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Last active December 16, 2023 11:17
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava - F# version
// Advent of Code 2023. Day 16: The Floor Will Be Lava
// dotnet fsi aoc16.fsx
open System
open System.IO
type Dir = N | W | S | E
module Array2D =
let getRowCount (ary : 'a[,]) = ary.GetLength(0)
let getColumnCount (ary : 'a[,]) = ary.GetLength(1)
let readLines =
File.ReadAllLines >> Array.filter ((<>) String.Empty)
let step dir (x, y) =
match dir with
| N -> (x, y - 1)
| W -> (x - 1, y)
| S -> (x, y + 1)
| E -> (x + 1, y)
let rec reflect pos dir grid seen =
let (x, y) = pos
let xLimit = Array2D.getColumnCount grid
let yLimit = Array2D.getRowCount grid
if x < 0 || x >= xLimit || y < 0 || y >= yLimit || Set.contains (pos, dir) seen then
let seen = seen |> Set.add (pos, dir)
match Array2D.get grid y x with
| '|' when dir = W || dir = E ->
seen |> reflect (step N pos) N grid |> reflect (step S pos) S grid
| '-' when dir = N || dir = S ->
seen |> reflect (step W pos) W grid |> reflect (step E pos) E grid
| '/' ->
let dir =
match dir with
| N -> E
| W -> S
| S -> W
| E -> N
reflect (step dir pos) dir grid seen
| '\\' ->
let dir =
match dir with
| N -> W
| W -> N
| S -> E
| E -> S
reflect (step dir pos) dir grid seen
| _ ->
reflect (step dir pos) dir grid seen
let findBest grid dir startPositions =
|> (fun pos -> reflect pos dir grid Set.empty)
|> ( fst >> Set.count)
|> List.max
let solve grid =
let xLimit = Array2D.getColumnCount grid
let yLimit = Array2D.getRowCount grid
let nStarts = [0 .. xLimit - 1] |> (fun x -> (x, 0))
let sStarts = [0 .. xLimit - 1] |> (fun x -> (x, yLimit - 1))
let wStarts = [0 .. yLimit - 1] |> (fun y -> (0, y))
let eStarts = [0 .. yLimit - 1] |> (fun y -> (xLimit - 1, y))
let north = nStarts |> findBest grid S
let west = wStarts |> findBest grid E
let south = sStarts |> findBest grid N
let east = eStarts |> findBest grid W
[ north; west; south; east ] |> List.max
let run fileName =
let lines = readLines fileName
let grid = array2D lines
let seen = reflect (0, 0) E grid Set.empty
seen |> fst |> Set.count |> printfn "%d"
solve grid |> printfn "%d"
"input" |> run
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