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Last active December 13, 2023 08:54
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 13: Point of Incidence - F# version
// Advent of Code 2023. Day 13: Point of Incidence
// dotnet fsi aoc13.fsx
open System
open System.IO
let readChunks fileName =
let text = File.ReadAllText fileName
text.TrimEnd().Split("\n\n") |> Array.toList
let rec safeZip lst1 lst2 =
match lst1, lst2 with
| [], _ -> []
| _, [] -> []
| h1::t1, h2::t2 -> (h1, h2) :: safeZip t1 t2
let isSymmetryPoint lines index =
let before, after = List.splitAt index lines
safeZip (List.rev before) after |> List.forall (fun (a, b) -> a = b)
let findSymmetry lines =
|> List.pairwise
|> List.mapi (fun i (a, b) -> if a = b then Some (i + 1) else None)
|> List.choose id
|> List.filter (isSymmetryPoint lines)
let toColumns rows =
let len = rows |> List.head |> String.length
[0 .. len - 1]
|> (fun i -> rows |> (fun r -> r[i]) |> List.toArray |> String)
let countSymmetries (pattern : string) =
let rows = pattern.Split("\n") |> Array.toList
let cols = rows |> toColumns
let horizontal = rows |> findSymmetry |> List.sum |> (*) 100
let vertical = cols |> findSymmetry |> List.sum
horizontal + vertical
let rec toggleChar chars index =
match chars with
| [] -> []
| old :: t ->
let ch =
if index = 0 then
match old with
| '#' -> '.'
| '.' -> '#'
| _ -> failwith "oof"
else old
ch :: toggleChar t (index - 1)
let createLineVariations line =
let chars = Seq.toList line
[0 .. String.length line - 1]
|> (toggleChar chars >> List.toArray >> String)
let rec toVariations lines =
match lines with
| [] -> []
| line :: rest ->
let vars = createLineVariations line
let these = vars |> (fun v -> v :: rest)
let more = rest |> toVariations |> (fun v -> line :: v)
these @ more
let tryFindAlternativeSymmetry lines =
let originalSymmetries = lines |> findSymmetry
let alternativeSymmetries =
|> toVariations
|> List.collect (findSymmetry)
|> List.except originalSymmetries
match alternativeSymmetries with
| h :: _ -> Some h
| _ -> None
let countSymmetriesWithSmudge (pattern : string) =
let rows = pattern.Split("\n") |> Array.toList
match tryFindAlternativeSymmetry rows with
| Some rowIndex -> 100 * rowIndex
| None ->
let cols = toColumns rows
match tryFindAlternativeSymmetry cols with
| Some colIndex -> colIndex
| None -> 0
let run fileName =
let chunks = readChunks fileName
chunks |> countSymmetries |> List.sum |> printfn "%d"
chunks |> countSymmetriesWithSmudge |> List.sum |> printfn "%d"
"input" |> run
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