, apply, use, synchronized, etc).
* Extension functions providing querying operations for collections (eager) and sequences (lazy).
* Various utilities for working with strings and char sequences.
* Extensions for JDK classes making it convenient to work with files, IO, and threading.
class StdLib {
fun test() {
val job: Job? = Job()
* let
job?.let {
.also {
val str = "..."
val result = str.let {
print(this) // Receiver
print(it) // Argument
42 // Block return value
* apply
val wednesday = job?.apply {
currentDay = "Wednesday"
* with
with(KotlinWindow()) {
* when
fun printColorName(color: Colors) {
when (color) {
Colors.RED -> printf("RED")
Colors.BLUE -> printf("BLUE")
Colors.YELLOW -> printf("YELLOW")
Colors.GREEN -> {
// Execute a block instead
else -> {
* Preconditions
// Throws IllegalARGUMENTException
// Use to check if arguments are correct
fun <T> getFifthElementRequire(array: Array<T>): T {
require(array.size >= 5) {
"array should have at least five elements, but has ${array.size}!"
return array[4]
// Throws IllegalSTATEException
// Use to check if method is called at (in)appropriate time
fun <T> getFifthElementCheck(array: Array<T>): T {
check(array.size >= 5) {
"array should have at least five elements, but has ${array.size}!"
return array[4]
* Collections
val list = listOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
val areThereAnyEvenNbrsInList = list.any {it % 2 == 0} // true
val areThereAnyNbrsGreaterThan10 = list.any { it > 10} // false
val howManyEvenNbrs = list.count {it % 2 == 0 } // 3
val whatIsTheLargestNumber = list.max() // 6 or null
val giveMeOnlyNbrsLargerThan4 = list.filter { it > 4 } // new list of 5 and 6
val flatMap = list.flatMap { listOf(it, it + 1) } // listOf(1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7)
val map = { it * 2 } // listOf(2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12),
val unsortedList = mutableListOf(1,6,4,2)
unsortedList.sort() // listOf(1, 2, 4, 6)
// MAAANY More found here
class KotlinWindow{
fun setWidth(i: Int){}
fun setHeight(i: Int){}
enum class Colors {
fun doStuffIfJobIsNotNull() {}
fun doSomeOtherStuff() {}
class Job {
lateinit var currentDay: String
fun startDay() {}
fun endDay() {}
fun takeBreak() {}
fun fika() {}
fun twitter() {}
fun instagram() {}
fun facebook() {}
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