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Last active December 19, 2023 20:39
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 19: Aplenty - F# version
// Advent of Code 2023. Day 19: Aplenty
// dotnet fsi aoc19.fsx
open System
open System.IO
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
type Part = {
x : int
m : int
a : int
s : int
type Label = string
type Range = {
minimum : int
maximum : int
type Bounds = {
xRange : Range
mRange : Range
aRange : Range
sRange : Range
type Category = X | M | A | S
type Comparison = GreaterThan | LessThan
type Rule =
| Check of (Category * Comparison * int * Label)
| Next of Label
let parseCategory (s : string) =
match s with
| "x" -> X
| "m" -> M
| "a" -> A
| "s" -> S
| _ -> failwith <| sprintf "%s?" s
let parseCheck target (s : string) =
let m = Regex.Match(s, "^(\w+)(.)(\d+)$")
if m.Success then
let category = m.Groups[1].Value |> parseCategory
let comparison = if m.Groups[2].Value = "<" then LessThan else GreaterThan
let limit = m.Groups[3].Value |> int
Check (category, comparison, limit, target)
failwith <| sprintf "%s?" s
let parseRule (s : string) =
if s.Contains(':') then
let ss = s.Split(':')
parseCheck ss[1] ss[0]
else Next s
let parseWorkflow (s : string) =
let m = Regex.Match(s, "^(\w+)\{(.+)\}$")
if m.Success then
let label = m.Groups[1].Value
let rulesStr = m.Groups[2].Value
let strs = rulesStr.Split(",")
let rules = strs |> Array.toList |> parseRule
(label, rules)
failwith <| sprintf "%s?" s
let parseWorkflows (s : string) =
s.Split("\n") |> Array.toList |> parseWorkflow |> Map.ofList
let parsePart (s : string) =
let result = Regex.Match(s, "^\{x=(\d+),m=(\d+),a=(\d+),s=(\d+)\}$")
if result.Success then
let x = int (result.Groups[1].Value)
let m = int (result.Groups[2].Value)
let a = int (result.Groups[3].Value)
let s = int (result.Groups[4].Value)
{ x = x; m = m; a = a; s = s }
failwith <| sprintf "%s?" s
let parseParts (s : string) =
s.Split("\n") |> Array.toList |> parsePart
let runWorkflow wf part =
let check category comparison limit part =
let v =
match category with
| X -> part.x
| M -> part.m
| A -> part.a
| S -> part.s
match comparison with
| GreaterThan -> v > limit
| LessThan -> v < limit
let rec loop rules =
match rules with
| [] -> failwith "?"
| r :: rest ->
match r with
| Check (category, comparison, limit, target) ->
if check category comparison limit part then target else loop rest
| Next target -> target
loop wf
let runWorkflows workflows part =
let rec loop current =
let wf = Map.find current workflows
let next = runWorkflow wf part
match next with
| "A" -> part.x + part.m + part.a + part.s
| "R" -> 0
| _ -> loop next
loop "in"
let part1 workflows parts =
parts |> List.sumBy (runWorkflows workflows) |> printfn "%d"
let combineRanges range1 range2 =
{ minimum = max range1.minimum range2.minimum
maximum = min range1.maximum range2.maximum }
let updateBounds category range bounds =
match category with
| X -> { bounds with xRange = combineRanges range bounds.xRange }
| M -> { bounds with mRange = combineRanges range bounds.mRange }
| A -> { bounds with aRange = combineRanges range bounds.aRange }
| S -> { bounds with sRange = combineRanges range bounds.sRange }
let findBounds workflows =
let rec loop rules bounds =
match rules with
| [] -> failwith "?"
| rule :: rest ->
match rule with
| Check (category, comparison, limit, target) ->
let (leftRange, rightRange) =
match comparison with
| GreaterThan ->
({ minimum = limit + 1; maximum = 4000 }, { minimum = 1; maximum = limit })
| LessThan ->
({ minimum = 1; maximum = limit - 1 }, { minimum = limit; maximum = 4000 })
let leftBounds = bounds |> updateBounds category leftRange
let leftResult =
match target with
| "A" -> [ leftBounds ]
| "R" -> []
| _ ->
let leftSteps = Map.find target workflows
loop leftSteps leftBounds
let rightBounds = bounds |> updateBounds category rightRange
let rightResult = loop rest rightBounds
leftResult @ rightResult
| Next label ->
match label with
| "A" -> [ bounds ]
| "R" -> []
| _ ->
let steps = Map.find label workflows
loop steps bounds
let initialSteps = Map.find "in" workflows
let defaultRange = { minimum = 1; maximum = 4000 }
let initialBounds = {
xRange = defaultRange
mRange = defaultRange
aRange = defaultRange
sRange = defaultRange
loop initialSteps initialBounds
let calculatePossibilities (bounds : Bounds) =
let countRange range =
int64 range.maximum - int64 range.minimum + 1L
[ bounds.xRange; bounds.mRange; bounds.aRange; bounds.sRange ]
|> countRange
|> List.reduce (*)
let part2 workflows =
workflows |> findBounds |> List.sumBy calculatePossibilities |> printfn "%d"
let readChunks fileName =
let text = File.ReadAllText fileName
text.TrimEnd().Split("\n\n") |> Array.toList
let run fileName =
match readChunks fileName with
| [ workflowInput; partsInput ] ->
let workflows = parseWorkflows workflowInput
let parts = parseParts partsInput
part1 workflows parts
part2 workflows
| _ -> failwith "?"
"input" |> run
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