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Last active December 7, 2023 14:42
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Advent of Code 2023 - Day 7: Camel Cards - F# version
// Advent of Code 2023. Day 7: Camel Cards
// dotnet fsi aoc07.fsx
open System
open System.IO
let parseLine (line : string) =
match line.Split(" ") with
| [|card;bid|] -> (card, int bid)
| _ -> failwith "Wrong"
let countCards =
List.countBy id >> snd >> List.sortDescending
let rateCardCounts cardCounts =
match cardCounts with
| [5] -> 6
| [4;1] -> 5
| [3;2] -> 4
| [3;1;1] -> 3
| [2;2;1] -> 2
| [2;1;1;1] -> 1
| _ -> 0
let rateHand =
Seq.toList >> countCards >> rateCardCounts
let rateHandJoker hand =
let (jokers, rest) = hand |> Seq.toList |> List.partition ((=) 'J')
let improved =
match countCards rest with
| h :: t -> (h + List.length jokers) :: t
| _ -> [5]
improved |> rateCardCounts
let rateCard card =
match card with
| '2' -> 2
| '3' -> 3
| '4' -> 4
| '5' -> 5
| '6' -> 6
| '7' -> 7
| '8' -> 8
| '9' -> 9
| 'T' -> 10
| 'J' -> 11
| 'Q' -> 12
| 'K' -> 13
| 'A' -> 14
| _ -> failwith "Wrong"
let rateCardJoker card =
match card with
| 'J' -> 1
| _ -> rateCard card
let compareByHandType handRater hand1 hand2 =
handRater hand1 - handRater hand2
let compareByStrongestCard cardRater hand1 hand2 = ( cardRater hand1) ( cardRater hand2)
|> (fun (a, b) -> (a - b))
|> Seq.tryFind (fun n -> n <> 0)
|> Option.defaultValue 0
let compareHands handRater cardRater hand1 hand2 =
match compareByHandType handRater hand1 hand2 with
| 0 -> compareByStrongestCard cardRater hand1 hand2
| n -> n
let readLines =
File.ReadAllLines >> Array.filter ((<>) String.Empty)
let runWith handRater cardRater parsedLines =
let comparer = compareHands handRater cardRater
|> List.sortWith (fun (h1,_) (h2,_) -> comparer h1 h2)
|> snd
|> List.mapi (fun i bid -> (i + 1) * bid)
|> List.sum
let run fileName =
let parsed = readLines fileName |> Array.toList |> parseLine
parsed |> runWith rateHand rateCard |> printfn "%d"
parsed |> runWith rateHandJoker rateCardJoker |> printfn "%d"
"input" |> run
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