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Created December 14, 2023 18:46
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// Advent of Code 2023. Day 14: Parabolic Reflector Dish
// dotnet fsi aoc14.fsx
open System
open System.IO
module Array2D =
let getRowCount (ary : 'a[,]) = ary.GetLength(0)
let getColumnCount (ary : 'a[,]) = ary.GetLength(1)
let getRow index (ary : 'a[,]) = ary[index, *]
let getColumn index (ary : 'a[,]) = ary[*, index]
let getRows (ary : 'a[,]) =
[|0 .. getRowCount ary - 1|]
|> (fun ix -> getRow ix ary)
let getColumns (ary : 'a[,]) =
[|0 .. getColumnCount ary - 1|]
|> (fun ix -> getColumn ix ary)
let readLines =
File.ReadAllLines >> Array.filter ((<>) String.Empty)
let rec toIntervals chars =
let indexes =
|> Array.toList
|> List.indexed
|> List.choose (fun (i, ch) -> if ch = '#' then Some i else None)
let len = Array.length chars
let rec loop pos indexes =
match indexes with
| [] ->
[ (pos, len - 1)]
| ix :: rest ->
(pos, ix - 1) :: loop (ix + 1) rest
indexes |> loop 0 |> List.filter (fun (a, b) -> a <= b)
let rec tiltRowEast intervals rowIndex ary =
match intervals with
| [] -> ()
| (start, stop) :: rest ->
let range = [start .. stop]
let spaces =
|> (fun colIndex -> Array2D.get ary rowIndex colIndex)
|> List.filter ((=) '.')
|> List.length
let spaceRange = [ start .. start + spaces - 1 ]
let rockRange = [ start + spaces .. stop ]
|> List.iter (fun colIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex '.')
|> List.iter (fun colIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex 'O')
tiltRowEast rest rowIndex ary
let tiltEast rowIntervals ary =
let rowCount = Array2D.getRowCount ary
[ 0 .. rowCount - 1 ]
|> List.iter (fun rowIndex -> tiltRowEast (Array.get rowIntervals rowIndex) rowIndex ary)
let rec tiltRowWest intervals rowIndex ary =
match intervals with
| [] -> ()
| (start, stop) :: rest ->
let range = [start .. stop]
let rocks =
|> (fun colIndex -> Array2D.get ary rowIndex colIndex)
|> List.filter ((=) 'O')
|> List.length
let rockRange = [ start .. start + rocks - 1 ]
let spaceRange = [ start + rocks .. stop ]
|> List.iter (fun colIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex 'O')
|> List.iter (fun colIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex '.')
tiltRowWest rest rowIndex ary
let tiltWest rowIntervals ary =
let rowCount = Array2D.getRowCount ary
[ 0 .. rowCount - 1 ]
|> List.iter (fun rowIndex -> tiltRowWest (Array.get rowIntervals rowIndex) rowIndex ary)
let rec tiltColumnNorth intervals colIndex ary =
match intervals with
| [] -> ()
| (start, stop) :: rest ->
let range = [start .. stop]
let rocks =
|> (fun rowIndex -> Array2D.get ary rowIndex colIndex)
|> List.filter ((=) 'O')
|> List.length
let rockRange = [ start .. start + rocks - 1 ]
let spaceRange = [ start + rocks .. stop ]
|> List.iter (fun rowIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex 'O')
|> List.iter (fun rowIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex '.')
tiltColumnNorth rest colIndex ary
let tiltNorth colIntervals ary =
let colCount = Array2D.getColumnCount ary
[ 0 .. colCount - 1 ]
|> List.iter (fun colIndex -> tiltColumnNorth (Array.get colIntervals colIndex) colIndex ary)
let rec tiltColumnSouth intervals colIndex ary =
match intervals with
| [] -> ()
| (start, stop) :: rest ->
let range = [start .. stop]
let spaces =
|> (fun rowIndex -> Array2D.get ary rowIndex colIndex)
|> List.filter ((=) '.')
|> List.length
let spaceRange = [ start .. start + spaces - 1 ]
let rockRange = [ start + spaces .. stop ]
|> List.iter (fun rowIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex '.')
|> List.iter (fun rowIndex -> Array2D.set ary rowIndex colIndex 'O')
tiltColumnSouth rest colIndex ary
let tiltSouth colIntervals ary =
let colCount = Array2D.getColumnCount ary
[ 0 .. colCount - 1 ]
|> List.iter (fun colIndex -> tiltColumnSouth (Array.get colIntervals colIndex) colIndex ary)
let cycle rowIntervals colIntervals ary =
tiltNorth colIntervals ary
tiltWest rowIntervals ary
tiltSouth colIntervals ary
tiltEast rowIntervals ary
let calculateLoad lines =
let countRocks = Seq.filter ((=) 'O') >> Seq.length
let len = lines |> List.length
lines |> List.mapi (fun i line -> (len - i) * countRocks line) |> List.sum
let solve limit cycleFn ary =
let rec loop n seen current =
if n > limit then
if List.contains current seen then
let interval = 1 + List.findIndex ((=) current) seen
let preceding = List.length seen - interval
let sequence = seen |> List.rev |> List.skip preceding
let ix = (limit - preceding) % (interval)
let chosen = sequence |> List.item ix
let rows = chosen |> Array2D.getRows |> Array.toList
let load = rows |> calculateLoad
Some load
let copy = Array2D.copy current
cycleFn copy
loop (n + 1) (current :: seen) copy
loop 0 [] ary
let run fileName =
let lines = readLines fileName |> Array.toList
let ary = array2D lines
let rowIntervals = Array2D.getRows ary |> toIntervals
let colIntervals = Array2D.getColumns ary |> toIntervals
let tilted = Array2D.copy ary
tiltNorth colIntervals tilted
tilted |> Array2D.getRows |> Array.toList |> calculateLoad |> printfn "%d"
let cycleFn = cycle rowIntervals colIntervals
let limit = 1000000000
match solve limit cycleFn (Array2D.copy ary) with
| None -> printfn "?"
| Some load -> printfn "%d" load
"input" |> run
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